Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

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One thing I don't understand is the June 9th date and then changed to June 15th. I understand Cindy made a mistake, but whats is bothering me is that in the 911 calls Casey clearly states I haven't seen my daughter for 31 days. Yet when she goes with the police she says she dropped Caylee of June 9th. It almost makes me think the date was agreed upon ahead of time and then oops the detectives showed the tape to Cindy and said your wrong its the 15th. Or after Casey got off the 911 call Cindy told her no the last time I saw her was June 9th so Casey goes with that and forgets she knew exactly 31 days?

IMO Casey ran with this confusion it helped deflect from her.
He talked to Casey about her legal rights...So basically Lee told Casey to keep her mouth shut?

I didn't take it like that. It seem like he was trying to clear up discrepanies from both baez and LE's side.
The mom didn't give her the credit card to use. Casey stole it. Those are the charges Cindy wanted to file on casey about stealing money. Cindy got papers from the bank proving Casey had charged all this stuff without her permission on the cc.


Why on earth would parents give ANY child a credit card with such a limit? Why not get a card with a low limit that you can let your kid use?
Very well said, Raine (((Hugs))) :blowkiss:

Hi everyone, Sorry I had to leave today, I had a doctors appt.
I wanted to come back and say and if this needs to be deleted I understand.
while I was laying my Grandson down for night I started thinking about Caylee and the other children in this world.
If everyone here could stop for just a min. and pray to God to keep all the little children in this world safe from the arms of the people that are hurting them at this momenent while I am typing, and to stop the violence that is going on that we do not even know about to these children and to never let this happen again. Pray for Caylee, Pray for the children that you do know because we really never know if they are suffering.
We need to find a way to try and stop this, We are a large group and if we could ban together in our towns maybe we can help stop some of this abuse and death of our children.
I know some may think I am on a soap box, Sorry if I sound that way. It is scary out there, And I feel helpless. We need to find a way. Bring to our schools, our police start programs for children tell them it is ok to tell someone if you have been harmed, anything that we could come up with.

Back on.

"No pleas by Casey to find this child"

Played the tape where Casey and Christina are talking and she says none of her family are on her side. All they are worried about is getting Caylee back. Then she adds she is too.

And your point is????


Is this girl self centered or WHAT??? Of course their main focus is getting missing Caylee back and I should think it would be hers, too!!
My guess is it is a friend of Lee's and he was driving her car. I don't think the friend lied to Casey about who was at the house.
Yes, thanks, that would make sense. You brought up an interesting question. Cindy said that the Pontiac had been 'gifted' to Lee, and then 'loaned' (I think that was the word that was used) to Casey. I wonder, could Lee be carless because Casey borrowed the Pontiac from Lee?
WTH now they say $45k, where is all that stuff?

Why on earth would parents give ANY child a credit card with such a limit? Why not get a card with a low limit that you can let your kid use?
Some guy just said it was $45,000. Can ther be anything consistent about this case?
this guy on NG just confirmed what i have said several times (he must read here too) ;P

that the initial testing on the trunk of the car would have been done in just a couple of days max, why they cant yet say whether or not it is in fact the results of human decomposition is very odd.

there is no excuse for them to still not know, so do they know and they just arent saying?

I think they're waiting for the dna tests to come back so they have a full picture.

I wonder if they'll charge her w/ Caylee's death even without the body?

I think her parents are making a BIG, BIG mistake trying to bail her out. Unless they are planning on helping her leave the country, I suspect her actions OUTSIDE of jail are going to end up making it much easier for a jury to convict her.
They are only a couple thousand dollars from releasing Casey from jail
:behindbar:mad: that stinks
jailhouse new optimism

Wouldn't it be great if Caylee was really alive?? And GP are really going to pick her up????
I would love if that was the case!

Nothing would be better then a living Caylee!!
Is Casey sick enough to kill her baby?
Is Casey sick enough to plot something like this?
Is she smart enough.
What could she possible gain?
Just some questions off the top of my head there.
Casey told Cindy in the tape that she knew Lee was there because she saw Mallory's car in front of the house on the live TV she was watching just then from jail. Christine gets on the phone and tells Casey that the only people at the house are Christine, Casey's parents, and Lee.

So who's Mallory? LOL, this whole bunch lies to each other, and they all believe each lie, no matter how illogical!

Mallory is Lee's GF and he could of driven her car there. :waitasec:
i still say JMO Casey is bipolar manic depressive like my daugnter, again JMO. it sounds like she is still in the downward spiral.
It has become very clear that the family is portraying a unified front on television so Casey perceives that they are on her side. It does not necessarily mean that's how they feel (considering the initial tapes and calls) though.
So what would happen if the parents were able to bail Casey out -- and then she skipped town? Would the parents loose their house? Or just the money? How does all that work??
Here is some irony if they really are only a couple of thousand from the bail deal, they are only short because Casey stole from them.
He talked to Casey about her legal rights...So basically Lee told Casey to keep her mouth shut?

I thought this might be happening, and I think that is why there is this big meeting going on. Someone has to be guiding her besides this lawyer. She's been stewing in there and everyone has been saying the same thing to her.
My guess is that while her and Lee were chatting and she had some sort of ephinany. She supposedly gave him names, etc. I find it highly ironic that this meeting that Baez and the family has been talking about is finally taking place today, after the meeting with Lee.

The media is pushing for the family to dump Jose Baez and after today, that may be the next thing that happens if she doesn't meet with LE.
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