Casey Has Started Blogging 9-29

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I would bet the farm against PTSD. All my money is on antisocial personality disorder--in other words, Ms. Anthony is what used to be called a psychopath and still is often referred to as sociopath.
I agree. I have seen many people who have PTSD and not once have I seen them party due their trauma. I'm not saying this isn't possible, but I have never seen it or heard of it. I also have not seen those with PTSD be able to have such control over their symptoms that not one person in their life noticed any changes in their behavior. That I would have a very difficult time believing.
Re: wearing the U.S Flag:

Let's see, she wore the flag, (and I wouldn't rule out the chance that she used it as "bedding" either), strike one.

She let it touch things like her armpits and worse things further south, which I believe are even worse than the floor and might even be "merchandise", strike two.

She fastened it and displayed the flag in ways that surely allowed it to be soiled (the "merchandise"), strike three.

But, I don't know why any of us should expect a piece of work like Casey Anthony who curses her parents, steals from friends and family including the elderly, fornicates, lies, and "misplaces", "sold" or possibly killed her own daughter should for one second know how to respect the flag of the country that has suffered her presence for 22 years.

Hope you're reading Casey.

:floorlaugh: You have a way with words! This cracks me up! Thanks!! As a retired military member who suffers from PTSD every-single-day....I needed a laugh today! Thanks!!
Dont even worry about it I just think everyone was reading me wrong. I was just making a point that earlier people were saying how what she wrote will make her look worse etc, I dont think these could damn her more than she already is. Anyway, im not offended I knew what I was getting at even if to others it seems stupid everyone interprets things differently I included. Thank you for the apology and it is accepted. :)

And why do I love WS so much! What a fabulous group of people! This exchange made me smile and made my day. Thank you!
Casey is (as my father would say) "Burning her candle at both ends. Before you know it she will be all burn up with no were to go." What an idiot!
Thanks for the youtube link. made my day!
Her reliving herself ending the life of her child either accidently or intentionally is probably giving her sweaty nightmares...(just ask AL)....and so she feels she has PTSD. So maybe her subconcious has a concious? :furious:
Because what she is doing is outside the norm for a parent of a missing child. Parents of missing children usually show a range of emotions that you don't see with Casey. No anger toward the alleged abductor. No apparent fear for Caylee. No frustration about the lack of results in finding Caylee. Not even any apparent guilt feelings about what else she could have done to prevent this (even when a parent has no guilt in the matter, they usually suffer from guilt feelings.)

Instead she is acting more like the typical suspect. The "I don't care what evidence you have, I said I was innocent and so you have to believe me" attitude. Anger toward accusers. Life goes on attitude. Blogging about things unrelated to Caylee, gives an appearance of "I don't want to think about her." All of this will be very damaging if they can get it in front of a jury.

this is such a great post - exactly what i believe as well.
But one of her facebook pages (I've heard there is two) is not even being run by Casey. So, we don't really know if Casey is blogging.
Huh? What?

She's out there appeasing her followers by describing the clothes, or lack of, at a party?

Is that an assumed celebrity status or what?

I haven't seen anyone comment on the dude that was trying to talk to her. Ummm. That was just weird.

Soon enough she'll be selling 8X10 photos of herself online .. :rolleyes:
Wikipedia, of course!

"The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace's conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had "exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument" by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.[6]
In 1997, the court was more severe. Although its unanimous decision overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife was caused primarily by other issues, the court made note of Grace's court actions, citing "inappropriate and illegal conduct in the course of the trial.""
It must have been those dang shiny shirts of hers. Doesn't Casey know anything?
I hope they are listening to her calls and tracking her whereabouts online and hopefully someone she knows is wearing a wire and setting a trap! lol
I'm fairly sure the terms of her first release from jail was that she wasn't allowed to use the internet because I remember when it was discussed she was going online at her attorney's office, I wondered how she was getting away with that.

I've known people with PTSD- I seriously doubt KC is. Sociopathic, yes. Narcissistic, yes. Not PTSD.
I am a fan of Nancy Grace ... a lot can be said about NG
she has been a child advocate for a very long time.
And has not lost a kid and not reported it for 31 days....
she knows wwhere her children are....and loves them enough to take days off to be a MOM.
I like NG.Always have always will.

I'm sure the family ran right out and bought another computer to keep up with what we are saying on the internet. They may all be members of Websleuths! :waitasec: We aren't the only sleuths around, you know. Curious minds want to know, especially when people are talking about them (Anthonys). :cool:
I could not wait to get home from work so I could see what KC wrote. Since she is thinks she is such a bad a$$ maybe she should call in and talk to NG. NG would eat her lunch. Second she should have talked to that guy Craig. He is probably as good as she is going to get from this point on in her life. Third, I do not believe that she has PTSD. If she did she would not be acting like she does. I know, I have it. After serving 6 months in Iraq and watching people you know get blown up and friend die, I was finally diganosed with it. Panic attacks, not being able to breathe, sleeplessness and pretty much having a nervous breakdown finally sent me to the hospital. When you have PTSD you have emotion and KC does not have emotion. Fourth, I can't believe she has the gaul to say "I am wearing an American Flag". 17 years in the AF I have served to protect the rights of American and that Flag along with million of others. HOW dare she disrespect MY flag. Yes I said my flag just like any other military person would say. We each have put on the uniform everyday to serve our country and this TRAMP decides that it is cool to WEAR the American Flag. Many men and women of the Armed Forces have shed blood and died for the American Flag. If she would have paid attention when she was in school she would have learned the rules to the American flag. I will post them here in hope that she reads them, that is if she can read:

The flag should be lighted at all times, either by sunlight or by an appropriate light source.
The flag should be flown in fair weather, unless the flag is designed for inclement weather use.
The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal.
The flag should not be used for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.
The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard.
The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.
The flag should never have any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind placed on it, or attached to it.
The flag should never be used for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object; it should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and ceremoniously.
The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary.
When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, it should be destroyed by burning in a dignified manner.
ysun, thanks for your post.
I was offended when I saw her in the American Flag.
Is there a document anywhere in the oodles of stuff that has been released that details what is or isn't allowed on Home Confinement. I would like to know for a 'fact' whether or not she is allowed to use a computer and the internet.

O/T YSUN: thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service, from the wife of a retired AF guy (he put in 26 years). You and every other person in the Military deserve a standing ovation for all that you have done, do and will do in the future for our country!
O/T YSUN: thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service, from the wife of a retired AF guy (he put in 26 years). You and every other person in the Military deserve a standing ovation for all that you have done, do and will do in the future for our country!

Thank you, I find it sad that she gets to enjoy the freedoms of America when she truely does not deserve it. She has no pride, love or respect for anything to include her child.
I'm sure the family ran right out and bought another computer to keep up with what we are saying on the internet. They may all be members of Websleuths! :waitasec: We aren't the only sleuths around, you know. Curious minds want to know, especially when people are talking about them (Anthonys). :cool:

Using money from Caylee's search funds, no doubt.
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