Casey's Body Language and Reactionary Comments#3

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I might be the only one, but I think her tears and reactions were genuine.

Genuine what, I don't know.

- What have I done?
- Everyone will know. My parents will know.
- Everyone will hate me.
- All of my friends are looking at this.
- I look like crap, my skin's gray, they won't gimme a flat iron, damn them.

I dunno. I think there's a chance she's thinking, "what have I done? I killed my precious baby. what have I done?"

When my granddaughter was 3 years old she accidentally killed my guinea pig (rest in peace Miss Fizzy) by dropping her. 2 days before Christmas. At night. In a blinding rain storm. When I was having a sleep over of ALL my grandchildren (5 children, all under the age of 8). The children could not sleep WITH THE CORPSE OF A GUINEA PIG in the house, so it was out in the rain to have a funeral in the woods where 4 of the children were terrorized, all BUT the 3 yr. old. I looked at her and she was having a blast. We got to go out in the rain!! At night! Too cool! But the next day, she was distraught, and she kept saying, "But I wanna play with Miss Fizzie! I loved Miss Fizzie! Bring me Miss Fizzie!"

Because she loved Miss Fizzie, in the way that a 3 yr. old loves a guinea pig. And she was quite capable of having a good old time at her funeral. And she was quite capable of being pizzed to the max because she no longer had a small, fuzzy being to play with, never mind that Miss Fizzy died at her hands.

And she cried real tears. And felt real sorrow.

Blaise (Before you fall to the ground, sobbing for Miss Fizzie, Miss F. was 6 yrs. old, which is 2000 in guinea pig years.)

OMG, you had me laughing and crying all at the same time!! Rest in Peace Miss Fizzie!

I don't know much about body language, but I will say that so often when I watch KC, and her father, I get the impression so often that they have issues with barely restained anger. People like that are walking powder kegs, KWIM? People like that hold it in until the blow up like dynomite & do something really really awful. CA doesn't seem that way to me. She's angry too, but she seems to wear her emotions on her sleeve, and it certainly pours out of her mouth quite freely.
When Casey covers her face--It seemed to me that it could have been shame related. Not shame like you and I may have but KC-type shame..This is what I imagine she might have been thinking while listening to the graphic description from Ashton:

"He is saying *I* did this?? In front of all the everyone thinks *I* did this? How embarrassing! God and he is so close to what really happened! How did he figure it out so well!? Is Tony watching this? Why doesn't Jose protect me? I shouldn't have to listen to these hard words directed at ME! I didn't do it! I have to act as if this is upsetting me! How long does he get to talk? I don't like this!"

Covering ones face can definitely be construed as shame. Despite the fact she is defiant--she had a moment there where she really wanted to disappear.

BBM I also noticed during the umpteenth time I viewed the tape that her hair serves as a curtain or shield to cover her face. (I hope this isn't a no-no, JBean. I am only commenting on how KC's hair plays into her body language. Please be gentle.) I have noticed on many of the court scenes on ID tv that young womenon trial with longer hair wear it up, held back by a barrette or head band. Affinity's statement just caused me to reflect on this. Perhaps KC feels she needs her hair for cover??
This might seem a little off topic but bear with me -

this is a link here which leads to BBC's self test on whether or not you can tell a fake smile from a real smile. I think this could be helpful to us in determining how accurate our abilites to read emotions are. I took this a few months ago and got the results as a screenshot somewhere if we all want to post ours to compare.

I dont know if the ability to tell a fake smile from a real one is necessarily a correlation to how well we can read genuine tears vs not genuine but it might add some insight to how we see either.

Thank you, what an interesting test.

I got 16/20. The four I got wrong were all genuine. Which doesn't suprise me as I have a sxith sence for spotting a liar.
I said "whoa" when she grabbed her wrist as Ashton told of
Caylee being restrained.I am wondering if KC.can take the trial,
she aint heard nothing yet~~Go Ashton!!
I think she better learn not to react when the trial starts and there will be a jury there watching her every move. To me this action yesterday was almost like her reliving the events as they happened. MOO
Bill O'Reilly has an excellent body language expert, a blond woman, he has on his show frequently to interpret the body language of politicians and celebrities in the news. I wish I could remember her name, but she seems to really zero in on people - sometimes what they're saying doesn't match their body language.

Leila, could the expert in body language be the same women hired by OJ's "dream team" to interpret the jury? I can't remember her name but I think it is Joan something. I'll see if I can find it.
No way!! OJ's dream team hired a body language expert to interpret the JURY?? Unbelieveable. Do you think this happens a lot? Those poor jurors didn't ask to be there!
During the latest hearing, on Dec 11th, a few questions were raised about Casey's body language in court. I am no expert on the matter, but did find a good website that explains different body positions and their possible significance to thoughts and feelings.

I would be very appreciative if anyone can weigh in on this topic.

Link to the website...

By the way, I searched for an existing body language thread, but it had been closed and I couldn't find another one. I hope it's OK to start this one. If not, Mods please feel free to move.

Fascinating thread, Search. Thanks for starting it and thanks for the very informative link to "Changing Minds".
I found the deep overall redness of the perp's face telling, along with other expressions. People feeling grief do not get that red even from tears- often they are pale, their features blanched and pinched; with grief there is also a softening of the general stance and a downward turn to the mouth and eyes. The area of redness and puffiness is pretty specific around the tearful eyes, etc. The eyes spill over with tears or are luminous, rather than remaining sharp or glittering (with anger). A conspicuously and wholly red face with a constriction rather than softening of the eyebrows tells me it was anger. In my experience.
I found the deep overall redness of the perp's face telling, along with other expressions. People feeling grief do not get that red even from tears- often they are pale, their features blanched and pinched; with grief there is also a softening of the general stance and a downward turn to the mouth and eyes. The area of redness and puffiness is pretty specific around the tearful eyes, etc. The eyes spill over with tears or are luminous, rather than remaining sharp or glittering (with anger). A conspicuously and wholly red face with a constriction rather than softening of the eyebrows tells me it was anger. In my experience.
I agree. If she were truly crying from listening to the graphic description of how Caylee may have died, she wouldn't have been able to control herself. The emotion seemed to be on cue for when the DA was going over the horrid details of how they believe Caylee was killed but abruptly stopped when AL got up to make her argument. The emotion I saw, though, was anger. MOO
Leila, could the expert in body language be the same women hired by OJ's "dream team" to interpret the jury? I can't remember her name but I think it is Joan something. I'll see if I can find it.

I just did a search of Bill O'Reilly's website and found the body language expert he often has on his program. It's Tonya Reiman. Here's her picture.

I found the deep overall redness of the perp's face telling, along with other expressions. People feeling grief do not get that red even from tears- often they are pale, their features blanched and pinched; with grief there is also a softening of the general stance and a downward turn to the mouth and eyes. The area of redness and puffiness is pretty specific around the tearful eyes, etc. The eyes spill over with tears or are luminous, rather than remaining sharp or glittering (with anger). A conspicuously and wholly red face with a constriction rather than softening of the eyebrows tells me it was anger. In my experience.

I agree. In my experience in the court room a sob is an uncontrollable emotion that is expelled during the crying process. I feel this was a B rated movie role cast with KC Anthony. I did not see one sincere tear for her beautiful deceased daughter. Justice for Caylee.
After watching the video several times with no sound and concentrating on just the body language I concluded that there really were no tears. All the other times she has cried- in the jail visit videos, when standing by Baez at a media announcement after she had been charged and the one time at the first bond hearing she did not cover her face. She cried openly and wiped at her tears with her finger tips. I think she hid her face this time because she did not want others to see her emotions were fake and play acted.

Watch the tape again carefully with no sound. Watch Casey carefully. She hides her face behind her hand and she is breathing heavily but there are no tears. As he speaks for a whole minute and a half she only lightly dabs at her eye once and then again at the end. If she was really crying as hard as her breathing indicates she would have had to wipe her eyes often. I think her reactions looked like a girl who had been caught in the act and was dramatically in denial.

My opinions only!!

I don't know about anyone else but, whenever I cry my nose runs and I
have to blow it. I have never seen KC even sniffle... not once.
I don't know about anyone else but, whenever I cry my nose runs and I
have to blow it. I have never seen KC even sniffle... not once.

That is too much, I was thinking the exact same thing a few minutes ago when I was re-watching the video...I started to daydream about how I would have probably blown so loud it would have stopped proceedings-But she did not blow her nose at all.
I found the deep overall redness of the perp's face telling, along with other expressions. People feeling grief do not get that red even from tears- often they are pale, their features blanched and pinched; with grief there is also a softening of the general stance and a downward turn to the mouth and eyes. The area of redness and puffiness is pretty specific around the tearful eyes, etc. The eyes spill over with tears or are luminous, rather than remaining sharp or glittering (with anger). A conspicuously and wholly red face with a constriction rather than softening of the eyebrows tells me it was anger. In my experience.

I could feel myself getting flustered and red over a work issue this week, because I was gearing up to deliver bad news to a client. I think I got flustered because I am extremely bad with face to face confrontation.
KC was being confronted on terms she cuold not control, so maybe that factors into the redness-Or, maybe she was straining to make real tears come out.
I didn't watch the hearing live but I did watch all the raw video on WFTV's website. My impression after watching all the clips, especially the 4th clip is that Casey was crying for herself. The crying had nothing to do with mourning Caylee on the 1 year anniversary of her body being found.

I didn't notice any mascara running on her face or any black mascara residue on the tissues that Casey used to wipe her eyes either. She does have that mannerism of wiping the inner corner of her eyes with her fingers and then looking at her fingers. I wonder if she's feigning tears at that point because it looks like a stalling tactic like she used in one of the jailhouse conversations with her mom and dad.

I also noticed that Casey didn't cry at all, she looked bored when A.L. was discussing cases that didn't have anything to do with her like when she was talking about the DP case that getting the sentence changed to LWOP.

I wish that the camera focused more on Casey's face because it was obvious that the defense desk mike was on, you could hear whispering between Casey and Jose Baez, and Casey and the black attorney who sat next to her when there was a sidebar.
She grabbed her wrist fast like the same move you'd make to restrain. I see it as possibly her subconscious remembering and revealing through her body language how she may have restrained Caylee. Or maybe she was trying to restrain herself from going off in the courtroom. I saw anger, and that balled fist rage, and it chills me to know Caylee probably saw it too.
It's my personal belief that KC is suffering from/afflicted by OCD. this is what causes her self-soothing devices/tatics of constant primping and fidgeting.
that being said, it does NOT negate her murderous act upon her very own baby girl. BUT, left untreated, as her trial begins and progresses, we will only see MORE of the symptoms manifest.
Her anxiety levels are already out-of-control. At trial, we will witness more and more signs of this. She WILL have anxiety attacks during the trial. Mark my words. UNLESS, Baez is smart enough to have her seen and treated by a qualified shrink. If this had been done a year ago, perhaps KC's chemical imbalances would be corrected to the point where she would have simply confessed to her sins.
It's my personal belief that KC is suffering from/afflicted by OCD. this is what causes her self-soothing devices/tatics of constant primping and fidgeting.
that being said, it does NOT negate her murderous act upon her very own baby girl. BUT, left untreated, as her trial begins and progresses, we will only see MORE of the symptoms manifest.
Her anxiety levels are already out-of-control. At trial, we will witness more and more signs of this. She WILL have anxiety attacks during the trial. Mark my words. UNLESS, BOZO is smart enough to have her seen and treated by a qualified shrink. If this had been done a year ago, perhaps KC's chemical imbalances would be corrected to the point where she would have simply confessed to her sins.
This is not just a matter of confessing "sins" and accepting religious redemption. The government has applied and will apply the death penalty to confessed murderers. The fact of giving a confession does not result in immunity against the death penalty.
This is not just a matter of confessing "sins" and accepting religious redemption. The government has applied and will apply the death penalty to confessed murderers. The fact of giving a confession does not result in immunity against the death penalty.

Wow. That was a sobering post.

I agree, but without treatment, let the fun/drama begin...KC gets this anxious and worked up at a half-hour hearing, just WAIT till the trial begins. I predict that MORE THAN ONCE, KC will flip out, hyperventilate and all, and have a full blown anxiety attack for the whole world to witness. Without meds for her obvious chemical imbalances....this WILL happen!

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