Casey's Photobucket

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If you look at the original pic by itself it looks nothing like the towel. It almost looks like a piece of plastic and the pattern is not like the towel at all. The towel has no blue in it.

Wow, I'm glad to hear that. What was it that was found, I had thought way back then for some reason that it was a backpack, there was a discussion about a pink floral design on a backpack. But then when I saw the two pictures side by side just now they looked so similar.
Wow, I'm glad to hear that. What was it that was found, I had thought way back then for some reason that it was a backpack, there was a discussion about a pink floral design on a backpack. But then when I saw the two pictures side by side just now they looked so similar.
You know I wish I could direct you to the link of the original pic instead of the side by side you would see it too. I am just on overload with this case right now but I did see it enlarged on it's own and it looks nothing like a towel.
Unlike most things in her account, I think she actually CREATED this masterpiece.

I've been working on tracking the origin of uploaded photographs which look professional -- the urban landscapes and other layered/artistic digital prints. I know Casey purported to be interested in photography and many have commented on her "skill"-- I've tracked down a number of the original prints she ripped from online art magazines and websites. I wonder if she pretended the photographs were her own. A number of programs/cites visually trace online images to their origins-- for those interested, is a good free site.

Good going, Nancy. I'd be interested to know what percentage of photos are actually HER OWN - other than party pix and Caylee pix. Maybe .0000000000001% ?

I also wonder if she presented some of these as her own. Would not surprise me at all.

Remember Casey had more then just this photobucket account as well.
Thank you for the correction, I guess I did not remember correctly. sorry.
Will we ever see the deleted pics from myspace, and facebook?
I hope no one ever has a reason to go through all the stuff on my computer. I'm one of the more right-brained type people who are more on the creative side. I've got all kinds of images on my computer...some somber, some funny, some sarcastic. I'd hate for someone to take a handful of images and make blanket opinions about me. Now, admittedly, my daughter is not missing, so I understand why people are reading into CA's images and quotes. All I'm saying is that if someone checked up on my computer on a sad day and I was feeling creative, they might find all sorts of stuff that could be taken out of context.

Trust me...I'm NOT defending CA. I'm just looking at it from a personal perspective.

I could not agree with you more. I mean my god with all the photo shopping I do some of the things I have on my computers would freak out most people. Yes I know we are talking about Casey here and she's not normal. If Casey wanted to upload pics that were risky, I am sure she would have used other hosting sites that don't censor your pics.
I could not agree with you more. I mean my god with all the photo shopping I do some of the things I have on my computers would freak out most people. Yes I know we are talking about Casey here and she's not normal. If Casey wanted to upload pics that were risky, I am sure she would have used other hosting sites that don't censor your pics.

O/T Karate Dad, you come up with the funniest pictures for your siggy! I needed a laugh today! thanks! "Rock a BYE casey in the jail cell.....if you dont get to shower, your sure gonna smell!"
Did anyone notice the Kirt Cobane Photos in the active file.......theres two of them! Now thats weird because why Kirt Cobane? He like killed himself when she was like in diapers!!!
I know people have asked before who the guy was with the Kill tatoo. I'm not sure anyone has said who it is. It is hard to keep all of her men friends straight.


The date on the photo is July 13, 2007

Still don't know who he is, maybe someone else can help.
I feel so sorry for all the people in these random photos. i seriously doubt Kill-Knuckle-Ken actually killed anybody.
Yep, Im an Ohioan and its definately just a part of the Buckeyes logo on the shirt. The necklace shes wearing is just small beads.

The owner of the Lake Vaj house that was here answering questions said he had no idea who that kill tat guy was and I think Dante didnt know either.
Did anyone notice the Kirt Cobane Photos in the active file.......theres two of them! Now thats weird because why Kirt Cobane? He like killed himself when she was like in diapers!!!

Who knows. My 16yo dd loves him.
Did anyone notice the Kirt Cobane Photos in the active file.......theres two of them! Now thats weird because why Kirt Cobane? He like killed himself when she was like in diapers!!!

LOL No I am the same age as KC, I know who he was and listened to Nirvana before he killed himself.
You listened to Nirvana when you were 8 years old? LOL (He died in 1994).
I havent been through too many of her icons yet...there's just too many, unlike Casey I have children to look after.
I dont want to post the icons here since I find them really offensive, but did anyone else see the ones that involved children with sexual innuendo?

1. Pic of kids standing around pc- caption reads internet pron(deliberate sp) is fun, or something along those lines.
2.Another pic with a boy and girl and the girl has a banana going in and out of her mouth- caption reads 'practise for what?'
3.A pic of a baby boy and girl, boy has dummy (pacifier) in his mouth, caption reads "na na na na na girls are smarter than boys' and the girl has the dummy where it just doesnt belong, if you get my drift.
Now i know we cant read too much into alot of the icons and images , but seriously, what mother of a lil girl would think these are funny in any way?
*The images are not pictures of actual children, they are comic style...dont want to be starting any rumours.
It just doesnt sit right with me.
Hi, newbie here but have been reading along for months! The picture with the x-ray of hibiscus looks to me overlayed onto the pic of the other black and white pic of Caylee. (The one on this thread where she is wearing a ruffle sleeveless top. ) I do not know when this overlayed pic was done by KC? But it has been KNAWING at me all week!

Could this be symbolism of Caylee buried under the hibiscus tree? Or any hibiscus tree?

Does anyone know the date of when KC produced this overlayed pic?

I apologize if this does not make sense to some. I just had to finally post something about it!...............CuriousCharley
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