Casey's Photobucket

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I looked through every picture I think. Nothing really disturbed me in them. (Except the hairy crack)!

I think it's noteworthy that as busy as she was uploading pictures to this Photobucket account, there was no activity that I found on June 21st and 24th.

If anyone else sees something on those two days, please let me know?

ETA: Dang! Muzikman already posted on the calendar that there was activity on the 24th. I'm going to look again.

This should be.. nothing added on June 21st and June 23rd. My typo. There is also nothing on June 18th and 19th.
JG said in his first phone call to LE IIRC that after he found out Caylee was missing on July 16th, that he went to her photobucket and found she had deleted 300 plus pics of Caylee. Does anyone see anything that can verify his statement?
It is those pics that may have a clue to where she put Caylee, and/or what her mindset was at that time concerning Caylee. Also, what date were they deleted? All at one time or over a span of time? Is he telling the truth on the matter?
I don't want *advertiser censored* on my pc, so I'm gonna pass on the download and hope you folks can fill me in. TIA
Well try doing a search on a file called Icons157 on your comp??? Mine said I had a hour left!! LMAO!!!

I did. It's a zip file so as far as the laptop is concerned it doesn't exist. ~sigh~ stupid computer.
I need a "Do what I meant" button.
Didn't mean to sound snarky, but at 2:eek:o am I did sound snarky, I'm sorry.:blowkiss:

No problems!!!! My download says I have 1 hour and 5 minutes left....Jeez!!! No need to apologize! I know that we all want to just get down to the bottom on this!!! Ugh!!! Can I just scream now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:
I did. It's a zip file so as far as the laptop is concerned it doesn't exist. ~sigh~ stupid computer.
I need a "Do what I meant" button.

OH jeez! I can just sense the frustration!!! I have apparently and hour left in my download....If at the end it isn't found on my comp I am going to be p****d off to say the least!!!!!!! Oh and I can't chat tonight which makes it WORSE!
I have decided that since it is 3 am and the computer is eating things maybe it is time I go to bed. I'll find it tomorrow.
Fiancee's in computer networking classes, I am going to feel so dumb asking him to find this file for me.
JG said in his first phone call to LE IIRC that after he found out Caylee was missing on July 16th, that he went to her photobucket and found she had deleted 300 plus pics of Caylee. Does anyone see anything that can verify his statement?
It is those pics that may have a clue to where she put Caylee, and/or what her mindset was at that time concerning Caylee. Also, what date were they deleted? All at one time or over a span of time? Is he telling the truth on the matter?
I don't want *advertiser censored* on my pc, so I'm gonna pass on the download and hope you folks can fill me in. TIA

I only see the RRR Rated pics (not quite *advertiser censored*) that were tossed. I see nothing to back up JG's claim, but my eyes are crossed now.

I have seen nothing close to 300 pictures of Caylee at all. Most every pic of Caylee has already been on the news and NG.

There are only suggestive icons, naughty smilies, one of *advertiser censored* pushed up in a shirt (nothing exposed) that could possibly be Casey and 2 copies of some hairy dude's full moon. I saw nothing that would be considered *advertiser censored*.
The files download to a folder called "Icons157"

In that folder, there is an active and deleted folder... in the active folder, I found this interesting...


it's a picture of her and annie in the black and white (similar to those posted earlier with names up the side...almost like it was for a scrap book or something).

at the bottom of the picture with her and annie drinking, it says "the girlfriend" not, best friend... dated as last modified on 8/1/2007

There is also a similar black and white in that folder I think that shows Caylee and Cindy cuddled on the couch and the title below says - "my girls"

Someone who can post pictures might be able to capture these for you guys
I personally don't put a lot of significance into the red balloons. It seems just like a 'myspace' or 'photobucket' thing. It's a lot of 'Indy' stuff she has probably sourced from around the net (of other peoples blogs, myspaces, etc) because she likes them. Perhaps she was using them as MSN or Chat avatars, screensavers, screen displays... there are a whole range of innocuous, innocent reasons she could have them.

The CD covers could have been because she was going to post them on her myspace under the style of music she liked. Or like litltigress just said, from downloading.


The timing is of interest to me. Some of these were uploaded after Caylee disappeared. It does give some insight into what she was thinking about during that time.
Look at my pic what do u see?

Before I look to see if anyone else sees what I see...

It took me a minute - I turned it upside down but still saw a man...but then I recognized the "r" at the end as a cursive letter and I immediately saw the word "Liar."

I am one of those people who have a hard time with those visual flip tests. I was surprised that I was able to recognize this one - probably because I was thinking what a liar KC is.

I did. It's a zip file so as far as the laptop is concerned it doesn't exist. ~sigh~ stupid computer.
I need a "Do what I meant" button.

259, 424 kb

That's the size of the file so you can look at your temp folder and move it to another folder that you name something like "Casey PB" or something.

Or you can search for a file by *.zip

Or you could search for a file by time - October 6 will probably locate the file for you.

Hope that helps.
JG said in his first phone call to LE IIRC that after he found out Caylee was missing on July 16th, that he went to her photobucket and found she had deleted 300 plus pics of Caylee. Does anyone see anything that can verify his statement?
It is those pics that may have a clue to where she put Caylee, and/or what her mindset was at that time concerning Caylee. Also, what date were they deleted? All at one time or over a span of time? Is he telling the truth on the matter?
I don't want *advertiser censored* on my pc, so I'm gonna pass on the download and hope you folks can fill me in. TIA

I only see the RRR Rated pics (not quite *advertiser censored*) that were tossed. I see nothing to back up JG's claim, but my eyes are crossed now.

I have seen nothing close to 300 pictures of Caylee at all. Most every pic of Caylee has already been on the news and NG.

There are only suggestive icons, naughty smilies, one of *advertiser censored* pushed up in a shirt (nothing exposed) that could possibly be Casey and 2 copies of some hairy dude's full moon. I saw nothing that would be considered *advertiser censored*.


Remember Casey had more then just this photobucket account as well.
I appear to have downloaded successfully but I cannot find the file! :confused:
My files are apparently downloaded! I am afraid to try to locate them now, because of all the difficulties that I have seen!! I am attempting now!
Did anyone else get a violation of photobuckets TOS or a bad image??
Yeah, a few photos in the "Tossed" folder have been TOS'ed by PB. I'm guessing they were sexually explicit.

Do me a favor! Tell me if you (or anyone else) happens upon a noteworthy pic. I have a needy BIL here and I am sick of getting that message on every pic that I try to open. TIA.
I posted this on the "Why didn't Casey flee?" thread and thought I would post it here as well since it is about the PB images:

After looking at KC's images/icons/slogans from her PhotoBucket account (from this thread I am beginning to wonder if she isn't 100% bravado. Maybe the reason she didn't flee for the same reason she curiously allowed CA to take her to the police on 7/15 without putting up a fight: She's a coward at heart. All along I have been having a hard time believing KC has low self-esteem (what does that really mean? I say that rhetorically.) But perhaps she really does not like herself very much and all her tough talk is trying to convince herself that she is something that she is not. If that makes any sense.
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