Casey's IM's with Iassen & Tony R (in entirety)

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Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

SO TRUE!! Bravo!
Thank you for putting all this together- FINALLY I can read something you all are reading- This will sure keep me busy later- Thanks JBean for posting a thread pointing this out.
Oh brother - if the jurors dont put this girl away and throw away the key, I think I will have to go protest or something- shes talking so highly of the Nanny in July when supposively the Nanny kidnapped her in June- GO FIGURE- I cant believe what I am reading- sure hope we dont get a stupid bunch of jurors that dont pick up on details like we do-
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).

ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

I read that IM exchange when it was first released and never noticed it. What I did notice is that Iassan seemed like a nice, normal, twenty-something, as I expect most of KC's friends are (if not all).

Must say, Bond, loooooove your down-to-earth way of splainin' what's goin' on :crazy:.

I can almost hear the thoughtful southern drawl... :rolleyes:
Totally OT but I'd love to know what Bond and JWG do for a living IRL! You guys blow me away!!!

Back OT....

The IM exchanges about love hurting so bad and taking risks......(all the while her daughter is dead in a trashbag)....then asks him to go to the beach with her.

She is cold cold cold!!!!!!!

I'm not sure why I get more blown away by her each day but it just keeps happening.

Are their any other IM chats that haven't been put into this form yet??? I'd love to read more! (me=addicted)
After reading all the transcripts, I think we can safely put to rest KC being mentally ill. Her conversations were clear in thought, she is definately in touch with reality, knowing person, place, time ect... Leaning towards pre-meditated. When I read those interviews with LE it gave me an uncomfortable feeling knowing KC was having liasons with policemen combined with her stated fear of talking with LE after arrest, & her parents argumentative lack of respect for LE, I thoght this was going to be a case involving less than stellar police officers, (nice word for crooked). Is anyone else having a slimy creepy feeling after reading all this? Lets see, Creepy cops, Nightclub scene, check forgery, acting like the so appropriate concerned mother wanting a sitter, so on, so on. so on. I can't help but believe KC has another set of aquaintances that helped her learn some of societies underbelly ways. What happens with staetments made by snitches to LE. Are they released in florida?

Thanks, I've referred to that link a number of times, but never the IM's that butwhatif posted today.........

Hello in OZ......My son lives in Sydney, Coogee Beach......have visited your beautiful country a few times, & at NYE....spectacular, beautiful place!

YW, I think I got the link from here originally so you may have given it to me! :)

Hello to you too. Coogee Beach is beautiful isn't it, your son is very lucky. I'm situated a 1000 kms up the east coast in Brisbane, Queensland which is nice city to live in although a bit quiet at times.
MY GOD where does this all come from ! Its scary how much is out for public knowledge
BUT having said that i have a very FIRM Opinion Even more so than ever ...

The yep not here part by KC at various times is that her writing yet not here
Because when I have been on IM and been p'oed at someone I would write NO not here if they kept on buzzing me.

Casey Calls Caylee By her name most of the time except once when she called her little snot head....which I think was to appease AR

AR keeps calling Caylee Offspring

AR keeps calling everyone names calls the nanny "" etc

Casey spoke of the Nanny all the way through this...She also appeared to put Caylee first, I had to get Caylee More Lunch, I had to see to Caylee

AR just keeps on getting more and more pi$$ed off that he's not getting *any* his 3 week drought...

And the whole you better come see me..........
I'm turning 42 soon , Ive done all this heard all this - not the situation - but the whole Guy speak laying it on ... He wanted to have sex with Casey pure and simple and get down with her and get his rocks off. Thats abundantly obvious. And he didn't really care about her because it was all about HER coming to HIS PLACE Without the Kid.
Why couldn't he go to Caseys house ?

If he *liked* *loved* her so much he would have been more than happy just to SEE HER..

I have a awful feeling about this... I think he is part of this.........

I don't like this bloke one bit ........

Has he been interviewed ?

Are there any docs of the interviews on line ??

Thanks for showing these butwhatif.....

It shows a whole different side....a side that I believed to be there from the start.

I think she was definitely blowing him off.. she may have even been seeing Ricardo off and on.. during this time. Give her credit for saying "Caylee comes first, job is a close second" (non-existent one at that.)
He definitely only wanted in her pants.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

Not only is this an excellent point, I think it also underscores how deliberately KC was trying to lay the groundwork for her "I did nothing wrong besides hand my daughter to a responsible person whom I totally trusted, etc etc," defense. Iassen was asking a simple question (it had probably just occured to him - wait, you work all the time, you're moving out of your parents, you're gonna live alone with your baby, how the heck can you handle all that...?) which could - and in a normal case, would - be answered simply and nonchelantly. Yet KC uses this as an oppurtunity to try out her full nanny "script" - even after Iassen tries to move the conversation along.

Iassen asks "what do you do when you work"?
KC responds "I have a nanny. i love her"
Iassen says "nice. how much do they charge?"
Instead of answering right away - KC continues her story with "We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust."
KC then answers Iassen's money question, but at this point Iassen has now moved on to ask about Tone.
Iassen: "where does Tone live?"
KC, still going on about the nanny: "She's a friend. between myself and one of my coworkers, its her main source of income....."

Now, before anyone jumps on this, I totally understand when you're IM-ing with someone, you usually start both typing at the same time, and conversations can get O/T very quickly (happens in most of my IMs, and can be very frustrating at times :)). However, when I look at most of KC's IMs - she appears to normally kind of hang back, let the other person say their piece, and then craft her response. In this case, KC is making absolutely sure she types the full "story of the nanny," while barely acknowledging what Iassen says in the interim. It just seems so deliberate and out of place when looking at her typical patterns.
i cant believe that guy was a cop .. wow ..i wonder if him pressuring her like that made all of this come into play .. mabey he has spoken to her like that before hand.before caylee was murdered?. glad he isnt a cop anymore i wouldn't want someone like that "protecting me "
Funny, I read this whole thing at 2 am one day last week. I do not like this guy and found him to be a very angry man. Isn't he the one who said that she made him feel like a girl because she left immediately after sex. Serves him right.

MY GOD where does this all come from ! Its scary how much is out for public knowledge
BUT having said that i have a very FIRM Opinion Even more so than ever ...

The yep not here part by KC at various times is that her writing yet not here
Because when I have been on IM and been p'oed at someone I would write NO not here if they kept on buzzing me.

Casey Calls Caylee By her name most of the time except once when she called her little snot head....which I think was to appease AR

AR keeps calling Caylee Offspring

AR keeps calling everyone names calls the nanny "" etc

Casey spoke of the Nanny all the way through this...She also appeared to put Caylee first, I had to get Caylee More Lunch, I had to see to Caylee

AR just keeps on getting more and more pi$$ed off that he's not getting *any* his 3 week drought...

And the whole you better come see me..........
I'm turning 42 soon , Ive done all this heard all this - not the situation - but the whole Guy speak laying it on ... He wanted to have sex with Casey pure and simple and get down with her and get his rocks off. Thats abundantly obvious. And he didn't really care about her because it was all about HER coming to HIS PLACE Without the Kid.
Why couldn't he go to Caseys house ?

If he *liked* *loved* her so much he would have been more than happy just to SEE HER..

I have a awful feeling about this... I think he is part of this.........

I don't like this bloke one bit ........

Has he been interviewed ?

Are there any docs of the interviews on line ??

Thanks for showing these butwhatif.....

It shows a whole different side....a side that I believed to be there from the start.

yeah, i have been typing up all the transcripts etc so they stick in my mind better and so its easy to copy and paste, and to get an accurate timeline.
If its ok by mods I'll post the transcript too.
I think she was definitely blowing him off.. she may have even been seeing Ricardo off and on.. during this time. Give her credit for saying "Caylee comes first, job is a close second" (non-existent one at that.)
He definitely only wanted in her pants.

I believe the comments she made about caylee coming first, then work 2nd etc, was just her repeating the lecture that CA would give her, since is is glaringly obvious that caylee was NEVER her number one priority.
Was AR jealous of Jesse ?

UHmmmmm, guessing it was kind akward, since AR and Jesse went to the academy together and thats how KC met AR.:eek:

I dont think it would be so bad if she had had one night stands with strangers, but she always hooked up with her ex's mates.
There are way too many emotions involved when everyone is interconnected like this..... it had to have gotten ugly.
butwhatif - are there any other chats out there you could post in this format?

This was a fascinating read! Thanks so much for posting it.

I see the point about her stating "Caylee comes first"....but I also think she was using that as her way of getting out of seeing him...maybe distancing herself from him. She seems to be going back and forth as to doing the right thing (Caylee is first) and appeasing him (I'm really going to try to come over, luv).

Her chat was very different with Iassen.

Her chameleon-like personality is intriguing!
Jane - I'm dying to know why AR was fired. Hinky meter majorly going off about this guy.

On record we have him fired for lying about his relationship with KC 3 times.....He went on record with his transcript on 18 aug, swearing under oath that he was finally telling the truth. I suspect that he wasnt being completely honest though. his interview is so vague, and he doesnt seem to remember anything until they show him the proof.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

Because they both know who she's really talking about? I'm not sure.
She doesn't answer his questions, it's like they're playing around.

Thanks for this text mssg, I actually never saw this one. :)

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