Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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Could the City or County hire her? They could give her plastic bags and a stick, let her clean trash from Suburban Dr. lot.:maddening:
At what point do CM and JB tell her she's on her own. Good luck, have a great life? What is she to them. The trial is over. The other lawsuits are being handled by another attorney, aren't they? I just don't get why the DT continues to coddle her.

Maybe they won't anymore. :D Will be interesting to see what happens. So far, there's (uncharacteristically!) a lot of 'silence' coming out of certain Central Florida law offices! :D
well, at least it seems she'll have to be held accountable for one small thing...probation. shame child services took so long with their report, that probably would have helped with her trial. sighs.
Tricia Griffith
By a show of hands how many think Casey will get pregnant soon?

Tricia Griffith
By a show of hands how many think I am an idiot for saying, "by a show of hands?"

I was actually thinking of this just this morning while getting ready for work...if she's not already with a bun in the oven. Hope JB wore a rain-coat...:floorlaugh:
I've got the job. JB & CM can ask friends to pay her to clean their houses and keep it all hush, hush!

Hey, that's not a bad job.

What do you mean by clean????? She certainly did an excellent job of cleaning out while living at home and I'm not talking about bathrooms. jmo
I don't count on the probation department enforcing the order on her working. There is no way anyone will hire her now.

But she'll still have to show that she's actively looking for a job, won't she? And people will see her. She's not going to be able to stay very hidden with these rules.
I have to admit this is the best flippin news I've had in ages. I'm grinning ear to ear here knowing that she just got that smirk scrubbed off her face with the ruling. Gosh life is good today isn't it?
Could the City or County hire her? They could give her plastic bags and a stick, let her clean trash from Suburban Dr. lot.:maddening:

Yes, great idea...maybe she can locate the rest of her precious daughter's remains!:furious:
Casey worked a total of 6 months before she had Caylee at Universal taking pictures of tourists. That is the only job we know that she has ever held. She is now 25 years old. A big whopping six months of being employed. I have worked since I was 14. I stared at a local Dunkin Donuts. The old style that actually had a counter and ceramic coffee cups and I put up with the old lechers hanging out in there to see the pretty young girls and trying to give you a dime for a tip and think you owed them something for it. LOL thankfully I've come a long way but I don't hold my breath that Casey will ever hold a job.

I have a question that I cannot find the answer to. How come she owes a over 60,000 in back taxes? Is this from selling photos to the media?
One thing is clear: BP does not like JB.

He suggests that JB broke rules when he failed to speak up about the probation error. If so, shouldn't there be a censure, or worse for this weasely snakelike swampthing?
Finally finished reading the order. Thanks to all that pointed out to me that the Probation orders are in the Attachment.

It states on page 2 of the attachment:

#6 - You will not use intoxicants to excess, nor will you visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used.

Meaning she can drink, but not get really drunk?

#7-You will work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependents to the best of your ability as directed by your PO.

I definitely don't read this as she MUST get a job as a condition of probation.

I always thought, "you will work diligently", means the offender must have a job. Any clarification would be appreciated though.
And what are the chances of that appeal, that took HHJP one week and thirteen pages will be struck down? On what basis would they appeal?

I'll just say it one more time - I promise - NO WAY JOSE!! ........:woot:

I agree with you LG!! When HHJP said in court he would have to research other case law...possibly out of the state of FL, he went above and beyond. The last ruling he quoted was from the United States Supreme Court. Doesn't get much higher. I may be wrong, have been before, but I seriously doubt the state of Fl appellate court will overrule the US Supreme Court. JMO, but I certinly hope I'm right about this.

I never lost faith in HHJP and I am so very happy today!!!
Bet a million she goes to work for George and Cindy's foundation.

That would mean they would be having a felon who was convicted of stealing handing money, checks, credit cards???? Not sure how people pay these days. Not everyone wants to use paypal. jmo
Job=put on JB's payroll and he'll dole out the remainder of the $200k blood money to her in weekly installments

Baez office isn't located in Orange County ...nor is the hugger/patter/stroker Dorothy Sims. :)

Maybe Cheney will hire her as his receptionist. :floorlaugh: Nope that won't do ... Casey wants to be an attorney! :twocents:
What would she put on her resume for job skills?

researched unimaginable solutions?
cleaned caches filled with incriminating evidence?
imagined and provided fake scenarios when pushed in a corner?
remembered intricate webs of information ?
collected other people's moneys?
set personal priorities over precious life?
administered drugs?

Additions to her resume:

I will follow the job through to completion
I will not let anything or anyone stand in the way of what i want
I will gladly lie, steal and cheat when necessary
References: The Pinellas 12
Yes the 68K is from the sale of pictures and Baez it appears did not pay the taxes as the administrator of the funds.
I agree with you LG!! When HHJP said in court he would have to research other case law...possibly out of the state of FL, he went above and beyond. The last ruling he quote was from the United States Supreme Court. Doesn't get much higher. I may be wrong, have been before, but I seriously doubt the state of Fl appellate court will overrule the US Supreme Court. JMO, but I certinly hope I'm right about this.

I never lost faith in HHJP and I am so very happy today!!!

And I'm sure he's hoping that now.....this will be the end of it. jmo
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