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Snipped for length. ITA! That one line, by itself, is going to sink her ship. She OBVIOUSLY didn't care about Caylee one freaking BIT, only herself. If that doesn't scream guilty to me, I don't know what does.

It's just amazing the amount of talk and text messages and other things conversationally related to this case FROM CASEY HERSELF, much less her family. Can you imagine what this case would be like if Casey had just shut her mouth and not texted anyone? I guess that's pits of growing up in the information age - you have no idea how much it's going to bite you in the butt until it does.

So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Casey for being so profilic with your mouth and texts! I don't think I've ever seen a person sink themselves more than she has!

Bold mine.

ITA...except for the way that Cindy has sunk her own daughter with all her gobblety-gook ranting! Tree meet acorn! :)
I need some help, I have been relistening to the visitation tapes and so far I got stuck on this one ..
It is July 25th with Lee... towards the end Lee has a list of ppl he wants to know if he can "trust" he tells KC that he has "a rhyme and reason" for the order in which he asks her these ppl. I am trying to figure out the reasoning... at the end of his list of ppl he lists mom and dad... now why would he ask his sister if he can trust his parents? I thought he may of been trying to spell something out, but that doesn't seem to be it.
Remember when she was spouting off to her parents and said something like "I'm so angry I can't even swallow!"

I always thought that was an odd way to express how angry she felt. I wonder if her mind zoomed back to try to find the last time she was so angry, and in doing so, had a memory flash of killing poor Caylee. Thus, the reference to being unable to swallow, like her poor little baby being unable to swallow. Makes me sick to type that.
I've always thought CMA I has a speech impediment. She talks like she has marbles and her mouth and sometimes like she literally can't coordintate her speech muscles to form the word she's trying to say...
I wish he would have answered too. Same with the guy Chris she tried to call, but I can definitely understand why they didn't. Everyone was disgusted with her at that point. There were a lot of things I wish LE did differently. Like if they didn't arrest her so quickly, they could have followed her and I bet she'd be dumb enough to lead them to the remains. Nonetheless LE still did a phenomenal job and the state has a solid case.

I know this has been brought up before, but what is with her using the sets of 3's with things? Is it an OCD thing or is it just so her story seems more believable?
For example, she'll say things like: jose said so, mom said so, and even therapist said so. I can't think of the exact context but I know she's said things similar to that several times.

Also what is with the whole..."they get their info from me but at the same time they twisted stuff" (A very ignorant statement considering we all heard the recording in her own words)
I want Caylee home but at the same time I want to be home when she gets there. I know she's said 'but at the same time' many a times.

Of course there are also the 3 things like:
Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales
Jeffery Michael Hopkins

P.S One of my favorites has got to be when she's talking about her two cells and not using the one that doesn't keeps charge because "for me, it's just not practical".

The A's have the weirdest way of speaking, but KC and lee are by far the worst. If they're all trying to come across as intelligent and well spoken, it has the opposite effect. I forget which poster said this, but they were right on the money when they said that when KC talks, she speaks as if english is her second language.

Anywho, sorry for the long post.

I think it's indicative of a limited vocabulary and a set of 'strategies' she uses whenever she's confronted with anything. I'm sure she sounded exactly the same whenever she was weaseling out of something with cindy or george. Not to be mean, but I just don't think she's very intelligent or articulate. I don't think that is something that has any value to her.
I don't want to 'bogart'* the thread, but I have all the interviews on me Zune, so I hear them fairly often, using the shuffle feature. There are probably hundreds of 'Casey speak' moments, let alone 'Anthony speak' moments to comment on. 3rd times a charm, so this will be it for a bit. I may search on an 'Anthonyspeak' thread.

Anyhow, This is not meant as a dig or a low blow. Does anyone in the family allow a person to complete a sentence? Seriously, take a listen to any of the interviews, let alone the now infamous 'depos'. I was in the throes of opiate withdrawal when being questioned and I was as civil as possible. Especially considering the circumstances. I had a very strict but loving set of parents. Eliminating rudeness, as in what you are saying is not as important as what I am saying, it sure seems to betray a certain pre-planning of answers. Think about it.

Also, there can not be enough said about her deadpan delivery. Granted, we all react differently to stress. I have never (God willing never will) be in a position of looking for a lost child of mine. That being said, there are what seems to be pretty lame attempts at sounding emotional at key times. Its no comparison but I have a fixed cat who got out. Living next to a major highway, I was besides myself looking for him. When my sponsor called, he asked me what was wrong just from the sound of my voice when I answered the phone.

Next, I think the SIM card explanation, highly reminisce of 'Who's on first?', was one of the crucial moments when the police knew she was the key to the mystery. It reminded me of a helpdesk tech who did not want to escalate to level II so tries to bamboozle the non-tech on the other end of the line. For fellow armchair sleuths who have only read the transcripts, take the time to download the interviews and her first call home from jail. Couple those with the fact she NEVER called the cops, it was her mom, and there is a hole the defense will NEVER be able to climb out of with a jury.

Finally, at least for now :wink:, when she does show emotions, it seems a little (ha) askew. Yelling "I don't know what to do anymore!" and goes on about running out of options, driving around, etc. at the cops makes one think. Anyone who really did try to 'have their own investigation' would of felt that way after the first night. OK, I am not going to re-hash all the hinky stuff in the case. This thread is about "Casey speak' in all its forms. I am starting to ramble, so its time to pull the plug. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Maybe I need to pull the audio off of the Zune for a while. :alien:

*As in 'Don't bogart that joint, Humphrey'

I just got around to reading this today and I have to say that "You, my dear are a treasure. TY"
I worked with someone years ago who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.

One of the things this person did was talk in such a way, that in listening - you never knew whether you were coming or going. You couldnt get a straight answer. She would create a swirl of confusion and drama. You kind of knew she was lying and spinning, but could never quite pinpoint anything enough to really confront her. She would also include enough truth to make you think that maybe her story was plausible - maybe she was telling the truth. We called it crazy making conversation.

I bet you dollars to donuts, had we transcirbed her conversations and really analyzed them, we would have seen the inconsistencies, the lies.... but in the course of normal events of course, you don't take that kind of time. It would take too much energy! And when you want to believe someone,you land up focusing more on the kernel of truth of the conversation then the mountain of fluff and craziness.

I have no doubt that Casey operates in a similar fashion. She spins enough truth in what she has to say that for most of her life people have believed her or at least accepted to some extent her excuses, cover-ups, lies, spins, because it just wasnt that important - yeah - OK your dog ate your homework... whatever...

LE cannot accept her spin because Caylee is so very important. Her words are now transcribed and analysed. We can see the truth from the lies. As much as I have lost respect for George and Cindy, I can understand how they were snowed by Casey - Lee too.

We need to learn how to recognize and deal with people like Casey - I dont know what her diagnosis is - but it does make me wonder that if she had been on meds, or had Behaviour/Cognative therapy or if at least had George and Cindy been aware that their daughter was mentally ill and needed to be more closely supervised/monitored the outcome would have been different for Caylee
Maybe its me...but I seem to detect laughter from KC when she says something that is actually true.
I don't think ICA is smart, crafty or capable of planning the "perfect crime." I think she makes up things as she goes, taking advantage of whatever info she has access to at the time. I don't feel that there's a "grain of truth" in everything she says. For me, to say that would be giving her far too much credit.
Just realized something after watching cindy's FBI interview from 7/30 - initially the last seen date was June 9th, once Cindy realized that the video of the trip to visit grandpa debunked that date she delicately revealed to the FBI that Ricardo Morales told her that Caylee and KC slept over his house on June 9th as she is trying to throw him under the bus. My immediate thought was did she know this when she intitially gave the June 9th date? Did KC throw this date out there to implicate Ricardo early on?????
I don't think ICA is smart, crafty or capable of planning the "perfect crime." I think she makes up things as she goes, taking advantage of whatever info she has access to at the time. I don't feel that there's a "grain of truth" in everything she says. For me, to say that would be giving her far too much credit.

One thing the Colorful Cowboy got right - maybe the only thing ever - was that she lives her life 10 minutes a time.
Just realized something after watching cindy's FBI interview from 7/30 - initially the last seen date was June 9th, once Cindy realized that the video of the trip to visit grandpa debunked that date she delicately revealed to the FBI that Ricardo Morales told her that Caylee and KC slept over his house on June 9th as she is trying to throw him under the bus. My immediate thought was did she know this when she intitially gave the June 9th date? Did KC throw this date out there to implicate Ricardo early on?????

Cindy has also given June 14th as the last date she seen Caylee. It believe it was Greta inteview.

I have no idea how they got the dates so mixed up. I would think it would have been easy to grab a calender and count back 31 days. They would see that 31 days from July 15th, 2008 was June 15th, 2008 (Fathers Day) and I would think that Cindy would remember that she took Caylee to see her father on that day? She keeps saying she thought Fathers Day was the 8th?? It makes no sense to me that they wouldn't be looking at a calender?

Who knows? Maybe they wanted to cover up something that happened during that timeframe? The fight?? It's one of those questions that we will never get the answer to, or at least they'll never admit to why they didn't know the exact date?
If you take ICA's numerous lies you may hear her confession peppered through them
Here are a few things that have stood out to me.

To friend Christina You know I would not LET anything happen to my daughter Let being the key word.

To Lee maybe I'm a spiteful (expletive)

I George and Cindy I know she's close to home

To detectives If I just wanted to get rid of her I would just give her to my parents

I think she confessed even when Caylee died with the password for the find Caylee Myspace page which was Cays234

This is her confession in my Opinion

She killed Caylee therefore she didn't just let anything happen to her, and she didn't want to just get rid of her, because killed her to spite her parents. I also think she was killed just after George left for work and died at 2:34 pm


What has stood out to you in Casey's own words?
Something that struck me as extremely weird is when her parents came to visit her and she laughed and said, "Why's Mom crying?" or something like that.

It seems like her first thought (regardless of guilt or innocent) would be, "Oh, no, they found her body. Somehow Mom found out and they came to tell me." But to laugh??

I just don't get it.
. . . I think she confessed even when Caylee died with the password for the find Caylee Myspace page which was Cays234 . . .

[The above was respectfully snipped by me from the post of rbrnmw2]

That is a very interesting thought -- and definitely seems like something Casey might do.
I wish he would have answered too. Same with the guy Chris she tried to call, but I can definitely understand why they didn't. Everyone was disgusted with her at that point. There were a lot of things I wish LE did differently. Like if they didn't arrest her so quickly, they could have followed her and I bet she'd be dumb enough to lead them to the remains. Nonetheless LE still did a phenomenal job and the state has a solid case.

I know this has been brought up before, but what is with her using the sets of 3's with things? Is it an OCD thing or is it just so her story seems more believable?
For example, she'll say things like: jose said so, mom said so, and even therapist said so. I can't think of the exact context but I know she's said things similar to that several times.

Also what is with the whole..."they get their info from me but at the same time they twisted stuff" (A very ignorant statement considering we all heard the recording in her own words)
I want Caylee home but at the same time I want to be home when she gets there. I know she's said 'but at the same time' many a times.

Of course there are also the 3 things like:
Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales
Jeffery Michael Hopkins

P.S One of my favorites has got to be when she's talking about her two cells and not using the one that doesn't keeps charge because "for me, it's just not practical".

The A's have the weirdest way of speaking, but KC and lee are by far the worst. If they're all trying to come across as intelligent and well spoken, it has the opposite effect. I forget which poster said this, but they were right on the money when they said that when KC talks, she speaks as if english is her second language.

Anywho, sorry for the long post.

The "at the same time" does come up a lot. It seems to me that she often uses it when she hears herself make a faux pas, so she adds that to redeem the lie a bit -- Kaopectate for the "verbal diarrhea".
With the interrogation tapes coming into evidence, I am reminded of KC saying that she last saw Caylee when she dropped her off at the Sawgrass Apartments. Could the baby have died there in the empty apartment -- and did KC use that apartment on other occasions as a "babysitter" (with the assitance of Xanax or other drugs). Could that be where she took Caylee on the night that RM said Caylee disappeared, yet Cindy said she wasn't brought home?

I know it's not good to apply logic to KC's words, but she is so adamant that she last saw Caylee there.

First time I've seen this thread as I wasn't a WS member until 3/10. What amazes me the most about Casey-Speak is her overuse of qualifiers: actually, basically, honestly, really, supposedly, surprisingly, truthfully, etc. Casey chooses to use these adverbs at the beginning of a sentence as if she's using the words to make sure that the listener is attentive to what she is about to say. "Really" bugs me no end :D
First time I've seen this thread as I wasn't a WS member until 3/10. What amazes me the most about Casey-Speak is her overuse of qualifiers: actually, basically, honestly, really, supposedly, surprisingly, truthfully, etc. Casey chooses to use these adverbs at the beginning of a sentence as if she's using the words to make sure that the listener is attentive to what she is about to say. "Really" bugs me no end :D

Me too- and also how she always follows a statement with " That's EVEN what I told the detectives- or I told-mom, dad, lee, etc....
She seems to qualify each statement by saying she told someone else, as well. Usually more than one person.....actually. It's annoying as all get out. Not sure why she does it except that maybe it's a deterrent so that they won't discuss between each other. That, or it makes it all sound more legit!

Also- She ends EVERY sentence with - So.
Like you just know its all a lie.

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