Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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Didn't Namey sign a non-disclosure agreement? (Thought I read that somewhere.) Seems to me he'll have a heck of a lawsuit on his hands. I'm still not sure if and what Casey did was illegal? CM, well...that may be a different story, but doubt if he's even touchable down Florida way. Sad to say.

A contract becomes void if used to perpetuate a fraud.
This is taken from a review of the Casey's Ghost book by Namey, to show those who are telling me there was NOT a forward by Casey in this book. This review is from July 8, around the time I was looking at this book on Amazon. There WAS a link that said "Forward by Casey Anthony" on that date, along with a few other links in the book description. This author Namey has changed just about all of the information on the Amazon site that is descriptive in nature about his book. I don't have a problem with that, but he deleted some things and added some things, and I KNEW I saw this, here is part of the review from an E.C. dated July 8 that starts

"Verification of What We All Knew....." "..........The author claims to have been hired to be the ghost writer for a book by Mason, with a foreward by Casey Anthony. (Her words are in this book.)......"

So for the one who blasted me for not knowing what I was talking about, it is hard to keep track of the Amazon page for this book as the author keeps changing it. I imagine he is changing the content of the Ebook, also, to keep up with the things that were not in the book when it was first published. So, yes, there WAS a forward by CA in the book when I looked at it, it has since been removed and the book appears to have different content now.

I am just calling some things as I see them. Would it be great if these two get in trouble for bankruptcy fraud? Certainly.

I think I can clear this up! I ordered the book on my Kindle last week. I read the forward that FCA supposedly wrote and it was so awful I wanted to share it with you guys, however Kindle does not allow one to copy and paste the words of a book off its screen. I did discover that it gave you the option to copy ann excerpt to either Facebook or Twitter. So I tried this, posting to Facebook. Little did I know that this feature also automatically linked to Amazon. I clicked on the Amazon link and lo and behold there was my posting of the Forward. But only the first half. So I copied and pasted the first half to my Notes, went back in to Kindle and posted the second half to FB and did the whole process again. Thus, I was able to get the whole Forward to post on here! So, now it's gone. But it WAS there last week!
Yes he did sign one. And, we'll'll see if "Mr. I'm gonna sue everybody" walks the walk or talks the talk...

All jmo.
I have a feeling Mr Namey checked on all the possible retaliation before he published... He has a whole chapter titled Bankruptcy fraud. Part of why he apparently feels secure to publish his claims is that he knows Mason does not want Casey to be deposed or testify for any reason. Her big trap would drop them all in it IMO. She's not very intelligent and she is easily rattled... It is getting interesting though!
I have a feeling Mr Namey checked on all the possible retaliation before he published... He has a whole chapter titled Bankruptcy fraud. Part of why he apparently feels secure to publish his claims is that he knows Mason does not want Casey to be deposed or testify for any reason. Her big trap would drop them all in it IMO. She's not very intelligent and she is easily rattled... It is getting interesting though!

ITA... I don't think he'll sue... just funny that he threatens people if they look at him funny, yet, here he has someone calling him out :dance: and it's crickets, his hands are tied... It's got to be killing him.... ILove it...

All jmo.
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I'm here to answer any questions, as best I can.
Rick Namey - author "Casey's Ghost."
Welcome to Websleuths! Has anyone in media or the courts asked to hear the tapes you have yet?
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I'm here to answer any questions, as best I can.
Rick Namey - author "Casey's Ghost."

Welcome to WS! Glad you're here.
I can't stay on, but please tell me that wasn't you responding to comments on Amazon...especially, the one accusing the poster of being Casey.
I don't think so, but the way it was written, it appeared to be by the author.
Oh, and Rick, have you been verified? A mod can assist you with that. :) (Hint, hint)
so glad to see you here, Rick. I liked the book very much and I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say

:welcome: :cool:
So you think he used the writer to perpetrate a fraud. I'm not sure that would be enough.

I don't know how long it will take for Rick to be verified so I will post this in the meantime

Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey/kindle location 2131

At the time I signed on to this project, I did not know that Cheney's plan to exploit Casey's story and inside information was against the rules of the Florida bar. I spent two years of my life on this project, all of it based on lies. There is a legal concept called, "Fraud in the inducement," that holds that any agreement made under fraudulent circumstances can be declared null and void. I believe any court will agree.

Casey represented to the bankruptcy court, in her filing, and to the public through her attorney in the interview with CBS-5 in Phoenix, that she had no prospects of a book or movie deal. I have no reason to believe, assume, or have any knowledge whether or not Charles Greene, who spoke to CBS-5, or David L Schrader, who filed the petition, both Casey's bankruptcy attorneys, had any knowledge of a fraud being perpetrated, but certainly Cheney Mason did, and in acting as Casey's agent in matters of her story rights, which he clearly was, he was causing such a fraud and had an affirmative obligation to prevent it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

CA has gone through attorneys like they were disposable tissues. did those with ethics leave while CM remained? looks that way to me
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I'm here to answer any questions, as best I can.
Rick Namey - author "Casey's Ghost."


Welcome RickN! Looking forward to hearing from you... (And I might have a question, or two, ready for ya!)... :blushing:

All jmo.
Foreword by Casey Anthony There is little doubt in my mind that Cheney Mason saved my life. Without his wisdom, strategy and dedication to my defense, the outcome would have been very different. In my own opinion, the best and smartest thing Jose’ Baez ever did was to bring Cheney Mason on board my defense team. Though Jose’ and I have had our differences, Cheney remains my attorney and continues to have my total confidence. Because I am not a lawyer, some of what is contained in this book is as much a revelation to me as it will be to you. Though I was kept advised of my defense, as any client should be by any decent attorney, I did not know every detail of the strategy of this case until I read it here. What I knew without a doubt, was that I was not guilty. I knew that the cry of “Justice for Caylee,” could not possibly have been fulfilled unless the mother who loved and cared for her every day of her life was justly acquitted of having any involvement in her death. I thank God, Cheney, and my amazing defense team for making that happen. Yes, I did some things I am not proud of. I have been justifiably punished. I have no more to say about that here and now. I do have a story of my own, and at some point I plan to tell it. Until then, this is Cheney’s story. I am honored that he asked me to write this foreword. It is the story of the great work of a legal genius who saved me from a lynch mob. I hope you read it in that spirit. Yours Very Truly, Casey Marie Anthony

This forward is killing me. Seriously, what mother lets their child drown (by neglect or accident), and absolves herself from “any involvement of her death”. Where is the guilt she should have about letting Caylee out of her sight? When was the last time you heard a parent say those words about an accidental death of a child under their watch? This is so telling! Nothing about this entire case points to an accidental drowning. NOTHING!
This forward is killing me. Seriously, what mother lets their child drown (by neglect or accident), and absolves herself from “any involvement of her death”. Where is the guilt she should have about letting Caylee out of her sight? When was the last time you heard a parent say those words about an accidental death of a child under their watch? This is so telling! Nothing about this entire case points to an accidental drowning. NOTHING!
Because it wasn't drowning. It was Chloroform and Duct Tape. Similar manner of death though, in that she couldn't breathe and it would be bloodless. They latched onto drowning because Cindy suggested it from the pool ladder and photos of Caylee reaching for the door handle. The photo did NOT prove Caylee actually had the strength to pull open the door.
This forward is killing me. Seriously, what mother lets their child drown (by neglect or accident), and absolves herself from “any involvement of her death”. Where is the guilt she should have about letting Caylee out of her sight? When was the last time you heard a parent say those words about an accidental death of a child under their watch? This is so telling! Nothing about this entire case points to an accidental drowning. NOTHING!
Yah, and the evidence even points away from a drowning.... a two year old who was duct taped, triple bagged, thrown in a swamp, with a death certificate that lists it as a homicide. But, it looks like a drowning... And didn't CM tell Namey his belief in her innocence was because of the way their rooms looked and the happy pictures? Not that she was innocent because it was Georges fault, and she drowned on his watch, or whatever their theory of the day was regarding the "accidental drowning." How on earth does she have any supporters left when they've changed their story a million times, and have even said their theory at the trial was a lie and blamed it all on jbaez?... Everyone should know by now that Casey murdered Caylee, no doubt about it... I really wonder how those jurors, especially those who allowed the ringleaders of the group (DA and JF) to bully and influence them, are feeling about all this. Do they now know that they made the worst decision ever in regards to a jury verdict? We wouldn't be here right now trying, around the clock, to get a murderer off the streets had they not taken it upon themselves to decide how they were going to interpret the law rather than the way they were supposed to!

I keep waiting to hear that a juror, or group of jurors, will be having a book coming out soon. None have broke their silence since those early days... If it were to ever happen I think we could all guess which ones it would be... As far as hearing from a juror, I'm open to an apology and (an honest) explanation, that's it... don't need a book, movie, or sit down interview for that...

All jmo.
Yah, and the evidence even points away from a drowning.... a two year old who was duct taped, triple bagged, thrown in a swamp, with a death certificate that lists it as a homicide. But, it looks like a drowning... And didn't CM tell Namey his belief in her innocence was because of the way their rooms looked and the happy pictures? Not that she was innocent because it was Georges fault, and she drowned on his watch, or whatever their theory of the day was regarding the "accidental drowning." How on earth does she have any supporters left when they've changed their story a million times, and have even said their theory at the trial was a lie and blamed it all on jbaez?... Everyone should know by now that Casey murdered Caylee, no doubt about it... I really wonder how those jurors, especially those who allowed the ringleaders of the group (DA and JF) to bully and influence them, are feeling about all this. Do they now know that they made the worst decision ever in regards to a jury verdict? We wouldn't be here right now trying, around the clock, to get a murderer off the streets had they not taken it upon themselves to decide how they were going to interpret the law rather than the way they were supposed to!

I keep waiting to hear that a juror, or group of jurors, will be having a book coming out soon. None have broke their silence since those early days... If it were to ever happen I think we could all guess which ones it would be... As far as hearing from a juror, I'm open to an apology and (an honest) explanation, that's it... don't need a book, movie, or sit down interview for that...

All jmo.

BBM. I disagree that it looks like a drowning. The only reason that excuse was brought up was Cindy's suggestion,"Did you put the pool ladder up?" and the photo of Caylee reaching for the door handle. The photo doesn't prove that Caylee ever opened the door, or even had the strength to pull it open. Merely the suggestion. Obviously, Caylee drowning in the pool was another of Casey's lies that got her off easier than if she'd admitted the truth- which was that Caylee really died because Casey chloformed then duct taped her and threw her in her trunk.
This forward is killing me. Seriously, what mother lets their child drown (by neglect or accident), and absolves herself from “any involvement of her death”. Where is the guilt she should have about letting Caylee out of her sight? When was the last time you heard a parent say those words about an accidental death of a child under their watch? This is so telling! Nothing about this entire case points to an accidental drowning. NOTHING!
exactly! what you hear from "normal" people is how much they blame themselves! and how they will never forgive themselves! and how they know they will live with that for the rest of their lives!

but not this one. no sirree. nuh uh. this, this is what really infuriates me:

"the mother who ... cared for her every day of her life." well, only on the days when she couldn't pawn her off on someone else - for free! the "for free" part was very important: more money for toys and boys

and it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. (yes, please)
BBM. I disagree that it looks like a drowning. The only reason that excuse was brought up was Cindy's suggestion,"Did you put the pool ladder up?" and the photo of Caylee reaching for the door handle. The photo doesn't prove that Caylee ever opened the door, or even had the strength to pull it open. Merely the suggestion. Obviously, Caylee drowning in the pool was another of Casey's lies that got her off easier than if she'd admitted the truth- which was that Caylee really died because Casey chloformed then duct taped her and threw her in her trunk.
I wrote that she was duct taped, triple bagged, thrown in a swamp, etc... But it looks like a drowning - as a form of sarcasm... Meaning "yah right" it really looks like a drowning... Rereading it, I see how it may appear different than how I meant.:smile: I think the last thing the evidence shows is an accidental drowning...

All jmo.
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