Casey is 'Steel Magnolia'?

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Aug 27, 2008
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Did anyone remember from yesterday 20/20 the reference of Mr.Walsh (from defense attorney team) to Casey as the 'Steel Magnolia' young girl...sorry, I don't have the link/transcript to the show.

Somehow this remark hit me as very unusual, especially with the reference to Casey. Maybe we're missing here something? Simply 'assumption' and has no official evidence to support...Just observation from 'outside of the box'.

I'm trying to look at the overall dynamic of the Anthony's family. Cindy is educated full-time career woman. Well spoken, self-controlled, composed, organized person. Has high ability to provide love, dedication, forgiveness. Strong and outspoken, believes in what she WANTS to believe, no matter what! We all saw her amazing 'denial' quality. I'm wondering, what else she's capable to 'deny'? If (and only 'if') her daughter was sexually abused by someone she loved - would she be capable to 'deny' this incest as well? IMO, yes.

Now, George. George, on apposite site, has 'hot temper' but could be easy to controlled, kind of 'manipulated'. Has history of instabilities: financially, job/career-wise, relationships (possibility of out-of-marriage relationship). He's the one whom Cindy takes by the hand and lead. Even when he speaks - he seems to me kind of 'not sure' person. Wishy-washy...

Casey: the problem child. If she's the 'Steel Magnolia' (based on defense observer) with capability to 'plug-in' and 'plug-out' personality (based on FBI profiler) then the secret to such a 'split-personality' could very well resigns inside of the family. Again, I have no proof to any incest theory...Just the reference to 'Steel Magnolia' cause my thoughts to go another direction...
Consider the source. Walsh is part of the defense lawyer's team. His job is to spin. He wants to replace the fact that Casey is a sociopathic liar with the false image of a strong, self-sacrificing woman. Steel Magnolia.

It's a bunch of hooey!

All my opinion, of course.

Walsh referring to Casey as a "Steel Magnolia" made my stomach turn! If any one of you have ever seen the movie "Steel Magnolias", you will realize that this movie is about strong, independent, supportive women. Casey is no where close to being one of these!
Consider the source. Walsh is part of the defense lawyer's team. His job is to spin. He wants to replace the fact that Casey is a sociopathic liar with the false image of a strong, self-sacrificing woman. Steel Magnolia.

It's a bunch of hooey!

All my opinion, of course.


I doubted he had ever seen that movie.

Maybe he meant delicate like a flower, yet strong as steel???
the term 'steel magnolia' was around before the movie. it's likely he didn't mean anything about the movie. :rolleyes:

that's like saying he must have meant caylee is just like billy joel because 'only the good die young', had he made that comment. (which he didn't; just an analogy.)
Here's a definition for ya: "A lady, who is sweet, gentle, kind...yet, strong and resilient all at the same time. To me, this is the definition of a Steel Magnolia. A Steel Magnolia's beauty comes from within, which serves to enhance her physical appearance. This combination in a woman makes her one of God's most loveliest and endearing creatures on earth. "

Yeah--sounds just like Casey all right!
Uhhh, I think the term "Ice Princess" may be more fitting:rolleyes::rolleyes:
the term 'steel magnolia' was around before the movie. it's likely he didn't mean anything about the movie. :rolleyes:

that's like saying he must have meant caylee is just like billy joel because 'only the good die young', had he made that comment. (which he didn't; just an analogy.)

Ya think? :rolleyes: Please see the post by librarian mama!
KC = steel magnolia = gross! I refused to watch the 20/20 last night but of course I read all about it here. That statement made me throw up just a tad. I did not read into it at all as it came out of the defense attys mouth.
Clearly this man hasn't seen the movie. LOL Casey a steel magnolia..ha! :(
Walsh referring to Casey as a "Steel Magnolia" made my stomach turn! If any one of you have ever seen the movie "Steel Magnolias", you will realize that this movie is about strong, independent, supportive women. Casey is no where close to being one of these!

Yep made my stomach turn also, but the more I thought about it I thought it was one of the stupidest thing I had ever heard. I really can't believe that he thought people would really take him serious, what a Putz!

She is made of steel that is very obvious considering she could care less about her child or the fact that she killed her, but she ain't no steel magnolia!
So it is cool that this little immature girl is able to lie and not break down? That is really cool defense team. Really cool. Would I be cool if I killed somebody and never broke down? No I kinda with media would stop following this case. Without the media she would be nothing. She wants the attention she loves the attention. Without the attention she would be locked up and bored! That would make her crack
It's a southern term I grew up hearing... I know some steel magnolias, and Casey is no steel magnolia. BUT... regardless of the origin, it does make me think of the movie because of the funny "slap Ouiser" scene, but taken out of context. I've read on here quite a people saying they'd like to slap the smirks off Casey's face, or slap some sense into her. :)

Just replace "Ouiser" with "Casey"... :

Clairee: Here!
[grabs Ouiser by the shoulder and positions her in front of M'Lynn]
Clairee: Hit this! Go ahead M'Lynn, slap her!
Ouiser Boudreaux: [taken aback and confused] Are you crazy?
Clairee: Hit her!
Ouiser Boudreaux: Are you *high*, Clairee?
Truvy: [in a frightened tone] Clairee, have you lost your mind?
Clairee: We'll sell t-shirts sayin' "I SLAPPED OUISER BOUDREAUX!" Hit her!
Annelle: [in a scared tone] Ms. Clairee, enough!
Clairee: Ouiser, this is your chance to do something for your fellow man! Knock her lights out, M'Lynn!
Elphaba...let me continue from there! LOL

Clairee: M'Lynn you just missed the chance of a lifetime! Half o' Chiquapin Parish'd give their eye teeth to take a whack at Ouiser!

I can quote this movie from heart! It is one of my all time favorites!

PS: My best friend and I are Clairee and Ouiser! I guess I am Ousier! LOL
Elphaba...let me continue from there! LOL

Clairee: M'Lynn you just missed the chance of a lifetime! Half o' Chiquapin Parish'd give their eye teeth to take a whack at Ouiser!

I can quote this movie from heart! It is one of my all time favorites!

PS: My best friend and I are Clairee and Ouiser! I guess I am Ousier! LOL

I'm sure half of Orlando'd give THEIR eye teeth to take a whack at Casey. LOL

Beautiful movie that hits the term right on... about the closest thing that Casey comes to when it comes to magnolias: she's the toxic manure that got rejected because the tree farm wouldn't dare put that stuff around their magnolia trees. :)
I almost puked all over my remote control when I heard Mr. Walsh say that last night. He has to be clear out of his mind. If Casey is a Steel Magnolia, then Cindy must be an Iron Tulip. LOL
When I think of a steel magnolia I think of a lady with strength that makes it through all sorts of insurmountable difficulties.

I think Casey has always taken the easy way in life. She has always been bailed out by other people and has not ever been held responsible for any of her actions.

I think of her more in the terms of a coward..IMHO
I've seen the movie Steel Magnolias a gazillion times (and I don't generally like to watch movies more than once). When I heard the defense team guy say that on 20-20 I said a silent "ewwwww" to myself.

I know the term Steel Magnolia has been around since before the movie LOL but I always think of the movie when I hear it.

I tend to think of Casey as more of a "Dried Narcissus". JMO.
Sorry for the pun...couldn't resist! Needed a little levity today! :crazy:

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