Casey on Piers Morgan

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Good thing Mason hasn't heard of Fifty Shades of Grey.:) It's pretty popular right now. He really is clueless. Remember when he informed the court that LOL means Lots of Luck!

You guys are on a roll! :floorlaugh:
FCA "appearance" on PM was the 2nd top story on HLN just now at the top of the hour. JVM popped in to announce it would be one of the topics on her show tonight. JVM reminded that FCA is a convicted habitual liar and this facade she put on for PM is no doubt simply another example of that. One example she points out is FCA claiming on PM "I don't give a #%!* about the money" when in reality JVM says FCA team has been seeking out potential deals all this time. So there is one glaring inconsistency with what Casey says and the actual truth right there. One would likely question anything else she has to say after that one inconsistency right there.

JVM thinks FCA simply testing the waters for a big interview since her probation period is about to end. However, people remain angry one year later.

News anchor commented about the emotion that Caylee's picture brings to viewers and on FB page. Says the response is still enormous and people have not forgotten.

JVM asked if she thought there was potential for the anger to die down and loyalty to Caylee subside enough for FCA to potentially tell her story.

JVM response: Absolutely not.

If Casey doesn't give a s### about the money, then she need to donate every dime she receives, in any form or fashion, from every thing that has to do with Caylee life and death to honest to God charities and foundations.

She can make donations to help support a women's shelter for abused women and children.
She can help the homeless with food and clothes.

Things she can't do. She can't ever change our minds about Caylee's life and how she died and was dumped.

Anything she had to say should of been said on the afternoon of June 16, 2008.
I just finished a book "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us" by Robert D. Hare, PhD, which is a perfect description of her. The book is so worth reading in my opinion and is readily available. Anyone else read it? Your opinion?

Yes - loved it - it's a classic textbook for psychopaths...I mean about psychopaths..
FCA "appearance" on PM was the 2nd top story on HLN just now at the top of the hour. JVM popped in to announce it would be one of the topics on her show tonight. JVM reminded that FCA is a convicted habitual liar and this facade she put on for PM is no doubt simply another example of that. One example she points out is FCA claiming on PM "I don't give a #%!* about the money" when in reality JVM says FCA team has been seeking out potential deals all this time. So there is one glaring inconsistency with what Casey says and the actual truth right there. One would likely question anything else she has to say after that one inconsistency right there.

JVM thinks FCA simply testing the waters for a big interview since her probation period is about to end. However, people remain angry one year later.

News anchor commented about the emotion that Caylee's picture brings to viewers and on FB page. Says the response is still enormous and people have not forgotten.

JVM asked if she thought there was potential for the anger to die down and loyalty to Caylee subside enough for FCA to potentially tell her story.

JVM response: Absolutely not.

I'll be watching JVM in awhile. I agree with JVM, the anger for Casey will never die down enough to allow KC to tell her "story". Some people who may have wonder if Caylee drowned, might do some extra research and read a lot of the LE documents which don't put KC in the best light. After the trial ended, a friend of mine did wonder if there was truth to the drowning story. I gave him video links and transcripts links to the LE interviews and after listening, reading, and reviewing, he said that KC got away with murder.
Well I must say, I'm thankful that her biggest "media appearance" to date is this pitiful. Upon release from jail I feared she'd make the talk show rounds, get celebrity makeovers, hang out with D list reality "stars", be spun as "innocent", or at least become famous for being infamous. As much as she wants that, she's just not bright, not motivated, and not resourceful enough to do much more than clean her house and order take-out food. Sometimes life is fair.

Question for all you wisehats out there - so FCA didn't appear on this program - we are all suspecting it is because she has gained lots of folds...

However had she appeared in person - then how could she claim she fears for her life and can't appear in person for the ZG trial? Is she going to have to hold off any personal media interview in person until after both trials????
:seeya: Good Morning !

Not sure if this was posted, but here is the link to last night's transcript -- for anyone who has the "stomach" !

Link :


Casey Anthony Speaks Out; Emotional Day in Sandusky Trial; Interview with Cast of 'Dallas'

Aired June 12, 2012 - 21:00 ET

PIERS MORGAN, CNN HOST: Exclusive tonight, Casey Anthony breaks her silence to me one year after being found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. The most notorious woman in America tells me she's not a party girl. She's ashamed of the person she was and she didn't kill young Caylee.

More from my extraordinary conversation and tough questions with her lawyer tonight.

MORGAN: Plus, "Only in America." The 14-year-old playing with the pros at the U.S. Open.


Good evening. Two big stories tonight. An extraordinary day in the Sandusky trial. We'll get to that in a few moments. But we begin with my exclusive conversation with Casey Anthony. I spoke to her and her attorney just a little while ago. She's been hiding at a secret location ever since she's found not guilty in the death of her daughter Caylee.

What she told me was about her life now and she's gone what she says through hell, and she says she weren't wrong by not being honest with law officials.

J. Cheney Mason is a member of Casey Anthony's defense team. He joins me now exclusively.

Welcome to you. It was an extraordinary moment. We were in my office. And you put your client on the phone. You put it on loud speaker. It was your phone. And we had a sort of 10-minute conversation. A random conversation in many ways. But it gave me an insight into I guess her state of mind. How she's feeling about her life now.

Before we get to that, how would you categorize where she is now?

J. CHENEY MASON, CASEY ANTHONY ATTORNEY: Well, she's in a different prison in reality. She's not in 24-hour a day or 23 out of 24-hour a day lockdown like she was for three years in Norris County jail. But she's in a home where she can't go outside. She fears and we fear for her to go outside at all. She can't be seen. So she spends the day in the house and she cook, cleans, and reads books and exercises and watches some programs on TV. And movies particularly. That's what she does.


Looking at the transcript, they're both still lying and they're both still terrible at it. There are glaring inconsistencies from the beginning. At first, I thought, well I'll point each out one by one but there are so many! It'd take far more time than I care to spend on FCA or CM. So, just a couple things...

I don't drink now. I probably had a handful of beer since I've been on probation.
Second sentence negates first. If you don't drink, you don't have beers. If you have beers, even occasionally, you do drink. Does logic fail her, or can she just not resist the urge to lie?

I've never done drugs apart from a little bit of marijuana in my early 20s.
Hear, she contradicts herself, in the same sentence. She even has to go to extremes in each little statement. She could've said "I rarely drink now, and don't use drugs." Instead it's "I never...". Whoever is coaching her is failing miserably in the "How to Sound Normal 101" coursework.

Sooo many examples. I won't clip each one from the transcript simply because it'd take so long, but first it's she's cloistered away, reading and watching movies, but staying away from media, then she cites specific news organizations, articles, and tidbits she's angry about.

Btw, Casey your narcissism is oozing out everywhere in this. Everyone's pointed out the weight concern, but guess what, Casey? Good mommies don't love their kids because of how the child reflects on them. Our children aren't our accomplishments. Their our precious, irreplaceable gifts from God. Hear that? Irreplaceable. My son's awesomeness is his own and reflects well on him and his choices. And if he wasn't awesome, I'd still love him to pieces. That's what moms do. Sure sounds like she's saying she loves Caylee because Caylee is Casey's accomplishment. Aargh.

And, I commented on the Hunger Games thread about my initial concern about the movie, but how excellent the books are. But it's chilling to hear Casey likes them because the story is about kids forced to kill other kids to survive (it's much better and more involved than that, but it's a major force in the book), and Casey refers to herself as a kid in this interview...and the prosecution pointed out how she felt she had to get rid of Caylee to have her own life...frightening psychological tones in the comparison, IMO. Was she subconsciously sharing something?

Then there's Mason and his dishonesty and ineffectiveness.

Nothing's being sold. Nothing being marketed. From her. I'm the one that's responsible for doing those things for her or with her.

Aka, uh, she's not selling it, I am. Well, that makes it better, not.

And there'll never be a time to tell her story. Now, the truth? Feel free to tell that anytime now. And stop dragging George through the mud. Either report him to the police, file charges, have Casey sit before a camera and tell every supposed sordid detail and directly accuse him, or stop bringing him into this.

Anyway, big pile a poop here, and I'm done scooping through it. Too much.

Casey, either go away, or stop caring about what everyone thinks, k?
I know this might sound crazy, but does anyone else find Jose Baez to be more likable than CM and DS?

I can deal with some of the BS from JB, but CM really really irks me.
I know this might sound crazy, but does anyone else find Jose Baez to be more likable than CM and DS?

I can deal with some of the BS from JB, but CM really really irks me.

Sometimes, but then I think about his opening statements and hate him again.
I know this might sound crazy, but does anyone else find Jose Baez to be more likable than CM and DS?

I can deal with some of the BS from JB, but CM really really irks me.

JB makes me laugh. I honestly can not take him seriously for anything. I do not think he really believes everything he says. I think in the back of his mind he is thinking F it Ill just say it and maybe someone will believe me.
CM makes me want to punch myself in the face for being so stupid and listening to him. He really thinks what he says is the truth.
I know this might sound crazy, but does anyone else find Jose Baez to be more likable than CM and DS?

I can deal with some of the BS from JB, but CM really really irks me.

Funny you should say that because as much as Baez was an annoying buffoon on his many media appearances throughout the three years - i was thinking last night I would much rather be forced to watch him rather than CM. He had some very good avoidance tactics and his mistakes were always hilarious rather than iornic..... and who can forget him and his flip charts...

Thank you for posting this up. I guess that CM just wanted to become a part of the circus. I don't think that he's realised that the tent has been taken down and the days of feeding us the same old stale funnel cake is over. No matter how much sugar he sprinkles on it it's still going to be the same nasty funnel cake underneath. The more he tries to force feed us the worse it becomes for him and his client.
Casey's need for attention is so great. Okay, we get it, Casey's not fat, perhaps she's just bloated. Now where did I ever get that idea? Oh yeah, from Cindy. I personally think that she's just full of crap.
I guess those "leaked" tapes from the past have shown us just how far she's come along in the past few years. Her maturity level has grown by leaps and bounds. Yeah, whatever. She's known as the biggest lair that's ever passed through the Florida court system and he wants us now to believe anything that comes out of her mouth. What a joke. We can't even believe what comes out of his, proof is the above video. If they were testing the waters through CNN and PM they just found out that the water is deeper than they ever dreamt. Someone needs to throw PM a life vest least he gets pulled down into the abyss.
I did not watch the interview and have no intentions to, but this morning on the local news when they were about to go to commercial they were advertising what would come up on next segment.

They started talking about the Casey Anthony interview and not sure if their mixer did it on purpose or not but they had the wrong picture up, they started showing that new desert thing I think burger king has that has bacon in it and it is like a sundae? It was too funny with all the rumors of her gaining weight. Perfect, made my morning.
so, did she call in or do we get to see how *fat* she has gotten (from the Tabloids she has put on enough weight that John Q. Public does not recognize her)

Tee Hee - old new to me but still funny
She is enjoying reading books. She is reading the Hunger Games, she esp likes books about international travel.


If this is what CM said, the way he worded this my question to him would have been something like "IF FCA did not kill her child as she claims, then why would it be a "risk" to have another? Wouldn't the only risk be if she did indeed kill Caylee?"

Not a smart way to word something like this if she's telling the truth like you claim she is MrMason!
I am so excited that I DO NOT CARE what Casey Anthony is doing with the media. The only time I would care is if I need to join others in protest of some upcoming paid appearance. Otherwise, even the sight of her name repulses me like opposite magnets. I've seen a lot of evil in the world, but this just takes the cake. Just waiting on God...
This is directed directly to FCA, who I suspect lurks here because she has no other life and never will.

FCA- The vast majority of folks in the US think you got away with murdering Caylee. Close to 100 percent of us understand that you are a pathological liar. A mutant whacked few think that you are sexy because you are a liar and murderer who escaped justice. Like attracts like.

You need to know that that there is no where you can go and nothing you can say that will alter the reality the rest of us know to be true. Dream on, large gal-- the more you do, the quicker karma will arrive on your doorstep.
I haven't seen the interview, but did CM say that he handled all of FCA's mail and donations for her? Any money that she receives in the mail comes to her first as a person no matter who opens her mail before it gets deposited into her secret account or CM's account.

If so, I hope the Parole Office, the State, the Judge and others heard it and will follow up on this indigent person.
The only thing this case needs is an infusion of some behind the scenes TRUTH. I am surprised that here we are almost a year after the terrible awful no good verdict and not one "player" in this despicable scenario that supposedly knows the truth has come out and told it. Mason has hinted/bragged that he knows "it." Jose certainly does. GA/CA/LA do. Dottie? Mark NeJ? Private Eyes? Come on you guys. I wonder what Mrs Mason has to say? Rev and Mrs. Camp? The Camp parishoners? THE JURORS?!!! You know one at least one of them is dying to tell truth. Judge Perry? The guard FCA winked at as she left the jail? The pilot of the plane? Whoever cut her hair? Whoever bought her the computer, the phone, the Hunger Games trilogy? Her Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles? Why is all the emphasis placed on hearing from the liar herself? Phht. I don't care. I would rather hear from these people.

Come on your job. Stop going after the LIAR and get digging at the real truth. I am sure some of them have morals/integrity and will do the right thing, if not, I am sure money will still loosen the tongues for those who are afraid to tell the truth.
What in the he!! is that suppose to mean "when the time comes" she will tell her story. She had her chance in court. I don't want to hear what she has to say now. It's too late. Honestly I don't give a dang what happens to her, thing of the worst and that will suit me just fine.

IMO, it means, "Once we get rid of these pesky civil lawsuits and are sure no plaintiffs are gonna get a cent from CA, we will run as fast as we can to a publisher and/or to an 'exclusive' interview and finally have our big fat payday. In fact, maybe we already have informal deals. Just biding our time. Soon as the ink is dry on a publishing/interview contract, you won't be able to look at, hear or read media without seeing us."

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