Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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There is such a thing of transfer of probation, so I dont see why her probation could not be served wherever she was. Hopefully her team looks into that. jmo

There could be a caveat at another location. Her address might not be concealed. HHJP order of secrecy is not that far reaching and going across state borders.
Unfortunely IMO Caylee didnt get any justice here on earth. I keep seeing how making her serve her punishment that was given to her by a court of law is putting innocent people in jeopary. What about all the innocent people who are in jeopardy everyday that a murder walks free. And IMO KC isnt anymore jeopardy then OJ was and probably even less. I think some give KC to much credit I dont think she for one minute even thought she would get the DP or any other sentence for killing Caylee. Her lies never failed her before and to think her lies even got her off again. The only reason she was held accountible for the checks and the lying to LE is because she was caught red handed on tape. Other wise she probably would of lied her way out of that to. KC should be held accountible and serve her sentence just as anyone else. No one should be above the law and no one but KC made her bed and now she should be made to sleep in it:twocents:

Very true Cuppy. :rocker:
Was that KC in Ohio for sure?
Shunning and ostracizing would be a legal, acceptable way for people to act towards KC.

As for the threats against KC, they were bad enough that the OCSO had a number of officers on duty during her release. How bad they are or how insignificant they are is beyond our knowledge. We can only speculate as to the seriousness of those threats.

On this site, many are angry at the verdict, and feel as if KC got away with murder. Very few wish her well. On many, many other sites, the posters are not nearly as polite. They call her every name in the book, they wish she was dead, they want to do things to her that would make Hannibal Lector blush. I think there are some that may go after KC in Orlando, and I believe it would be much more likely to happen in Orlando than in the middle of Idaho.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I personally think Casey is fearless. It didn't bother her to hang around Orlando while her daughter was left to rot in a swamp. It didn't stop her from stealing, partying, lying, or going out in public then. Personally, I think it's more the DT's desire to separate her from the Orlando area where her bs just doesn't fly anymore. She'd be much more marketable elsewhere if they could re-create her under less prying eyes.
This whole thing about hiding Casey is just causing more interest in her than if they just gave her a couple of body guards and were done with this.

All of these alleged threats? Say who her defense? The same defense that says she is receiving thousands of dollars in gifts? How can that be. Can she be in danger and loved enough that money is pouring in all at the same time?

You would have to have the same "issues" as Casey Anthony to hurt her. Would people heckle her oh yes I think they would. But it didn't seem to bother her at all and her brother Lee was her protector during those weekly meetings while out on bond, and her drives to her Attorney office for 8 hours a day.

It is sensationalism out of the ever above board in their tactics defense team. :waitasec: Casey didn't hesitate to pick up the phone and call police when the picketers were outside of her house on Suburban. Yup remember that she was able to push those three little numbers for herself and her parents but not for Caylee.

Bunk, our system of justice is the same for everyone. Casey Anthony wants a life I say come out of hiding and have a life. Shut your mouth, go about your business and prove your dissenters wrong. For crying out loud the President of the United States is not in hiding 24/7 except for photo ops like Casey. His travel plans often publicized. The justice system does not make different rules for infamous people.

Show your innocence Casey, do the right thing and stop pretending you are someone special. Going underground if you are innocent makes you look more guilty. You are not someone special.

All of this coddling is only reinforcing the problems of Casey, her dysfunctional life and the reasons the defense said she did things. Well then Knock it off. This is not normal.
I do not know procedures in other states. If a probationer requested a transfer to another state and that other state did not want to follow what our court had ordered, they would either not accept the transfer or we would not allow the person to go there. But the P&P I worked in was a tough office. The PO's were all no-nonsense. They would go the extra mile for any probationer truly trying to improve their situation but our PO's became quickly aware of who was sincere and who was not.

Again Thanks. So there is no Federal law that all states must reciprocate in regards to people that are on probation.
I personally think Casey is fearless. It didn't bother her to hang around Orlando while her daughter was left to rot in a swamp. It didn't stop her from stealing, partying, lying, or going out in public then. Personally, I think it's more the DT's desire to separate her from the Orlando area where her bs just doesn't fly anymore. She'd be much more marketable elsewhere if they could re-create her under less prying eyes.

I think she is one of those creatures that only lives for the current day. Never seriously thinks about tomorrow or worry about any consequences of past actions. Yep, that would make her fearless.
Again Thanks. So there is no Federal law that all states must reciprocate in regards to people that are on probation.

It's purely a state issue, not federal. Each state has its own way of doing things. In some states probation might be easy; in others it might be tough. In my state it varies from one county to the next but for the most part all P&P offices in my state must adhere to basic state standards.

I am not aware of any state being required to accept a probationer or parolee from another state just because the request was filed. Now, some states might have a policy of always accepting, but I have doubts about that. There are people on probation/parole with issues that no one would want to deal with.
This whole thing about hiding Casey is just causing more interest in her than if they just gave her a couple of body guards and were done with this.

All of these alleged threats? Say who her defense? The same defense that says she is receiving thousands of dollars in gifts? How can that be. Can she be in danger and loved enough that money is pouring in all at the same time?

You would have to have the same "issues" as Casey Anthony to hurt her. Would people heckle her oh yes I think they would. But it didn't seem to bother her at all and her brother Lee was her protector during those weekly meetings while out on bond, and her drives to her Attorney office for 8 hours a day.

It is sensationalism out of the ever above board in their tactics defense team. :waitasec: Casey didn't hesitate to pick up the phone and call police when the picketers were outside of her house on Suburban. Yup remember that she was able to push those three little numbers for herself and her parents but not for Caylee.

Bunk, our system of justice is the same for everyone. Casey Anthony wants a life I say come out of hiding and have a life. Shut your mouth, go about your business and prove your dissenters wrong. For crying out loud the President of the United States is not in hiding 24/7 except for photo ops like Casey. His travel plans often publicized. The justice system does not make different rules for infamous people.

Show your innocence Casey, do the right thing and stop pretending you are someone special
. Going underground if you are innocent makes you look more guilty. You are not someone special.

All of this coddling is only reinforcing the problems of Casey, her dysfunctional life and the reasons the defense said she did things. Well then Knock it off. This is not normal.

Love your post grandmaj. A dare. I would love to see her take this dare on but I don't see her being that fearless.
For Florida, Texas or any other state in the Union to bring back a convicted criminal to serve the sentence imposed by the court for their crime is not only their right, but their duty. Casey Anthony was sentenced to serve one year of probation AFTER she was released from incarceration by the presiding judge. She knew it, her attorneys knew it and all of the whining, fast talking shuck and jive in the world doesn't change that fact. To argue that this requirement of her sentencing was somehow served while she was locked in an 8x10 cell is laughable.

To further imply she would be in some type of "danger" is an affront to the law abiding citizens who live in Orange County, FL. Orlando is NOT the "Wild West" and we don't even have a "Boot Hill".

Mickey Mouse wouldn't allow it.

I love how someone here always post exactly what I'm thinking.
You know, I'm really trying to work up some concern for a felon who wants to skate on probation.

All I come up with is "Gee, hate that for them." :innocent:

Maybe I will try again later.
Was that KC in Ohio for sure?
Shunning and ostracizing would be a legal, acceptable way for people to act towards KC.

I think there are some that may go after KC in Orlando, and I believe it would be much more likely to happen in Orlando than in the middle of Idaho.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

I beg to differ .. she MAY be in as much jeopardy in Idaho. I do believe all threats to be exaggerated IMO, however.
Was that KC in Ohio for sure?
Shunning and ostracizing would be a legal, acceptable way for people to act towards KC.

As for the threats against KC, they were bad enough that the OCSO had a number of officers on duty during her release. How bad they are or how insignificant they are is beyond our knowledge. We can only speculate as to the seriousness of those threats.

On this site, many are angry at the verdict, and feel as if KC got away with murder. Very few wish her well. On many, many other sites, the posters are not nearly as polite. They call her every name in the book, they wish she was dead, they want to do things to her that would make Hannibal Lector blush. I think there are some that may go after KC in Orlando, and I believe it would be much more likely to happen in Orlando than in the middle of Idaho.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

once again we agree. i can agree that there probably aren't credible threats on her life (though i believe it to be possible), but of course her safety is in danger. think about a random , man or woman, that already has assault charges. they've heard "baby killer", they've seen her face, they see her on the street. they have no qualms about hurting someone. does anyone honestly think they wouldn't? just an example. i'm not commenting or implying anything else with this statement, just that obviously if she was walking on the street, she wouldn't be safe. of course the good people on WS wouldn't hurt her physically. but imo it's pretty safe to say there are people out there that would like to harm her.
The only real threat to her, IMO, would be that bolt of lightning that hit the tree at the remains site. I think threats on blogs are just that threats. It is easy to do if you don't post your real name. All they are doing is venting and saying things they would not say in public. KC's biggest threat is KC. It's only a matter of time before she uses someone again and next time it may be the wrong person.

My guess is DT has consultants telling them what to do and how to get the media's interest back. It would not surprise me in the least. jmo
It's purely a state issue, not federal. Each state has its own way of doing things. In some states probation might be easy; in others it might be tough. In my state it varies from one county to the next but for the most part all P&P offices in my state must adhere to basic state standards.

I am not aware of any state being required to accept a probationer or parolee from another state just because the request was filed. Now, some states might have a policy of always accepting, but I have doubts about that. There are people on probation/parole with issues that no one would want to deal with.

AND, it's highly probable in MO that some states may not want the expense or the liability of acting for the state of Florida's probation department. California is ridiculously "big-hearted," but in the current fiscal crisis, even the left coast might object to incurring expenses to babysit Miss FCA.
The only real threat to her, IMO, would be that bolt of lightning that hit the tree at the remains site. I think threats on blogs are just that threats. It is easy to do if you don't post your real name. All they are doing is venting and saying things they would not say in public. KC's biggest threat is KC. It's only a matter of time before she uses someone again and next time it may be the wrong person.

My guess is DT has consultants telling them what to do and how to get the media's interest back. It would not surprise me in the least. jmo

Yep, a lot of keyboard warriors out there. I've seen them say some pretty nasty and horrific things in the major news site comments sections. They're all talk, no action though - most of them probably wouldn't even get out of their chairs if their house was on fire. Mind you, my own chair's developing a bit of a wear pattern lately!
once again we agree. i can agree that there probably aren't credible threats on her life, but of course her safety is in danger. think about a random , man or woman, that already has assault charges. they've heard "baby killer", they've seen her face, they see her on the street. they have no qualms about hurting someone. does anyone honestly think they wouldn't? just an example. i'm not commenting or implying anything else with this statement, just that obviously if she was walking on the street, she wouldn't be safe. of course the good people on WS wouldn't hurt her physically. but imo it's pretty safe to say there are people out there that would like to harm her.

That would be true of the whole DT. Many people are not happy with them. They can't hide her forever. Unless the DT is planning on paying large amounts of money it would take to constantly move her around the country she has to face people eventually. jmo
Yep, a lot of keyboard warriors out there. I've seen them say some pretty nasty and horrific things in the major news site comments sections. They're all talk, no action though - most of them probably wouldn't even get out of their chairs if their house was on fire. Mind you, my own chair's developing a bit of a wear pattern lately!

Oh, I hear
It is all a big game and I'm tired of their games. Appealing the lying charges. For crying out loud she admitted to lying. Her attorney admitted to her lying. She got off easy and instead of walking away she is appealing. Why? Because if she doesn't get away with the lying too she has too many law suits which are going to eat her alive in judgements.

It is about the money. The almighty dollar. A stay for probation. How ludicrous. There are hundreds of people just in that court house alone given probation each week. How many of them want to do probation? How many of those people want to have to follow rules? How many of them wish they didn't have to do it. How many of them are getting legal representation because "They" are afraid for their lives because maybe they gave up a gang member or a drug dealer?

Games.....and until the defense stops playing these games Casey will never be able to live her life. They are the obstacle right now. For what? What is in it for them? Gotta wonder. But I guess the games and lies worked at trial we might just keep playing them and see how far we can take it.
I have resigned myself that she will get a "stay" on probation till their appeal is heard. Has anyone with "cred" indicated how long that will take?

I think the "stay" will hurt her more........she has a so called "taste" of freedom "jetting here and there" and then to have it snatched away later than sooner is going to be even harder on her!

ALSO the judge that denies their appeal to probation better only give her 48 hours to get her arse back to more of this pussy footing around carp!
It is all a big game and I'm tired of their games. Appealing the lying charges. For crying out loud she admitted to lying. Her attorney admitted to her lying. She got off easy and instead of walking away she is appealing. Why? Because if she doesn't get away with the lying too she has too many law suits which are going to eat her alive in judgements.

It is about the money. The almighty dollar. A stay for probation. How ludicrous. There are hundreds of people just in that court house alone given probation each week. How many of them want to do probation? How many of those people want to have to follow rules? How many of them wish they didn't have to do it. How many of them are getting legal representation because "They" are afraid for their lives because maybe they gave up a gang member or a drug dealer?

Games.....and until the defense stops playing these games Casey will never be able to live her life. They are the obstacle right now. For what? What is in it for them? Gotta wonder. But I guess the games and lies worked at trial we might just keep playing them and see how far we can take it.

Exactly grandmaj. ITA. I'm sure many of "them" would justifiably have more fear of going back on the street than she needs to.
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