Casey Speak ~ Casey Talk ~ Casey Code

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That's a good point. In this case, extensive details, like:

I put the Sim card here, I put the Sim card there . . . blah blah blah! She just went on and on about that one.
I also have had experience with a pl and totally agree they tend to add all sorts of details to out right lies and seems sometimes for no reason at all maybe to seem important or smart I don't know but I do know it is true
I also have had experience with a pl and totally agree they tend to add all sorts of details to out right lies and seems sometimes for no reason at all maybe to seem important or smart I don't know but I do know it is true

Another one is when she said she had received a call from Zenaida that very day, and then went on to say the number had been disconnected. To me, that was totally unnecessary to add the part about the disconnect. Too much information = Lie.
Juliette Lewis was mentioned by CA as a co-worker that after being researched never worked there past or present. How ever she is a famous actress that appeared in two serial killer movies, Kalifornia and Natural Born Killers.

This is a patteren, the fact she recently was watching American Psyhco which influenced her tatto on her shoulder of "Bella Vita" from the movie.
Juliette Lewis was mentioned by CA as a co-worker that after being researched never worked there past or present. How ever she is a famous actress that appeared in two serial killer movies, Kalifornia and Natural Born Killers.

This is a patteren, the fact she recently was watching American Psyhco which influenced her tatto on her shoulder of "Bella Vita" from the movie.

I don't see the connection to her tattoo and the film American Psycho.

I searched the script:
I may have mis spoken, the tatto may not be a part of that movie, however the movie (American Pyscho)was on CA's myspace as movie currently being watched. then to referreence a actress that was in two more very disturbing serial killer movies is odd. Kalifornia and Natural born Killers are the movies Juilette Lewis stared in.

The tatto is a road between her home and her boyfriends home with the club fusion kind of in the middle. she keeps mentioning the parks which are the oppisite direction.
LEE: So this Black Jack where did you, you said that you reported it missing, give me the information so I can find this phone.


CASEY: I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it.

Could "Blackjack" be code for Caylee????? Could she actually NOT remember where she left her???? :waitasec:
Could "Blackjack" be code for Caylee????? Could she actually NOT remember where she left her???? :waitasec:

Blackjack could be "backpack"
and Sim Card could be "Caylee"

And she was moving the Sim card all around...because it the blackjack would not hold its "charge" (also someone you are responsible for is known as a charge).

Heck, I do not know.

I know it's reaching but definitions of "charge" as a noun.
a. Expense; cost.
b. The price asked for something: no charge for window-shopping.
a. A weight or burden; a load: a freighter relieved of its charge of cargo.
b. The quantity that a container or apparatus can hold.
3. A quantity of explosive to be set off at one time.
4. An assigned duty or task; a responsibility: The commission's charge was to determine the facts.
5. One that is entrusted to another's care or management: the baby sitter's three young charges.
a. Supervision; management: the scientist who had overall charge of the research project.
b. Care; custody: a child put in my charge.
Could "Blackjack" be code for Caylee????? Could she actually NOT remember where she left her???? :waitasec:

I just re-read the bolded conversation between Lee and Casey and yeah, totally makes sense now.

I think that, perhaps, she was talking about a phone or a SIM card when she was talking about going to Universal for "not necessarily fun" and he was clarifying. I think she dumped a phone/SIM card there.

THEN, I think he changed directions and was totally talking about Caylee. Her recent story change coincides with "I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it." She says she took Caylee to Jay Blanchard to meet ZG. (Lie) However, something about the park and Caylee seems to be true.

Look at this map:
and see if anything rings a bell with this statement of hers where she says she got the Blackjack: "Through the AT&T Store, ***, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is."
I just re-read the bolded conversation between Lee and Casey and yeah, totally makes sense now.

I think that, perhaps, she was talking about a phone or a SIM card when she was talking about going to Universal for "not necessarily fun" and he was clarifying. I think she dumped a phone/SIM card there.

THEN, I think he changed directions and was totally talking about Caylee. Her recent story change coincides with "I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it." She says she took Caylee to Jay Blanchard to meet ZG. (Lie) However, something about the park and Caylee seems to be true.

Look at this map:
and see if anything rings a bell with this statement of hers where she says she got the Blackjack: "Through the AT&T Store, ***, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is."

Who says "bottom left" side of town? I don't even say South West but I would give locations or landmarks. To me, it is suspicious.

If she truly means "bottom left" then she must mean an AT&T store near the Florida Mall? I doesn't matter. LE knows where she had the AT&T transaction (from receipts, right)?
Respectfully snipped ~

This is a great observation! Maybe we should be looking at times when Casey gives out too much detail. Remember that TonE the boyfriend said that Casey's dad picked up the car and took it to the mechanic? She supposedly even said who the mechanic was and what was wrong with the car and blah, blah, blah. I remember thinking - why would she say all those things when she was lying? Why? I couldn't believe she would give all those details when she was not speaking the truth. How hard would that be to remember if someone asked you about it later :confused:


She's a talker. Generally, the more talkers talks, the less opportunity there is for other people in the room with them to logically evaluate what they're saying, at least immediately. She fills up space with words, in her case a lot of lies mixed in with reality. While listeners minds are occupied listening to a lot of sentences and paragraphs, there is less time for them to process and analyze her schtick. She controls a lot of the flow of conversation. If a question pops up in the listeners mind, she's still talking and by the time she stops, the question might have been lost. If the question gets asks, and the talker doesn't really to want answer, she'll probably be able to lose the question under a blitz of information. And she sounds good. Maybe some of it seems a little off but if the stakes aren't particularly high (if money hasn't been stolen and children aren't missing), oh well. She's attractive, seems nice and why wouldn't what she's saying be true? She says it all so seamlessly. You make a really good point, detail from Caylee's mom could indicate cover because that could show a point where she was talking to obscure truth! Good possibility.
Who says "bottom left" side of town? I don't even say South West but I would give locations or landmarks. To me, it is suspicious.

If she truly means "bottom left" then she must mean an AT&T store near the Florida Mall? I doesn't matter. LE knows where she had the AT&T transaction (from receipts, right)?

You missed the point-- I said that it's not about the phone. Look at the map and forget about the AT&T store-- that has nothing to do with it. But what does "bottom left" have to do with missing Caylee, per the map? It was code for SOMETHING. What?
Do you remember from the 400+ pages of docs how often people say that she told them how horrible her father is? ... I think that she has some MAJOR daddy issues!

There was a Dr. on NG the other night said that Casey is most motivated by the men in her life ... that the reason she made up the new story about "Zanny in the park with Samantha" was to "please" Rob Dick. I can't help but wondering about her and Jose. I can see that she would really fall for him ... rich, successful ... appears to believe her, protects her, will defend her to all ends ... etc.

I wish that there was some way that we could get some really hot guy (or considering Casey's preference -- some remotely hot guy, who is also Latino) on MySpace or Facebook to befriend her ... and spend some time courting her. Or if TonE would contact her and pretend to believe her ...I just think that eventually she has to trust someone enough to tell what she knows. IMO the right guy could lull her into a false sense of security until she finally cracks.
Week-long reader, first-time poster:

Quite often I solve crossword puzzle clues by trying to put the clue into a context I might say or use. When I read what she said to her brother, I automatically thought she meant the bottom left of "something." Whether she has a bookcase, desk, or other storage place, I think whatever it is (whether it is the phone or not), is in the bottom left of that place. Being her brother (albeit older), he probably knows most of her hiding places. (Who knows? It could even mean the linen closet!)

Also I know that there is actually a "blackjack" phone, but do you suppose she was trying to convey the number 21? (I am a retired math teacher and know that at times words are often used as shorthand numbers.) Of course, we all bring our own life experiences into our logic but saying blackjack meaning 21 sounds feasible to me.
You missed the point-- I said that it's not about the phone. Look at the map and forget about the AT&T store-- that has nothing to do with it. But what does "bottom left" have to do with missing Caylee, per the map? It was code for SOMETHING. What?

Left (Caylee) at bottom (of water) in Blanchard Park?

I'm still thinking...anyone got the map of JUST THE CELLPHONE PINGS? I can't seem to find it.
I just re-read the bolded conversation between Lee and Casey and yeah, totally makes sense now.

I think that, perhaps, she was talking about a phone or a SIM card when she was talking about going to Universal for "not necessarily fun" and he was clarifying. I think she dumped a phone/SIM card there.

THEN, I think he changed directions and was totally talking about Caylee. Her recent story change coincides with "I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it." She says she took Caylee to Jay Blanchard to meet ZG. (Lie) However, something about the park and Caylee seems to be true.
Look at this map:
and see if anything rings a bell with this statement of hers where she says she got the Blackjack: "Through the AT&T Store, ***, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is."

The part I bolded in your post, (However, something about the park and Caylee seems to be true), caught my attention as I was reviewing this thread. RD, LP's bodyguard guy, said on NG this week that Casey had told him the story of ZFG and Blanchard Park and The Script. According to him, she volunteered the information and talked A LOT.

So she has created a new scenario that appears to be a way to provide coverage for all previous lies. Imagine that -- everything she has done for 30-plus days now falls under The Script and she is absolved of all responsibility and now has a clean slate.

Maybe when you get into big-time lying, you need to create a clean slate every now and then!

I don't think she was just rambling. She knew this information would be in the media (unlike many of her other original lies which were told before the media got hold of her, back when she thought all she had to do was fool mom and dad).

Oops, I'm rambling, too . . . uh where was I? Oh, back to the OP's thought that there is something about Blanchard Park and Caylee being true. I agree, the proverbial "kernel of truth" is in that lie.

What is the kernel of truth in The Script?

The end.
I just thought of something-- I am sure it is nothing but I am word associating.

"script"-- prescription is also known as script. Scripts for controlled substances (at least in my state) are given for a month, 30-day supply. (xanax and the like)

I know, I know. Free association is silly :)
To Betty Boop:
I am almost certain Casey said to George when he visited her in jail.Although she also said that to Cindy surely,I don't recall ever reading that she said that just to George. If you remember,Casey was "feeling vibes" that Casey was "close" and would be coming home "soon." Remember Cindy saying all that over and over before Caylee's birthday and as it inched closer and closer to that birthday,Casey cruelly pulled this "closer" and "soon" deal on her mother and father to where the Anthony's totally bought whatever pronouncement Casey would come up with. That was cruelly tragic and such an evil thing to do especially to her parents.
To Betty Boop:
I am almost certain Casey said to George when he visited her in jail.Although she also said that to Cindy surely,I don't recall ever reading that she said that just to George. If you remember,Casey was "feeling vibes" that Casey was "close" and would be coming home "soon." Remember Cindy saying all that over and over before Caylee's birthday and as it inched closer and closer to that birthday,Casey cruelly pulled this "closer" and "soon" deal on her mother and father to where the Anthony's totally bought whatever pronouncement Casey would come up with. That was cruelly tragic and such an evil thing to do especially to her parents.

I wonder if there was anything more to that "birthday homecoming" stuff, you know, other than a cruel joke? Because, as you say, that is pure evil. Hard as I try, I can't think of a reason for Casey to spin that one. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
You missed the point-- I said that it's not about the phone. Look at the map and forget about the AT&T store-- that has nothing to do with it. But what does "bottom left" have to do with missing Caylee, per the map? It was code for SOMETHING. What?

Per the phone..."bottom left" DRAWER.
This may be way out there. Could 'bottom left' mean the tire wheel well in GA SUV where they found a gun. If you are sitting in the car it would be the left side of the vehichle. What I don't know if is there are two wells in back of this car and what their placement is. Heck I don't even know what kind of SUV he has.
Of course I am now aware that there was a message on Casey's myspace or facebook about buying a blackjack phone so it may be she was speaking about an acutal phone or the message on the myspace or facebook page was about a gun to begin with.
A blackjack is a weapon, not a gun, but it is a weapon.

Thinking and rambling and rambling and thinking. :eek:

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