Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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Brevard County. And recent enough it is still exactly the same way.

I have never known anyone who followed all the probation rules (to this day) that has had to report in person for more than the first nine of twelve months.

I never had to wait more than 20 minutes to meet with my PO, and once the meeting started, it never lasted more than 15 minutes.

According to her probation rules, Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge not the amounts you listed.

Being as this was not a drug related case, I find it highly unlikely she will ever randomally be drug tested.

It was my experience, other than my scheduled meeting time, my PO officer had no desire or interest to check on me.

Her terms of probation do not require her to have a phone, either cell or land.

As I stated before, I was NEVER denied a travel permit.

From my experience, probation in Florida IS a walk in the park.

When Casey Anthony returns to Orlando she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a cheque-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.

Court documents reveal that the she must:
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month.
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge.
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer .
Neither possess, carry or own any weapons or firearm without first getting consent from her probation officer
Not 'use intoxicants to excess'.
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used.
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability' .
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly.
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances.
Submit to reasonable searches without a warrant of her person, effects, residence or business premises or vehicle for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons or firearms.
Submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, blood) upon request to determine the presence and quantity of alcohol or controlled substance in blood.
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts.

Read more:

Again, a great argument for enforcing current probation terms and tougher sentences for DUI's.
Yes, he thinks the appeal process would be dead in the water - my paraphrasing - that it would be a no go.

Who :waitasec: puts a "stay" on probation FGS! I mean c'mon! Maybe Jose would rather she served out time for the other seven counts of fraud this probation is in place of?

I'd laugh so hard if the appeals process sure - let's put a stay on her appeal and yes, you win your appeal. Now back to jail to serve out those seven counts...bwaaahhhaaaa - be careful what you ask for Jose!

Fantastic!!! I need to go to a ear nose and chimp doctor...
That would be hilarious. I was half expecting HHJBP to do something similar before he had the clerk publish the verdict.
OK, you get your mistrial!
Well, thank you. That was dampening my spirits, just a bit.
Brevard County. And recent enough it is still exactly the same way.

I have never known anyone who followed all the probation rules (to this day) that has had to report in person for more than the first nine of twelve months.

I never had to wait more than 20 minutes to meet with my PO, and once the meeting started, it never lasted more than 15 minutes.

According to her probation rules, Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge not the amounts you listed.

Being as this was not a drug related case, I find it highly unlikely she will ever randomally be drug tested.

It was my experience, other than my scheduled meeting time, my PO officer had no desire or interest to check on me.

Her terms of probation do not require her to have a phone, either cell or land.

As I stated before, I was NEVER denied a travel permit.

From my experience, probation in Florida IS a walk in the park.

When Casey Anthony returns to Orlando she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a cheque-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.

Court documents reveal that the she must:
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month. This may be easy to do, if she has transportation and that pesky drivers license.
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge. Needs a job, FICA's past history with employment is sketchy at best.
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer . FICA has to find a place to live and a job...good luck.
Neither possess, carry or own any weapons or firearm without first getting consent from her probation officer I didn't think Felons could possess a firearm with or with out the PO's permission.
Not 'use intoxicants to excess'. No getting Drunk!
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used. FICA can not go to the bars and be in Hot Body contests or the Shot Girl Mgr.
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability' . Baahwaahaaaaa
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly. FICA can assuredly answer anything promptly, it is getting her to answer truthfully that is the trick!
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances.
Submit to reasonable searches without a warrant of her person, effects, residence or business premises or vehicle for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons or firearms. This list should have included duct tape.
Submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, blood) upon request to determine the presence and quantity of alcohol or controlled substance in blood. I don't see FICA having a problem with this, she is adept at urinating in strange places.
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts.

Read more:

This may have been a walk in the park for you and you didn't seem to mind it at all but for most folks this would be very intrusive to everyday life. Red is mine.
She doesn't have to take GED classes. All she has to do is take the GED test. IMO taking, and passing, the test for some one that is just missing only half a credit wouldn't be a problem.

Casey Marie Anthony is 'missing' a lot more than 1/2 credit. :innocent:
I have no idea, which is why I am asking - is a DUI a felony in the States? Maybe if you had 13 DUI's they would have been tougher on you???

I believe a DUi in most States is a misdemeanor but it could be a felony depending on if it a first offense and other factors. What is up there in the provinces?
Florida DUI Charges

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious charge that carries serious penalties. In Florida, DUI is one offense, which can be proved either by impairment of normal faculties, or unlawful blood alcohol content (BAC) level of .08% or higher (DUI Per Se). Regardless of how the offense is proven, the penalties upon conviction are the same.

Florida has a "per se" DUI law. This means that once a BAC level of .08 or higher is established, the prosecution does not have to additionally prove impaired driving. The fact that a person was driving with a BAC of .08% or higher is enough.

DUI's are typically charged as misdemeanors in Florida. A DUI can become a felony charge, however, if any of the circumstances occur that is listed below. Felony DUI charges carry more severe penalties.

NOTE: First and second DUI offenses are classified as misdemeanors. However, more severe penalties will be given if the person's BAC level was .15 or higher, or if there was a minor under the age of 18 in the car at the time of the DUI arrest.

DUI With Property Damage:

A DUI offense which results in damage to the property or person of another is a misdemeanor in the first degree. This means that if you are arrested for DUI following an accident in which the property of another was damaged, you may be charged under the DUI Property Damage section of the Florida DUI statute. A DUI Property Damage charge carries more severe penalties then a regular first offense DUI.

Florida's Zero Tolerance Law:

Any person under the age of 21 who is pulled over during a lawful traffic stop and suspected of DUI will be charged for DUI if they have a BAC of .02 or higher.

I have no idea, which is why I am asking - is a DUI a felony in the States? Maybe if you had 13 DUI's they would have been tougher on you???
Now this is weird....:waitasec: .....I heard him say JB will appeal and there won't be a stay....

I didn't hear him at all. Please don't toy with me ,LG :dramaqueen:

I simply cannot take any more :maddening:

What you have posted is what Judge Perry has ordered in regards to her probation. You do realize that Florida Department of Corrections Probation and Parole have their own set of rules that she must abide by to include...

General Information About Adult Community Supervision

Role of Probation Officer
Victim Restitution
Citizen Complaints
Offender Complaints (Grievance Process)
24 Hour Access to Probation & Parole Officer
Drug Testing Procedure
Prohibition of the Possession or use of Firearms, Weapons, or Explosives
Criminal Registration

Role of Probation Officer
The priorities of an officer include: Protecting the public, monitoring and enforcing conditions of supervision imposed by the Court or releasing authority, addressing non-compliance of conditions of supervision with the Court or releasing authority, and making appropriate referrals to available local community resources in order to assist the offender.

Victim Restitution
The Department utilizes the Court Ordered Payment System (COPS) to track monetary obligations imposed by the Court or releasing authority, and to process payments made by offenders.

Payments are submitted by the offender and are processed through COPS staff in a central location and mailed to the individual victims.

It is imperative that the victim informs the probation officer if their mailing address changes to ensure payments are received.

"No Contact with Victim" (provision in the order of supervision)
If ordered by the Court or Florida Parole Commission, this condition prohibits the offender from having any contact with the victim (even through a third party). This includes verbal, physical, direct and indirect contact including phone calls, letters, e-mail messages, frequenting places known to be frequented by the victim, driving by their residence or employment site, etc.

The Probation Officer notifies the victim via letter of this condition, and requests the victim to inform the officer of any contact initiated by the offender, in order to protect the victim and to enforce this condition of supervision.

Citizen Complaints
Refers to any formal or informal expression of dissatisfaction concerning any Department staff member, procedure, or requirement. If a citizen has a complaint about a particular offender, it should be brought to the officer's attention to resolve. If the citizen is not satisfied with the response, the complaint will be forwarded to the officer's supervisor. If the citizen is still not satisfied, the complaint will be forwarded to the Circuit Administrator, then the Regional Director. Each level supervisor should be given the opportunity to resolve the issue before it is forwarded to another party.

Offender Complaints (Grievance Process)
Refers to a formal written complaint by an offender concerning an incident, procedure, or condition within a probation office that affects her/him personally. If an offender has a complaint, it should be brought to her/his officer's attention first to attempt to resolve. If the offender is not satisfied with the outcome or response, the complaint will be forwarded to the officer's supervisor. If the offender is still not satisfied, the grievance will be forwarded to the Circuit Administrator, then the Regional Director. Each level supervisor should be given the opportunity to resolve the issue before it is forwarded to another party.

Offenders are provided with a copy of the "Offender Grievance Process" at her/his initial interview with the officer.

24 Hour Access to Probation & Parole Officer
Every offender is given an emergency contact phone number during their initial interview when placed on supervision.

"Emergency" situations include:
Reporting new arrest,
Offender medical emergency requiring a Community Controlee, or an offender under curfew schedule, or electronic monitoring to leave their residence,
Offender family medical emergency requiring a Community Controlee, or an offender under curfew schedule, or electronic monitoring to leave their residence,
Offender family member death where offender is requesting permission to travel to arrange or attend a funeral out of the county or state,
Offender employment situation where he/she is required to deviate from their Community Control schedule, or curfew schedule,
Offender employment situation where he/she has to leave the county or state for work purposes, or
An offender instructed to relocate from an approved residence (through eviction or domestic issues) as an emergency issue.

In case of a life-threatening situation, the offender should call local police, fire or medical emergency personnel prior to contacting her/his probation officer. All non-emergency questions should wait until the officer is available in the office Monday through Friday 8AM - 5PM.

Drug Testing Procedure
Section 948.03(1)(k) authorizes Correctional Probation Officers to conduct drug/alcohol tests on offenders. Offenders are provided information regarding drug testing including:

random process of urine testing (no warning of test date)
actual drug testing process (Offenders are witnessed when providing urine specimen)
payment for testing fees
consequences of positive results, and
consequences of refusal to cooperate or report for the drug test.

Prohibition of the Possession or use of Firearms, Weapons, or Explosives
Pursuant to State and Federal laws, all offenders under supervision are prohibited from possessing, purchasing, receiving, or transporting firearms, weapons, and explosives. "Weapon" means any dirk, knife, metallic knuckles, slungshot, billie, tear gas gun, chemical weapon or device, or other deadly weapon except a firearm or a common pocketknife, plastic knife, or blunt-bladed table knife, as provided in s.790.001 Florida Statutes.

Criminal Registration
Pursuant to Section 775.13, Florida Statutes, offenders are required to register with the sheriff of any county she/he enters in this state, within 48 hours. Registration may include being fingerprinted, photographed, listing the crime, sentencing location, sentence imposed, name, aliases, if any, address, and occupation. Failure to comply with this statute constitutes a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Even though we have been asked not to use this phrase, with all due respect, you are wrong. My probation rules were the EXACT same as hers.

..i mentioned that felon was required to -probation rule #7--GET A JOB. stated "I was never denied a travel permit. I did not work, nor did I have any verifiable income in the state of Florida." does that make your probation the 'exact same' as hers is ? doesn't sound as if you were required to be gainfully employed?
Yes, a kid on probation and his mentor put a new roof on my house. The kid was nice, courteous, a very hard worker. Up on the roof in the July heat, and not one complaint.

I wonder what KC could do without complaint. She is a chameleon but every now and then things get to her and her true colors show. My bet is she works for one of her DT. And that her PO will be just fine with it.

My next door neighbor works for DOC, not exactly sure what he does. Anyway, he frequently has folks working on his house. And told us if we wanted some works done , he could get us cheap labor. My husband, who makes wine, one time offered a dude a glass after a hard day's work of repointing bricks on neighbor's house. Boy, was my neighbor p*ssed. Dude was not allowed to have any alcohol. We were not aware that all those hard workings folks were still serving probation:innocent:.
It is, sorry, my bad. My fingers overtook my brain!!


I'll bet if anyone sees her out drinking it up, they might just drop a dime on her, right after buying her another round.

Funny you should mention this...I was thinking the same thing earlier. She won't even need to have a tough PO. In this age of camera phones and video surveillance everywhere, one toe over the line and someone would gladly sell her out! Oh my, karma really is a bear! :woohoo:
I have absolutely no problem with that at all. The really sad part, at least here in FLORIDA, is that the stiffer penalties don't kick in till the SECOND dui, and there are still way too many that get away with that.

As I have stated, I admit I was guilty, accepted my state mandated punishment, but that punishment was no where near severe enough. It (and knowing what would happen if it ever happened again) was enough of a pain in the butt for me to make sure it never happened again. But I certainly wasn't going to say "You honor, please make the sentance harsher".

Again, a great argument for enforcing current probation terms and tougher sentences for DUI's.
Funny you should mention this...I was thinking the same thing earlier. She won't even need to have a tough PO. In this age of camera phones and video surveillance everywhere, one toe over the line and someone would gladly sell her out! Oh my, karma really is a bear! :woohoo:

Oh yes, this will be worse than jail in MHO. FICA is on the outside but still can not go and do as she pleases. Like you said folks will sell her out for a pack of cigs....or less!
No, did not graduate. She ended one half credit short of getting her diploma.

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Cindy Anthony offers some insight into her daughter -- the mother of missing toddler Caylee Anthony.

Mother Cindy Anthony said her daughter, Casey, 22, went to Colonial High School, but did not graduate. She ended one half credit short of getting her diploma.

Cindy Anthony said that, before Caylee was born, Casey Anthony's passion was photography."She just lucked into a photography job at Universal Studios, not at Universal Studios, but for Kodak, and she has a plaque. She was the employee of the year," Cindy Anthony said.

You reference an article from 2008 ... her mother ... Cindy speaking about her wonderful daughter. This is not an official record from Colonial High School or the Florida Dept of Education .... just momma praising her daughter.

After all ... momma didn't even know Casey had quit school ... Cindy had a big graduation party planned for Casey and relatives arrived for the graduation ... whoops Casey was backed into another corner .... Mother I quit school ... but I just lack one half a credit to graduate.

The problem with this is ... one half a credit still walks ... receives a Certificate of Completion ... not a diploma ... names are called and the audience has no idea what the graduate is receiving. They can attend summer school to make up their one half credit and the certificate is exchanged for a diploma with no fanfare involved.

The Florida Dept of Education:
Certificate of Completion Students who complete the required courses but fail to meet the other diploma requirements, such as the grade point average and/or passing the
grade, may receive a certificate of completion. A certificate of completion is not a diploma. It certifies that the student attended high school.
WELL, if probation or parole was so easy to complete, offenders wouldn't have such a high incarceration rate, as a result of their violations.
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used. FICA can not go to the bars and be in Hot Body contests or the Shot Girl Mgr.
KEYWORD: unlawfully. There is nothing that prohibits her from going to bars.

This may be easy to do, if she has transportation and that pesky drivers license. I didn't have my license, and I managed.

FICA has to find a place to live and a job...good luck. Doesn't (or at least shouldn't) she do that anyhow?

I didn't think Felons could possess a firearm with or with out the PO's permission. That is correct, so as far as her probation, it's a non issue.

This may have been a walk in the park for you and you didn't seem to mind it at all but for most folks this would be very intrusive to everyday life. Red is mine.
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