Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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Casey was crying when her dad took the stand at the bond hearing. More so than when her mom did

I'm still going with Casey crying over Casey at the bond hearing too. She doesn't have sympathy for her family. Not a smidge.
The Anthony's have gone to such great lengths to defend and protect Casey. At times sounding rediculous and maybe obstructing justice in the process. The search warrant and the fact Caylee isn't coming home tomorrow made them look like the fools we knew they were from day one. One saving grace about this is that the family didn't further put themselved into financial disaster by posting bail for Casey.

What we are seeing this morning is another cruel casualty of Casey's lies.
I can't imagine what they are going though,... prime example. I am a stay at home mom and last weekend my mom took my daughter overnight for the very first time. I cried uncontrollably for hours because it was the very first time in 2 years that my daughter and I have been apart at night. So I can't even imagine not seeing her for 53 days!!! I feel bad for them and hoping that this nightmare will end soon! Sadly though once this nightmare of not finding Caylee ends,.. a new one will begin,.. knowing Caylee is dead and their daughter killed her. So sad,.. damn Casey for not talking!
I have a question though,.. CAN Baiz show Casey the search warrant from the house, since it is public record?????

I don't know... but I would think so. I hope someone with a legal background can chime in here.

I mean, if he's taking her videos of the news shows to "laugh" at -- then surely he'd want to sit down and go over the warrant with her and see who said what/what info LE had/etc. Good question! :)
Who else would give all the money in their pocket right now to read that psychological report on Casey that was filed on July 31?
I wonder if he has some health issues... maybe she's thinking of a heart attack or something.

But divorce here is very, very likely given the fact that they'd already filed once before.

Yeah, I wonder if Casey would be laughing all the way to her cell at THAT video... :( I really feel bad for Cindy & George. I think the anger stage has finally hit. It's all sad...

I took it that way as well. More referring to his health.

One thing you have to say is that they "somewhat" brought this on themselves. Ever heard of the words NO COMMENT? They could have stopped that media scrum early on - just call LE and tell them to come run them off - posters are right about not being able to step foot on their property - but they can hang out on the sidewalks and in the street. Late last night we were discussing all the throng of media and how many uplinks can you count - I shared that I am very close to the Hard Rock Hollywood and the Broward County Courthouse - where that media circus went down with Anna Nicole. I was a PITA to get through that traffic and it was really amazing to see all the uplinks (from all over the world) set up at the Hard Rock - and then they moved to downtown and the courthouse. The media are like cockroaches when it comes to stories like this and George is right about them not caring - all they want is to be "the first" - "get that exclusive" so their station or whatever will garner more ratings.

Having experienced media scrum (almost on a daily basis being in South Florida) it gets in the way of "daily life". But George and Cindy could have done something early on to "control" this situation. Tell the media they would do a "daily" update or interview - something - other than what they did - talk and talk and talk and talk and talk to whoever walked up and stuck a mic in their face.

It is truly a sad situation.
I think Casey refused the visit to spite the family. Since Cindy cancelled the visit with her in previous days...
I bet he will show her the warrant. He has to prepare his case and he'll want answers from her. Unfortunately for him he'll just get lies.If she tells him anything at all.
I don't know... but I would think so. I hope someone with a legal background can chime in here.

I mean, if he's taking her videos of the news shows to "laugh" at -- then surely he'd want to sit down and go over the warrant with her and see who said what/what info LE had/etc. Good question! :)

Yeah, he can show them to her. She's probably already aware that the house has been searched.
Who else would give all the money in their pocket right now to read that psychological report on Casey that was filed on July 31?

Me! Me! Wish it were public record...
He really is in pain. I feel sorry for him too.

Me too! And Cindy is obviously on some kind of medication. I think she is mildly sedated. My heart goes out to both of them and Lee also.

George's emotions are authentic in MPO. Even his anger is not terrible towards the media, he is mostly showing pain and I believe he is being authentic in his outburst. All the walls are collapsing around them, the reality is hitting hard. This is not the same with Cindy attacking the media and telling people to get their *advertiser censored** off the couch. As I see it this is genuine family victim's anger, that step of the process. The walls of hope and denial collapsing, the anxiety attacks and desperation kicking in.

And we do have to give them some understanding for their unwillingness to believe Casey is responsible. Casey was not a violent person, she was not psychotic, she didn't threaten to kill the child before, she and child had a pretty good life for a single mother, Casey had boyfriend and friends and supporting family around. The shock must be big. The terror of someone yours doing this to another family member, especially with no warning signs, must be like a never ending nightmare they are desperately trying to wake up from.
I think Casey refused the visit to spite the family. Since Cindy cancelled the visit with her in previous days...

I think she cancelled it because of the info in that search warrant, and she's never had to FACE people that she has lied to.

She knows that her brother is going to question her, and she does NOT want to face him.
I think Casey refused the visit to spite the family. Since Cindy cancelled the visit with her in previous days...

But, why Lee? It seems like they are close....maybe Casey is starting to feel ashamed for what has transpired and could not face her brother. I mean, I could see her refusing to see Cindy, because of the cancelled visit this week, but not Lee.
Who else would give all the money in their pocket right now to read that psychological report on Casey that was filed on July 31?

Ohhhh yeah... I bet that would be some good reading! I'd just like to see if Casey was able to pull the wool over the psychologists eyes -- I sure hope not! :loser:
The media would not in front of the Anthony house today if Casey had told the truth on July 15 half of use would never even have heard of this.
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