Casey Speak ~ Casey Talk ~ Casey Code

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My hubby noticed while listening to Amy interviews on NG that they sounded identical in tone & speech. KC is almost adolescent in the way she mimicks people. Compare Amy interview with Le and KC interview with LE. I feel most sciopaths don't realize their afflliction and try on so many hats until one fits the occasion. Notice how many different hats KC put on when dealing with each person in her life. She hsd a different persona for each one. KC the sad sick adult child, appeared to have the thought process of, "I'll be what you want me to be, and if that doesn't work for you or me I'm outta here and moving on to the next. Say there was no homicide she would still be a mean girl with sociopathic tendencies.
Her accent is one of the things that grated on my ears. I couldn't place it. Yes, to me she sounds like she's trying to speak with a type NY accent. Certainly not a specific accent like the Bronx or LI (like my FIL) but she's certainly doing something odd there.

Just an upstate NY'ers imput here, I lived there for about 25 years and when I first heard Casey talking I was like wow....she doesn't sound like she is from Florida...then I thought she sounded like a yank. I heard she was from the Ohio area orig. but she doesn't have that either. Then I heard Amy H and I Casey sounds like that. So, I guess she is just good at mimicking. I agree with the poster who said Casey conforms to the situation and that includes her accent, or lack of.
personally, i think it's just the way she talks. i've lived in several different areas and probably picked up a thing or two in my speech from it. if someone said i was 'mimicking' or pretending to have an accent, i would think it was pretty ridiculous.

i'm not casey, so i don't know, jmo.
Her accent is one of the things that grated on my ears. I couldn't place it. Yes, to me she sounds like she's trying to speak with a type NY accent. Certainly not a specific accent like the Bronx or LI (like my FIL) but she's certainly doing something odd there.
I've thought the same of Cindy and George, accent-wise. I would have placed them as New York transplants to the area.

There are lots of odd little linguistic things in this country, though. Not sure I'd say anyone is faking.
She was trying to intimate to her parents that the detectives were being abusive to her, I think.

To what lengths will KC go to, to cover up what she did?

Honey, you KNOW the answer to that! ;-)
I don't know if it's been mentioned but her accent is fake.
She speaks with a New York accent and she's not from there.
People from Ohio do NOT speak with a New York accent.
But her new beau sure did didn't he?
And she has to copy whoever she's with.

Like she doesn't have an original thought of her own or a sense of self.
She wings it as she goes along.

Also, when she says, "Like a normal day", I noticed George used that same phrase.
I have never used that phrase ever in my life.
What is a "normal" day?
Is there such a thing?

It's worse than that. Some of the media, including NG, have been saying, "Mistruths" to mean "lies."
I've thought the same of Cindy and George, accent-wise. I would have placed them as New York transplants to the area.

There are lots of odd little linguistic things in this country, though. Not sure I'd say anyone is faking.

Actually they really do have an accent that fits with that area in Ohio Call a few places in Trumbull County, Ohio it goes with the area they are from
Could she have been telling LA where to PUT the body rather than where to find it? I know, another thread - I'll go back to lurking...

I like that thought, is there a thread discussing this possibility?
Her accent is one of the things that grated on my ears. I couldn't place it. Yes, to me she sounds like she's trying to speak with a type NY accent. Certainly not a specific accent like the Bronx or LI (like my FIL) but she's certainly doing something odd there.

TL is from NY. Maybe thats where the perp picked up the accent?
I definitely believe that serious "code talk" was going on between the Anthony's.

When Cindy told KC that she wanted Caylee home before her birthday, I think she was actually telling her that she needs to communicate to them somehow where she put the baby. I think it is unclear however as to why - to put thier granddaughter to rest or to dispose of the evidence implicating Kc. This was an odd statement to make to KC since according to KC, she had no clue where her daughter was, only that she felt she was "close".

Although, I am not convinced about Padilla's "Daisy chain" theory, Caylee's bday was on 8/9 and the first call IIRC from the meter reader reporting his suspicious finding was on 8/11, just a few days after her bday. If Padilla's daisy chain theory is correct, then Cindy could have been "code" telling KC that the body will be found around that time.
I was listening to LA and KA interviewing today again!
Why would Casey tell Lee to look in familer places? (If the nanny had her) why would the nanny go to the Anthony's familer places? That the first clue to be me that there is no nanny.
and 2nd is when she told LA I don't think anthing else will come up and nothing should come up. (this statement I found on a tip) There should be all kind of things coming up with your child missing! Could she mean that Caylee will not come up from the water.
was there some kind a weight in bag? This make me think that Caylee was in the water. This is just a theory from the codes. What does everyone else think? this might been brought up before and I missed it.
I was listening to LA and KA interviewing today again!
Why would Casey tell Lee to look in familer places? (If the nanny had her) why would the nanny go to the Anthony's familer places? That the first clue to be me that there is no nanny.
and 2nd is when she told LA I don't think anthing else will come up and nothing should come up. (this statement I found on a tip) There should be all kind of things coming up with your child missing! Could she mean that Caylee will not come up from the water.
was there some kind a weight in bag? This make me think that Caylee was in the water. This is just a theory from the codes. What does everyone else think? this might been brought up before and I missed it.

Well, I don't think "there is always a grain of truth" to her lies. Nor, do I think she "codes." This because she has pointed everybody in every possible (mis)direction, and changed her "codes" every time she opens her mouth.

I think we are crediting the tart mom with too much intelligence and subtlety. I don't think anything she says means ANYTHING. I think she just burbles. She opens her mouth and verbal nothingness comes out. Whatever she thinks will be obscure, impressive, or what somepne else wants to hear at that moment.

It looks, from the tapes of her parents' visits, like they knew she put Klee somewhere, or, at least, knew what happened, and they were trying to get info. I think KC just likes to be "cryptic", and get her fam to run around in circles.

Just my $0.02 See? I'm charging less than half what Debs charged! :crazy::)
I'm resorting back to the call that took place between KC and LA on July 26th.. Now that I'm going back and reading this again I have a better understanding with all the recent news dealing with these P.I's possibly ... taking into consideration when MR claims he first called in the tip in August... Shorty after didn't Lee sort of Dissappear? The blue is KC and LA the red are my thoughts.

LEE: Hey Casey are you there

Hey. Yeah I’m here

LEE: Sorry my cell phone reception is terrible

CASEY: It sucks at the house I know

LEE: I still want you to know that you can call me and I’ll try you know get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies. I know it s not a good situation , you know what can we do. You know ( What ever dies? Are they refering to Caylee, Maybe KC told LA she knew were Caylee was? )

CASEY: Yeah absolutely

LEE: Um, so do you understand what I was trying to say for that, that you know, you can reach out to them ( Them = P.I's Possible DC & JH?) and they, I know that you said that when we did visitation and I want you to know that you don’t have to necessarily have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all, you can still request that he be there, but he doesn’t have to and you don’t have to do that through him

CASEY: Oh I know. But that’s something we had talked about yesterday actually

LEE: Ok good. Do you plan on speaking with any of those guys at all? ( The P.I's?)

CASEY: We’re going to set up a meeting for Monday, Jose was going to think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring then in, um, you know and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know how all that goes down he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow and bring a couple of the videos I guess for me to watch from some of the news stuff that’s been going on, I guess some of the talk shows. Just to try to update me on some of the stuff. Plus he wanted me wanted me to get a good laugh. ( Maybe JB was careful as to what KC was allowed to tell the P.I.'s incase they came forward any time in the future?)

LEE: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before and you understand how all this works, now. but do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, that would help?
( Is he asking for the location of the body?)

CASEY: There’s nothing I can think of at the moment. I’m actually going to try and get something together, you know today so I can write a couple letters to the family. I’m even going to get with (intelligible) and stuff to see if he does get that directly. But still put out my own specific so if anything happens, if there’s any lapse you still will get what I’m trying to put across too.
( By Lapse does she mean she will fill in the missing info with a 2nd letter sent later?)

LEE: And just remember that if you give it to the attorney…. ( He may not forward the letter if too direct)

CASEY: They can read it and choose whether or not to even fix it which is why I’ll do a secondary letter to make sure it’s direct ]( secondary possibly to LA through mail without Attorney?)
LEE: Perfect I would encourage that 110 percent. So is there anything specifically, I know you’re going to meet with, you know the investigators and everything, you know. Is there anything specifically the details that you want to clarify to me now so that I’m following up on my own leads and my own information, putting the stuff together, you know then I can start working on it now? ]( LA has own leads serperate from everyone else? No kidding huh)

CASEY: Um, at the moment there’s nothing specific or nothing that you know should probably be said here. Um, again I’ll put something together before I see Jose or when I see Jose and you know make sure that I have something also to put out. ( Can’t talk about it now, too risky ) LEE: Right.

CASEY: So that way you can get whatever you like ( Move /take something? )

LEE: Ok. And just so remember when you get to talk to those guys um, you know, you mentioned that you’re going to have your prep and everything with Jose. But remember truth don’t hurt. ( Those guys being the PI’s?)

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas ….( LA explaining that he and KC need to be on the same page as to what she is going to tell them,etc. )

CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now? ( Notice he first ask “what then where do you think.” He realizes he’s about to have his sister answer an incriminating question so he then says is she okay?)

KC: My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home. ( She follows up with she’s okay - and then gives a LOCATION!)

LEE: Ok ( Now he know’s where to start looking )
I'm resorting back to the call that took place between KC and LA on July 26th.. Now that I'm going back and reading this again I have a better understanding with all the recent news dealing with these P.I's possibly ... taking into consideration when MR claims he first called in the tip in August... Shorty after didn't Lee sort of Dissappear? The blue is KC and LA the red are my thoughts.

LEE: Hey Casey are you there

Hey. Yeah I’m here

LEE: Sorry my cell phone reception is terrible

CASEY: It sucks at the house I know

LEE: I still want you to know that you can call me and I’ll try you know get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies. I know it s not a good situation , you know what can we do. You know ( What ever dies? Are they refering to Caylee, Maybe KC told LA she knew were Caylee was? )

CASEY: Yeah absolutely

LEE: Um, so do you understand what I was trying to say for that, that you know, you can reach out to them ( Them = P.I's Possible DC & JH?) and they, I know that you said that when we did visitation and I want you to know that you don’t have to necessarily have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all, you can still request that he be there, but he doesn’t have to and you don’t have to do that through him

CASEY: Oh I know. But that’s something we had talked about yesterday actually

LEE: Ok good. Do you plan on speaking with any of those guys at all? ( The P.I's?)

CASEY: We’re going to set up a meeting for Monday, Jose was going to think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring then in, um, you know and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know how all that goes down he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow and bring a couple of the videos I guess for me to watch from some of the news stuff that’s been going on, I guess some of the talk shows. Just to try to update me on some of the stuff. Plus he wanted me wanted me to get a good laugh. ( Maybe JB was careful as to what KC was allowed to tell the P.I.'s incase they came forward any time in the future?)

LEE: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before and you understand how all this works, now. but do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, that would help?
( Is he asking for the location of the body?)

CASEY: There’s nothing I can think of at the moment. I’m actually going to try and get something together, you know today so I can write a couple letters to the family. I’m even going to get with (intelligible) and stuff to see if he does get that directly. But still put out my own specific so if anything happens, if there’s any lapse you still will get what I’m trying to put across too.
( By Lapse does she mean she will fill in the missing info with a 2nd letter sent later?)

LEE: And just remember that if you give it to the attorney…. ( He may not forward the letter if too direct)

CASEY: They can read it and choose whether or not to even fix it which is why I’ll do a secondary letter to make sure it’s direct ]( secondary possibly to LA through mail without Attorney?)
LEE: Perfect I would encourage that 110 percent. So is there anything specifically, I know you’re going to meet with, you know the investigators and everything, you know. Is there anything specifically the details that you want to clarify to me now so that I’m following up on my own leads and my own information, putting the stuff together, you know then I can start working on it now? ]( LA has own leads serperate from everyone else? No kidding huh)

CASEY: Um, at the moment there’s nothing specific or nothing that you know should probably be said here. Um, again I’ll put something together before I see Jose or when I see Jose and you know make sure that I have something also to put out. ( Can’t talk about it now, too risky ) LEE: Right.

CASEY: So that way you can get whatever you like ( Move /take something? )

LEE: Ok. And just so remember when you get to talk to those guys um, you know, you mentioned that you’re going to have your prep and everything with Jose. But remember truth don’t hurt. ( Those guys being the PI’s?)

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas ….( LA explaining that he and KC need to be on the same page as to what she is going to tell them,etc. )

CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now? ( Notice he first ask “what then where do you think.” He realizes he’s about to have his sister answer an incriminating question so he then says is she okay?)

KC: My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home. ( She follows up with she’s okay - and then gives a LOCATION!)

LEE: Ok ( Now he know’s where to start looking )

She told LA to look in Jay Blanchard Park-- which is at the other end of town.

This might be "codes." If they are, they led LA to the wrong part of town.

But, they also might be the half-sentences and personal references that people often use who know eachother well.

Recent exchange with a friend of mine:


"Dorothy Chamdler."

This referred to a performance a friend gave. I couldn't rememer which theater.

Or, (caption to a picie of a black widow spider)

"Friend of yours?"

"Very funny!"

"Don't look under the bad!"

This one after a friend was bitten by said spider, and referring to another friend's accident with a brown recluse spider.


"Bleeding hearts."

"Where did you get them?"

Refers to our grandmother's favorite flower.
My hubby noticed while listening to Amy interviews on NG that they sounded identical in tone & speech. KC is almost adolescent in the way she mimicks people. Compare Amy interview with Le and KC interview with LE. I feel most sciopaths don't realize their afflliction and try on so many hats until one fits the occasion. Notice how many different hats KC put on when dealing with each person in her life. She hsd a different persona for each one. KC the sad sick adult child, appeared to have the thought process of, "I'll be what you want me to be, and if that doesn't work for you or me I'm outta here and moving on to the next. Say there was no homicide she would still be a mean girl with sociopathic tendencies.

I noticed that too! But remember JG said Casey was a chameleon who changed to "fit in". He said she became a football fan because he was. She even mentions football on one of those dating websites (sorry, can't remember which one). Scott Peterson did the exact same thing. He would mimic whomever he was with because sociopaths don't have feelings of their own so they try to imitate others. An interesting read about this is "Inside the Mind of Scott Peterson".. I think that's the name of the book. It's just my opinion, but I've always thought Casey could be SP's female counterpart.
Reading Lee and the perps "exchange" is just EXCRUCIATING isnt it???

I bet Yuri was tempted to dig his eardrums out with a pen!
Actually they really do have an accent that fits with that area in Ohio Call a few places in Trumbull County, Ohio it goes with the area they are from

I agree, I think the accent fits that part of Ohio. If you go north toward Cleveland, then it changes (sounds Michigan). If you go east into western Pennsylvania, it changes again (western PA has a very distinctive accent unlike any I've ever heard).
I can't even understand half of what Casey says - it's like a dialect of English that I have only seen one other person speak - Scott Peterson.
I agree, I think the accent fits that part of Ohio. If you go north toward Cleveland, then it changes (sounds Michigan). If you go east into western Pennsylvania, it changes again (western PA has a very distinctive accent unlike any I've ever heard).

I have a niece and nephew in Cleveland, and the accent is very strong! I have often thought that Casey's accent and my niece are very much alike, also Lee and my nephew!

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