Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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Rob dick talks about kc thriving off the media. And actually said to him "don't I look like jackie o. in these sunglasses?".
A&e has a good documentary on about the case and kathi belich is interviewed in it. I think its called Caylee Anthony: How did we get here. Or something to that effect.

I can't bear to watch anything regarding the trial itself. I was convinced she would be found guilty, so I see the trial as hours and hours of garbage. Especially KC's reaction to being found not guilty. I turn my head when it's aired.
Update on viewing: I have not found any internet links for anyone else without cable. I did find some sites that say they would be those cable channels but get an alert warning and see no shows, so I'm not going there anymore.

Thank you to all that let us know what is going on.
I can't bear to watch anything regarding the trial itself. I was convinced she would be found guilty, so I see the trial as hours and hours of garbage. Especially KC's reaction to being found not guilty. I turn my head when it's aired.

I can't watch either. I think my blood pressure goes sky high!
I heard one of the TH's say on HLN today that ICA is refusing to come back to Orlando for her Probation because it's just too dangerous for her! We can only hope and pray she ditches her probabtion hearing then she'll end up back in the slammer! What a selfish B! It was too dangerous for Caylee to be living in the A's home, that's what was too dangerous. They are trying to hype up the fact she is in so much danger. I don't think so myself! Maybe a lot of protestors screaming "baby Killer" but she deserves that! I'm actually hoping not a soul shows up so they can't say people are trying to harm her. She hasn't changed a bit, still her self centered cocky self!!

What you have posted is what Judge Perry has ordered in regards to her probation. You do realize that Florida Department of Corrections Probation and Parole have their own set of rules that she must abide by to include...

General Information About Adult Community Supervision

Role of Probation Officer
Victim Restitution
Citizen Complaints
Offender Complaints (Grievance Process)
24 Hour Access to Probation & Parole Officer
Drug Testing Procedure
Prohibition of the Possession or use of Firearms, Weapons, or Explosives
Criminal Registration

Role of Probation Officer
The priorities of an officer include: Protecting the public, monitoring and enforcing conditions of supervision imposed by the Court or releasing authority, addressing non-compliance of conditions of supervision with the Court or releasing authority, and making appropriate referrals to available local community resources in order to assist the offender.

Victim Restitution
The Department utilizes the Court Ordered Payment System (COPS) to track monetary obligations imposed by the Court or releasing authority, and to process payments made by offenders.

Payments are submitted by the offender and are processed through COPS staff in a central location and mailed to the individual victims.

It is imperative that the victim informs the probation officer if their mailing address changes to ensure payments are received.

"No Contact with Victim" (provision in the order of supervision)
If ordered by the Court or Florida Parole Commission, this condition prohibits the offender from having any contact with the victim (even through a third party). This includes verbal, physical, direct and indirect contact including phone calls, letters, e-mail messages, frequenting places known to be frequented by the victim, driving by their residence or employment site, etc.

The Probation Officer notifies the victim via letter of this condition, and requests the victim to inform the officer of any contact initiated by the offender, in order to protect the victim and to enforce this condition of supervision.

Citizen Complaints
Refers to any formal or informal expression of dissatisfaction concerning any Department staff member, procedure, or requirement. If a citizen has a complaint about a particular offender, it should be brought to the officer's attention to resolve. If the citizen is not satisfied with the response, the complaint will be forwarded to the officer's supervisor. If the citizen is still not satisfied, the complaint will be forwarded to the Circuit Administrator, then the Regional Director. Each level supervisor should be given the opportunity to resolve the issue before it is forwarded to another party.

Offender Complaints (Grievance Process)
Refers to a formal written complaint by an offender concerning an incident, procedure, or condition within a probation office that affects her/him personally. If an offender has a complaint, it should be brought to her/his officer's attention first to attempt to resolve. If the offender is not satisfied with the outcome or response, the complaint will be forwarded to the officer's supervisor. If the offender is still not satisfied, the grievance will be forwarded to the Circuit Administrator, then the Regional Director. Each level supervisor should be given the opportunity to resolve the issue before it is forwarded to another party.

Offenders are provided with a copy of the "Offender Grievance Process" at her/his initial interview with the officer.

24 Hour Access to Probation & Parole Officer
Every offender is given an emergency contact phone number during their initial interview when placed on supervision.

"Emergency" situations include:
Reporting new arrest,
Offender medical emergency requiring a Community Controlee, or an offender under curfew schedule, or electronic monitoring to leave their residence,
Offender family medical emergency requiring a Community Controlee, or an offender under curfew schedule, or electronic monitoring to leave their residence,
Offender family member death where offender is requesting permission to travel to arrange or attend a funeral out of the county or state,
Offender employment situation where he/she is required to deviate from their Community Control schedule, or curfew schedule,
Offender employment situation where he/she has to leave the county or state for work purposes, or
An offender instructed to relocate from an approved residence (through eviction or domestic issues) as an emergency issue.

In case of a life-threatening situation, the offender should call local police, fire or medical emergency personnel prior to contacting her/his probation officer. All non-emergency questions should wait until the officer is available in the office Monday through Friday 8AM - 5PM.

Drug Testing Procedure
Section 948.03(1)(k) authorizes Correctional Probation Officers to conduct drug/alcohol tests on offenders. Offenders are provided information regarding drug testing including:

random process of urine testing (no warning of test date)
actual drug testing process (Offenders are witnessed when providing urine specimen)
payment for testing fees
consequences of positive results, and
consequences of refusal to cooperate or report for the drug test.

Prohibition of the Possession or use of Firearms, Weapons, or Explosives
Pursuant to State and Federal laws, all offenders under supervision are prohibited from possessing, purchasing, receiving, or transporting firearms, weapons, and explosives. "Weapon" means any dirk, knife, metallic knuckles, slungshot, billie, tear gas gun, chemical weapon or device, or other deadly weapon except a firearm or a common pocketknife, plastic knife, or blunt-bladed table knife, as provided in s.790.001 Florida Statutes.

Criminal Registration
Pursuant to Section 775.13, Florida Statutes, offenders are required to register with the sheriff of any county she/he enters in this state, within 48 hours. Registration may include being fingerprinted, photographed, listing the crime, sentencing location, sentence imposed, name, aliases, if any, address, and occupation. Failure to comply with this statute constitutes a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

And, let's face it - any probation officer of Casey's is going to be sure to enforce each and every item on this list. That's probably not always the case with other felons because of how overloaded the probation department is - but, not this time. They will make a POINT of following through with everything they are supposed to with her.
I heard one of the TH's say on HLN today that ICA is refusing to come back to Orlando for her Probation because it's just too dangerous for her! We can only hope and pray she ditches her probabtion hearing then she'll end up back in the slammer! What a selfish B! It was too dangerous for Caylee to be living in the A's home, that's what was too dangerous. They are trying to hype up the fact she is in so much danger. I don't think so myself! Maybe a lot of protestors screaming "baby Killer" but she deserves that! I'm actually hoping not a soul shows up so they can't say people are trying to harm her. She hasn't changed a bit, still her self centered cocky self!!

When did you hear that?
I haven't caught up yet, not sure if this was clarified from yesterday's NG.

BILL SHEAFFER, FMR PROSECUTOR (via telephone): Yes, that`s going to be media frenzy if she reports back to court. But Nancy, I think that she`s not going to end up reporting because what`s going to happen is the defense is going to appeal the judge`s order and they are going to get a stay until the appellate courts go through this and decide whether or not Judge Perry made the right decision because, again, unfortunately, unfortunately for us, and fortunately for Mr. Baez and his client at this time there is a question as to whether an oral pronouncement trumps a written order.
I think you both are exactly right. I believe that there has been some uber-shady money dealings going on here...I think that the appeal of the lying sentences, and the subsequent indigence filing may end up biting JB in the tail in a huge way. I wonder, if he is 'hiding' money for KC in some way and it comes to light, would that cause him to be disbarred?

That would be so awesome, IMO! If the DT's NEED TO BE RIGHT would end up being their undoing? :waitasec: Oh, the iorny! :twocents:

I rather see the IRS descend on them if that is the case, hiding income.
They are merciless. If I recall, Fla has no state income tax so they lucked out there.
I heard one of the TH's say on HLN today that ICA is refusing to come back to Orlando for her Probation because it's just too dangerous for her! We can only hope and pray she ditches her probabtion hearing then she'll end up back in the slammer! What a selfish B! It was too dangerous for Caylee to be living in the A's home, that's what was too dangerous. They are trying to hype up the fact she is in so much danger. I don't think so myself! Maybe a lot of protestors screaming "baby Killer" but she deserves that! I'm actually hoping not a soul shows up so they can't say people are trying to harm her. She hasn't changed a bit, still her self centered cocky self!!

OMG, I pray that this is true! This might be over a lot quicker than we thought! :Banane35: :great::rocker:
I am getting tired of hearing JVM whine about poor FCA serving probation. She brought up the ragging crowd at the court house when they heard the verdict. I was watching and saw the crowds disappointment over the verdict but I didn't see anyone go into a rage. Maybe I missed it?

She also said Baez was probably appealing the probation right now and if the Judge calls for a stay , it will end of being a long time before FCA has to appear for anything. She also claims JP decision was political.

It might be more self serving for her. Suspect that may be , she is trying to get Baez on her lousy show. The only thing I like about JVM is that she is dedicated animal rights supporter.
I haven't caught up yet, not sure if this was clarified from yesterday's NG.

Thank you cyberborg.

The positive way to see this is:

It takes the Appellate Court (usually) 6 months to a year to hand down a decision. That means that much longer for her to have to worry over it. :crazy:

It would seem there is a good argument, but it also seems the Judge chose the correct path and has done nothing wrong. Remember in criminal cases the Standard of Review is normally "this issue must be viewed in the light most favorable to the Government." That means the State, and most times simple appeals go nowhere, KC or not, I think the Judge made no mistake.

Keep in mind every time I type an opinion I am wrong though. You may want to ask all this stuff in the Lawyer Question thread or see if it has not already been answered. I am not a lawyer. Just another big mouth. Lol.
I have to disagree, the crab puffs upset people greatly....just do a search of "crab puffs" here and you will see what I mean. The ABC person they were with at dinner actually ordered the crab puffs, not the A's.

Now, how did the A's support their daughter during this dinner? They ate dinner - should they have gone to McDonalds to show support? Should they have fasted? Were the people who are upset about this actually AT the dinner - if not, how do they know how they acted and what was said? Jim Hoover, who was with them, said they didn't mention anything - and I'm fairly certain they didn't because a representative from ABC was at the table.

They couldn't go home, and they had to eat - I'm just not seeing cause for anger at this situation. Besides, it's not like they found out about the body being discovered in the middle of dinner, it was found early that morning.

And you believe Jim Hoover? :innocent:
AZLawyer's Opinion on Probation Appeal is here

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4[/ame]
If Casey's resourceful defense team isn't successful with the appeal, I don't think Ms. Anthony will willingly return to Orlando. Makes me wonder why HHJP is allowing a 2-week window for Casey's return to Orange County. More than enough time for her to seek a safe haven out of the country. jmo

I just saw this and I thought it just gave her time for any weed and alcohol to get out of her system. :floorlaugh:

Really, I did, but also time to gather things up and get there. Time for HHJP to come back to any new filings in the Court and sigh.
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