Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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The interesting thing is that KC tells so many different versions of a lie that you'd have to 'pick one' to decide if one was the truth versus all of the other lies.

Yes, and JB played it like a fiddle. Wouldn't be surprised though if even to this day he still doesn't know half the truth himself.
I believe he thought that, if that's the way it is, use it. If OCA's full of bs, bs the jury to sleep. Sadly, it worked
He didn't make it sound that way on Sunday night when he was on GR.

OK... I haven't watched any of the Baez stuff because he bores me to tears, so I'll probably be one step behind on his matters. :crazy:
My head is spinning a little, but hasn't it also been reported that JB has been off her appeal team for some time now?

I believe he quit/got fired but the Orange County Clerk's office hasn't yet updated their website and removed him from her appeal. Sigh.
Everything she said in that evaluation was as much of a crock of lies as the interviews with Yuri. The only way to find out who the baby daddy is if she comes out of exile and goes on the Maury show with the men she had encounters with, which no doubt are numerous. Black out my eye...:furious:
Maury's show is only an hour long :floorlaugh:

A source familiar with the situation tells E! News that Anthony remains unwilling to undergo psychotherapy.

"Dorothy and Jose have been trying to get Casey to go into therapy, but she refused to do it," the source said. "Jose has become a parental figure in her life and she doesn't want to be told what to do. And he's done with it. The big issue is the therapy issue. He believes very strongly that if she doesn't get help she can't truly move on."
Apparently GA released a statement through his attorney ML that he has never molested anyone in the family and had nothing to do with Caylee's death. Looking for a link.... (heard it on HLN just now)
If she was so protective as claimed then she wouldn't have been living in the A's house period. And she would have called 911(I know a rehash), but it is a pure fact.

She is plain and simple a cold blooded murderer who blames everyone but herself.
If that's the case Casey could have sat down with a legal stenographer and just dictated her statement that she gave this psychiatrist, signed it and that would have made it as factual as his parroting of her "facts". If he isn't doing an indepth assessment, what exactly was the point of bringing in a so called mental professional?
To get in the testimony about George...without Casey having to testify?
Apparently GA released a statement through his attorney ML that he has never molested anyone in the family and had nothing to do with Caylee's death. Looking for a link.... (heard it on HLN just now)

FWIW I think that's one of the statements made by GA that is true.
This all started when he testified to the Grand Jury. She started sharpening her knives that day....
It appears that Dr William A. Weitz wrote Baez's OS for him almost word for word. Baez even repeats the confusion on the time of day of the "drowning" exactly like Weitz does in his depo. Anyone else notice that?

Weitz. ". . . essentially functioning as the assistant chief of the psychology service. . .(Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC)"
Weitz. ". . . essentially establishing the initial unit (. . .freestanding VA clinical unit for combat veterans from the Viet Nam war. . .). . .in Miami, FL."
Weitz. ". . . Chief of Psychology at Tripler Army Medical Center. (Honolulu, Hawaii)"

God bless our warriors. Insult upon injury if they were given the same care from this man that seems to be displayed in this depo. moo, moo, moo!

BBM. Yup. And right around that time, Danzinger was beginning to see the writing on the wall (i.e., that he was also commissioned to be a 'script writer' for the defense) and, realizing the truth of what had occurred with Caylee, it literally sickened him. JMO.
Oh my GAWD, Baez. I swear he actually did this. He wanted the depositions to be sealed. Burdick asked why, and Baez said, "Because I just said so." Burdick asked if it was because they were confidential, and he answers, "and they should be sealed".

So then LDB asks him what the legal basis for that is, and responds, "That is my legal basis." No cases or anything legal to back him up, just because he said so. I love Ashton's response though: "Well, I think that is is an issue between you, the judge and the media."

What an EGO Baez has. It is because I say it is! And he actually made them stop and call the judge. Just wow. They had to go off the record.
IMO, he just couldn't think quick enough. Case law was never one of Jose's strengths.
Dr. William Weitz on Nancy Grace Back On July 8, 2011

[ame=""]Dr. William Weitz & Caylee's Law: Nancy 7/8/11 - YouTube[/ame]
In Dr. Weitz's Part I of the depo, part the DT plan becomes clear to me as it is the same as we saw with many of their witnesses. The information Weitz was given to work off of was a CD he was given by the DT, which contained only pp. 2271-2502 of the police reports, and the initial competency psych reports. LDB asks him a few times,

LDB: "Okay. Now let me make this clear in my mind. The CD that had the police reports on them, the pages contained are 2271 through 2502 and nothing else?"

LDB: "But as far as police-generated documents, they were those numbered 2271 through 2502 and nothing else generated by law enforcement on that?" --

around p. 39 of that Part I Weitz depo. Weitz indicates he found out from reading THESE SELECT PAGES GIVEN HIM BY THE DT lots of statements made by lots of people in Ms. Anthony's life, from boyfriends to family members to relatives, whatever.....and the way people perceived her.

Wonder if these pages were some of the "FCA appears to be a good mother, FCA is a good mother", etc., etc. interviews of OTHER PEOPLE....what about when they were interviewing FCA HERSELF??? I really wonder what specific info is in these pages.... sounds like there were thousands of pages of police reports, yet he was given ~230 PAGES ONLY.

this is so characteristic of the DT and their SKEWED WITNESSES, we saw time and time again where they were only given minimal information, Dr. Spitz was given a few photos, etc. before he cracked Caylee's little skull open, etc., so their SKEWED TESTIMONY could be tailored to exactly what the DT wanted.

I find this very interesting, and wonder what exactly was targeted on those ~230 pages the DT gave to Weitz.......

IMO, MOO, etc.
Lies, lies, and more lies. Just when I thought you couldn't make me despise this witch anymore-I'm proven wrong. :furious:

Would love for someone with good interviewing skills to ask the jurors what they think of their verdict now? I can hear the jury foreman (a.k.a. Hercule Poirot) now, "Ha, I knew George murdered Caylee." :maddening:

Her attorneys wonder why she is so hated. Well, her attorneys are as slimy as she is. Jose Baez "picking and choosing" what story of hers to go with. Dirty as hell. Karma will get them eventually. :twocents:

My late father had a saying that I think fits Casey perfectly- she is more full of s*** than a Christmas turkey.

Wow, Mason does not like LDB. I'm reading Danzinger's depo now (and I'm almost crying because he can give straight answers and so far it's easy to read, thank GOD), and came to a part where she asked Mason (Ashton was the one who was talking first, and then LDB asked Mason) if he wanted to put an objection on record. He responds, "You want to talk too? What are you so angry about?" She responds, which made me laugh out loud, "Would you really like to know?"

Oh boy. He said he did, and she responded, "muliple discovery violations." He then said, "on your part?" Nice try there, Mason, and she said, "No, on yours."

I thought it was going to get nastier, but she said "But anyway" and He said he was objecting to any potential work product but that he was not saying Danziger couldn't answer the question, and the depo continues.

Yeah, not a lot of love there, but LDB's responses made me laugh!
Where's his Southern charm? IMHO he's nothing but a sexist old coot.
But not so hard that she couldn't get in the pool. :floorlaugh:
Oh OCA you're a piece o work.

but then she also says..she locked the bedroom door to keep Caylee safe and next line is,,George is waking her up asking where is did he get in the bedroom if the door is locked...did I read that wrong..
Did anyone else notice this?

On the one that was taken on April 7, 2011 of Dr Weitz, on approx. page 64...
something along the lines of (when speaking of OCA's family history) her having a younger brother??

Was that just a misspeak, or what? Nobody really seemed to make a big deal out of it (in the in like oh you mean her older brother?)

Although they did say something like Where does it say younger brother? And he was like It says brother, born blah blah 1982 (blah blahs are mine lol)

Idk probably much ado about nothing, just wondering if anyone else noticed it?

(sorry if this doesn't make much sense....sounds like it does to me in my head!) :)
Lies, lies, and more lies. Just when I thought you couldn't make me despise this witch anymore-I'm proven wrong. :furious:

Would love for someone with good interviewing skills to ask the jurors what they think of their verdict now? I can hear the jury foreman (a.k.a. Hercule Poirot) now, "Ha, I knew George murdered Caylee." :maddening:

Her attorneys wonder why she is so hated. Well, her attorneys are as slimy as she is. Jose Baez "picking and choosing" what story of hers to go with. Dirty as hell. Karma will get them eventually. :twocents:

My late father had a saying that I think fits Casey perfectly- she is more full of s*** than a Christmas turkey.



I think from all the recent reports, it appears that it already has. And it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.
Did anyone else notice this?

On the one that was taken on April 7, 2011 of Dr Weitz, on approx. page 64...
something along the lines of (when speaking of OCA's family history) her having a younger brother??

Was that just a misspeak, or what? Nobody really seemed to make a big deal out of it (in the in like oh you mean her older brother?)

Although they did say something like Where does it say younger brother? And he was like It says brother, born blah blah 1982 (blah blahs are mine lol)

Idk probably much ado about nothing, just wondering if anyone else noticed it?

(sorry if this doesn't make much sense....sounds like it does to me in my head!) :)

He just mis-spoke, I read it a couple of times to be sure.

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