Casey's PC Files!

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Read it carefully - as I recall, those were in the section on what type of person she's looking for, not herself.

Have any of you ever heard of pressured speech? It's found in people with some disorders such as ADD and bipolar. You know those people who just rattle on and on without taking a breath about every microscopic detail? That's pressured speech and a lot of her entries on that cupid page remind me of it. Such as the entry about shellfish allergies. Too much information.

I see that now...I just jumped the gun a little bit!
I'd love to know when that profile was originally created. It sounds "too perfect" to me, ya know? Almost like it was posted as her way of "proving" that she was really a good mom and Caylee was her one and only focus. It just sounds staged to me. But...maybe I've become bitter and cynical when it comes to this case.

<<i would love to go on Survivor.
the premise of the game is impeccable: outwit, outplay, outlast.>>
Sounds like she is playing Survivor to me.
? I don't think so. Casey searched that name three days BEFORE Caylee disappeared. It shows premeditation. Why would Cindy or anybody else search that name when Caylee had not even gone missing yet. The big fight between casey and cindy hadn't even happened yet.

At that point it was business as usual in the Anthony home. All hell started to break loose on June 15th. Someone searched for Zenaida on June 12.

Premeditation Personified.


I can't see any other explanation. Caylee was still accounted for.
Wouldn't that just put you to sleep or in a "Karen Ann Quinlan" type of vegatative state? It is a tranquilizer ... I would imagine if used in a recreational situation would be to ease coming off acid, ecstasy or coming down from cocaine or something.

I cannot imagine the high energy needed to go clubbing or stayingout all night would include xanax. I've taken it in medicinal ways ..... and cannot imagine it being considered a "high"

Now to make the child sleep yes, but to drink with it = snoresville ! Doesnt seem to fit to me.


Xanex puts me right down into Slumberland. Without ETOH.
I'm really interested in who E. J. Baker is. YM requested a specific keyword search on him, it says. Why?

Eric (Baker?) is who CA said fathered Caylee. He's dead, too, like two of the other "fathers."
Wow. She searched the name Zaneida .. and ZFG...


"A keyword search for "Zenaida" revealed Web pages indicating that a user
searched the Internet for that name on July 16, 2008. Those entries were
bookmarked under the "Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez" section of this report."
I think so too but I wonder why?
Did she stalk ZG by chance? Did she maybe meet her once and ZG just didn't recall and maybe Casey was jealous of her or something ... over a guy maybe?

I'd love to know more about ZG and if ANYONE she knew or dated had previously known or dated Casey?

Just seems like Casey had something against ZG and wanted to get even with her... something is fishy.

That's the new mystery. Where did their paths cross?

Seems to me that the REAL ZG was oblivious to KC... until.....
No photographs, video, email, instant message chat or any other type of communication with a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was discovered on either computer," the computer forensics reads.

However, in a sexually suggestive instant-message chat May 3 between Casey Anthony a person identified as "nyitaliano3,'' Anthony mentions a person she calls "Zani."

"i'm playing phone tag with both Zani & my mom," Anthony wrote.

The documents released today also include a computer conversation with drug references between Anythony and two other people.

When someone wrote that "I can hit up my friend annie for some xanax,'' Anthony replied: "we'd be a good time"

Another reason I personally think Zani is tag means you are waiting for someone to come thru with drugs for you.....she is playing phone tag trying to find somebody with Zanax......jmo. I could be wrong, but I think she meant it to sound like a person IF it ever came to someones attention, but really was talking about drugs.
I agree,

She gave LE a "TON" of info that she had to have known was going to be proven false.

She doesn't care though - she lives in the moment

She tells a Lie to cover herself for THAT MOMENT

She figures that when LE finds out that she was lying she will just tell them another lie

She has been doing this her entire life & her parents & moronic friends have let her get away with it

She is smart. Her plan is to add confusion everywhere, if they are chasing confusion they aren't chasing the truth. No one knows which lies are just lies that mean nothing and which lies actually deal with the case. She will NOT get away with it but hey she's got the whole world watching her, which is probably feeding her ego! Ya know she "never meant to become a Celebrity"! ugg
Hey Brini, me too, I originally thougth accident.......but DEFINITELY NOT anymore

And, I want to thank you all for having been SOOO patient with me, while I was so insisting.
Could she have gotten up with a blank memory of the night before, forgetting she put Caylee in the trunk and thinking she left her with Cindy?

And then started noticing an odor coming from her car...

I think I just made myself physically sick.

That's what I thought happened. I thought that from the beginning. But, not anymore. :-(
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