Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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I can't do it. :( I'm going to donate some money to Tim Miller. He cared about Caylee. I'm scared they will make a dime. So sorry, but I just can't do it. :(
perfectly understandable. you're standing for something, and that says a lot about who you are. and you'll read enough here to keep up with the story as it unfolds
Ok, I'm gonna buy, BUT, if I find out, one red cent goes into that murderer's pocket? I will just die. I will also feel like I have failed our Caylee. She is OURS! Not the A's. They didn't give a rats hind end for her. Ok, sitting on hands. I love this place too much to take a chance on getting a T/O, and if I continue, I will get a doozy, and rightfully so. :(

I can guaranty you the killer will not get penny from this book.
The reasoning behind this book is to expose her and Mason.

The main reason behind this book is to make sure she will not away with this bankruptcy bs, then be free to make millions of dollars and expose all the lies KC and Mason have told the bankruptcy court.
no need to get so upset. I'm voicing my opinion same as anyone else. If you've not witnessed the CA boycott folks go off half -cocked over the years harrassing all kind of people with false info -- well I Have. Ill wait with the rest of you to see how it plays out but have no interst in reading a book to find out Mason is an arrogant buffoon ---- Ive known that for years. IMO

I'm sure we could have put our collective minds together and written a similar book. Those who still visit this forum know this case inside and out.
I just can't get all fired up about this...yet. He has 'em. It doesn't have to be to us, the general public...but to any reputable journalist or media person who can vouch that they even exist.
Also very gullible IMO. Maybe he didn't realize that Casey dumped Caylee on Lauren Gibbs for the first eight months of her life.
She paid Lauren nothing... Lauren believed Casey was working, and when she found out Casey was just out socializing, and she had been conned, she quit. He really knows nothing of his client's life, other than a wall full of photographs for effect.

Yah, she said she was working at Sports Authority...Remember, when she was working there and that robber came in, held her at gunpoint and stole her parents $4,000, along with the "real" bank deposit slip??? Poor girl...

CM has seen enough to know the kind of stuff she's done, yet he's trying to make her out as a little, sweet girl who's being unfairly judged. By us - we are the "lynch mob" they're referring to - anyone who refuses to embrace the pathological lying thief... But, I bet if she is staying at the Mason's, CM and SM have safes in every room and all their valuables locked up tight...

All jmo.
I can't do it. :( I'm going to donate some money to Tim Miller. He cared about Caylee. I'm scared they will make a dime. So sorry, but I just can't do it. :(

I haven't read it yet but people have posted that you can download it onto your PC for free!
Maybe CM really is losing it. Isn't this the guy who had to fight to stay awake during the trial.?
I haven't read it yet but people have posted that you can download it onto your PC for free!

I don't think you can download the book for free on your PC, if you don't have a kindle, you can download the free aps on your laptop/computer, and then download the book to your computer.
Exactly is to r00004's post:
"I'm sure we could have put our collective minds together and written a similar book. Those who still visit this forum know this case inside and out.
I just can't get all fired up about this...yet. He has 'em. It doesn't have to be to us, the general public...but to any reputable journalist or media person who can vouch that they even exist."
Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey/kindle location 1874

As these discussions evolved, it was slowly revealed to me that, besides a scheme to recover Cheney's legal fees and expenses, the purpose was to make Casey financially independent in order to make Casey no longer dependent on Cheney. He frequently made statements such as, "I can't support her forever."

When we discussed the timetable, I would express the concern that interest in Casey might wane, and her value would diminish. He told me that he had to dispose of the various lawsuits first. The most troublesome was the defamation suit brought by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez ... John Morgan, a local celebrity attorney with an enormous television and multi-media advertising campaign, is handling the suit.


... the case was problematic because it could force Casey to testify, thereby diminishing the cash value of whatever revelations she had to offer.


So there continues to exist the strong possibility that Morgan could get some kind of judgment. I asked Cheney what he planned to do about it. He said that before any of that can happen, he'd file a bankruptcy for Casey "and stop the whole damn thing ..."

There were also lawsuits from Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch for the cost of the search conducted in 2008 before the remains were found, and another defamation suit from Roy Kronk ...


In Cheney's opinion, none of these suits had any merit and a strategically timed bankruptcy filing would discharge all such debts. The problem was that if we made a book, TV or movie deal for Casey's story before the cases were disposed or dismissed he might have to settle out of court to prevent Casey from being forced to testify, as he ended up doing with Equusearch. This too, he was loath to do. "John Morgan will never get a damn dime out of this, I can tell you that!"
I am in Long Beach, California. I will plan it for a date next summer. We have a big hotel, although its OLD, but apparently they have refurbished the rooms and the sign says $99 a night! It is a great location and I will book a block of rooms and have a party at my house, not too far away, and then plan something at their banquet room or a restaurant. We'll make it an entire weekend- for anyone who can come! I mean it! let's hope... it will be worth the celebration! We will celebrate Caylee!
It's a long drive for a weekend trip, but for that, I'd do it... I might even get on a plane... (not a flyer :fear:)

All jmo.
Exactly is to r00004's post:
"I'm sure we could have put our collective minds together and written a similar book. Those who still visit this forum know this case inside and out.
I just can't get all fired up about this...yet. He has 'em. It doesn't have to be to us, the general public...but to any reputable journalist or media person who can vouch that they even exist."

But this book is not about the trial.
It's about what happened after the trail.

We had no clue what was going on behind the scene, what KC and Mason was doing, why they filed for bankruspcy, how she could/make money.

And who knows, maybe, as we speak, he's playing the tapes for Nancy Grace.
Exactly is to r00004's post:
"I'm sure we could have put our collective minds together and written a similar book. Those who still visit this forum know this case inside and out.

I just can't get all fired up about this...yet. He has 'em. It doesn't have to be to us, the general public...but to any reputable journalist or media person who can vouch that they even exist."

I hear you, but IMO an important point to consider re his truth is that he names the agent (Judith Ehrlich) who edited the CM/Namey book. surely she heard some tapes (?) because he describes her as " ... a strong and forceful personality. She was relentless in her insistence that our book resemble the work of Alan Dershowitz. Editing the proposal and the book in progress, she nit-picked every paragraph, sentence and word until it conformed to her view of Professor Dershowitz's highly objective and scholarly style." *

I don't mean to come off like I'm arguing with you, but she is named and she sounds like nobody's fool (?). I found links to her agency/her career via google

* kindle edition: Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey (giving credit where it is due)
Hubby would drive me there in a heartbeat. We are past due a visit with family in Blythe anyways.

Oh Tulessa, I can honestly say- nothing would make me happier then to see your sweet face in person and spend time with you! I would be honored! I feel that way about everyone here that followed this case so diligently and sought nothing but the truth and justice for our sweet baby! Her family didn't deserve her... anyone of us here would have loved her and protected her until the end of time!
^^^ and she wouldn't have been getting her own breakfast and putting tapes in the VCR by herself and watching them alone, and she would have had playmates and playdates, and ... and ...
^^^Gosh, when you say that, it really hits home- what 2 year old does that? What 2 year old has to learn that? I have never known ONE and I have known dozens and dozens of two year olds- personally.

I hope every one of the Anthony's rot in hell- I do!
Thank you for opening this thread! I haven't finished the book yet but there are already some things that made me go :doh:

Cheney Mason decided that Casey did not kill Caylee based on some pictures of Casey and Caylee (we've all seen them) that where in Casey's room :laughing:. Shortly after first meeting Casey, Cheney and Jose went to the house on Hopespring Drive and Cindy and George let them go into Casey's bedroom and also into Caylee's bedroom. This is what Cheney says about that (according to this book of course):

"And then into the little room that was Caylee's, and all of her little baby books and stuff on the walls like this. And I sat and I looked at this, and I raised two daugthers. And I'm looking and I'm just kind of absorbing the aura, whatever the karma people say. I don't give a ****, I always do that at crime scenes, I always have. And I always get some kind of feeling for it. Nothing material, no big deal just an impression. And the impression I had was immediate. Casey loved this child. She was the center of her universe. Casey did not kill that little girl. And I told Jose as we walked outside, I said, I'm going to tell you something. I don't know if she told you anything to the contrary, because you have been on the case a year plus before me. I'm telling you that Cheney Mason says that Casey did not kill that little girl. Don't know that did happen, may never know, but I know that just as sure as hell as I'm sitting here - the woman who is in the pictures with that child, the little girl that is in those pictures with that child, and all that sort of stuff, she did not kill her."

I guess Cheney hasn't seen all the pictures of Josh Powell and his children? Or all the other parents that have lovely pictures of them and their children but still decide to kill them? And what's up with him saying that he always does that at crime scenes. Since when is Caylee's bedroom a crime scene? I thought she drowned? Oh wait, that story was invented at a later time. :doh:

Cheney also said that Casey lied about the existence of a nanny for 2 years. We all know that, at the recent deposition, Casey still insists that there really was a Zanny who had watched Caylee on one occasion. I guess lying under oath isn't that big of a deal.

BTW, is anyone else who read this book also disgusted with all the cursing done by Cheney Mason? Sounds really professional!

Cindy cleaned up Casey and Caylee's rooms..IMO and she made them look good, made Casey look good....We don't know what these rooms looked like before Casey was arrested.

Cheney did not enter until much much later and bases his opinion on how Cindy was presenting the bedrooms at that time..Puhlease...Cindy set the rooms up as a Shrine ..they had media in there, photographs taken, interviews given...Cindy was trying to make everyone believe what a loving mother Casey was and staging the rooms to reflect that

I think that there was serious money to be made ghost writing for her-I cant imagine that there weren't viable choices. People ghosted for OJ-I just find this writing style a little amateur for someone hired to do a job that could have netted him an incredible amount of money. The fact that the writer had such significant ties to the white hats makes me even more questioning, tbh. This whole situation seems like amateur hour...which is right up CM alley imvho. I keep waiting for some revelation about him that causes me to understand why he is, or was, respected as a DP qualified atty.

Same here
"In Cheney's opinion, none of these suits had any merit", OH WOW! I am going to ware out my delete button with what I want to say about CM's opinions.
Cindy cleaned up Casey and Caylee's rooms..IMO and she made them look good, made Casey look good....We don't know what these rooms looked like before Casey was arrested.

Cheney did not enter until much much later and bases his opinion on how Cindy is NOW presenting the bedrooms, the home...Puhlease...the rooms were show pieces..they had media in there, photographs taken, interviews given...Cindy was trying to make everyone believe what a loving mother Casey was and staging the rooms to reflect that was project no.1.

A really valid point! Thanks for the reminder!

Appearance is EVERYTHING to Cindy after all- never mind if it is rotten on the inside- as long as it looked good on the outside.

The story of her life- I'm sure.

Everything, and I do mean everything (her relationship with George, the behavior of her children) a contrived, falsified, facade!
But this book is not about the trial.
It's about what happened after the trail.

We had no clue what was going on behind the scene, what KC and Mason was doing, why they filed for bankruspcy, how she could/make money.

And who knows, maybe, as we speak, he's playing the tapes for Nancy Grace.

I get that Noor...but many have been following and watching since the trial ended. I'm not an authority on the "cast of characters", but after reading gramcracker's excerpts and based on what I do know...I could have written that. lol
And heck, if NG can vouch for the tapes, I'm all ears. Nothing would make me happier then to see Casey and her entourage go down. :)
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