Casey's Attorney Files Counter-Claims Against ZG

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Didn't KC embarrass herself? Now CA and GA continue to do it for the whole family. I hope Zenaida wins, and the judge or jury award her lots of money and it breaks the A's.

I don't think she's capable of being embarrassed. Or ashamed.
writing a book??? This goes to prove what bottom feeders this family is and has been. Shouldn't she be more concerned about finding "live Caylee" ... just disgusting. I have no sympathy for this cast of moronic people. No class, none at all.
:eek:OMG I cannot believe this, what a joke JB is I wonder how many clients he will have after this is all over.
When did she change it?

I honestly don't remember, it's been so long now. I will do my best to dig that information up for you and post it.

Edited: I believe that this was around the time when she came up with the story that ZFG and her sister, whom she named, met her at Blanchard Park and kidnapped Caylee there. That the sister held her back and ZFG kidnapped Caylee and the 2 kids were there. Something totally bizarre like that. No one even talks about it anymore ('cuz we know it's bogus), but I will find that information and post the source for you asap.
John M will have Jose Baez for (a very filling) dinner.

I live in St. Augustine and Morgan and Morgan are known as "sharks". He will have JB head spinning. He actually knows the law!
John MacDonald wrote a book, and after his father-in-law read it IIRC that is when he knew his son-in-law was the murderer. funny how things happen.
Didn't KC describe the car that ZG has to Lee or Cindy? And, wasn't she using the names of ZG daughters to describe ZGs roommates? Maybe I'm making all of this up?

Book title, "Hopesprings Eternal"

I remember it that way too. That KC named ZG daughters as her roommates and only the two that were listed on her app to the apartments. I seem to recall that KC couldn't describe them and told LE that they worked off hours. I also seem to remember that the make of ZFG's car that KC gave is the same as ZG but the color was different. I wish I could fine where I heard that....
The judge will throw out Baez's counterclaim faster than JB can spell BROWNIES. Just wait and see.

Can JB spell BROWNIES? :floorlaugh:

Sorry ~ feeling snarky about this case today. :blush:
quote=BonKai;2947221]Can JB spell BROWNIES? :floorlaugh:

Sorry ~ feeling snarky about this case today. :blush:[/quote]

Well, apparently he did pass the bar exam...surprisingly, in my humble opinion, because he doesn't seem to know THAT much about the law. :mears::bateyes: Yet, he can probably spell his own name. Baez and Brownies both start with 'B's, so maybe that gives him a head start. (I’m feeling a tad snarky too.)

Did she give LE a plate#???

Frankly, I think we're looking too deeply into this.... I think she saw the application, picked that apt. # & that's as far as she thought.....

She never really gave it a thought that anybody would expect her to PROVE this lie.... they never did before, if we are to believe Cindy.

The discrepancies came up only when LE started asking for more info than just a name, address & phone #.... now she has to invent a background for this woman she's claiming she knew for years. Ooops.

I agree. I also think Casey believes she is smarter than everyone else and therefore didn't believe she needed to obtain more info. As you said, Casey didn't have to PROVE her lies before this time.
I'm starting to think that once Casey is found guilty, the verdict will be overturned due to ineffective representation of counsel.

I'm going to stop giving Baez any credit for intelligence. He clearly is lacking severely in this dept.

THAT is my fear as well. :furious:
Didn't KC describe the car that ZG has to Lee or Cindy? And, wasn't she using the names of ZG daughters to describe ZGs roommates? Maybe I'm making all of this up?

Book title, "Hopesprings Eternal"

I was thinking the same thing, but I can't find the docs to back it up. TOO many docs to go through.

BTW: LOVE the book title! :clap:
I'm starting to think that once Casey is found guilty, the verdict will be overturned due to ineffective representation of counsel.
Snipped. I think this is a real and serious possibility, one of KC's actual best shots. As much as I am kind of enjoying it that KC has, what I personally believe is horrible legal counsel, I'd be concerned if I were the prosecutor that I'd have to try this one twice.
I agree. I also think Casey believes she is smarter than everyone else and therefore didn't believe she needed to obtain more info. As you said, Casey didn't have to PROVE her lies before this time.
I agree with this. She thought she could say pretty much anything and get away with it. She was also caught by surprise--plucked from the 'neutrality' of Newboyfriendland at Tony's and not only thrown onto the fire at Anthonyland but pitched smack- dab into a police investigation as well. Girl never really planned all that efficiently, even though that was the job she invented for herself and she didn't really seem to have ever come up with a good blue print for what she'd say when the rubber finally met the road and someone discovered that Caylee was gone. She may have been working on the kidnapping or some other fiction, but planning and organization are truly not her strong points, and whatever she was thinking might work, it doesn’t seemed to have been fully cooked at the point she needed something…anything. So, she just fell back on the old standard--lay on the manipulation and lies with mom, stall, look cute and tiny while batting those big eyes and saying things that might make it sound like she's smart and interesting with the guys, and just wing it, say whatever comes to mind, spin a yarn, throw in lots of details. Only this time, the stakes were a "leeeetle" bit higher and people were actually hanging on her every word and nuance, even writing them all down and taping them, analyzing them, dissecting them, testing her statements for accuracy and precision, actually proving in close to real time that pretty much everything she said was a lie. Gee, that had never happened before. Go figure. Poor KC, hoisted by her own petard…. I can hardly wait to find out 'at trial' what the 'real' story is. Too bad it wasn't ready by the time the cops showed up. I'll bet it's really good, a real doozey.

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