Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

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Jun 2, 2004
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I hope I am not being inappropriate by posting this thread. If so, I am sure the moderators will remove it. And I mean no disrespect in any way.

BUT - in the interview with the cop who was fired for lying about his "relationship" with Casey, the investigator asks him if he is aware of Casey having had any "relationships" with other cops on the force. And his answer was no, just J. Grund, to whom she was engaged.

Casey apparently had her parents convinced for going on two years that she had a job. She would leave the house as if she was "going to work". According to George's statement, he last saw Caylee as she was going out the door with her mother Casey, who was "on her way to work". Casey was "dressed for work" George states.

I am going to assume here that over this almost two year time span that Casey had some money of her own to spend. Nobody -- NOBODY -- could go for two years with absolutely no source of income! I understand that she was stealing from friends and relatives from time to time and that she ran up her mother's credit card. But, come on folks, two years is a long time!

Somewhere, somehow Casey was getting a regular stream of spending money during this time. It may not have been a lot - Dad was buying her tires when she had the two flat tires - but she went to a lot of bars, went out with her friends, etc. For TWO years!!

Plus she was disappearing at times.

Anybody have any ideas as to what was really going on?

(I am thinking chloroform use to make Caylee sleep while she turned a trick or two?)
I hope I am not being inappropriate by posting this thread. If so, I am sure the moderators will remove it. And I mean no disrespect in any way.

BUT - in the interview with the cop who was fired for lying about his "relationship" with Casey, the investigator asks him if he is aware of Casey having had any "relationships" with other cops on the force. And his answer was no, just Jesse Grund, to whom she was engaged.

Casey apparently had her parents convinced for going on two years that she had a job. She would leave the house as if she was "going to work". According to George's statement, he last saw Caylee as she was going out the door with her mother Casey, who was "on her way to work". Casey was "dressed for work" George states.

I am going to assume here that over this almost two year time span that Casey had some money of her own to spend. Nobody -- NOBODY -- could go for two years with absolutely no source of income! I understand that she was stealing from friends and relatives from time to time and that she ran up her mother's credit card. But, come on folks, two years is a long time!

Somewhere, somehow Casey was getting a regular stream of spending money during this time. It may not have been a lot - Dad was buying her tires when she had the two flat tires - but she went to a lot of bars, went out with her friends, etc. For TWO years!!

Plus she was disappearing at times.

Anybody have any ideas as to what was really going on?

(I am thinking chloroform use to make Caylee sleep while she turned a trick or two?)

I have also thought about this, and it's entirely likely in my opinion.

Hence the searches on her computer for escort services.
I have considered this possibility in my mind also. I have nothing whatsoever to base this on but it's certainly within the realm of possibility. Orlando has a lot of convention business as well as just regular tourism and then, of course, your regular citizens who go this route. Her hours were flexible, apparently, I don't think I've seen anywhere that she seemed to have a 9 to 5 job.
I find it extremely plausible, even likely, that she was hooking.

I can't find any evidence that she was stealing in large amounts before Caylee went missing. Did she for some reason have to stop whatever she was doing for money around that same time? If so, why?
I have always held onto the thought that she may have been into the escorting business... I remember reading a blog comment somewhere that was made about her being a part of the prostitute scene that exists on a certain road in Orlando. But no one seemed to ever pick up on that comment (can't remember the road's name). There are other things that made me think it, it as well... but what really jumped out recently was it being revealed that she had researched escort services in California on her computer.
I find it extremely plausible, even likely, that she was hooking.

I can't find any evidence that she was stealing in large amounts before Caylee went missing. Did she for some reason have to stop whatever she was doing for money around that same time? If so, why?

This is what I've been thinking for a while now.

However, I don't think she used chloroform on Caylee like the OP suggests.
The only way she could be going somewhere every day and have unaccounted for time where no one else saw her would be if either:

1. She doubled back home after her mom and dad left the house for work and stayed there alone with Caylee every day, day in and day out. But then, why didn't the neighbors see this? I know they work, but they also have whole days off and they didn't mention this to the police.
2. She is working somewhere and with people who don't want it known that she was working there- hence all the secrecy and lying about her employment and no one stepping forward to say she was working for them. In addition, call girls/escorts are usually recruited by other girls. They go to nightclubs and bring other girls in to meet the management. Could this be what she was doing?
I agree! I think thats what her supposed meetings were.

(( She was such a :woohoo: why not get paid for it, LOL))
This is what I've been thinking for a while now.

However, I don't think she used chloroform on Caylee like the OP suggests.

I believe she was using the chloroform for sex - it's pretty common among teens and 20-somethings. Here's what I wrote yesterday in All About Chloroform 2 thread:

People in their teens and twenties are using chloroform as a drug and also in sex acts. It is an incredibly dangerous practice because these kids are risking their lives everytime they do this, but it a trend that is growing. Many kids have already wound up dead due to this.

Here is a description by someone using it for both a high and sex:

Chloroform is also used in S&M practices. Here is a story from the BBC about someone who died doing this:

Pedophiles also use chloroform on their victims. Look up pedophile uses chloroform in Google and you will see this is also very common, shockingly so.

If you combine a xanax with too much alchohol you get a blackout, which would explain why someone might do something, look awake, but not actually be awake and not remember it the next day.
Don't you think her cell phone records would show that? Calls to "johns", etc? From whatg I've seen, all her calls were to friends/family.
Well, look, hooking or not, a lot of young girls will align themselves with a guy who has means to pay for things in exchange for a 'relationship'. It sounds like at best this may be what KC did. She may not have charged cash for her services, but she was nonetheless paying her way into young men's lives withe her, guiles, we will say.
I hope I am not being inappropriate by posting this thread. If so, I am sure the moderators will remove it. And I mean no disrespect in any way.

BUT - in the interview with the cop who was fired for lying about his "relationship" with Casey, the investigator asks him if he is aware of Casey having had any "relationships" with other cops on the force. And his answer was no, just Jesse Grund, to whom she was engaged.

Casey apparently had her parents convinced for going on two years that she had a job. She would leave the house as if she was "going to work". According to George's statement, he last saw Caylee as she was going out the door with her mother Casey, who was "on her way to work". Casey was "dressed for work" George states.

I am going to assume here that over this almost two year time span that Casey had some money of her own to spend. Nobody -- NOBODY -- could go for two years with absolutely no source of income! I understand that she was stealing from friends and relatives from time to time and that she ran up her mother's credit card. But, come on folks, two years is a long time!

Somewhere, somehow Casey was getting a regular stream of spending money during this time. It may not have been a lot - Dad was buying her tires when she had the two flat tires - but she went to a lot of bars, went out with her friends, etc. For TWO years!!

Plus she was disappearing at times.

Anybody have any ideas as to what was really going on?

(I am thinking chloroform use to make Caylee sleep while she turned a trick or two?)

I agree with you about the stealing thing. Yes, she was stealing from people over the years, but I don't think she stole all the money she had, I think she was making some kind of money on her own as well. The escort theory would also explain where she was going instead of work. If it wasn't Casey who was looking at those escort sites on the computer, maybe it was her parents, who suspected this as well and were trying to spot her on one of these sites.

Also, maybe another escort working for the same service was watching Caylee while Casey was "working" which is why Casey won't reveal who the real babysitter was.
This is what I've been thinking for a while now.

However, I don't think she used chloroform on Caylee like the OP suggests.

I agree, Chloroform is only effective for about 10 - 15 minutes after being administered. It couldn't be used to knock a person out for any longer than that unless it was re-administered. If Casey was performing a service, so to speak, I can't see her running out to her car every 10 minutes to dose Caylee.
I would bet the farm she had a provided phone or a prepay phone...some other type of phone that she used.

Thats why you don't see the calls from "johns"

This also plays into her "half truths" She probably did have two phones. but she didn't switch sim cards. One was "business only"

and it's been lost
In addition, call girls/escorts are usually recruited by other girls. They go to nightclubs and bring other girls in to meet the management. Could this be what she was doing?

I read somewhere that KC was a "manager of shot girls." Does anyone else remember that? Maybe that job entails something closer to what you are referring.
I think she was doing it for free. Just a loose, immoral, party girl. ALTHOUGH...she used her "assets" for manipulation. So all in all, the poor guys did pay, dearly. She "worked" as a shot girl manager, so she got to drink for free.
I don't believe she was hooking. If she was, she'd have a sitter, her own place, probably making car payments on a newer car, and unlikely that her fav place to shop would be Target.

Think about it.

Even if she only made a few hundred a week (and if she was working as an escort, there is more money there) she would dress better than Target.

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