Casey's credit card spending spree REVISITED

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i have seen no public information at this point as to how much of her parents money casey spent, or over how much time they are talking.

nancy grace threw out a 45,000 dollar figure on her show one night but gave no source or context.

i would find it odd if LE refused to look at the receipts cindy offered them. sure they have the officail statements they can look at, but what if there were additional cash receipts included in there? ones that may give them more information than just credit card records.

i would find it surprising if LE didnt confiscate, or at the very least search, all of Casey's belongings that were with her during the month long period she was "on her own".

This is from Rick Plesea's August 21 2008 police interview, on page 19:

YM: Right. Well and you all, you also mentioned here about uh, I guess Cindy had gone into her 401k. Is that something that you knew, or is that something that you heard from uhm, your mom?

RP: Uh, my mom. And, and uh, Cindy confirmed it yesterday when she was blasting me. She goes, “You don’t even know how much I took out of my 401k.” And I said, and uh, it was like, uh, fifty-six thousand or fifty, fifty-two or fifty-six thousand dollars she took…

YM: Man.

RP: …out of…

YM: Holy cow.

RP: …(inaudible) had in it. Yeah (affirmative), because I know it had to be a, you know, because Casey ran up, and that’s what my mom said.

(Whispering in background - inaudible.)

RP: Casey ran up a whole bunch of bills and nearly bankrupted them. That’s why they were behind in payments and...

FWIW, that's the only thin so far I have found.


I thought it was like $40,000, I really thought I heard that. Great point about checking into cameras where the transactions are from though.

From Shirley Plesea’s August 21 2008 police interview, pages 5170-5172:

YM: About, well about Casey stealing from the family.

SP: Yeah (affirmative).

YM: And taking so much that they had to go into their 401K.

SP: Oh. Well she’s telling me now really that uh, she did the 401K because three, a few years ago she had a problem with George.

YM: Well we know about the problem with George too.

SP: Okay.

SB: We know about the problem with George.

YM: Yeah (affirmative).

SB: And it didn’t have anything to do with the 401K at this point.

SP: No. But I mean she said she had to you know, pay a lot of those bills back (inaudible).

YM: Yeah (affirmative), but what, what was the first reason she told you she needed to get into the 401K? Was that it, or was it because Casey was stealing a lot of money that they were, they were going to lost their home again.

SP: Oh, well see she never told me any of that stuff because she’d known I had my hands full worrying about Dad.

YM: True. True.

SP: So uh . . .

SB: She first, she first told you, what you told us a minute ago, she first told you it was about trying to pay the bills off that Casey’d run up, right?

SP: Yeah (affirmative).

SB: And then she told you later it was about George?

SP: Well, yeah (affirmative). Well first I knew she had all the problems with George because I know he was hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars into debt.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

SB: Un-hum (affirmative).

SP: That she even had to pay back the IRS because he cashed in his saving, or you know, whatever they had at the, when he was guard over to the . . .

SB: Yeah (affirmative).

SB: Was it his business, what he, what he did for work?

SP: Yeah (affirmative).

YM: Yeah (affirmative).

SB: His retirement stuff?

SP: Yeah (affirmative), his retirement fund. Uh, and he didn’t tell her that, tell Cindy so she could include it in their . . .

YM: uh-hum (affirmative).

SP: . . . (inaudible). And she gets the big, you know, they keep half of her check or something. So she, she just tells me stuff a little bit at a time because she don’t want to worry me. Now if . . .

SB: When, when did she change, when did she tell you recently that she was doing it to pay off George’s stuff? Was it, was it just since all this has happened?

SP: Yeah (affirmative), since it, since Rick was telling all of this.

YM: But, but before Rick was telling all this it was because of what? What did she tell you before?

SP: She told me before that the, she had to refinance the house and stuff because of I think, I thought she said it was because of George. I don’t know.

YM: Okay. But you don’t remember her mentioning that Casey was, was out there spending a whole bunch of their money . .

SP: Oh.

YM: . . . and . . .

SP: Yeah (affirmative). The last, yeah (affirmative).

SB: How much money did she say that Casey took? Do you remember?

SP: Well, she said, uh, you know, they said something about it being like forty-five thousand.

SB: Forty-five thousand?

YM: What did she tell you?

SP: Well she said “I would, I couldn’t have a, a credit card with that much.” And I said “Well Cindy, she could have made up other cards with your names on them.” I mean George was doing that.


YM: Uh-huh (Affirmative). Did she ever say, did she ever say how much that Ci . . that Casey actually stole, or, or used without them knowing? She ever give a dollar figure?

SP: No. I just assumed it was a forty-five thousand myself. That’s what I assumed. She never mentioned a figure.

And that's all I still have found about the amount. So who knows? Go Figure.
Wasn't sure where to post this and since my statement is about $$$, I put it here.

If I understand the financial situation, the A's were in serious financial issues over the past couple of years created by either or both GA and KC.

I did a search and came up empty looking for the computers. What type of desktop and laptop were they and how old were they? And why, IIRC, CA said the laptop was her's, would she need a laptop? Did she actually purchase the computer or did KC, saying it belonged to Universal?

The A' had little if any disposable funds. Perhaps some, a couple of grand, went to purchase these computers.

Nothing adds up with this clan.

ETA: Found the brands, desktop is HP, laptop is Compaq.
Wasn't sure where to post this and since my statement is about $$$, I put it here.

If I understand the financial situation, the A's were in serious financial issues over the past couple of years created by either or both GA and KC.

I did a search and came up empty looking for the computers. What type of desktop and laptop were they and how old were they? And why, IIRC, CA said the laptop was her's, would she need a laptop? Did she actually purchase the computer or did KC, saying it belonged to Universal?

The A' had little if any disposable funds. Perhaps some, a couple of grand, went to purchase these computers.

Nothing adds up with this clan.

ETA: Found the brands, desktop is HP, laptop is Compaq.

We saw a bit of Cindy's spending habits on the receipt doc, ( I don't have the link) she spent money like water. Caylee didn't appear to want for anything (except a sane family). I never saw so many different dress up costumes for one child, everything from a cheerleader to princesses and bunnys. Usually when people are empty inside they need to compensate with frequent spending sprees.
We saw a bit of Cindy's spending habits on the receipt doc, ( I don't have the link) she spent money like water. Caylee didn't appear to want for anything (except a sane family). I never saw so many different dress up costumes for one child, everything from a cheerleader to princesses and bunnys. Usually when people are empty inside they need to compensate with frequent spending sprees.

Maybe she just liked to buy nice things for her granddaughter? No harm in that.
I would think the $45,000 figure was an accumulation of all the credit card bills. It's easy to get credit for $10K here and $15K there and between KC, CA and GA, they were probably all maxed out.

Along those lines, I don't think GA fell for a pyramid scam out of the Bahamas. I do think he could have easily fallen into the online gambling and a lot of those were out of the Bahamas at one time. You could simply put a few hundred at a time on any credit card and play away.
Maybe she just liked to buy nice things for her granddaughter? No harm in that.

There is if you don't have the money to pay your monthly living expenses :mad: . CA was fully aware that she was in deep debt for years.
We saw a bit of Cindy's spending habits on the receipt doc, ( I don't have the link) she spent money like water. Caylee didn't appear to want for anything (except a sane family). I never saw so many different dress up costumes for one child, everything from a cheerleader to princesses and bunnys. Usually when people are empty inside they need to compensate with frequent spending sprees.

Wonder where the money was coming from that kept this family in the life style they had. CA's salary wouldn't have covered it all. She was the only one working. With normal thangs going on maybe---but with KC stealing left and right----there is just no way one pay check could keep up with it all. Money was coming in and CA probably knew where it was coming from.

Most peep do like to furnish the kiddos with toys and clothes but there is no way. Hey---been there done that. She probably didn't make much more than pa-pa bear and we had it comfortable---but then we didn't have anybody stealing from us. (not until he died--that is) But we still couldn't go buy what we wanted when we wanted it---we didn't have a house payment.
I guess because she did not work she needed to steal to cover these breath-taking cell phone bills:

7/29/2008 $167.50 Due
7/15/2008 $574.60
6/25/2008 $377.33
5/6/2008 $574.60
4/8/2008 $354.04
3/26/2008 $191.17
2/27/2008 $160.57
1/24/2008 $180.21
2008 total $2,580.02

12/4/2007 $814.00
9/24/2007 $497.75
7/24/2007 $414.11
5/25/2007 $372.82
4/3/2007 $417.47
2007 total $2,516.15

The 4/8/2008 bill is for the same amount that Casey forged the check for from her grandfather's checking account.

Page 10 of Shirley's LE interview.
The 4/8/2008 bill is for the same amount that Casey forged the check for from her grandfather's checking account.

Page 10 of Shirley's LE interview.

I find it just astounding that Casey's phone bills were so big. Of course the July 15, 2008 amount is what Casey tried to pay with AH's checking account.

I wonder why Casey didn't just sign up for some cell phone unlimited calling and texting plan?
I guess because she did not work she needed to steal to cover these breath-taking cell phone bills:

7/29/2008 $167.50 Due
7/15/2008 $574.60
6/25/2008 $377.33
5/6/2008 $574.60
4/8/2008 $354.04
3/26/2008 $191.17
2/27/2008 $160.57
1/24/2008 $180.21
2008 total $2,580.02

12/4/2007 $814.00
9/24/2007 $497.75
7/24/2007 $414.11
5/25/2007 $372.82
4/3/2007 $417.47
2007 total $2,516.15

I would surely like to know HOW these were paid--CA writing a check, KC using a credit card belonging to someone else, cash--How?
I guess because she did not work she needed to steal to cover these breath-taking cell phone bills:

7/29/2008 $167.50 Due
7/15/2008 $574.60
6/25/2008 $377.33
5/6/2008 $574.60
4/8/2008 $354.04
3/26/2008 $191.17
2/27/2008 $160.57
1/24/2008 $180.21
2008 total $2,580.02

12/4/2007 $814.00
9/24/2007 $497.75
7/24/2007 $414.11
5/25/2007 $372.82
4/3/2007 $417.47
2007 total $2,516.15

So...has it already been discussed to death on some thread I missed that the giant bill on 5/6/08 is TWO DAYS after Casey left this comment for a friend on MySpace:

May 4, 2008 2:17 am "i just got a's pretty great. that's what i would recommend."

I know this girl is a huge liar but I really think there may have been a Blackjack after all....
So...has it already been discussed to death on some thread I missed that the giant bill on 5/6/08 is TWO DAYS after Casey left this comment for a friend on MySpace:

May 4, 2008 2:17 am "i just got a's pretty great. that's what i would recommend."

I know this girl is a huge liar but I really think there may have been a Blackjack after all....

I just noticed something. The May and July bills are identical to the penny. I find that odd.

I put the same post you quoted on the BlackJack thread [ame=""]here[/ame]. I searched through the thread for the number "574", and it looked like it had been marginally discussed and dismissed.

I just looked at it again after seeing the identical bills and noticed a couple of things. First, folks were talking about the "574" bill paid before the computer forensics were released. So was this released in another document or an interview with an Anthony? :waitasec: Second, folks seem to be talking about the July payment, not the May payment.

Soooo...appears it may be ripe for discussion.
I just noticed something. The May and July bills are identical to the penny. I find that odd.

I put the same post you quoted on the BlackJack thread here. I searched through the thread for the number "574", and it looked like it had been marginally discussed and dismissed.

I just looked at it again after seeing the identical bills and noticed a couple of things. First, folks were talking about the "574" bill paid before the computer forensics were released. So was this released in another document or an interview with an Anthony? :waitasec: Second, folks seem to be talking about the July payment, not the May payment.

Soooo...appears it may be ripe for discussion.

Yeah, I noticed that too--the two identical $574.60 payments. I'm trying to find the link where these payments were first luck so far. I wonder if something "went wrong" with the first payment--i.e., it was paid on someone else's credit card and they got it reversed ;)--so she had to pay it again (with Amy's account this time).

IIRC, she told her grandma that the $354.04 payment (4/8/08) was for her new work phone and Universal would reimburse her...but based on the 5/4/08 message that she "just" got a BlackJack and the big 5/6/08 bill it seems like she probably didn't get a new phone until around early May. I wonder if someone in the family (Detective Lee?) was asking her questions: "So Universal wanted you to get a new phone? What kind? A BlackJack huh? Cool, can I see it? Oh, you left it on your desk? Can I see it tomorrow?" and she had to go out and ACTUALLY BUY a BlackJack just to back up her lie that she already bought one??? :doh:
Yeah, I noticed that too--the two identical $574.60 payments. I'm trying to find the link where these payments were first luck so far. I wonder if something "went wrong" with the first payment--i.e., it was paid on someone else's credit card and they got it reversed ;)--so she had to pay it again (with Amy's account this time).

IIRC, she told her grandma that the $354.04 payment (4/8/08) was for her new work phone and Universal would reimburse her...but based on the 5/4/08 message that she "just" got a BlackJack and the big 5/6/08 bill it seems like she probably didn't get a new phone until around early May. I wonder if someone in the family (Detective Lee?) was asking her questions: "So Universal wanted you to get a new phone? What kind? A BlackJack huh? Cool, can I see it? Oh, you left it on your desk? Can I see it tomorrow?" and she had to go out and ACTUALLY BUY a BlackJack just to back up her lie that she already bought one??? :doh:

The identical payments don't appear to be a billing reversal. I took everything straight from the raw computer forensic report, where the investigator found a cached ATT web page that Lee visited, showing her payments and current balance.
I guess because she did not work she needed to steal to cover these breath-taking cell phone bills:

7/29/2008 $167.50 Due
7/15/2008 $574.60
6/25/2008 $377.33
5/6/2008 $574.60
4/8/2008 $354.04
3/26/2008 $191.17
2/27/2008 $160.57
1/24/2008 $180.21
2008 total $2,580.02

12/4/2007 $814.00
9/24/2007 $497.75
7/24/2007 $414.11
5/25/2007 $372.82
4/3/2007 $417.47
2007 total $2,516.15

why were her bill's so high? was the cell phone in her name? do we have a spread sheet on what these charges are for? if this has all been said and done ..sorry...its been awhile and a link would be great to antother thread...if its been done.....thanks :)

oh and how they were paid....someone above said they were able to view her bill...from where lee visited the web site and seen what was paid and so forth...could we have that too figure out how and with what she paid the bil with...charge, check...ect....again sorry if this is old news....
Hmmm...maybe the high bills could be for something beyond cell phone a wireless internet card for the laptop? Otherwise it would be tough to have a constant internet connection while driving around town with no job. Also it would be hard to explain to your friends why the "work laptop" issued to you by Universal Studios so you could "work from home" would not include a wireless internet connection.

If she had a wireless internet plan with a monthly data limit I bet she would go WAY over and have to pay a lot extra every month.....

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