Casey Has Started Blogging 9-29

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:floorlaugh: You have a way with words! This cracks me up! Thanks!! As a retired military member who suffers from PTSD every-single-day....I needed a laugh today! Thanks!!

I am happy to oblige. Thank you for your service. My flag flies in your honor.
Wow. Her long-awaited explanation about the anything but clothes party should win an award for stating the obvious. I hope her two or three ardent fans have had their curiosity satisfied because I know they were on the edge of their seats for that one.

Sarcasm aside, I don't think this is really her. If it is her, though, Baez is probably going to have to hire a full time babysitter to keep her muzzled before he ends up in a round room looking for a corner.

And OT- hey to JerseyGirl! I'm a huge hockey fan (I like the Rangers but don't hold that against me because they're going to be awful this year!)
You know, as a Flyers fan, I shouldn't even think this let alone state it outright ... I think I'm actually going to miss Jagr! Rangers fan or not, it just won't seem "right" without him. As a side note to that, we have tickets to the season opener on October 11 against none other than the Rangers. :) Thanks for the hello and the great (for us) prediction that the Rangers will be awful this year!

All that said, is there a link for Casey's explanation regarding the anything but clothes party?
All that said, is there a link for Casey's explanation regarding the anything but clothes party?

(screencapped content from within the private facebook profile)
Long time lurker here...

1. I do not believe that this is Casey posting on a facebook. Like another WS said, anyone can cop a name and pretend to be someone else on facebook or myspace. The explanation she has given in regards to wearing the flag at an anything but clothes party any one of us could have gotten and added to a picture. She would know that this picture has been all over the internet discussed as being at an "anything but clothes party". The pictures "she" provided could be pulled from numerous sites and posted to "her" facebook. As for the NG, any Casey supporter/Casey impersonator would think this would look like Casey taking out her anger on NG. With a narcissist like Casey, I would think she would use her own rant. And then you get the poor random Craig who maybe thinks he could hook up with 'lil Ms Loosey Goosey

2. I don't want to step on any toes, but shouldn't the PTSD discussion be taken to its own thread, since this thread is about her blogs?

3. In regards to the flag wearing, again, not to step on any toes, but the younger generation has not been raised with the same standards that the older generation has. An example would be that it used to be disrespectful to wear your hat at dinner, put your feet up on the coffee table, men holding doors open for women, a woman sitting on a mans lap, etc. These things have all gone lax. Another flag requirement is lighting it at night, or taking it down if not lit, and there are plenty of homes and businesses in my town that do not follow that rule. Does this mean they are disrespecting it, or just getting lax with the rules. My grandfather fought in WW2, I support our troops fully, but I don't think that wearing/flying/using the flag incorrectly means you are disrespecting your country. You may just not know the rules, or the rules have gotten outdated. I am not IN ANY WAY standing up for KC, just saying.....

Of course, all IMHO
I really hope it is her and she blabs herself in to a corner thats used against her at her trial..
She did-- and she added the rest of the Nancy Grace wikipedia content in new blog/note entries earlier this evening.

snipped pic, see poster's original

I understand why people are dubious about the authenticity of this account. For what it's worth, I don't post external info/links unless I'm confident in their veracity. I was the person who originally posted the Halloween photos, etc.

snipped pic see poster's original

Also, I totally agree with the statements RasGirl26 and OneLostGirl have made within this thread re: why Casey would be blogging and the form the blogs are taking.

I think skepticism re: whether this is Casey or not makes it more likely she'll continue to blog, since her entries might not be attributed to her. Also, as others have mentioned, she's playing it safe with the content and hasn't really posted anything which could be used against her in court. Also, nothing in her release conditions prohibit her from using the internet-- she's just not supposed to have direct contact with minors. Nevertheless, I imagine her parents will tighten the reigns and put a stop to the blogging soon.

Again, I notice the notes. All lower case "notes" again, the ones from "Carl". even the grammar and format is the same. There is no way to know if this is Casey or not by the content, one cannot determine the originating IP from seeing it this way, and nothing one can ask whomever is posting a question will suit as verification.

I do believe that if you think it's Casey, one might be provoked to provide the tip that it exists to Crimeline to pass to law enforcement.
Here is how Casey's TRUE blog would read...if set to private where nobody could see...

Well, I sure am pleased with my progress these past few months. I have got the entire country in a tailspin looking for that child. Of course, they will never find her because I am WAY too smart for just ordinary people to figure me out. I wish I could get out of the house because I desperately need to have my nails done, and if I don't get some before long my brother is going to start looking good to me. I wonder if I should bake me some pot brownies and get stoned right in front of poor dumb Cindy and George, after all they have put me through over that child, I think I will. As soon as this is all over I am going to move somewhere far away and change my name so nobody will know me and I am going to start my very own ho-dog service where I will charge top dollar for my expert sexual favors. I wish I could go shopping, but they took all of my credit cards. I wonder what I will buy for me first thing when I get out of all this? I know one thing, I need a new car, because I'll tell you, keeping a dead body in there just ruined it!
I have to completely disagree with you... generally people who are interested in missing children are so on a consistant basis. If she began searching about missing children suddenly and there are no prior searches or continuous searches, it would be consistant with research. Researching missing children websites with respect to KC would be very questionable. Further, a deadly substance was also searched and traces of that subtance have been found in KC's vehicle. Also, the escort searches were also research related, she probably came in contact with women at fusian which is known for it and became interested and researched its potential online. KC was not interested in missing children she was researching for information on how they became missing and so forth. JMO I gather this just from following the case and witnessing KC's behavior. I have a psychology and counseling background I dont see it being any other way. I could be wrong but regardless this is what I see.

I'm wondering, do we know for a certainty that it was KC doing these searches on the computer? Sounds like she carried the laptop around with her, and that it could have been left on while she was staying over with other people, could have been used by someone else when she wasn't busy with it, etc.
Well, here's some food for thought. Anyone remember the instant message between casey o marie and nyitaliano3 as per the last document dump? I recognized the text saved from that instant message as that of America Online or AIM. Check this out.

This was taken at about 11:30 pm yesterday with my DSLR camera because I deleted my screenshot program from my pc. This is KC's signature screen name and the three times I've seen her online in the past two days, she's made no attempt to hide or make herself invisible. IMO she's begging for it.

Well, here's some food for thought. Anyone remember the instant message between casey o marie and nyitaliano3 as per the last document dump? I recognized the text saved from that instant message as that of America Online or AIM. Check this out.

This was taken at about 11:30 pm yesterday with my DSLR camera because I deleted my screenshot program from my pc. This is KC's signature screen name and the three times I've seen her online in the past two days, she's made no attempt to hide or make herself invisible. IMO she's begging for it.

snipped check poster's original post for image

Yep, she's been on - but I've heard if you try to IM her, you won't get thru - she'll go all Harry Potter invisibility cloak on you. :)

This IM name is one of the main reasons I don't believe this Facebook is hers, nor do I believe the IM's and notes from others whomever has on the Facebook site are real.
Again, I notice the notes. All lower case "notes" again, the ones from "Carl". even the grammar and format is the same. There is no way to know if this is Casey or not by the content, one cannot determine the originating IP from seeing it this way, and nothing one can ask whomever is posting a question will suit as verification.

This is going to be very hard to verify. What I would like to do is unlock this thread and if we do not hear anything soon that this is a fraud then we'll know it is not.

Does that make sense? If it is a fraud we will, or someone will hear from Casey's lawyer pronto. If it's not well, then we can go on posting.

Please keep in mind when you are posting that there is a possiblity that this blog is not by Casey Anthony at all.

Carry on.

I'm reposting the Admin's position on the authenticity of the site. Again, a number of inferences and cross-references inform my good-faith belief this is Casey's personal facebook account. If I discover that I'm mistaken, I will post a retraction. I understand your skepticism and agree that; no, I cannot provide absolute 100% verification that Casey is the blog author. Also this is a facebook account, not a myspace account.

I do believe that if you think it's Casey, one might be provoked to provide the tip that it exists to Crimeline to pass to law enforcement.
I'm uncertain if you're suggesting that I should pass this info to Crimeline-- Personally, I would feel I was wasting their time and resources with this info. If I come across information that would be of use to any investigation, I would definitely pass it to the proper agency and I'd never start a thread about it on the internet.
I'm reposting the Admin's position on the authenticity of the site. Again, a number of inferences and cross-references inform my good-faith belief this is Casey's personal facebook account. If I discover that I'm mistaken, I will post a retraction. I understand your skepticism and agree that; no, I cannot provide absolute 100% verification that Casey is the blog author. Also this is a facebook account, not a myspace account.

I'm uncertain if you're suggesting that I should pass this info to Crimeline-- Personally, I would feel I was wasting their time and resources with this info. If I come across information that would be of use to any investigation, I would definitely pass it to the proper agency and I'd never start a thread about it on the internet.

I keep confusing my MySpaces and Facebooks - it's an honest mistake and I apologize (too many simliar social networks, which I deal with daily in my profession.) Regardless, the same concept of validation applies to both: there's no way of knowing if in fact Casey is posting or not, as the necessary evidence as Tricia notes is not available. Since it's her forum, she allows it and I respect that -- I just don't buy it's Casey. So we can agree to disagree --I'm cool with that if you are.

My feelings about this site isn't a diss at you personally, BTW and hope you don't take it that way. I feel that it's important to note that it hasn't been verified to actually belong to her - and yes, while you're acting in good faith, the poster on the other end of that Facebook may not be.

My reference to Crimeline was only if anyone felt compelled to report its existence if he/she truly believes it's Casey's. We often have information posted here that law enforcement doesn't see for weeks...that's why I put it in my post.
I keep confusing my MySpaces and Facebooks - it's an honest mistake and I apologize (too many simliar social networks, which I deal with daily in my profession.) Regardless, the same concept of validation applies to both: there's no way of knowing if in fact Casey is posting or not, as the necessary evidence as Tricia notes is not available. Since it's her forum, she allows it and I respect that -- I just don't buy it's her. So we can agree to disagree --I'm cool with that if you are.

My feelings about this site isn't a diss at you personally, BTW and hope you don't take it that way. I feel that it's important to note that it hasn't been verified to actually belong to her - and yes, while you're acting in good faith, the poster on the other end of that Facebook may not be.

My reference to Crimeline was only if anyone felt compelled to report its existence if he/she truly believes it's Casey's. We often have information posted here that law enforcement doesn't see for weeks...that's why I put it in my post.

Thank you! I wasn't taking any of it personally :) If you'd posted the blog screencaps, I'd probably be thinking or posting the same doubts you & others have stated. No one has any reason to blindly trust the posts of others and I respect that completely. I just wanted to create this thread and share the blogs as they are posted, because I thought people would find them interesting. If I discover I'm wrong about the acct. authenticity, I'll alert the mods immediately-- I'll keep watching and updating accordingly.
Thank you! I wasn't taking any of it personally :) If you'd posted the blog screencaps, I'd probably be thinking or posting the same doubts you & others have stated. No one has any reason to blindly trust the posts of others and I respect that completely. I just wanted to create this thread and share the blogs as they are posted, because I thought people would find them interesting. If I discover I'm wrong about the acct. authenticity, I'll alert the mods immediately-- I'll keep watching and updating accordingly.

If you become even more convinced it is her you may want to fwd the screen caps to OCSO.
Thank you! I wasn't taking any of it personally :) If you'd posted the blog screencaps, I'd probably be thinking or posting the same doubts you & others have stated. No one has any reason to blindly trust the posts of others and I respect that completely. I just wanted to create this thread and share the blogs as they are posted, because I thought people would find them interesting. If I discover I'm wrong about the acct. authenticity, I'll alert the mods immediately-- I'll keep watching and updating accordingly.

hun, I trust your post -- it's the person behind the Facebook I don't trust. ;)

Keep posting them, but don't be too annoyed with me when I point out the formatting, structure and grammar. I'm almost 99.998% sure in my own head that the IM session from Craig and comment/note from Carl are faked. (Which would stand to reason if it's Casey ;))
Good God, now this really takes the cake! How nice, an explanation for wearing the flag as a dress, what about an EXPLANATION for why you were out partying while your daughter was missing. What a piece of work. The flag never even bothered me, if it were a picture of a friend at a no clothes 4th party, I'd find it clever & cute. This is a picture of a woman whose daughter is gone and she's laughing it up and all smiles. I can't imagine her lawyer is okaying this.

While there are many pictures of Casey celebrating it up during the period after Caylee's disappearance and probable death (see the Fusian pictures, for example), this is not one of them. The flag picture is from Memorial Day.
Is anyone else offended that she wore an American Flag. Maybe it is my inner girl scout:angel: but I was always told you do not deface or alter an American flag:razz::razz:

I'm not offended. What's the big deal?
Here is how Casey's TRUE blog would read...if set to private where nobody could see...

Well, I sure am pleased with my progress these past few months. I have got the entire country in a tailspin looking for that child. Of course, they will never find her because I am WAY too smart for just ordinary people to figure me out. I wish I could get out of the house because I desperately need to have my nails done, and if I don't get some before long my brother is going to start looking good to me. I wonder if I should bake me some pot brownies and get stoned right in front of poor dumb Cindy and George, after all they have put me through over that child, I think I will. As soon as this is all over I am going to move somewhere far away and change my name so nobody will know me and I am going to start my very own ho-dog service where I will charge top dollar for my expert sexual favors. I wish I could go shopping, but they took all of my credit cards. I wonder what I will buy for me first thing when I get out of all this? I know one thing, I need a new car, because I'll tell you, keeping a dead body in there just ruined it!

LOL...I thoughly enjoyed your post! Very funny!!! :dance:
hun, I trust your post -- it's the person behind the Facebook I don't trust. ;)

Keep posting them, but don't be too annoyed with me when I point out the formatting, structure and grammar. I'm almost 99.998% sure in my own head that the IM session from Craig and comment/note from Carl are faked. (Which would stand to reason if it's Casey ;))
The IM session is, I'm pretty sure, a transcript of a facebook chat session. The facebook chat logs look like the transcript posted in the blog and the Craig man is hyper-linked (via facebook interface) to the blog because he engaged in the facebook chat with Casey (or the fake Casey, whatever you're inclined to believe :)

I point this out because I can see how the chat transcript doesn't look like it comes from a normal IM interface like yahoo or AIM.
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