Casey's Daily Routine in Jail

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Jul 30, 2008
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Video here:

Points made in the video:

- Casey is not notified of a planned visit until 7AM on the day of the visit. She can decline the visit, and she does not have to give reasons for refusing visits.

- Casey has 1 hour inside rec-time each day, in which she can watch TV, make phone calls, and perform hygiene. Prison guards clear the rec room for her to have time alone in it.

- Casey has 1 hour outside rec-time each day, in a small chain-link courtyard. Video showed the area, and it's right by a highway or roadway--visible from the roadway.

- Casey met with Baez this past Friday...he was her most recent visitor.

- It's been a week since Casey's made or received a phone call (IIRC).

- Casey was restricted on clothing and items in her cell when she first arrived, but now she receives the same stuff that other prisoners receive.

- Casey is held in a cell alone, like other high-profile prisoners, with a plexi-glass door.

Here's an article that also gives some of this info:

Casey has been in police custody since mid-July. When she was first admitted into the jail, she was restricted in items she could have, including having underwear and bedding. The restriction was lifted shortly after she arrived.

Now, Casey is in protective custody at the jail. She has no other contact with other inmates and is isolated to a cell with a clear plexi-glass material over the door so she can see out.

Each day, Casey is allowed into the day room for one hour where she can watch local television for one hour, make telephone calls and shower. She is also allowed one hour of isolated recreation time in an open courtyard.

Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, was her last visitor Friday morning. In addition to canceling her visit with Lee Friday, she refused to see her parents, George and Cindy, on Sunday -- just one day after her missing daughter turned 3-years-old.

More at link:
Wow - all that isolation - I would be stir crazy by now!

Man if she doesn't crack soon she is made of stone.....I would go BONKERS.
But boy are all her friends having fun partying at Fusian.

Oh well, she has plenty of time to think about what she's missing.
I say throw her butt in general population. Some of those women will make her talk.
On the other hand... the attention & the 'fame' might appeal to her.

That's true but most of those women in prison are mothers. Yeah, some are trash who beat their kids but most of them love their children and hate girls like Casey. She would not last more than an hour without a butt kicking and I am totally OK with that.
That's true but most of those women in prison are mothers. Yeah, some are trash who beat their kids but most of them love their children and hate girls like Casey. She would not last more than an hour without a butt kicking and I am totally OK with that.

Someone would Dahmer her.
I say make her watch every show available talking about Caylee, OTR, Geraldo, Nancy Grace, etc...... all day everyday. Let her see the pain she is causing with this nonsense of hers. I think she will get so sick of hearing about poor Caylee she will lose it and spew word vomit about how this is all Caylee's fault and she wouldnt be in this mess if it had not been for Caylee.
I say make her watch every show available talking about Caylee, OTR, Geraldo, Nancy Grace, etc...... all day everyday. Let her see the pain she is causing with this nonsense of hers. I think she will get so sick of hearing about poor Caylee she will lose it and spew word vomit about how this is all Caylee's fault and she wouldnt be in this mess if it had not been for Caylee.

Yes, I agree, make her watch all the news channels on a loop all day long. She would be just as glued as I am if not more because they are talking about her. She would want to call in and waste her phone call and reset everyone's reality. She would no doubt want to talk to her parents and let them know how displeased she is with what they are saying about her. Remember how she berated her mother about what she said about her in one of her interviews.

Her world would crumble and is crumbling because she isn't around to spin lies again to fix things. Her parents, to her, have NOT taken her side because they don't tell her lies anymore......I think they are to point because they know how she is. They try to "lovingly" make excuses for her but it just make them look Casey and to the world.

I wish she had more than 1 hour at the television. She no doubt wouldn't be watching cartoons to pass the time away. It would make her go insane and they would have to break out the BLUE TACO suit for her. I am waiting for it, sorry to say.
She's prob. eating this sort of attention up! I don't think she should be able to see ANY coverage.

Isolation means very little if she is indeed a sociopath of some sort (was reading about the differences between psycho/socio).
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