Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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I'm so sorry if our discussing this bothers you... just a curiosity.. don't think I've said anything against the woman!

It's no big deal to me :)

I just think most of the posters have racked there brain out trying to figure how the nanny plays into all of this, and the truth is......the whole story was just another one of Caseys lies.
Folks, I'm trying to remember.....

Wasn't there a friend of Casey's that lived across the street of the apartment building where Zeneaida was supposed to have lived, apartment 210? Seems I read that somewhere, but can't remember if it was here or not.

I'm wondering if this poor lady, came in and signed up to have the apartment shown to her and Casey made her way into the office and saw her name....this is totally speculation on my part, but trying to put this together.

I just can't imagine why these grandparents would not have met this babysitter, if she indeed had watched Caylee for over one year. That makes no sense to me as you would think they would have at least picked her up there once or twice!
I watched Georges drama moment and what I saw was, once again, the family blaming the press for not finding Caylee.

They want to use the media to get their story out. That's fine. They're actually very fortunate that their missing loved one caught the medias attention. Most families have to brave this nightmare without any media coverage.

So, IMO, suck it up, George. Organize a search for Caylee. You have the attention of an entire country. Use it!

I agree 100%
I'm so sorry if our discussing this bothers you... just a curiosity.. don't think I've said anything against the woman!
FYI there is a nanny thread...not that I care that you discuss here but some people seem to deem what is acceptable to talk about here and what is not, depending on what they are in the mood for. Just trying to help you avoid the cyber-bullying.
I agree with this 100%. I also agree that if they had a spokesperson this wouldn't be happening. I don't like that fact that they blame all their problems on others. They have, all along, had the option to go behind close doors, when out in public say "no comment" The media hangs around because of just what happened with George this morning. This is better than Springer and it brings up their ratings. If I were them, after this morning, I would lay low and get a spokesperson. Until they do don't expect me to feel too sorry for them. Or as my grandson would say "He started it"..LOL
Could you imagine what it would be like to be the spokesperson for this family? The first thing you need to have in that role -- is the truth from the party you're representing. I hear Scott McClellan is available.
But, how did she know this 2 years ago when she made up "Zanny" the invisible nanny? And now she finds this girl with the name Zenaida, could easily be nicknamed Zanny. That is what is odd.

Not that kids can pronounce the "Z" but maybe Caylee heard her mom say "Nanny" a lot and when Caylee repeated it, it came out Zanny and that is how casey started down the "Z" path. We still tease my grandson about the poluter.... when he was 3 he would ask for me to pull up pictures of lions and tigers on the poluter (computer).
I hope someone can answer this question for me (sorry if this has already been discussed) but this bugged me....last night Mark Fuhrman stated that the woman Zenaida who went to the apt complex was ID'd as obviously hispanic, shoulder length hair, wavy and dark. Definitely not Casey.

But the woman interviewed last night, where we could barely see her silhouette...had quite long hair, straight and blonde (it definitely wasn't dark). so were they really the same woman or do you think she has disguised herself (bleached her hair, straightened it ) because of all the media hounding her?
I REALLY HOPE and PRAY they leave them alone tomorrow...I just think they need some time alone...but like everyone says..the press just wants the story.

May I ask a question?

Why is everyone turning on the media? This family invited them into there home, on MANY occasions. The grandmother was on every fricken talk show every night.

Now, the media is only doing there job, reporting....which right now is not in the familys now we all turn on the media?
FYI there is a nanny thread...not that I care that you discuss here but some people seem to deem what is acceptable to talk about here and what is not, depending on what they are in the mood for. Just trying to help you avoid the cyber-bullying.

And FYI.. I don't feel as if I'm discussing "the nanny"... just discussing how it came to be that Casey got the info. Thanks for the advice. I can handle it.
It's no big deal to me :)

I just think most of the posters have racked there brain out trying to figure how the nanny plays into all of this, and the truth is......the whole story was just another one of Caseys lies.

Exactly. It's a moot point now. Zanny the nanny never existed.
Let's STOP This!!!!!

The fact is Casey used her name before this happened stating she was the nanny.

But we need to leave this poor lady alone now. She is trying to find a job & support her 4 kids...Casey could of used any of our names & any one of us here could of been near destroyed & its not fair to this poor woman..... OR her FAMILY NO way was I attacking this woman. I was analyzing how in the world Casey came up with this elaborate story. That's all. I clearly stated in a few different posts that I did NOT think this woman was involved in any way!!!
There are a million ways she could have picked up the name. But it all doesn't matter -- IMHO -- there is no sleuthing to be done down the Zaneida road as it is a dead end.

I would sure like to know this Zaneida's work history. It seems she also is without a job so you never know.

I personally think Casey did have a job but maybe a little on the illegal side.

There is enough here to make me want to know more of the personal history of this Zaneida.
Here's my thoughts on the case today....

* It's driving me bananas that Casey has been mentioning the Zanny name for quite some time (according to Cindy) yet it appears that she somehow heard/found the name Zanny when the real ZG visited the Sawgrass apartments. I don't get it.

* I feel horrible for Cindy and George. I agree with many of you that George is extremely upset with everything going on, specifically with Casey refusing to see Lee, and that's why he blew up at the media. What this family is going through - I cannot begin to imagine. I feel very bad for them and I don't think that they had ANYTHING to do with Caylee's dissapearance nor with covering anything up after the fact. The only thing I think they are guilty of is hanging onto the hope that their daughter is telling the truth and that Caylee is alive. I think they're supporting their daughter because they need to believe her. The alternative is too much to bear. :(

* I am betting that Casey refused to see Lee because Baez informed Casey that Lee has been feeding information to LE. This was my first thought when I heard she refused to see Lee. She's mad at him because in the search warrant, it seems to indicate that Lee has been passing information along to LE which Casey is not too happy about. She feels like Lee has betrayed her, IMO. Not for one moment do I think she's "not feeling well".

* Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day for this family, and I for one will be praying for them and thinking of them all day, as well as little Caylee of course. This whole case is just so bizarre, it's hard to make sense of it all.
Little Caylee turns three Saturday, August 9. Cindy said the family bought a closet full of presents for her. Perhaps they are beginning to realize the child might not be there for that celebration.

Oh come on. They really don't have a grasp on reality.

They may never see their granddaughter again even at a funeral if Casey doesn't come clean and tell LE where to find the body.
Like I said before...AMAZING that a 22 yr old girl can do this & manipulate to this degree and provide NO answers and yet they can get info out of a terrorist.

Should we send her to GITMO?
Folks, I'm trying to remember.....

Wasn't there a friend of Casey's that lived across the street of the apartment building where Zeneaida was supposed to have lived, apartment 210? Seems I read that somewhere, but can't remember if it was here or not.

No, Casey pointed out a former residence of ZG, which later turned out to be a senior center apartment building that ZG never would have lived at anyways. Casey pointed out a total of 3 residences. Alot of us read the affidavit wrong. I don't feel bad now, because Bernie on Greta has it wrong too! lol.
I think that tomorrow will be a tragic day for Cindy, George, Lee and all Casey's friends who had any attachment to Caylee. I hope the media respects that..but they won't. I think that George and Lee need to be looking for a spokesperson instead of an they can get on with what they need to do and let someone else handle the press for them.
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