Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #51

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Regarding the smell of decomposition from the car, have we heard whether anyone with the tow company noticed an odd smell? I'm guessing they simply hooked up the wench thing to the underside of the car...not sure whether that smell would be noticed unless/until the car were actually opened. I would guess LE has questioned them, but if anything's been said about it, I've missed it entirely. Thanks.
No mention at all. Zilch
YES! That's what was reported!! Made me wanna take a road trip and smack em a good one!! :mad:

Just when I think that they can't be any more bizarre, and that nothing they do could shock me anymore, they go and top themselves!

They party up like Casey in Blue.
Casey told George that she wanted to be home for Caylees birthday.....did she mention that she wanted Caylee to be there??

Where did George want gift cards from? For what?? Shameless!!
Thanks so much, CheckDa...I really appreciate the response. It's something I've looked for but have been unable to find. My guess is that if they had noticed such a stench from an abandoned car, they probably would have notified LE at the time.

I have the same opinion as you about all you posted tonight! I to believe the cans were in the car when picked up.. like what neighbor BREAKS into your shed, then, ohhh cames back with the cans and tells you, right.. guess we're all ignorant!?!? To bad they can't step back and see how stupid their stories all sound, especially when you put them all together..

I also believe Casey isn't going anywhere anytime soon expect right where she is, they have plenty charges to hold her until the case hopefully has more answers. With her personaility, she's probably (hopefully!) in there running her mouth!
I've wondered why Casey ever confessed to Cindy that Caylee was missing in the first place! Cindy was calling the police about her stealing their car and money, she also was yelling at her about where Caylee was and threatening to get custody; but Casey didn't seem to want her anyway, so why did she tell Cindy anything? Did she think that if she was arrested for the car and money that they would find out about Caylee missing and she would be in trouble? If that was it, what did she think was going to happen if she told and then couldn't produce her? Seems that if she hadn't told Cindy anything and Cindy complained to the police that she hadn't seen her, that Casey could just simply have told them that Caylee was with the babysitter, a friend, her daddy or his family, or any of a number of other things. Maybe she might've told them that Cindy was abusive to both her and Caylee and she was purposely keeping her hid away.

Do you think that she told her out of fear, or desperation to get her to shut up, or to hurt her, etc? It just seems strange to me that she would make up stories to tell her for the 31 days, and then suddenly decide to confess.

My very first thought when I first head about this was that Cindy and Casey were in it together, and were trying to cover for each other. When Casey called home and said "you don't know what my involvement is?" with so much amazement in her voice, it just seemed to me that she was kind of saying "Mom, you know all about this, and you're denying that you do". I still think that Cindy is involved in it up to her eyeballs! JMO
Casey told George that she wanted to be home for Caylees birthday.....did she mention that she wanted Caylee to be there??

Where did George want gift cards from? For what?? Shameless!!

Casey thus far from recordings released, never, ever asks about Caylee. Its almost like she can't say her name. If there was a weight of through to this woman, she would be wanting the focus all on her Caylee and breaking down about her not yet being found. Love, the way she said Caylee will be home for her birthday, wonder if she plans on telling LE as the birthday surprise exactly where they can find her. As a payback to Cindy. Must be all those voices in her head. Sick twisted duck.:rolleyes: wouldn't be a "party." It would be a vigil or something similar.

I swear, if I lived near Orlando, I'd go to the "block party" just to observe this lunacy.

Vigil. I guess we wit til Saturday to see what's been cooked up.
Will there be a donation box or is kid finders hosting this one as well.

I swear QuickAttack, I am so tempted to pack it up and fly down to Fl. and visit my family. Aunts, uncles, cousins...etc..
If my husband gets Saturday off, I could be on a plane before 9am and in Orlando by 2 maybe.I am SO DANGED CURIOUS as to what these people think and do and act in a party setting. If I can't go, I'm sending my cousins and their wives! Ima make them go!:laughitup:
That's what I was thinking when I read that Cindy and George "rode go carts" at the fund raiser they had in Daytona Beach "to relieve some stress"!!

I really believe that people under extreme stress and situations react differently. So I don't think strange if a mother who calls 911 to say her child is abducted is fixated on how the kid didn't eat her lunch that day and she must be hungry for example. The things we think under such situations and the things we do are so unpredictable. Even us who think that we will react differently in god forbids a similar situation.

BUT HAVING SAID ALL THAT - I know for a fact that riding go carts and having blog parties is something that will never cross my mind. I understand that people who are searching for missing ones have to keep it together, they are riding on adrenaline to survive, they have to keep pushing, they have to attend fundraisers, etc.

But from all the cases I have studied and read about....first you have a search going on, and then the fundraisers come along. Family and friends knock on doors, walk miles and miles of areas they suspect the kid might be. And at the end of the day the relatives have to drag their exchaustion and fears and anxiety to a vigil to pray and show people who are helping them their thank yous and keep the case on the news. They are emotionally and physically drained and the last think they can do is ride a go cart. With a 3 year old baby missing and a daughter in jail. I couldn't even get out of bed and I would only to walk more miles and knock on more doors to find my baby.

I haven't seen any stranger reactions than in this case. Anything that we have seen in other cases where they look for a missing child is not being done. What is going on with a fundraiser where models were going to appear [do I remember correctly?] and the driving go carts, and the birthday party?? Do they really need that a 3 year old child who has been ''away'' from her grandparents and mother for 1 1/2 month will come home and be in the mood for a party? Do they think Caylee is at Disneyland and having oh so much fun? :bang:

And only because I still consider Cindy and George victims in this case, I won't say that it seems to me that sometimes they enjoy the attention a little too much.
Benji, what is your theory of the case?

Ya know, I don't really have a theory; more a "hope" I suppose, but I'm thinking that someone taking her to Puerto Rico might be feasible. There have been quite a few references to Puerto Rico, and if that were the case, then she could be alive and well. I don't know how likely it is, but it makes me feel better to think this way unless I hear something different.

Like I just said above, I think if something nefarious happened to her that Casey and Cindy are in collusion about it. It's strange to think that a grandmother would be involved in something so unspeakable, but it's just as strange to me to think that a mother would be as well. I'm just soooo hoping that it's just a really strange and unusual story with a happy ending!!
Game Theory, I can certainly agree that people react very differently in similar situations, and I would never presume to try and orchestrate how anyone should behave. It's just SUCH a foreign concept to me to see someone partying, riding go carts, begging for money "for the search" that isn't, etc etc. Maybe that's a bit too judgemental on my part, but it's actually one of the things that got a conviction in the Darly Routier case. Her "party" at her childrens grave site was actually used in court as evidence against her!

I know myself well enough to believe that if I were in the Anthony's shoes, I would be completely worthless as a functioning human being! I don't believe that I could give interviews, visit the jail, walk, talk, or even make myself leave my house!! Now maybe that's just me, but Lord knows I wouldn't be able to jump on a go cart and play! As I was watching the video of George's interview after seeing Casey, I was completely amazed to see him even smiling! I honestly don't think I could ever smile again if something like this happened to me! Their reaction is absolutely the most outlandish I have ever seen!
Okay, I htought the dirt that was being tested was dirt from the yard.

LE took soil samples from the Anthony's backyard too. There will be analysis of the dirt in the trunk of the car, the soil from Anthony backyard, and the dirt that was on the borrowed shovel.
Game Theory, I can certainly agree that people react very differently in similar situations, and I would never presume to try and orchestrate how anyone should behave. It's just SUCH a foreign concept to me to see someone partying, riding go carts, begging for money "for the search" that isn't, etc etc. Maybe that's a bit too judgemental on my part, but it's actually one of the things that got a conviction in the Darly Routier case. Her "party" at her childrens grave site was actually used in court as evidence against her!

I know myself well enough to believe that if I were in the Anthony's shoes, I would be completely worthless as a functioning human being! I don't believe that I could give interviews, visit the jail, walk, talk, or even make myself leave my house!! Now maybe that's just me, but Lord knows I wouldn't be able to jump on a go cart and play! As I was watching the video of George's interview after seeing Casey, I was completely amazed to see him even smiling! I honestly don't think I could ever smile again if something like this happened to me! Their reaction is absolutely the most outlandish I have ever seen!

Benji just to make myself clear I didn't think you were being judgemental, I just use your quote to build my feelings that are similar to yours. Just wanted to say that while I am one of the more understanding and flexible people regarding human behaviour in shocking situations, I still find something wrong going on here. Just thought to clear this up
I don't think they are planning a party for this weekend. Who reported that?

According to WESH:

He said he wants to get his granddaughter back home safe and alive, give her an adjustment period and then have a huge birthday party that will include neighbors, volunteers and the media.

"Now when she's back for her third birthday, it's going to be a block party at our house," George Anthony said. "We've got that huge cul de sac where we live at. That's where the party's going to be."
Game Theory, I can certainly agree that people react very differently in similar situations, and I would never presume to try and orchestrate how anyone should behave. It's just SUCH a foreign concept to me to see someone partying, riding go carts, begging for money "for the search" that isn't, etc etc. Maybe that's a bit too judgemental on my part, but it's actually one of the things that got a conviction in the Darly Routier case. Her "party" at her childrens grave site was actually used in court as evidence against her!

I know myself well enough to believe that if I were in the Anthony's shoes, I would be completely worthless as a functioning human being! I don't believe that I could give interviews, visit the jail, walk, talk, or even make myself leave my house!! Now maybe that's just me, but Lord knows I wouldn't be able to jump on a go cart and play! As I was watching the video of George's interview after seeing Casey, I was completely amazed to see him even smiling! I honestly don't think I could ever smile again if something like this happened to me! Their reaction is absolutely the most outlandish I have ever seen!

Do you happen to have that link available? I've searched and searched for it but don't seem able to find it.
LE took soil samples from the Anthony's backyard too. There will be analysis of the dirt in the trunk of the car, the soil from Anthony backyard, and the dirt that was on the borrowed shovel.

I was wondering earlier how they will differentiate between the dirt in both yards since they are next door to each other. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but wouldn't soil so close in proximity have pretty much the same makeup? So how will they be able to tell where the dirt on the shovel came from?
Benji just to make myself clear I didn't think you were being judgemental, I just use your quote to build my feelings that are similar to yours. Just wanted to say that while I am one of the more understanding and flexible people regarding human behaviour in shocking situations, I still find something wrong going on here. Just thought to clear this up

Thank you, I took no offense. :)

I'll try to find the link, but it make take a little while; I'm not very good at this.
been skimming through trying to catch up. When is Caylee's birthday? All of this is making me want to throw up, i dont know why all of a suddon. Maybe all the talk about the birthday and, if Casey knows she's dead.. my god.
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