Casey & The Anthonys: The Early Years

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It's odd that no one has been able to find marriage or birth records.
you are correct none of it ever goes away.

Even if a charge is dismissed?
My son (now an 18 year old college student) has had one scrape with the law, a curfew violation at age 16. No arrest, just a citation and escorted home in a squad car. We went to juvenile court and the judge ordered 8 hrs community service plus a small fine- upon completion of that in a timely fashion, he said the charge would be dismissed. A few weeks later we went back with the necessary papers and the judge dismissed the charge. I was was told there would not be a record. Could there still be a record? :waitasec::confused:
Has anyone tried to use the $5 background checks for any of the Anthony's?
Trust me when I tell you that when people work together in a hospital with doctors they get to know those doctors and those doctors will write them prescriptions, including refills and a wide variety WITHOUT any examination at all. I KNOW this-it is not something that I was told, it is something that I have witnessed time and again with several relatives in the health care industry. My egg donor could get a "scrip" to ANYTHING she wanted and I personally KNOW one woman who was getting prescriptions for Oxycontin from the doctor that she worked for and dosing it out to her son which was heavily addicted. It happens, and to deny that it happens is to deny the very reality of what IS...It may not be the case with every place and every doctor, but it IS a major possibility that Cindy was getting something prescribed to HER and administering it or "sharing" it with Casey, or allowing Casey to steal it from her without doing anything to stop it. The only way to know this would be to have a look at their drug store records and see what the "scrips" have been...and then find some way to believe anything that Cindy would say on the subject.

Also, it was never stated that Cindy DID this, only that it was a potential...:)

I'm an RN, and there is almost NO way to get your hands on controlled substances (including most psychoactive drugs) without denying the meds to your patients.

Controlled substances are counted at the beginning (and end) of every shift. Each and every dose must be accounted for. If part of, say, a prefilled syringe must be wasted in order to get the correct dose, the wastage must be witnessed and and the record countersigned. This prevents an RN from using "leftovers."

While I don't dispute that there are a handful of unethical doctors who will write prescriptions for people they have not examined, including colleagues, I don't think it's likely that Cindy Anthony--a home health care provider (whose contact with physicians would be near-nil)---would be able to approach a doctor and say, "I'd like a controlled substance for my personality-disordered daughter." The DEA keeps a pretty close watch on docs who prescribe controlled substances, and their record-keeping needs to be pretty darn impeccable.

Does this mean that there aren't any doctors who are willing to jeopardize their licenses to satisfy the wants of a colleague? No, of course not. But it simply is NOT common practice. It very much is outside the norm, and very low on the list of possibilities in my mind.

And really, aside from all that, the primary reason it's not plausible to me is that there aren't any meds that treat personality disorders effectively.

Casey's pathology grew as she grew. Sociopathy manifests in adulthood. There may be signs earlier, but they are often attributed to spoiledness, and minimized. In the time she was latent, psychopathologically speaking, she may have been okay at school---but I'd wager she was a handful at home.

I think the blame is being misplaced here. Cindy and George may not have handled things ideally, but unless you've lived with a sociopath, you have no idea how effectively they can shift your thinking from, "My God--this is insane, and we have to do something about it!" to "Oh, thank God---I was wrong! Things are going to be okay."

(My sister and I used to joke about our family sociopath's amazing ability to make us feel privileged and special to be abused. And I hate to tell you how long it took for us to realize that we WERE living with a sociopath and being abused! If you're "normal," it's just not the sort of thing you expect from others in your midst.)
Rick who, Brini?

CA's older brother. KC's uncle.

The family, per him, has been at odds over the enabling of KC's behaviors for a long time. It hit the fan when KC was seven months gone, at Rick's wedding. GA and CA insisted that KC was a virgin. The rest of the famlly insisted that KC be taken to an OB.

Now, apparently the extended family gets news of CA and GA through Rick and CA's mom. There is little other contact.

Rick posted here, and on Topix for awhile. There was also a "false Rick" that posted at the same time. We DID easily sort them out.:)

I think I read that he finally got hold of NG, and has ben advising her.

He really loves his sister, and has been sad about the schism.
You are so right, Magic. And don't forget the tons of samples the drug reps dump on docs daily. Some of my former in-laws were medical professionals, and I concur with your statement. That doesn't mean it's true in this case, but it's certainly a possibility.

Maybe. But. wherever I've worked, the samples get locked up, too.

I've heard some docs keep them in their desks, but I haven't seen it.

Most places, the drugs are so well accounted for that a repeated "waste" would cause the nurse some serious problems. Including termination, and maybe loss of license.

BTW-- Every "waste" (that's, say, dropping a pill on the floor) of a controlled substance has to be witnessed and signed off by two nurses.

And, all the controlled substances are counted by two nurses at the beginning and end of each shift, with both signing off.
Hi, new here....
I am an RN from OHIO and here is the licensure from when CA lived here in Ohio and practiced nursing. (I X'd out her actual name) Don't know why she went "inactive" in '95. Maybe did she move out of the state then?
Has anyone looked up her licensure status in Florida?

Name and Address [back]


License and Registration Information
Credential License Type Original Issue Issue Date Expiration Date Status Discipline How issued
RN.163136- Registered Nurse 09/07/1979 06/17/1993 08/31/1995 INACTIVE Examination

Disclaimer: The JCAHO and the NCQA consider on-line status information as fulfilling the primary source requirement for verification of licensure in compliance with their respective credentialing standards.

This information is provided as a public service and no user may claim detrimental reliance thereon.

Verification Performed: 10/31/2008.
HOW is it possible...With all of the media attention that this case has gotten, all the countless blogs, posts, threads about this and the family...That NOTHING surfaces about their past? Not a smidgen of information! I'm not even talking b"bad" stuff...Just facts. No history. ???
how is it possible...with all of the media attention that this case has gotten, all the countless blogs, posts, threads about this and the family...that nothing surfaces about their past? Not a smidgen of information! I'm not even talking b"bad" stuff...just facts. No history. ???

very,very odd!!!
I lived in Ohio for quite a few years. It is pretty well known in the state that there is (and has been) mob activity going on in the Youngstown area (Niles is just a bit north.) I am not trying to insinuate anything here… rather putting some regional info out on the table. Maybe it could help lead to some explanation to some aspect of this crazy case.
If CA was born in 1958 and received her RN license in 1979, she probably went to a 2 year College that awarded an Associate's Degree or back then, they had 3 year diploma nursing schools that allowed one to sit for State Boards. If she was until recently a Clinical Manager, she would have probably had to upgrade to at least a BSN: Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.

If she was still practicing in Ohio from 79-95, both kids would have had to have born in Ohio.
I lived in Ohio for quite a few years. It is pretty well known in the state that there is (and has been) mob activity going on in the Youngstown area (Niles is just a bit north.) I am not trying to insinuate anything here… rather putting some regional info out on the table. Maybe it could help lead to some explanation to some aspect of this crazy case.
I have thought about this. I did venture into a case a little while back (Terry Armstrong) where this was much discussed and I remember at the time that there was a lot of discussion about secrecy and the difficulty in finding information there. Also - when Rick was posting, someone from the area also posted to him, she asked Rick about a coroner and some sort of scandal that happened at the time that GA was still working with LE. She never went into any detail about it and it kind of ended there. Rick never answered her. I tried to look into it a bit and found very little...

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