Casey's Confinement, Mail; Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.

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I think the only possibile way that might break her, is if Caylee's remains are found, the homicide detectives show Casey all of the pictures taken of what is left of her child! Make her view them!
Then maybe, just maybe, she would completely break down.

You know, I doubt even that would affect her. Remember, she drove around with Caylee's decomposing body in the trunk of her car for about 11 days....then she took Caylee out and dumped her somewhere. So she SAW what Caylee looked like then (and it had to be horrific), and she just skipped merrily on her way to her new "beautiful life".
BTW, other inmates can see her, yell their cat calls at her, stare her down as they walk by her cell, etc. Solitary confinement at OC Jail just means you have no physical contact in that jail with other inmates. She can see everything going on in, including watching whatever the inmates are watching on TV at the time.

If she decides to take her one hour out of the cell all inmates are locked down for that hour. She has the place to herself, but gets screamed at the entire time by pissed off inmates. This princess is the #1 enemy in that county jail. You think the protestors were pissed off? These women are furious at how the justice system is catering to this baby killer, when they are being kept away from their babys on drug charges, fraud charges, and petty theft charges. If she was put in General today she would not last to her trial. Someone will seriously hurt her, or kill her.
BTW, other inmates can see her, yell their cat calls at her, stare her down as they walk by her cell, etc. Solitary confinement at OC Jail just means you have no physical contact in that jail with other inmates. She can see everything going on in, including watching whatever the inmates are watching on TV at the time.

If she decides to take her one hour out of the cell all inmates are locked down for that hour. She has the place to herself, but gets screamed at the entire time by pissed off inmates. This princess is the #1 enemy in that county jail. You think the protestors were pissed off? These women are furious at how the justice system is catering to this baby killer, when they are being kept away from their babys on drug charges, fraud charges, and petty theft charges. If she was put in General today she would not last to her trial. Someone will seriously hurt her, or kill her.

Oh, you just sooooooo made my day with that post!!!
karen, very insightful and informative article. I was just about to do a search for much the same. Thank you. Perhaps we can find some more.
I'd really like to know what she is voraciously reading. Perhaps some materials about the accused representing themselves in court?
"knowing what a spiteful she is"

I think this statement is one that we should be examining much more closely. IF this is something that her mother repeatedly said to her, then that is an indicator that she perhaps WAS a spiteful bit@h and her mother called attention to that fact on a regular basis...

And what does this tell us about Casey if it is in fact true?

There is also the fact that her mother called her an unfit mother on a regular basis according to what information we now have, and that she made an effort to tell Casey's friends that she was a "sociopath"...and that she was a liar and a thief...

What does THIS tell us about Casey if it is true?

To me, all of these things combine together to say that Casey was selfish, was a liar, had no conscience about stealing from her own family and friends, and that she did not provide for the basic care of her own child. It tells me that perhaps she has a vindictive nature, and would make her families life miserable if they dared to "cross" her, and that she was a source of pain and trouble for her family prior to this incident that catapulted them all into the news. It all combines to say to me that Casey was a ticking time bomb, and that she was waiting to the chance to free herself from what she perceived as her "bonds".

I think she is FURIOUS that she has been locked up and that at some point she will boil over in some fashion.

Usually a sociopath will blame everyone else but themselves for the situation they're in. I have no doubt that Casey blames her mother for her predicament. After all, she reasons, it was Cindy who called the police and started the ball rolling. I'm sure Casey is very angry with Cindy! I also think this is the paramount reason Casey spent her days on home confinement at JB's office. It was to escape her mother.

I also think that Casey believes she will only be in jail for a short time because JB has assured her they're going to fight this and win. She doesn't even fathom that this will be the rest of her life or even a death penalty case.
No, Casey will adjust to jail like all sociopaths do.

The lack of privacy is not that bad. She will adjust. I do think however, she needs to be in gen pop. She will not get away with lies with other prisoners. They will shun her and she will wind up with the same isolation but without the bars.

Casey is an infamous criminal. She will have family that believes or claims to believe the BS. If she gets the death penalty she will have appeals and outpouring from those that oppose the DP. She will have fans just like Scott Peterson, Ted Bundy and everyone else of her ilk. She will control what she can and manipulate to her ability.

I think one of the main reasons you will never hear a confession from her, DP or not, deal or not, is that she would rather live her life interacting with the handful of people that believe her BS and are drawn to her insanity than to deal with reality for a single moment.

If she is not on death row I do not believe she will stay in protective custody for her entire stay. I do think we will see at least one guard lose his job in relation to her though.
It may be interesting to start a thread that will be concerned with how her confinement, jail cell, etc. is, may or will affect Casey.

Will she break down?

What about the lack of privacy?


Nope she wont break down and lack of privacy wont bother her.
I'd really like to know what she is voraciously reading. Perhaps some materials about the accused representing themselves in court?

You know, I have been wondering the same thing concentric.

Maybe, "He's Just Not That Into You", "Small Sacrifices", ummmmmm?
:waitasec: Didn't Ted Bundy try to defend himself? And wasn't that in Florida?
Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure....this is an excellent article written about her:

"As a sociopath, Casey wants to control her own destiny and create her own reality, abhorring any form of criticism or denigration. At some point, she might experience feelings of depression. These feelings would not be because her daughter is missing or dead, but because she lacks the freedom she craves. Having been arrested and accused, she is no longer in charge of her own fate, and for a sociopath, who values freedom more than anything else, that is devastating."

There will be a lot of sucking up to, and manipulating wardens.

She could end up a trusty.
You can usually buy some items through the jail commisary, things like toothpaste, hair gel etc. They wont have all brands however.
I know the females at the jail I work at become very creative in fixing themselves up, they can have crayons and use them to use as make-up.


Prisons often have inmate-run beauty shops.
I think the only possibile way that might break her, is if Caylee's remains are found, the homicide detectives show Casey all of the pictures taken of what is left of her child! Make her view them!
Then maybe, just maybe, she would completely break down.

That won't happen. She drove her baby's body around, and even threw a pizza on top of it, to make the smell. All the while partying.

She'll shortly fall in love with a guard, a warden or a counselor.
Prisons often have inmate-run beauty shops.

I'm surprised she didn't get some tattooed permanent make-up put on before going back to the big house. Like tattooed eyeliner, lips, etc.:eek:

IIRC, she had phone numbers stored in her cell phone for permanent make-up businesses.

truth: I've always wanted the eyeliner and lips done myself.:crazy:
That won't happen. She drove her baby's body around, and even threw a pizza on top of it, to make the smell. All the while partying.

She'll shortly fall in love with a guard, a warden or a counselor.

ITA! :clap:
That won't happen. She drove her baby's body around, and even threw a pizza on top of it, to make the smell. All the while partying.

She'll shortly fall in love with a guard, a warden or a counselor.

Yup. It didn't take her long to get tight with a LE or two did it? I'm sure she'll tell her tale of "difficult" relationships and explain away everything. Unfortunately there's a sucker born every minute. She'll quickly sniff out someone who would love to be her friend. :rolleyes:
I don't think prison will break her either. And I don't think she will ever confess. But I do think she will find it hard to adapt to prison life. Especially the solitary part, since she had such an active social life before (what an understatement!) Her days were spent doing whatever she wanted: shopping, texting, computer use, partying etc. And now, not only is that all gone but she is alone with her thoughts for 23 hours each day. She must be livid with anyone who gave a police interview. Especially GA, since no one (outside of the GJ) knows exactly what he testified. Whatever it was, in her mind, it contributed to her indictment and arrest. That has to be eating at her.
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