Casey's Confinement, Mail; Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.

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Hehe, yes thankfully. Learned my lesson for sure.

I was thinking about the pooing in front of everyone, I bet she holds it for days. Casey is the type of person that must look perfect at all times in front of others, look at the way she fidgets with her hair, clothing, etc non-stop to make sure she appears exactly 'right'. She wouldnt even let the one or two tears she did shed at the press conf. run past the corner of her eye for fear of her mascara running. I bet she is horrified to have to take a dump in public. (I do seem to recall her not having much probs peeing in front of everyone tho while drunk, re- the photo of her in the parking lot)

Embarassing tidbit here, but I had a juvie record as a teen. (I have been a good law abiding citizen and no record since turning 18 lol) Prisons are far better and allow much more freedom then what I went through in that jail. The juvenile jail I was in, the cells looked identical to that pic, it made my stomach turn when I seen it just now as it brought back a really bad time in my life. Same amount of space, same walls, same COLD metal toilet/sink, same 'bed'. (the mattress was a thin, cold blue slab of vinyl or plastic, about 2 inches thick) No pillow, one shear sheet over the cold blue mattress and only one paper thin, gray, scratchy blanket. This all had to be rolled up and neatly folded at one end when you werent sleeping and you could only sit on the bare cement slab. The last time I was there at the age of 17, I spent 3 months locked up. It is basically solitary confinement. I was allowed nothing in my cell except a book, I could never leave my cell except to go to meals 3 times a day which lasted 20 min each time, and there was no talking to anyone at any time, not even allowed to look at someone. The only other time we were allowed out of our cells was a one hour recreation time in which you could sit at a table and talk to only the people beside you, or play basketball. (this was the only time, within a 24 hr period you could ever look another inmate in the eye or speak to them) Then to brush your teeth and shower which had to be done in about 5 minutes and you stood there butt naked in front of everyone waiting in line for your turn. You washed your hair with handsoap from a wall dispenser and brushed your teeth with paste you couldnt even get a sud bubble from. The only window was too high up to look out of and was very tiny, with several bars blocking most of the view. There was a solid cement door with a tiny window at the top that you could not see out of. (guards could see you in it tho) So, you pooped and peed and they could walk by and look in at you at anytime.

It seems Casey's life right now is pretty similiar to what I went through. Except that she has a large clear wall that she can see out of. It was an unimaginable hell that makes my stomach sick just thinking about. Any bit of sanity or reasonable thought is very hard to hold onto in that kind of environment. Especially for someone so young. For a normal person, this would be complete horror and torture. (which is what one deserves if they murder thier child imo) I cannot comprehend how she can bear it but then again I dont know how the mind of a sociopath works.

Someone started another thread like this the other day but it was moved to the jury room. Reading that thread and this one here brings back unpleasent memories for me as well. I'd choose going back to prison over jail or being held involuntary in psych wards any day!

You should be proud of yourself, you have obviously come a long way! :blowkiss:
Someone started another thread like this the other day but it was moved to the jury room. Reading that thread and this one here brings back unpleasent memories for me as well. I'd choose going back to prison over jail or being held involuntary in psych wards any day!

You should be proud of yourself, you have obviously come a long way! :blowkiss:

Maybe a dumb question: what is the difference between prison and jail?
Thank you, Onelostgirl, you as well! Im kinda glad I got out my wild streak as a teen. My juvie criminal activity wasnt anything real bad, but I had a drinking problem and never showed up at school (sober anyways) and got into fights, broke house arrest, etc, so that is why I was locked up several times. Stopped all that when I turned an adult, turned my life around & I havent looked back.

Lacey, I would think the major differences is that in prisons you have much more freedom. Although youd think it would be the opposite. One of my relatives spent a few yrs in prison and he told me you could get anything your heart desired pretty much, and that drugs especially were just as, if not more, readily available there than on the outside.
Thank you, Onelostgirl, you as well! Im kinda glad I got out my wild streak as a teen. My juvie criminal activity wasnt anything real bad, but I had a drinking problem and never showed up at school (sober anyways) and got into fights, broke house arrest, etc, so that is why I was locked up several times. Stopped all that when I turned an adult, turned my life around & I havent looked back.

Lacey, I would think the major differences is that in prisons you have much more freedom. Although youd think it would be the opposite. One of my relatives spent a few yrs in prison and he told me you could get anything your heart desired pretty much, and that drugs especially were just as, if not more, readily available there than on the outside.

Thanks --- why would one go to prison rather than jail (or vice versa) - I truly am in the dark regarding this.
Thanks --- why would one go to prison rather than jail (or vice versa) - I truly am in the dark regarding this.

Once you are convicted of a crime you go to prison to serve your sentence.
I have a question...
Will she be allowed to get her GED?
I read somewhere that FL does not offer education to prisoners...
Anyone, anyone?
Once you are convicted of a crime you go to prison to serve your sentence.

Thanks, OneLostGrl. I cannot imagine being kept in either place. The walls would close in on me in no time. Terrifying.
I have a question...
Will she be allowed to get her GED?
I read somewhere that FL does not offer education to prisoners...
Anyone, anyone?

I have no clue how things work in Florida! Never even been arrested since I have lived down south!
Thanks --- why would one go to prison rather than jail (or vice versa) - I truly am in the dark regarding this.
"Jail" is a county lock up until your trial. Prison is a State facility that you go to serve your sentence once you are convicted. More equipt for a long term lock up. County is more or less a holding center, much smaller.
While it is pretty hard core, alot of frequent visitors, not nearly as hard core as a state facility which is much larger and populated by inmates that have formed clicks and gangs that have codes. One thing that will not bode well for Casey is her crime in and of itself, and the notiriety of the case.
IMO she is already marked.
I have no clue how things work in Florida! Never even been arrested since I have lived down south!

I never liked the south until I had to leave...glad to be back now, at least for a little while. We definitely do things BETTER down here!!! :)
Casey may never "talk", but I'm at least a little bit comforted in the belief that she'll be friggin' miserable. She enjoys manipulating people. She is devious and underhanded. But I think she uses words and "intellect" in her insideous endeavors. In contrast, I imagine that in prison the pecking order is established much more "directly", i.e., the gal at the top gets there by overt and physical bullying, not by being coy and certainly not through "charm". The "ladies" in her "community" will see straight through her BS. They'll loathe her even more for it, and will treat her accordingly. Regardless of her sexual orientation, she will likely acquire a "girlfriend", but I'm confident it won't be someone of HER choosing.

:behindbar: Bertha:woohoo::cat::thumb::whipper::blowkiss::smoochiesmilie:
:behindbar KC:eek::shakehead::cold::bow::bow::bow::heart::
:blowkiss:I don't think is how KC saw the rest of her life. Oh how I wish someone, anyone would have drug her by her ear to a therapist years ago.
I never liked the south until I had to leave...glad to be back now, at least for a little while. We definitely do things BETTER down here!!! :)

oh gosh, I would never go back up north- ever :)!! I love SC!
Someone else has mentioned that the pic she had of Caylee was in a glass frame. That would not be allowed if she is on a suicide watch.

Yeah, but it could be taken out of the glass frame. That what I did on suicide watch(psych ward- not prison).

And I would assume that they have kept her seperate from other inmates "from day one"....i doubt that she would survive even an hour in gen pop.
That being said, there has been many guards who 'look the other way' for a few mins while the inmates seek their own justice.
I personally think it must be driving her crazy(ier) having so little human contact....Only 6hrs with JB...And mummy and daddy not at her beck and call.

"I'm a rockstar- I'm special" I can hear her screaming in her empty little cell.
If she finally accepts that she's not ever coming out she will use her feminine charms on anyone and everyone she has contact with. She will use what has always worked for her. Its all she's got.
And I am Soooooooo curious to know what she's reading.. is there any way we could find out?
Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure....this is an excellent article written about her:

"As a sociopath, Casey wants to control her own destiny and create her own reality, abhorring any form of criticism or denigration. At some point, she might experience feelings of depression. These feelings would not be because her daughter is missing or dead, but because she lacks the freedom she craves. Having been arrested and accused, she is no longer in charge of her own fate, and for a sociopath, who values freedom more than anything else, that is devastating."

Very interesting article! Thank you for sharing!

Yeah, but it could be taken out of the glass frame. That what I did on suicide watch(psych ward- not prison).

And I would assume that they have kept her seperate from other inmates "from day one"....i doubt that she would survive even an hour in gen pop.
That being said, there has been many guards who 'look the other way' for a few mins while the inmates seek their own justice.
I personally think it must be driving her crazy(ier) having so little human contact....Only 6hrs with JB...And mummy and daddy not at her beck and call.

"I'm a rockstar- I'm special" I can hear her screaming in her empty little cell.
If she finally accepts that she's not ever coming out she will use her feminine charms on anyone and everyone she has contact with. She will use what has always worked for her. Its all she's got.
And I am Soooooooo curious to know what she's reading.. is there any way we could find out?
She certainly was walking around like she was some sort of Pairs Hilton/rock star personality when she was prancing back and forth to JB's office, wasn't she?
I was telling my family that I am so happy she is locked up now and away from what she craves...attention, namely male attention. Reports say that she was as cool as a cucumer and even making eye contact with folks at the sherrif's office and half smiling.
No one to flirt with in lock up now.
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