Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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I'm not gonna sit here and lie.. probation didn't help me.. and it's not gonna "help" her either imo The only thing that helps a criminal change their ways is recognizing your behaviors, admitting them and then changing them. And for people who have made that their way of life even that isn't enough sometimes. I believe behaviors are habit and they become instinct.. in order to successfully "go through the motions" you have to change the way you behave or you are gonna fail.

My probation officer was located at the local police dept, I had a suspended drivers license and the local LE knew it, yet I drove to the police station every month for probation and was busted about 4 times for driving under suspension.. while that is not a "crime" per say, when you are on probation it is a violation of your terms of probation. I couldn't accept the responsibility that I was doing something wrong- every time they pulled me over I got angry at them.. I was like "well, how am I supposed to go to probation if I can't drive there?" like it was their fault :crazy:. You have to change your way of thinking in order to change your way of behaving. You spend your life justifying your bad acts and telling yourself you are the "victim" of an unjust society you are bound to keep re-offending and violating your probation.. you'll be "going through the motions" with your probation officer for a very long time.

Interesting - if you pulled that stunt in Canada in the province I live in - you'd have your vehicle seized plus a whacking great fine and a demerit against your license and your insurance costs...doubt you'd do it four times...
Florida law allows the judge to impose the maximum penalty for the charge you were placed on probation for[/COLOR].


What would that maximum penalty behind bars be for KC?
I know this isn't the right thread for this question buy can anyone explain why Jose Baez stressed in his closing comments that she was a liar and a *advertiser censored*?

The trial really didn't emphasize her being a *advertiser censored* and it surprised me when he said that.

I almost wonder if he was hearing his wife screaming at him, "She is a liar and a *advertiser censored*!"

Sorry for the OT - just something else curious.

That was shock treatment for the gullible jury. To emphasize that she was Not a murderer. Just a common *advertiser censored* and liar(result of alleged sexual molestation) and apparently it worked.
I'm not gonna sit here and lie.. probation didn't help me.. and it's not gonna "help" her either imo The only thing that helps a criminal change their ways is recognizing your behaviors, admitting them and then changing them. And for people who have made that their way of life even that isn't enough sometimes. I believe behaviors are habit and they become instinct.. in order to successfully "go through the motions" you have to change the way you behave or you are gonna fail.

My probation officer was located at the local police dept, I had a suspended drivers license and the local LE knew it, yet I drove to the police station every month for probation and was busted about 4 times for driving under suspension.. while that is not a "crime" per say, when you are on probation it is a violation of your terms of probation. I couldn't accept the responsibility that I was doing something wrong- every time they pulled me over I got angry at them.. I was like "well, how am I supposed to go to probation if I can't drive there?" like it was their fault :crazy:. You have to change your way of thinking in order to change your way of behaving. You spend your life justifying your bad acts and telling yourself you are the "victim" of an unjust society you are bound to keep re-offending and violating your probation.. you'll be "going through the motions" with your probation officer for a very long time.

Did you live somewhere that was hard to get around without a car?

Actually I read that a lil bit different.

What it says is: "It is further ORDERED that the Florida Department of Corrections is hereby authorized in it's discretion to keep confidential the Defendant's residential information that could lead to discovery of her location due to threats on the Defendant's life"

So it sounds like to me that HHJP is telling the FDC to use their own discretion with the information.

I sure agree with the way you have read to court order. Probation has already done their press conference over a week ago. And the spokes-woman stated and restated that Casey would be treated just like anyone else. This court order clears the court from any further compilations on Casey's safety. And throws the problem to the probation department officially. Now we shall find out if they keep their word.IMO Normal procedure is to have the address as public information. For the public's awareness. And safety. Such as in sex offender cases. Casey's address should be publically available.IMO
I am real happy that FCA has to FINALLY serve some punishment so I am having a "happy dance" I always believed she should come back and serve her probation. And am glad His Honour P made his judgement.

I have been real angry this week, that she is hiding in a "mansion" (not confirmed). Must be nice to have such a Bella Vita!!

My husband keeps telling me to let it go; I can't. We are surviving here on dimes and nickels, bills to pay, mortgage to pay. She, lays in the sun, has a helipad, nice pool, bodyguards, ect.

She has always gotten away with stealing and was never held accountable. The banks knew it and did NOTHING!! Her parents knew it and did NOTHING!!! She has gotten away with everything including MURDER of a little precious girl, named Caylee, that I will never, ever forget.

And to those jurors: maybe one of you will take her in, since you seem to think she was a good mother. :banghead:

It's about time she is held accountable!!
If said friends want to take the trouble to lock up cash & valuables and chain their fancy electronics to the floor. :innocent:

Don't forget the car and the car keys...seems she is well known for taking three different people's cars without their permission.
honestly i dont think not having a job will revoke her probation. with this ecomony plus the fact that she is high profile i think that part will be looked over. it all really comes down to her PO. will it be a ball buster or one of the overworked ones who really doesnt care as long as no new crimes are committed? who knows. i just dont see them making a giant fuss over that part. i know people on probation who are unemployed. you can just say you are trying. now the residence part...that will be interesting
these felonies are not going away. that is for sure. neither is the IRS so miss thing needs a plan.

She will not be able to turn down a suitable job. Do not know about Fla, but many States have programs that pay part of the wages so the employer has an incentive to hire such a person at lower cost than a regular person off the street.
Your job doesn't have to be in the county you live in, you can travel all over the state in which you live.
Yes, but unless she takes the bus or a cab she will need a car. Wait, she has a car at her disposal.
Why would they test him for drugs if the crime was not drug related?

Part of probation is following the rules and laws of society. Drugs are illegal.. doing them is a crime, you can't commit crimes while on probation.. testing you for drugs makes sure you aren't breaking the law in that regard.

What would that maximum penalty behind bars be for KC?

Well , the 7 charges for which HHJS was withholding adjudication would be coming out of the woodwork IMO. She got 412 days for the other six and that was not the maximum IIRC. They also are all felonies and not misdemeanors.
Oh .... ok she can go to work for Jose then ... be a desk ornament! :twocents:

She has no skills except lying and perhaps taking pictures for Kodak in the past.


Machines take the pictures. She just had to push a button to print them out, stick them in the cardboard, maybe collect the money and hand them their pic. She didn't take pictures for Kodak.
:floorlaugh: Somebody refresh my feeble memory, please:innocent:: I believe that one of the "rules of probation" that Baez seems to believe his angelic client :sick: observed while accepting the graciously offered room & board @ the $1.50 daily charge was "NO CONTACT WITH OTHER CONVICTED INDIVIDUALS" (paraphrased by moi)............UMMMMMMMMM Weren't there some cheeky letters shared with a "lovely" resident, Robin Adams :loser: and didn't Ms. felon Anthony provide "hairdressing" services to the same incarcerated individual? THUS, EVEN without being "written up" by the jail staff, she has "self-reported" her defiant disregard to the adherence of the probationary orders!!!! Oh, yeah, this gal and her cohorts really believe that "rules" apply to them............................NOT!

She can't run or hide anymore! Welcome back CF and Probationer CA!!!
Did you live somewhere that was hard to get around without a car?

Yeah but the point is, as a responsible adult who was trying to serve probation I should have found other means.. should have followed the rules, kwim?
Our social media TOS requires that we do not post any FB, Twitter or other Social Media unless we are 100 percent certain that the Player is the originator. I have looked at the FB and the Slide by the same name. Those pictures are not anything we haven't seen published before. I do not believe it is Casey and thus we cannot post that link or talk about it please. It could well be a fake.
:floorlaugh: Somebody refresh my feeble memory, please:innocent:: I believe that one of the "rules of probation" that Baez seems to believe his angelic client :sick: observed while accepting the graciously offered room & board @ the $1.50 daily charge was "NO CONTACT WITH OTHER CONVICTED INDIVIDUALS" (paraphrased by moi)............UMMMMMMMMM Weren't there some cheeky letters shared with a "lovely" resident, Robin Adams :loser: and didn't Ms. felon Anthony provide "hairdressing" services to the same incarcerated individual? THUS, EVEN without being "written up" by the jail staff, she has "self-reported" her defiant disregard to the adherence of the probationary orders!!!! Oh, yeah, this gal and her cohorts really believe that "rules" apply to them............................NOT!

Sorry if the answer is obvious, but since it has been found that she did not serve probation while incarcerated, then how does her contact with other convicts in jail have any bearing on probation violation?
Yeah but the point is, as a responsible adult who was trying to serve probation I should have found other means.. should have followed the rules, kwim?

Did you get more punishment for driving to probation while your license was suspended? Sorry to be so nosy....just wondering what they do to people in those cases. I guess its probably different in every case. Did you say they were suspicious that you were driving before they stopped you? Why were they suspicious?
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