Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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I want to send out a thank you to everyone who has shared their personal stories.

It's not easy, because as a parent you know that you are responsible for your child and how they grow up.

We spent our life savings on help for our many treatment programs, regular counseling would not work. I can't tell you how many times people looked at us like it was our fault. Our daughter was very, very good at what she did.

Do you know how many family members are now telling us they are sorry? It's bitter to accept now.

This case reminds me of something our family is saying to us now.

"do you want to FORCE your daughter to be a mother"......I think this is what George and Cindy did. And I understand it, I really do. You keep providing assistance, hoping that things will get better, but the older the kids get the worse it gets. A new born baby is easy to take care of compaired to a 2-3 year old running around, asking for stuff, having to watch 24/7. This is the age alot of parents break who have issues.

But, once this daughter came up with this bullcrap story of her daughter being kidnapped, this family should have come out in full force to try and find out what happend, not continue to go along with this story the daughter was telling.

If this child was alive, if they had come out sooner possible the out come might be different- maybe not, but at least they would have helped find there grandaughter sooner and put this nightmare to rest.

I can't understand Cindy.......her actions lead me to think that she is the one who has always made excuses for her daughter and I really hesitate to even say that due to my story. But I just don't see the outrage from her that once again her daughter has totally gone off the deep end.

I think all grandparents have had the talk with our kids along the line of "time to grow up now, you have kids". We did.......but with the birth of our grandkids our daughters behavior and lies grew worse because she now had to lie so much more about what was going on with the kids, lies that were totally off the wall.

Of course she used the kids as pawns, would not let us see them, we prayed and prayed that the kids would be ok. But when they were taken from her and she lied to authorities that we did not even live in the same town and the kids were placed in an emergency foster care shelter we knew then without a doubt that she was in no way responsible for making decesions for these kids that would keep them safe.

Foster Care is every parents worst nightmare........we knew why she lied, she did not want us to even find out about any investigation. She was only thinking of herself, not her kids.

And this is exactly how Casey is, she will stick to her story, or come up with a totally different one which will have the police running around again.

She denied the visit with her brother out of anger, she thinks they have betrayed her. Her anger is only for herself now, not for her child.. That's why in that one visit who heard her say "All anyone really cares about is finding Caylee"............that right there tells you that she has no emotional bond with her child. She was playing mommy to get what she could out of it, now that they child is gone she has no use for her family.
As far as the dive, which is taking place today at that lake close to the Anthony's home, I wonder if they got some clues from that shovel as far as the dirt/plants around the lake.
Like I said before she is bullying the family.

She bullied them with FEAR implying they might loose Caylee for ever with stupid half-words and half-explanations and imaginary threats from imaginay enemies, that made no sence to you, to me, or even the gp. But they were bullied to believe her, emotionally bullied to take her side, what could they do after all?

She also bullied them for their loyalty. Unless the believed her account they were no loyal to ger and again they were endangering Caylee's life.

Now it is not so easy to bully them with words. Grandparents have way more ACCESS TO ACCURATE INFORMATION, than Casey has in jail. She cannot bully them with the fear that Casey is the key to the people that are holding Caylee. Not anymore.

So she will bully them by refusing to see them. She will stop talking to them like she stopped talking to the police a long time ago. She will bully them with the information of what she did to Caylee and where Caylee is and by cutting the access gparents have to Casey.

She tried to manipulate the didn't work...she stopped talking to them.
She manipulated the worked for a little seems not anymore...she will stop talking to them.
She will only talk to her laywer and that is because the lawyer is PAID to believe her sociopathic lies.

You are spot on here.

She is emotionally abusive, I know a few folks here believe that casey is afraid of her parent's especially her mother but I believe it is the other way around. I think casey has been abusing her family her whole life, she has no boundaries and Lord only knows what sort of lie's she spread or threatened to spread around about them.

Sociopath's destroy the core of the being, they keep you in a constant state of anxiety and emotional unrest and that interfere's with your ability to function from day to day. When you have a pretty little girl (casey, growing up) she uses every inch of that to make everyone and anyone believe that YOU are the monster and it is nearly impossible to defend yourself. Most people will believe a little girl over you the horrible mom/dad.

I'm not defending any of the anthony's questionable behavior but I think they are victim's of casey and have been for 22 years.
Something did not sit right with the Zanny interview with the media to me.

If they have only done the probing and questioning of her that they have made public, that does not relieve my bad feeling.

LE has talked to her from day one, the media only just found her.
doesn't it remind you of when she spat on the phone that no one cared about her, all everyone cares about is Caylee? she is probably saying that to herself and attorney right now...

I had heard in the past that Casey only recieves three permitted visits a week. Her friends were removed from the list to ensure her family had an open spot to visit. Since Cindy and Lee didn't visit her as planned last week, she may be irritated about that and not want to allow visitation this week. Especially considering she is removing people from the list to allow family in. Or....she may feel the walls are closing in around her and she doesn't want to put herself in any further jeopardy by speaking with the family...Could also be that the lawyer advised Caysey not to speak with family anymore because of all the contraversy it has caused up to this point.
Something did not sit right with the Zanny interview with the media to me.

If they have only done the probing and questioning of her that they have made public, that does not relieve my bad feeling.

I think the lack of phone calls and text messages pretty much negate that there ever was a nanny. And Casey didn't have a job. What would she need the nanny for?

The nanny issue should be put to rest, IMO.
Hey, I'd charge them to park on my lawn and to use my bathroom. :deal:

Well if they are still hanging around after all of that they are about to get really wet.. It is thundering like crazy here!

I like watching what is happening on the news as much as everyone else but I do think they should give them a break also.

I don't think I would want the worst thing that ever happened in my life to be broadcast day and night with them sitting on my lawn 24/7
Someone mentioned on this site that they wondered if Casey had a split personality disorder. Since reading that comment, I can't get it out of my mind. Maybe she does and has blocked out what happened to Caylee. I just can't think of another explanation.

I don't think so. Unless 1 personality has been having private discussions with the other personality...

I don't know much about it but this all seems to be intertwined - back to the invisible nanny 1 1/2 - 2 yrs ago.
Someone mentioned on this site that they wondered if Casey had a split personality disorder. Since reading that comment, I can't get it out of my mind. Maybe she does and has blocked out what happened to Caylee. I just can't think of another explanation.

split personality disorder is a very rare condition and only rarely witnessed by medical professionals. It isn't as common as tv makes it seem. A split personality also doesn't wake up and become two in one day and that day they kill their child. If she was she would be exhibiting other kind of alarming behavior before this happened. Memory loss due to a travmatic experience yes, or other reasons, but Casey has no split personality disorder.

She belongs to the classic sociopath/narcissist spectrum. Remember that she never told them police she doesn't remember what she did with Caylee. She gave them a very detailed account of what she did, to whom she gave her, what did did after. It just happens that everything is a lie.

Casey is a classic sociopath-narcissist
I thought it was really telling that Cindy said "Before I lose my husband-back off" I wonder if he's been threatening divorce again over the whole Casey thing?

I thought Cindy meant something more like a stroke or heart attack..George was very upset..and rightly so. He spoke with Casey on Sunday for 45 minutes..42-43 of those minutes were about Caylee..and how she would be home for her birthday. Now Casey pulls this stunt of not seeing her brother because they haven't been in to see her.

I think that was the last straw for the family..they know now that Casey will not tell them where Caylee is, her little birthday is tomorrow and frankly they are no further ahead then they were on July 15th in finding their beloved grand-daughter. Anyone with an ounce of sense would be so angry now at her...I do not think the family will be supporting her at all any longer.

Obviously her lawyer has been showing her tapes and wants the family cut out of the picture..he is hired by Casey, he is only her attorney. He does not represent the family..he represents her alone.
on fox news the reporter is saying that she received a text message from Lee saying that his sister was not feeling well yesterday, and was sick today. that is the reason why there was no visit.
I am one of the people who think Casey may have another personality. She really does seem confused as to where Caylee is. And the no emotion or real fear as to where her baby is causes me to ponder.

I think this is why her parents are so trying to cover her. I think they probably "had a feeling someday something bad would happen."

However, it does concern me that Casey told her friend where she should be looking for the nanny other than just in Florida. That tells me she had done a little research herself.
Identity theft?
Hey, I'd charge them to park on my lawn and to use my bathroom. :deal:
Yep - they can have my front yard for $$$$$ a day plus pay to put me up in some 5 star hotel until it was all over. I said this last night - and only because I have seen it first hand down here. No way could I ever be a reporter - I am just not that pushy!!!
on fox news the reporter is saying that she received a text message from Lee saying that his sister was not feeling well yesterday, and was sick today. that is the reason why there was no visit.

I don't buy it.
Ever live a nightmare?

That's what this family is doing. Their grief is unimaginable to someone who's never been through it.

Agreed. I think some people are really hard on the family, and it's sad to see that some people feel "validated" to finally see him losing it. We can all say "I would be doing this" and "I KNOW what I would do/how I would act if my grandchild were missing" but you don't really know unless you've been there, and even if you HAVE been there, your situation is probably not exactly the same.

Not to mention we all are different, chemically, physically, emotionally. People cry at different times. We also tend to have set roles in out family- Maybe George has been holding it together all of this time because he is used to being "the rock" because Cindy has been so emotional.

I'm not happy at all to see him grieving. I can't imagine dealing with something so private, so personal, and feeling like a goldfish, with everyone watching/analyzing you every move, or reporters in your face at every second. They didn't ask to be in this situation.

It turns my stomach to see him so upset:( They're doing the best they know how. There is no script, no instructions, for a situation like this. And they are likely very embarrassed for putting so much stock, publicly, in Casey's words.
yes TracyLeigh, i posted this same question earlier but didn't get any responses. How could she have known?

There was a good point I thought brought up on GVS last night that since Casey has a history of stealing and forging checks, etc., she may be adept at acquiring info on different identities. However, that still doesn't explain how she could have known this particular fact. It seems to me she would almost have HAD to been told this information by someone working there.. OR had access to the office somehow and found that guest card. I can't think of another explanation??

She cracked me up last night when she didn't like what her guest defense attorneys said and she cut away from them and goes, "Thanks for nothing guys!"

She has such balls. LOL Sometimes I'm like "YES! Go Nancy!" and sometimes I can't stand her.

ETA: Some of these people that come on her show are gluttons for punishment. I wouldn't want her to make me out to be an idiot on national tv, but then again if they are defense attorneys I think looking like an idiot is something they've dealt with and gotten used to by now. LOL
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