Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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I think Casey feels backed into a corner now, given the latest information of her lies being proven. Up until now, she was able to convince her family, now they have proof otherwise.

She's back in and she's clamming up more. It will only get worse.
There are no ends to the the could've should'ves here... but the family is going through a process of fear and grief.....

I think I'd be hospitalized by now, if I were in their shoes....

Mr. Amity and me were discussing this last night.
He said if this ever happened to us (God Forbid!) , he knew he'd have to be the spokesperson for the family because I would be in a round room wrapped in a straight jacket.

The list (if I were to actually sit down and create one) would be a very, very long one w/r/t how many peoples' lives one 22 year old girl has devasted with her lies.

For whatever anger I felt at Grandma Cindy during this whole thing, my heart goes out to her and the whole family for what they are going to have to face, and have to face it, they will.
I thought it was really telling that Cindy said "Before I lose my husband-back off" I wonder if he's been threatening divorce again over the whole Casey thing?

He may be having chest pains and that is what cindy means about losing her husband.... or she is worried he is too upset to drive safely and they are making it worse.

I don't think there has ever been a problem of violence between the two of them... she is not acting like a wife who has been hit by her husband in the past. Once he raised his voice like he did at her, she remained calm and didn't back up the least bit. Woman who have experienced violence from their spouse know what will happen if they ignore their anger.... it escalates against them if they don't pretend to be listening to them.
Devil's Advocate here ...

Casey could be depressed, being that tomorrow's her daughter's birthday. Even if she DID murder her in cold blood and is a sociopath, as many people believe, she could be depressed feeling sorry for herself that she's not going to be at a fun birthday party with her family tomorrow.

Refusing the visit may just mean she's depressed, not an indication that she's getting ready to crack or mad at her brother.

LOL. I think we are constantly trying to figure out the actions of a person who is neither RATIONAL, LOGICAL or NORMAL. :)

Also...about George not referring to Caylee by name. Very common defense mechanism. Can make things seem less real. Thinking of something as an object, to lessen the blow, so to speak. I see it often in my line of work. Especially if he is slowing coming out of denial, you should see him start calling her by name more. It is often NOT done purposely. A bit of displacement and refusal of personification to try to lessen the raw, horrible emotions of the situation.
To me the Damming evidence was "no phone call from the kidnapper with Caylee on the phone"
I would!
I posted this last night but no one commented on it. When Casey got her "new" lawyer and he was spouting off on all the news channels, a reporter asked about her mental status and he replied, "She has NO mental issues. She is perfectly fine. She is just stressed and under pressure."
So my question is,.. can this come back to bite him when it goes to trial? Can they still plead not guilty by insanity even though he stated she is fine????

Great question, does anyone know the answer to this?
I think if I was George, I would be watching at the dive site.
I would be trying to get all the information I could about what they were actually doing. I think LE just wanted to throw off the press, saying it was a training exercise.
They have a clue....
I really feel bad for George, but I think it was about time that he gets mad. They need to stop playing along with Casey's bs and he needs to tell her to tell them where Caylee is! I think he has finally come to the realization that Caylee is not coming back on her birthday or anytime. I feel so bad for them! This was not staged or a ploy he is feed up with all of it and like he said the press doesnt know how he feels and I dont think he did until now, until he realized the truth.
And he is lashing out at the media for not looking for Caylee,I find that jusy pathetic.

He is right, he is broken, they don't care about her or their family, they want the story. I feel terrible for George.
Cindy on grandpa rant, why today, what happened? She says he's been angry all along, used the word "festering" and then used the phrase "coming to a head". hmmmm
IF this case actually remains in Orlando...BIG "IF"....but I wonder what the stipulations are in choosing a jury. Since I've followed this case so closely I wonder if that would discredit me as a juror. Just curious as to what they would look for. I know there are several of us from Orange County on here. Would they choose people who are not familiar with the case? No matter what tho I think it would be difficult to sit on that jury after all this media attention.
I think its a given that this case (or trial) will be granted a change of venue.
no it does not go togeather.

Casey is mad right now, and her anger will be directed at anyone except her. She does not think she is at fault for anything so she has no feelings of doing wrong. Her mind justifys the actions that she has taken.

Like I said before she is bullying the family.

She bullied them with FEAR implying they might loose Caylee for ever with stupid half-words and half-explanations and imaginary threats from imaginay enemies, that made no sence to you, to me, or even the gp. But they were bullied to believe her, emotionally bullied to take her side, what could they do after all?

She also bullied them for their loyalty. Unless the believed her account they were no loyal to ger and again they were endangering Caylee's life.

Now it is not so easy to bully them with words. Grandparents have way more ACCESS TO ACCURATE INFORMATION, than Casey has in jail. She cannot bully them with the fear that Casey is the key to the people that are holding Caylee. Not anymore.

So she will bully them by refusing to see them. She will stop talking to them like she stopped talking to the police a long time ago. She will bully them with the information of what she did to Caylee and where Caylee is and by cutting the access gparents have to Casey.

She tried to manipulate the didn't work...she stopped talking to them.
She manipulated the worked for a little seems not anymore...she will stop talking to them.
She will only talk to her laywer and that is because the lawyer is PAID to believe her sociopathic lies.
I think that the family needs to stop talking and get a spokesperson. The media is making this into a circus and it's not about Caylee. They need to leave the family alone already and let them work the pieces together. Focus on Caylee!
I really feel bad for George, but I think it was about time that he gets mad. They need to stop playing along with Casey's bs and he needs to tell her to tell them where Caylee is! I think he has finally come to the realization that Caylee is not coming back on her birthday or anytime. I feel so bad for them! This was not staged or a ploy he is feed up with all of it and like he said the press doesnt know how he feels and I dont think he did until now, until he realized the truth.

That would be great,but she is refusing visitors.
In most relationships only one person will fall apart at a time. The other will be the strong one when needed, and then they can fall apart at some other time.

I definitely think that's whats happening here. Cindy probably is medicated enough to calm down a little (I know I would have to be medicated to function at ALL - and I don't even like taking Tylenols!).

George probably has put on the strong, protector role for Cindy -- and now that she's doing somewhat better, he has time to really think about what all has went down. And all the lies that Casey has told. :liar:
Does anyone have better volume than I do?

When George is in the car toward the end of that clip, what does he say to Cindy?

He says he just wants to go and ...

Can anyone hear?
You know... about Lee... he was the one she allegedly told "Caylee was kidnapped"... so maybe... he isn't the one she's honest with.... my brothers can't see through my sister's lies for anything.... nor can my father....

But my sister spins webs and webs of lies because she cannot take responsibility for anything. My parents have enabled her...but she also has legitimate health issues and I think that were it not for that.... they might have taken a harder line.

She does work... doesn't drink or do drugs.... and she doesn't break laws...
The only one she's hurting is herself by not living... and my parents by breaking their hearts....
I just sat back down , and watched the video. I did not realize that he got in his car and left.

He left in a big hurry......either went to the jail, the police or her attorney is my guess. He has had it with all these games of his daughter. Reminds me of my husband, you never see him mad, but the few times I have....well he usually gets things done because you just never see him like that.

LOL weren't you supposed to be stepping AWAAY from the computer....=)
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