Casey support thread all beliefs welcome

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Wow, the mullet reborn X 3!
i can't say i "support" casey, she makes me so mad i could slap her but i do pray for her and the entire anthony family daily and here is what i pray

“dear lord, only you know what is in our hearts and you know that i have caylee and the entire anthony family on my heart so heavy. Lord please wrap your arms around casey anthony and let her know you will make whatever has happened to caylee bearable. Lord make her know you love her and you forgive her and as long as she has your love and forgiveness she can get through anything. Heavenly father, i can not imagine the pain and heartache of george, cindy and lee lift some of that pain, give them peace. Remind them how much caylee loved them and the great memories they have of her. Lord please take the guilt away from this family, the should of, would of, could of thoughts they have get rid of them. I ask all of this in your name and stand on faith that this will work out in your time not mine.”

I really, really want to say something, but for once I'm going to be good and keep my big mouth shut.
I support Casey's right to live the rest of her life in prison for the crimes she has committed. Her right to medical attention, 3 squares a day with all the desert she can stuff in her face, her right to be treated as a human being although I believe she is a monster, her right to work while in prison and earn pennies a day for her labors, her right to obtain a PhD while in prison, and her right to choose the path she has chosen. That is the only support she gets from me.
I fully support the idea that she should stay in prison.
I support the fact that the only partying that KC will do will be with her new gal pals in her new place of residence and it has to be done before "LIGHTS OUT" is yelled by the prison guard.

No more Fusian Lounge, non stop texting, lying, stealing or baby killing for KC. That's what I support.

I'm Frenchvixen and I approve this message.
Now, before you :eek: please hear me out.

Wether you believe the alive version or the not alive side, there are alot of people that think either way, Casey is to blame for something.

If Caylee comes home tomorrow, I still want her to pay for all the hurt she has caused. However, some people translate Caylee alive= Casey is either a victim too, or she might not have done anything wrong....etc

So, if you want a place to defend Casey without including it as a basis of either side of the theory fence....have at it.
Support how? No support here. What she did is not normal in any sense no matter what scenario can be offered up. It is unnatural, mothers are supposed to protect and love their children, she did neither.:no:
I don't understand????
If One (1) itsy bitsy speck shows decomp, that means there was decomp.
It doesn't mean that part of someone was decomposing.
I support her right to a fair trial and her right to die by lethal injection.

I am sorry but that is all that I can muster up as far as feelings for her. It seems to be that regardless of whether she killed her on purpose or by accident, or was negligent and allowed her death to occur, she is still guilty of what happened to Caylee and as such should pay the price.

Wanted to add that even if the outlandish scenario that she gave, traded, or sold her proves to be the case, she is still guilty of any number of horrific crimes against Caylee and should still pay.

there is no scenario short of.....nevermind I couldn't think of anything that would justify her actions, that would make her a victim rather that a perp or an accomplice. Either way, Caylee is gone and she did nothing to help police/herself/her family or especially Caylee.
Is this a Cindyism looking for someone who drank the Koolaid???
Or is the JB's way of polling potential jurors???

How do you support the actions of this women, whether it be murder, lieing, stealing or not reporting her daughter missing....I dont get it....
I support Casey the same way SHE supported Caylee.
I enthusiastically support life without possibility of parole for any woman who 'loses' her baby and won't help police locate the child. If that's KC, then I actively support that result for her!
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