Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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I wrote that she was duct taped, triple bagged, thrown in a swamp, etc... But it looks like a drowning - as a form of sarcasm... Meaning "yah right" it really looks like a drowning... Rereading it, I see how it may appear different than how I meant.:smile: I think the last thing the evidence shows is an accidental drowning...

All jmo.
Sorry, I don't do sarcasm well, especially not in print.
exactly! what you hear from "normal" people is how much they blame themselves! and how they will never forgive themselves! and how they know they will live with that for the rest of their lives!

but not this one. no sirree. nuh uh. this, this is what really infuriates me:

"the mother who ... cared for her every day of her life." well, only on the days when she couldn't pawn her off on someone else - for free! the "for free" part was very important: more money for toys and boys

and it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. (yes, please)

She sure cared for Caylee... her computer/cell phone activity made it impossible for her to have payed any attention to that baby whatsoever. As a mom myself, I'm baffled by that amount of activity, it's apparent that ca did everything in that house because fca wasn't off her toys long enough to even run a vacuum cleaner. One thing that stuck out to me, again probably because I'm a mom, was when fca was messaging ruscianao and she says hold on, or brb, and then she returns within a minute or two (don't remember exactly, but VERY quick) and says "ok, had to feed the kid more pizza." And that to this day bothers me so much to think of little Caylee sitting there, eating alone, her mom runs in slaps a piece of cold pizza down and leaves her to eat all alone.There wasn't enough time for her to have heated the pizza, cut it up, sat with her for a sec or get her settled. And I can only imagine how fca treated her for having the nerve to disturb her and take her away from her stupid games she was playing with this guy... Who knows how long Caylee asked for food before fca got off rear and got it. But, this was how Caylees' s life was everyday. Extreme neglect... Ca and ga should've questioned fca, they knew what her outrageous cell phone bills looked liked. There's no way they didn't know what was going on... They all participated in this young child's neglect, imo.

All jmo.
She sure cared for Caylee... her computer/cell phone activity made it impossible for her to have payed any attention to that baby whatsoever. As a mom myself, I'm baffled by that amount of activity, it's apparent that ca did everything in that house because fca wasn't off her toys long enough to even run a vacuum cleaner. One thing that stuck out to me, again probably because I'm a mom, was when fca was messaging ruscianao and she says hold on, or brb, and then she returns within a minute or two (don't remember exactly, but VERY quick) and says "ok, had to feed the kid more pizza." And that to this day bothers me so much to think of little Caylee sitting there, eating alone, her mom runs in slaps a piece of cold pizza down and leaves her to eat all alone.There wasn't enough time for her to have heated the pizza, cut it up, sat with her for a sec or get her settled. And I can only imagine how fca treated her for having the nerve to disturb her and take her away from her stupid games she was playing with this guy... Who knows how long Caylee asked for food before fca got off rear and got it. But, this was how Caylees' s life was everyday. Extreme neglect... Ca and ga should've questioned fca, they knew what her outrageous cell phone bills looked liked. There's no way they didn't know what was going on... They all participated in this young child's neglect, imo.

All jmo.

And in the end, didn't the jury confirm that they couldn't establish who really was the primary caretaker of Caylee...cause it sure wasn't her mother!
I hope Mr. Namey does more than "hit and run" posting.
I think the verifications take some time, and that is as it should be. it took a couple days to get this thread approved because the mods are busy. this is a very active site with a lot of requests and notifications
I think the verifications take some time, and that is as it should be. it took a couple days to get this thread approved because the mods are busy. this is a very active site with a lot of requests and notifications
Thx gramcracker... Do you know how long it normally takes to have someone verified? I understand they're very busy right now, and respect the extra time needed because of their heavier than usual workload, but I do worry a little since the delay could mean missed opportunities for us to help Namey make contacts to any media or organization, etc, who need to hear about this... I hope Namey doesn't get discouraged and knows we still really want to hear from him!!! TIA...

All jmo.
I have the same worries/concerns and no answers, and my own questions re the verification process

just :waiting: while I whistle the theme from the Andy Griffith Show
Thx gramcracker... Do you know how long it normally takes to have someone verified? I understand they're very busy right now, and respect the extra time needed because of their heavier than usual workload, but I do worry a little since the delay could mean missed opportunities for us to help Namey make contacts to any media or organization, etc, who need to hear about this... I hope Namey doesn't get discouraged and knows we still really want to hear from him!!! TIA...

All jmo.

IMO - he's trying to sell books, he'll be back right quick once verified.

I don't think that should stop anyone who has read the book and/or has questions from posting them - with the understanding that his responses will be made once he's vetted.
I just read this thread, and I"m disgusted. WTH does Cheney still defend and coddle Casey? Why? What's his gain? Does he forget a BABY GIRL DIED??? Isn't THAT issue more important than saying Casey is innocent, blah blah blah?? I watched the trial, I actually cried with the prosecution closed. I felt that while they knew more, they didn't release more to the jury. For whatever reason. Maybe they felt the jury already knew? Maybe they felt that DID release all? Maybe the prosecution really believed that failing to report Caylee as missing for 30 days, then being found dead so close to the home was proof enough and that people would follow common sense and convict. However, as guilty as I do believe Casey to be, I felt the prosecution didn't present their A game. I cried, knowing that there was too much room for a jury to have to connect the dots, and feared they wouldn't. I cried because I truly felt a murderer would be getting away with murder. I watched the defense side then, and all the stuff thrown against the wall with hopes something would stick. I waited for them to follow up on what was presented in opening wasn't. Yet, I can't fault the jury. While it would have been an awful position to be in, and while your heart might believe one thing, you have to follow the law. Of course I didn't read what the jury instructions were at the time, and honestly can't remember if I've read them since. But I truly feel the prosecution just didn't present the evidence they DID have, and focused on stuff that confused the jury. Arguing over tiny things instead of looking at the elephant in the room.

As for any books written...if I see one at a thrift store or yard sale, I might buy it. MIGHT...but I wouldn't be spending big bucks to send to the author. Nothing any of them say at this point will change my mind on who killed dear Caylee. Nothing will change my mind about all the lying and coverup within that family. The only thing I really wonder about....why Casey hasn't faced the music? Why won't she have contact with her dearest brother, father and shall we ever forget her lying to cover anything, mommy dearest??? How's she supporting herself? She's NOT! Never has! No accountability. But she should stand in front of her father for those outrageous claims, and answer to him!! Doesn't have to be a public meeting. But anyone that accuses their father of such, knowing it didn't happen, should have the balls to stand up to his face, and repeat it. I do NOT believe Casey was abused in any fashion. She was the 'princess' Momma's darling little girl who could do no wrong! Momma's pride and joy! Momma's mini me!! And when the focus was on CAYLEE instead of Casey, well, Casey was jealous and couldn't handle it. She wanted the attention, the money, and the freedom. She didn't want the responsibility of child, spending money on a child when it she could be buying her a new outfit, or mixed drink. SPOILED BRAT! That's what she is...

Some of that might have been her genetic makeup, but I suppose much of it was her lack of raising!!

Well, JMO...and I shouldn't have jumped on this thread, because I realize I still have lots of anger about this case, and lots of hurt.

Caylee, I pray you're having the best of times in Heaven, and enjoying being a kid, and being loved. I can't explain why kids have different lives, different parents, and different showing of love. I can't explain why you were murdered, and other kids get to live. I don't have those answers. But you know love now, and always will. Enjoy your new friends.
I just read this thread, and I"m disgusted. WTH does Cheney still defend and coddle Casey? Why? What's his gain? Does he forget a BABY GIRL DIED??? Isn't THAT issue more important than saying Casey is innocent, blah blah blah?? I watched the trial, I actually cried with the prosecution closed. I felt that while they knew more, they didn't release more to the jury. For whatever reason. Maybe they felt the jury already knew? Maybe they felt that DID release all? Maybe the prosecution really believed that failing to report Caylee as missing for 30 days, then being found dead so close to the home was proof enough and that people would follow common sense and convict. However, as guilty as I do believe Casey to be, I felt the prosecution didn't present their A game. I cried, knowing that there was too much room for a jury to have to connect the dots, and feared they wouldn't. I cried because I truly felt a murderer would be getting away with murder. I watched the defense side then, and all the stuff thrown against the wall with hopes something would stick. I waited for them to follow up on what was presented in opening wasn't. Yet, I can't fault the jury. While it would have been an awful position to be in, and while your heart might believe one thing, you have to follow the law. Of course I didn't read what the jury instructions were at the time, and honestly can't remember if I've read them since. But I truly feel the prosecution just didn't present the evidence they DID have, and focused on stuff that confused the jury. Arguing over tiny things instead of looking at the elephant in the room.

As for any books written...if I see one at a thrift store or yard sale, I might buy it. MIGHT...but I wouldn't be spending big bucks to send to the author. Nothing any of them say at this point will change my mind on who killed dear Caylee. Nothing will change my mind about all the lying and coverup within that family. The only thing I really wonder about....why Casey hasn't faced the music? Why won't she have contact with her dearest brother, father and shall we ever forget her lying to cover anything, mommy dearest??? How's she supporting herself? She's NOT! Never has! No accountability. But she should stand in front of her father for those outrageous claims, and answer to him!! Doesn't have to be a public meeting. But anyone that accuses their father of such, knowing it didn't happen, should have the balls to stand up to his face, and repeat it. I do NOT believe Casey was abused in any fashion. She was the 'princess' Momma's darling little girl who could do no wrong! Momma's pride and joy! Momma's mini me!! And when the focus was on CAYLEE instead of Casey, well, Casey was jealous and couldn't handle it. She wanted the attention, the money, and the freedom. She didn't want the responsibility of child, spending money on a child when it she could be buying her a new outfit, or mixed drink. SPOILED BRAT! That's what she is...

Some of that might have been her genetic makeup, but I suppose much of it was her lack of raising!!

Well, JMO...and I shouldn't have jumped on this thread, because I realize I still have lots of anger about this case, and lots of hurt.

Caylee, I pray you're having the best of times in Heaven, and enjoying being a kid, and being loved. I can't explain why kids have different lives, different parents, and different showing of love. I can't explain why you were murdered, and other kids get to live. I don't have those answers. But you know love now, and always will. Enjoy your new friends.

I still have a lot of anger too, 2Hope for. You are not alone.
I just read this thread, and I"m disgusted. WTH does Cheney still defend and coddle Casey? Why? What's his gain? Does he forget a BABY GIRL DIED??? Isn't THAT issue more important than saying Casey is innocent, blah blah blah?? I watched the trial, I actually cried with the prosecution closed. I felt that while they knew more, they didn't release more to the jury. For whatever reason. Maybe they felt the jury already knew? Maybe they felt that DID release all? Maybe the prosecution really believed that failing to report Caylee as missing for 30 days, then being found dead so close to the home was proof enough and that people would follow common sense and convict. However, as guilty as I do believe Casey to be, I felt the prosecution didn't present their A game. I cried, knowing that there was too much room for a jury to have to connect the dots, and feared they wouldn't. I cried because I truly felt a murderer would be getting away with murder. I watched the defense side then, and all the stuff thrown against the wall with hopes something would stick. I waited for them to follow up on what was presented in opening wasn't. Yet, I can't fault the jury. While it would have been an awful position to be in, and while your heart might believe one thing, you have to follow the law. Of course I didn't read what the jury instructions were at the time, and honestly can't remember if I've read them since. But I truly feel the prosecution just didn't present the evidence they DID have, and focused on stuff that confused the jury. Arguing over tiny things instead of looking at the elephant in the room.

As for any books written...if I see one at a thrift store or yard sale, I might buy it. MIGHT...but I wouldn't be spending big bucks to send to the author. Nothing any of them say at this point will change my mind on who killed dear Caylee. Nothing will change my mind about all the lying and coverup within that family. The only thing I really wonder about....why Casey hasn't faced the music? Why won't she have contact with her dearest brother, father and shall we ever forget her lying to cover anything, mommy dearest??? How's she supporting herself? She's NOT! Never has! No accountability. But she should stand in front of her father for those outrageous claims, and answer to him!! Doesn't have to be a public meeting. But anyone that accuses their father of such, knowing it didn't happen, should have the balls to stand up to his face, and repeat it. I do NOT believe Casey was abused in any fashion. She was the 'princess' Momma's darling little girl who could do no wrong! Momma's pride and joy! Momma's mini me!! And when the focus was on CAYLEE instead of Casey, well, Casey was jealous and couldn't handle it. She wanted the attention, the money, and the freedom. She didn't want the responsibility of child, spending money on a child when it she could be buying her a new outfit, or mixed drink. SPOILED BRAT! That's what she is...

Some of that might have been her genetic makeup, but I suppose much of it was her lack of raising!!

Well, JMO...and I shouldn't have jumped on this thread, because I realize I still have lots of anger about this case, and lots of hurt.

Caylee, I pray you're having the best of times in Heaven, and enjoying being a kid, and being loved. I can't explain why kids have different lives, different parents, and different showing of love. I can't explain why you were murdered, and other kids get to live. I don't have those answers. But you know love now, and always will. Enjoy your new friends.

First of all, this book cost 6 bucks, not BIG bucks, it's not really a book, you can only read on your kindle. or computer if you download the aps.

Casey nor Mason is making any money of this book,
Contrary, it's to expose Casey and Mason to proof they are committing a fraud against the bankruptsy court.

Rick Namey was originally the ghost writer for Cheney Mason's book, with plans to be the ghost writer for Casey Anthony's book also.

Casey Anthony has no part in the Rick Namey book.

The evidence in the Namey book, could potentially send the baby killer to prison for bankruptcy fraud -- that is clearly NO benefit of any kind to Casey or Cheney.
@2Hope4 - I hate to say it but of course CM forgot about Caylee. He forgot about her a long time ago when he promised FCA that she would be able to sell her "story" and make millions of blood $$. It makes my blood boil!
Just to add, I know there's been a lot of criticism toward the prosecution, I think they most definitely did enough for a conviction, and I do blame the jury for the verdict. Too many reasons to list... And, in hindsight, I think it's easy to say they did this wrong or they did that wrong, I do it all the time. Like 2Hope4, I couldn't believe they rested without calling TES, introducing the cell ping map/computer activity/cell records, and lots more. So I thought, okay, there's still rebuttal. Then came the defense - it was more like a comedy - so I wasn't so concerned at that point because I thought no possible way EVER would there be 12 people dumb enough to not convict her. And even though I still expected more at rebuttal, busting ca on perjury was icing. Same goes for closing, perry basically shot the defense's entire theory, saying they couldn't even mention it...and the State proved their case, imo.... But, it didn't matter, none of it mattered, because the jurors told us they didn't even consider or look at the evidence - it was all a moot point. Without a cause of death, they didn't even know if a crime was committed. Done. Over. That was the law and they had to follow it. And cheney mason's the one who told them that, in open court, and judge perry sat there and let him.... Regardless, they still were told told to read their instructions, but they didn't. Or, more than likely, a certain few reinterpreted them for the followers... But, all it would've taken is just one, to read and follow them and they would've caught the error: cause of death is not necessary.The State had also told them this, BUT, they were listening to the defense. I think they wanted to acquit her... Imo, they weren't even a death-qualified jury, and they knew it when they told judge perry they could, maybe, possibly vote for death in the right circumstances. But, if a dead baby, with duct tape wrapped around her head, covering her mouth and nose, then triple bagged, thrown in a swamp after her corpse decomposed to the point that her mom (killer) just couldn't take the smell anymore - then she blamed it on a squirrel, ditched the stinky car and paaaarrrtied - isn't a circumstance that would warrant consideration for the death penalty, then there just isn't a circumstance evil or heinous enough for this group, imo.... The State didn't stand a chance. They didn't lose, and the defense certainly didn't win! The jury got it wrong........ The defense cheated, and both cheney mason and casey anthony are continuing it right over into the civil courts hoping to cheat there too. And they're lying to the feds... I don't know if Namey has the goods, but I pray he does, and if there's a chance - and it looks like there is - I'm willing to take it...

All jmo.
well, then. it appears that Rick is occupied with really important matters, such as "the beginning of something big." I can't think of better reasons for not having the time to be here. he still has my full trust and support
I understand how you feel. So many times I've thought CA was about to go down only to see nothing happen. <modsnip> I hope it's ok to post this, if not please delete mods.


So lets all pray this is the beginning of karma on CA and CM and justice for little Caylee!!

We are all praying for justice for Little Caylee and have always been doing so.

My question is why would the general public need to continue to encourage them when they have the proof in hand?

I always thought that the law was the Law and could not be swayed one way or the other by public opinion, especially dealing with the Federal Government.
We are all praying for justice for Little Caylee and have always been doing so.

My question is why would the general public need to continue to encourage them when they have the proof in hand?

I always thought that the law was the Law and could not be swayed one way or the other by public opinion, especially dealing with the Federal Government.

I also think it is a little weird that the general public needs to encourage them to do their jobs! It's almost like they want people to e-mail them so they can later say 'See, they're only out to get Casey. If it was someone else we wouldn't have gotten a single e-mail'. I don't think that's the case but it sure is a little strange!
We are all praying for justice for Little Caylee and have always been doing so.

My question is why would the general public need to continue to encourage them when they have the proof in hand?

I always thought that the law was the Law and could not be swayed one way or the other by public opinion, especially dealing with the Federal Government.

Trying to be an optimist, I'm hoping it's because they've shown a real lack of interest in the past, think of all the evidence we think they've turned a blind eye to, for example the $500,000 retainer agreement. Imo, they've shown they will follow the path of least resistance in this case. They've filed their final reports and have shown they're done and ready to move on, but, due to all the attention and pressure lately, they've shown some interest, but, if that pressure subsides they could just as easily go back to the way they've treated this case all along, and try to close it up... I don't trust the trustees to put a lot of extra effort into it, even with evidence in hand... In the past, they've never subpoenaed records, documents, no depositions or investigations other than what seems to be a few, short conversations with those involved.... Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior...

All jmo.
Jose Baez will be on CNN tonight at 10pm discussing the Justin Ross Harris case.
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