Casey's "Emotional Breakdown" per the docs

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Jul 31, 2004
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A couple witnesses interviewed mentioned that Casey said she thought she might need to be committed and she was going crazy and having an emtional breakdown in 2007.

No one seemed to take KC at face value once they realized that she was a habitual liar. I think this dovetailed off her "miscarriage"

Without turning into a crazy bashing thread, do any of you think there is any merit to KC's claims of losing it? or was this another attnetion seeking device? Do her claims tie into anything substantial we have revealed about her life at that time? Did this lead into possible murder of her daughter?

I am sorry I do not have the link to the 2 interviews that this was mentioned in. Perhaps someone could help me out with that?

A couple witnesses interviewed mentioned that Casey said she thought she might need to be committed and she was going crazy and having an emtional breakdown in 2007.

No one seemed to take KC at face value once they realized that she was a habitual liar. I think this dovetailed off her "miscarriage"

Without turning into a crazy bashing thread, do any of you think there is any merit to KC's claims of losing it? or was this another attnetion seeking device? Do her claims tie into anything substantial we have revealed about her life at that time? Did this lead into possible murder of her daughter?

I am sorry I do not have the link to the 2 interviews that this was mentioned in. Perhaps someone could help me out with that?

i have wondered that too it does make me wonder if people had listened to her even though she lied so much .. if she had gotten help would caylee be here? not defending casey but if she were saying things like that to me had i known her id have bugged her to go see someone or at least made sure someone in her family knew how she felt and made them aware that things like this in some mothers can lead to them harming thier children if they have mental issues

i had them right after i had lance and kiera but i made sure told my dr . i had that post pardom stuff had really weird thoughts ect i wonder if this was the case with kc ? and id be livid too if my mother tried to get my daughter to call her mom .i think that is mean that cindy did that
I think there might be something to it. Do any of us know if she's been diagnosed with a mental illness? Sometimes mental illness becomes most prominent in the late teens to early 20's. She would have been right on the cusp of that time frame.

Having been there I won't dare say this was only an attention seeking plot. She very well could have been feeling as if she was "losing it" and was reaching out in the only way she could.

Edited to add: Miscarriage can bring out the most raw feelings one could ever feel. The hopelessness and surge/drop of hormones alone is tough. Not to mention the emotional turmoil. I do think this is possible, regardless if people believed her or not.
I think the fact that Caylee is gone, and Casey is to blame for it proves that there was merit to her previous pleas for mental help/being institutionalized. What "sane" person murders her own child and compulsively lies? She was aware enough, even through the thick smarmy veil of her lies, to see that she was "losing it". If only she had received help back then...she likely wouldn't be in her present situation.
I was a young, divorced mom at her age, with a controlling mother (not as bad as Cindy, but close..) who insisted she keep my kids while I worked, spoiling them constantly. I know firsthand what that can be like. My mother did not think I had the right to ever go out on a date, she thought I should be with my kids every minute that I was not on the job. It gets very frustrating and very hard to take. I did not take a vacation for 10 years, only time I was off was if I was sick. Yet every month or so, my mother had to take a week off to go somewhere so she could "get some rest" away from my kids, leaving me to find a babysitter. Then she would find fault with whoever was keeping them. And I had it thrown in my face constantly that my kids were "wearing her out", not just from her but from my sister as well.
I could well understand why Casey might have felt she was close to a breakdown if Cindy was calling her every time she went out or trying to pretend she was Caylee's mom, instead of Casey. My mother didn't go that far, at least while they were little, although later when she was old, she did think of them as hers. To this day, sometimes my older boys treat me more like their sister than their mother.
Casey might have just been trying to get attention, but I sense that there was a lot of jealousy and resentment between her and Cindy, and that alone can cause a person to lose it completely. Not saying she was actually crazy, but I do think she had a lot of mental issues and most of them centered around Caylee and the battle to be recognized as her mom. It's NOT a motive for murder... but it might be the central cause.
I think this is a tough one to take at face value. Could it be that KC felt she was having a breakdown at that time? Possibly.
But on the other hand,we now know that KC is a habitual liar,and if not lying,taking the truth and stretching it with over the top dramatics.

That's the thing with liars/exaggerators,cry wolf once to often,and people will not believe you,when you're trying to really be truthful and honest.

So my take is,KC was having another bad day,and dramatized.I came to this conclusion,when apparently,the next day everything was just fine.
i have wondered that too it does make me wonder if people had listened to her even though she lied so much .. if she had gotten help would caylee be here? not defending casey but if she were saying things like that to me had i known her id have bugged her to go see someone or at least made sure someone in her family knew how she felt and made them aware that things like this in some mothers can lead to them harming thier children if they have mental issues

i had them right after i had lance and kiera but i made sure told my dr . i had that post pardom stuff had really weird thoughts ect i wonder if this was the case with kc ? and id be livid too if my mother tried to get my daughter to call her mom .i think that is mean that cindy did that

Bold for emphasis. I went through the same thing after the birth of my second child. I had two miscarriages prior to conceiving her. It was the most awful roller coaster ride ever. When it was all said and done, I became very ill after her birth.

Intrusive thoughts (often about severly hurting one or more of your children) is the tell-tale sign that it is time for help. The problem is, many mothers feel guilty for the thought (even thought they truly can't help it) and can't imagine how they will admit them to anyone else.

Do I think Caylee would still be here if Casey had gotten help? Depends. Depends how honest she could have been with anyone treating her. It's not an easy thing to do but it does need to be done for the health and well being of the patient and her child(ren).

Please note: I am not excusing any behavior or any crimes Casey may or may not have committed. But, I would be lying if I said the mental health issues are not a spot close to my heart.
This is a tough question to answer. I think a lot of women have miscarriages and they pull through it without killing their kids. I think people feel they "are going over the edge" and yet somehow pull themselves through without killing their kids. Maybe life was too hard for Casey and maybe she felt she couldn't handle responsibilities. Maybe she really had some depression going on. Sometimes it's hard for friends to help because maybe they don't really take it seriously. Her friends probably never thought she would kill Caylee. Sometimes you don't know a person needs help until it's too late...
Here is where it can get cloudy and gray: even if you have experience with a mental illness or personality disorder, it can be very difficult to discern between 'normal' teenage girl drama and histrionics, and the true emergence of a potential illness requiring medical attention.

So, I'll say what I have said many times recently - a cry for help is always a cry for help. It is a shame that it was so easily disregarded and brushed off when her friends later tried to call and check in on her. Unfortunately, they probably wrote it off as KC drama.

I also think it unlikely that KC only told Michelle and Annie. She stated that her Mom and she talked and it worked out. That was yet another opportunity for CA to have gotten KC some help with her issues.
I think the fact that Caylee is gone, and Casey is to blame for it proves that there was merit to her previous pleas for mental help/being institutionalized. What "sane" person murders her own child and compulsively lies? She was aware enough, even through the thick smarmy veil of her lies, to see that she was "losing it". If only she had received help back then...she likely wouldn't be in her present situation.

I see your point, but I don't think only "insane" people murder. JB would like us to believe that, he'd have the perfect defense.

I also think it is notable that 3 or more of her friends: Annie, other girl, and Iassen, do not believe there was a miscarriage. Whether or not there was, I guess only KC knows, and since she lies compulsively we've got nothing.
I think the fact that Caylee is gone, and Casey is to blame for it proves that there was merit to her previous pleas for mental help/being institutionalized. What "sane" person murders her own child and compulsively lies? She was aware enough, even through the thick smarmy veil of her lies, to see that she was "losing it". If only she had received help back then...she likely wouldn't be in her present situation.

I just don't have it in me to give her that credit.

1 - Lets see some medical records of a miscarriage. This isn't a 3rd world country and her mother is a nurse for Pete's sake. Top that off with what an attention seeking person she is, there's no way she didn't seek medical attention after a miscarriage. Surely LE has looked for records of this. Not to mention, when going in for a DNC, someone has to drive you so there would be another witness to it. Perhaps Zanny took her in.

2 - Her friends tried to follow up with her per their statements and when they called her back the next day, she blew them off like nothing was wrong.

Crazy? No. Without a soul? Yes.
I'v always wondered since CA's interview with I believe the FBI officer where he asked CA to fill out the questionaire concerning kC's mental health. We were able to watch CA dilly dally with the papers and later found out through discovery I believe that CA didn't fill out that particular section. This left me asking, "Was there no history," "Did CA not want to reveal this info," "Or did CA not want to divulge what she felt was wrong with KC over the yrs.?" I think we can all answer those questions in are own minds. I have always wondered about her scholl records that may have shown some issues that might have come up during her education. Now that we have heard a statement comming from KC using the word, "Institutionalized,". With KC's word play throughout this case, she trys to use such flowery more updated terms. So I find the use of using a turn of the centuary word right out of,"For whome the Bell Tolls," odd. There are more updated terms for psychiatric care so it makes me think someone has yelled at her, "You need to be institutionalized," or KC percieved herself as becomming more out of control and CA passivefied her concerns for the moment. My humble opinion.
I just don't have it in me to give her that credit.

1 - Lets see some medical records of a miscarriage. This isn't a 3rd world country and her mother is a nurse for Pete's sake. Top that off with what an attention seeking person she is, there's no way she didn't seek medical attention after a miscarriage. Surely LE has looked for records of this. Not to mention, when going in for a DNC, someone has to drive you so there would be another witness to it. Perhaps Zanny took her in.

2 - Her friends tried to follow up with her per their statements and when they called her back the next day, she blew them off like nothing was wrong.

Crazy? No. Without a soul? Yes.

Depends how early in the pregnancy the miscarriage occurs. Often they abort on their own and you don't need a DNC. However, any competent OB/GYN would order follow up blood tests to make sure HCG continues to drop. This would be clear indication that no products of conception are left behind.

Now, if Casey had a very early miscarriage those can often be like a very heavy period. Her OB may not have needed to see her unless she continued to have heavy bleeding or other complications.
I read this yesterday and might need a bit more clarification, but didn't both of these ladies say that the day after, Casey just sort of blew it off and seemed fine? Didn't Michelle even think at the time that it was an attention seeking measure on the part of Casey Anthony?

Annie might be one thing, but I found it odd that Casey would approach Michelle with these statements. The two were far from close.

Unless the defense wants to explore these issues, IMO, it's a moot point. Casey certainly knew the difference between right and wrong, so this will never rise to the level of insanity. I'd imagine we all would have to agree that anyone who had the ability to murder, let alone murder their own child, surely can't be what we'd term, "normal." Insanity this is not, however.
I see your point, but I don't think only "insane" people murder. JB would like us to believe that, he'd have the perfect defense.

I also think it is notable that 3 or more of her friends: Annie, other girl, and Iassen, do not believe there was a miscarriage. Whether or not there was, I guess only KC knows, and since she lies compulsively we've got nothing.

Ok--maybe "insane" is the wrong word, but clearly she is/was unstable--surely compulsive lying is proof of at least that. And if someone is mentally "unstable" they are unpredictible and at risk for doing irrational or antisocial things. If someone is crying out for help, even if you think it's just for attention, then, in my book, there's something wrong enough to warrent giving them some "attention". I don't think "healthy" people suggest being institutionalized, or lie about having a miscarriage.
I don't know how you could have a miscarriage without medical attention afterwards. Wouldn't there be a medical record from the D&C?
I don't know how you could have a miscarriage without medical attention afterwards. Wouldn't there be a medical record from the D&C?

If it were a spontaneous abortion a DNC may not have been necessary. She may not even have needed to see her Dr. depending how far along in the pregnancy she was. It could have been no worse than a heavy period.

As a side note: Dr's do try to let the body take care of these things on their own as there are inherent risks with any surgical procedure.
Depends how early in the pregnancy the miscarriage occurs. Often they abort on their own and you don't need a DNC. However, any competent OB/GYN would order follow up blood tests to make sure HCG continues to drop. This would be clear indication that no products of conception are left behind.

Now, if Casey had a very early miscarriage those can often be like a very heavy period. Her OB may not have needed to see her unless she continued to have heavy bleeding or other complications.

This statement only supports mine. Where's the OB that made this decision? I can not believe that Casey was pregnant enough to know about it (unless of course she was intentionally trying and taking tests every week but then that goes against her not wanting her mother to know) to the point that she knew she miscarried, yet she didn't ask a single medical professional? I dont even think she's twisted enough for that. I'm pretty positive she's aware of the possible complications and infections of not seeking medical treatment so even if the OB told her he didn't need to see her, surely she at least asked.
I don't know how you could have a miscarriage without medical attention afterwards. Wouldn't there be a medical record from the D&C?

There are plenty of women who miscarry within the first few weeks of pregnancy. A young woman may not even realize what's happened until later and never seek medical attention.

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