Casey getting SS payments for Caylee?

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But, that story about the bio dad came from KC. Just like all the OTHER stories about all the other bio dads.

I doubt that any of the As are interested in SS, because they didn't want another family to have any say in Caylee's upbringing.

Then, there is the fact that some of KC's bfs are students and don't work, or haven't worked long enough.

Now, it may be that LE would need a warrent to get into KC's SS records.

But, I'm pretty sure they have got into her bank account, if she has one. They would be able to see the deposits, and question them, if they so chose.

And, it may be that KC DOES get SS from a deceased bio dad (I doubt it).

LE may know about same, if so.

But, since the bio father has nothing to do with the case....

BTW-- Why ARE we interested in the bio dad and in SS?

The only thing that has piqued my interest about the bio-dad is not necessarily who he is or if he is dead, rather, I am quite interested in CA's take on it....
She states that they had paperwork drawn up regarding custody of Caylee should something happen to KC, and in this statement she tells LE that they wanted to insure that if the dad did come back around that he would not have any "rights" to Caylee-
This attitude is #1-not how it works unless abandonment can be shown (and here in Virginia that means 5 years of seperation), and #2-very selfish of CA since it is Caylee's father to have had a relationship with, not CA's. For all CA knew (other than what her lying daughter told her), the guy was father of the year material and didn't even know about Caylee.
CA claims she told KC that she might consider leaving the door open to the guy being in Caylee's life, but then in the next breath says she doesn't want the guy to have rights.
Just sounds like CA coveted Caylee, which is not a good outlook and may be part of the rift with KC.
The only thing that has piqued my interest about the bio-dad is not necessarily who he is or if he is dead, rather, I am quite interested in CA's take on it....
She states that they had paperwork drawn up regarding custody of Caylee should something happen to KC, and in this statement she tells LE that they wanted to insure that if the dad did come back around that he would not have any "rights" to Caylee-
This attitude is #1-not how it works unless abandonment can be shown (and here in Virginia that means 5 years of seperation), and #2-very selfish of CA since it is Caylee's father to have had a relationship with, not CA's. For all CA knew (other than what her lying daughter told her), the guy was father of the year material and didn't even know about Caylee.
CA claims she told KC that she might consider leaving the door open to the guy being in Caylee's life, but then in the next breath says she doesn't want the guy to have rights.
Just sounds like CA coveted Caylee, which is not a good outlook and may be part of the rift with KC.

I'm sure you're right about "coveting" Caylee. And, you couldn't have chosen a better word! The poor little thing didn't even have play dates! As far as we know, she had no playmates, at all.

Also, CA lied about drawing up that paperwork. I think she was comfortable in assuming the bio father wouldn't be around. If he's alive, and can count, he'd suspect he was the father, and could have pressed for his rights.

Until JG came along. And, CA is immediately hostile to the Grunds, who are about to have a say in Caylee's upbringing, and will also be demanding Caylee's time and love.
I'm sure you're right about "coveting" Caylee. And, you couldn't have chosen a better word! The poor little thing didn't even have play dates! As far as we know, she had no playmates, at all.

Also, CA lied about drawing up that paperwork. I think she was comfortable in assuming the bio father wouldn't be around. If he's alive, and can count, he'd suspect he was the father, and could have pressed for his rights.

Until JG came along. And, CA is immediately hostile to the Grunds, who are about to have a say in Caylee's upbringing, and will also be demanding Caylee's time and love.

Great point, her hostility reveals her motive, she wanted Caylee to be under her influence. As she did while raising KC, which is pretty evident. It's actually pretty cruel, not to allow other good people to share in the joy of raising a child or being a mentor to a child.
While studying the paternity stuff connected to the Cummings case, it was stated that in Fla. the father must sign the birth certificate before the child leaves the hospital. KC may know through parents who were a major part of her giving birth that if she wrote the father is deceased that it would become a legal document that could be traced by SS. If KC stated she didn't know who the father is that would send a red flag to FLA. DSHS who might question this sometime in the future of Caylee's life, like a kidney transplant. It seeems the easiest avenue to take would be to have JG come to the hospital, lie to him telling him he is daddy. Have him sign papers, take baby home to A's, play pretend family and at the appropriate time call it quits and move on, go back to original scociopath behavior. We have never heard KC fight for CA &GA to accept JG into the family after birth, but we did find out how stupidly CA acted when JG hung at the house and GA never talked about his feeligs of JG being the daddy. We did here only one story of GA repeating the laying on the bed story to LE and GA stated CA told him she would take care of it. Zip that was it by GA to LE. IMO, It worked to get Caylee released from the hospital with no trace to goverment agencies to stir red flags. The A's played the story out till the appropriate time to nip it and the whole family went back to life as it was before Caylee's birth. The avoidance of filling out the paper work at the office of the A's personal friend and Lawyer is odd as it never happened according to his interview with LE. The obviouse discounting of the extreme importance of what this would mean for Caylee seems to smack one in the face along with the concern of not wanting Caylee a part of the system. It seems JG might have been the easiest pawn to dupe out of the guys she new at that the time to use for whatever means. Kc's comment of, you act like you like Caylee more, appeared to be a self serving comment to call it quits an move on! I always keep in mind RG interview with LE stating GA hid in his room to avoid looking at RG face to face the evenning he came to the A's at GA's request and became embarressed at seeing RG when comming out, thinking that the coast is clear. I thought that made GA that much more of immature weirdo when I read that. So what is this white elephant in the room that the whole family tip toes around, causing the family to not take appropriate actions for Caylee? If taking everything into consideration that has unfolded in the case nothing seems to come up but a dead end sign no matter what avenue one goes down. This combined with sealed envelope of paternage Judge S is holding on the three A's and the video on the internet explaining The A's DNA by someone sluething the case, it would lead some to think about incestuouse tyrst, so I don't discount anyone with this train of the thought or people who think about all the men in KC's life they think could be the daddy. Like Brini says whats the point. The only reason I can come up with is a crime of Cayleee's muder connected to a larger crime that is or was being investigated by OCSO & FBI and maybe that would shed some light to Caylee's father This is just is a thought for today that may change tomorrow and may continue to change as the trial unfolds. For some reason Caylee's short life stirred so much odd behavior out of the whole family even if only it was their total behavoir of sticking their head in the sand like a clam about important issues pertaining to Caylee's life. We know by now this is a unique murder with many questions we want answered but will have to wait to trial. I can't wait till I see an Atticus or Perry Mason moment at trial. If this wasn't a sad true story of a murdered child I would call this one of the biggest muder mysteries leading up to a sociopath's muder of fillicide. As much as I'm torn between keep it simple or something more elaborate, I flucuate between both. This leads to Kill parents so Amy can move in with her a much more difficult subject leading to discipher from simple to complexed.
Great point, her hostility reveals her motive, she wanted Caylee to be under her influence. As she did while raising KC, which is pretty evident. It's actually pretty cruel, not to allow other good people to share in the joy of raising a child or being a mentor to a child.

Playing Devils advocate (I don't to where those horns but once a yr, LOL!) If CA wanted Caylee, "The best mistake made by KC" under her influence as the goal it seems CA would play a larger role in wanting to know where her daughter and Grandaughter were for the !yr & half of pretending/
Playing Devils advocate (I don't to where those horns but once a yr, LOL!) If CA wanted Caylee, "The best mistake made by KC" under her influence as the goal it seems CA would play a larger role in wanting to know where her daughter and Grandaughter were for the !yr & half of pretending/

Seems like the status quo was a win-win for CA. She had Caylee to love and cuddle (and eventually RUIN like she did KC) and was able to USE Caylee against KC as a way to demean and control KC. I'd be willing to bet the reason CA didn't go for custody had more to do with the fact that she'd be LOSING control by gaining custody.
[ame=""]Incest Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

The incest discussion as it relates to Caylee should not be anywhere on Websleuths. If there is a thread on it in the PL, would someone be so kind as to link it and send it to me?

It is ok to discuss incest in the private areas of the forum, but not as it relates to Caylee's parentage. This has been the rule for months. So if someone should mention it, ignore it and report it and we will act as is appropriate. please do not respond in any way. It just creates more conversation. Thanks everyone for your cooperation with the forum rules. they are in place for a reason.
The only thing that has piqued my interest about the bio-dad is not necessarily who he is or if he is dead, rather, I am quite interested in CA's take on it....
She states that they had paperwork drawn up regarding custody of Caylee should something happen to KC, and in this statement she tells LE that they wanted to insure that if the dad did come back around that he would not have any "rights" to Caylee-
This attitude is #1-not how it works unless abandonment can be shown (and here in Virginia that means 5 years of seperation), and #2-very selfish of CA since it is Caylee's father to have had a relationship with, not CA's. For all CA knew (other than what her lying daughter told her), the guy was father of the year material and didn't even know about Caylee.
CA claims she told KC that she might consider leaving the door open to the guy being in Caylee's life, but then in the next breath says she doesn't want the guy to have rights.
Just sounds like CA coveted Caylee, which is not a good outlook and may be part of the rift with KC.

Not to mention this version contradicts the versions of the three known deceased potential fathers. If you know he's dead, why would this be a factor at all?
Liar, liar pants on fire!
I worked for the Social Security Administration for years and years. You are right that the amount is linked to the earnings of the deceased wage earner, but (and this is very surprising to most people) the younger the person is, the higher the benefit!! This is because of the formula used to figure the benefit. You divide the total earnings by the divisor months. The divisor months = the number of months since attaining age 21. It's all complicated but survirors of young wage earners who die early receive substantially higher benefits than dependents of say, a 65 year old man. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Also, in establishing paternity for a child born outside of marriage is actually relatively easy. You need something in writing but it doesn't actually have to be a statement that "I am the father." It could be him listing 1 child on his Form W-4 with his employer, or claiming 1 dependent on his tax return. It could be a Father's Day card from the child bearing his address. Or, a letter to his mother saying, "ABC is pregnant and she says it is mine." It's all according to who writes up the determination and how that person words everything.

I've not seen this post prior to today. Very interesting. And Social Security is going bust - no wonder. I can understand how the payments would be paid out longer but why would they be higher? Makes no sense to me.
I've not seen this post prior to today. Very interesting. And Social Security is going bust - no wonder. I can understand how the payments would be paid out longer but why would they be higher? Makes no sense to me.

I don't know how it all works but I know my biological father was a loser, never held a job and when he did it was under the table.. he had 3 kids with my mom and after they divorced he got a 16 yr old girl pregnant. My mom got like $300 a month for each of us and another $300 (ish) for herself even though they were divorced because she was the "caretaker" for his children. The child he had with the teenager got like $500 and month and so did the teenager. It's crazy to think this man who was nothing but a burden on society had that much money to pay out after he was dead. Who's money were we collecting, ya know?

I know this isn't a discussion on social security but I think the whole process needs to be looked at and reworked somehow because it's so wrong! OK, my O/T SS talk is done LOL.
Brini, Not talking about the subject better left for the PK. I'v been their and done that and as I said you can't slueth something that all facts aren't avaliable to the public. That stuff is speculation as other reasons like yours must wait to trial as well. A theory of a prominate male maybe being the daddy, has also beeen brought up sluethed and theres that dead end sign again. My take for the day is just another theory to yak about as it also hits a brick wall. You may have misunderstood what I meant about a crime within a crime. I meant maybe a crime causing the sex crimes unit (they also investigate internet *advertiser censored* issues, rico crimes,money laundering and crimes involving children.) to go to the A's for a discussion we aren't privy to at this time. Maybe KC was hangin with the underbelly of Orlando (as has been alluded to) during the last 2 yrs. like a auto parts scam that was mentioned, and of course the rumors of KC being a woman of ill-repute in two arenas and she may have involved her daughter in some form of a crime even if it was just riding around with her of crime. Take away the "the sealed envelope holding one A male results, which is a side note waiting till trial (for whatever reasons) that I don't concern myself with, could point to an underworld character who possibly impreganated her and the A's aren't aware or they are aware and wanted to keep as much secret about the birth due to fear? Maybe that cat is out of the bag and LE knows who he is as we speak. KC wouldn't have had to lead an illegal life to fall into bed with the wrong guy. I know the rules and can appreciate your need to reminded, and I'v known those for a very long time like you have. This subject wasn't the emphasis or intent of my sluething post <3 My intent was to bring up other theories as to why it might have been necessary to keep a criminal male in the dark concerning a birth. of a child. I could see CA wanting major control if this were the case. I'm only throwing alternative ideas out into the world of sluething. Personally I again state Everything leads to a brick wall untill trial and at that time it may disclose the answers to many of our sluthing questions besides the one that you keep wanting to point out that most sluethers have looked into, put it aside after appropriate debate and barley think of this anymore, like me! I'm going in a whole other direction that must wait also. I'm not so black and white about all things stemming from the nucleous of the investigation and out.
I had a friend who's brother was living with a woman for 12 years, who was separated from her husband - they just never made the divorce final. The brother and this woman had 2 children together, but because she was legally married at the time the girls were born, they were not permitted to list the brother on the birth certificates as the father. They had to list the legal husband (even though the brother insisted these were his kids.)

The legal husband died in a car accident, and the kids received SS checks...

Isn't it a crazy world we live in??
Since CA was adamant there was not a father's name on the birth certificate and relayed how strongly they felt that a father not have any rights to Caylee, I would think they wouldn't pursue SS benefits - especially if the father had to be involved in any way. JMHO.
I don't know how it all works but I know my biological father was a loser, never held a job and when he did it was under the table.. he had 3 kids with my mom and after they divorced he got a 16 yr old girl pregnant. My mom got like $300 a month for each of us and another $300 (ish) for herself even though they were divorced because she was the "caretaker" for his children. The child he had with the teenager got like $500 and month and so did the teenager. It's crazy to think this man who was nothing but a burden on society had that much money to pay out after he was dead. Who's money were we collecting, ya know?

I know this isn't a discussion on social security but I think the whole process needs to be looked at and reworked somehow because it's so wrong! OK, my O/T SS talk is done LOL.

Wow. I guess "society" security would have been a better name for it. All the people who slave away for forty years or so think it is security for their retirement because they paid into it all the years. That is misinformation I guess and we the people should really pay closer attention to the issues. Of course, it still boils down to what do we do with the people/children who need help because they were brought into this world by the disadvantaged or just plain irresponsible people. Does a snowflake care if the one next to it melts? I do but at least I want to know the truth about what I'm contributing to - maybe I should have a choice? I get why they are stressing individual retirement accounts then but our government has never done a good job explaning social security to the public. Plus give back my social security payments then so I can put them in my individual retirement account and I will choose who to be charitable towards. Some people just get by and can't afford to do both. Heavens to Betsy!

I love reading/looking at your messages/artwork. Is that you in the photo by any chance?
On the other thread, I asked lin in a confusing roundabout way why couldn't LE ask the A's to produce the periodic statement that the Federal Social Security Dept. sends to each household of each adult with a S.S. number that shows the earnings and benefits for that number. If the A's don't/won't product them, they, imo, are hiding something.

Of course, we don't even know if LE concerned themselves with this or if it's an issue. What we do know, if one is working a legal job, social security is taken out of each paycheck and statements would be rendered to you about your contributions to social security which may not be your security but has and is security to others. :waitasec:
I always found it odd that the A's said they had no knowledge of Casey filing income tax statements each year. How could they not be be aware - especially Cindy - the mail came to their house? I shouldn't begin questioning these little inconsistencies or "mistruths" ... I'll only get frustrated! LOL!
Cindy probably wouldn't want help from a Hispanic. Remember how she treated that little Hispanic girl? A little girl for Christ's Sake. She wouldn't even allow her to enter her house........maybe that's why a lot of the protesters were African Americans and Hispanics? Good for them imo

I must have missed that. I guess that just goes to show what Cindy is made of. How could she be mean to a little girl. Wonder what she would have done if Caylee had been haspanic or black. Would she have loved her? What a witch.
OneLostGirl -

Thanks so much - I deleted my post. I'd seen the reference in the past but didn't realize it was prohibited. Please accept my apologies! I also sent a PM to a moderator, letting them know what I did and apologizing. Appreciate the heads up!
OneLostGirl -

Thanks so much - I deleted my post. I'd seen the reference in the past but didn't realize it was prohibited. Please accept my apologies! I also sent a PM to a moderator, letting them know what I did and apologizing. Appreciate the heads up!

yw :blowkiss:

LOL- you don't need to be sorry to me, I call her worse ;)
It doesn't make sense to think Caylee or Casey got SS or any kind of legal child support payments from Caylee's dad. The reason? LE could have found this information out. But they didn't. How do I know they didn't find record of any such payments? LE did a paternity test on Lee Anthony to determine if he was or was not Caylee's father. At this point, LE probably still has no certain idea who Caylee's father is, they only know it is definitely not Lee.
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