Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #58

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I am assuming here, but if Casey buried the body in the backyard found out her parents were pouring cement, panicked and moved the body. Did she accidently leave her purse in the car or was it planted? Too bad the neighbors cannot remember the exact date they saw Casey backing up to the garage and borrowing thier shovel. Could this be the date the shed was broken into and the gas cans taken? I wonder if there was anything on the nozzle of that gas can or if they can test the remains in the cans to see if it matched any gas in the tank? Or did Casey use that gasoline for some other sinister methods of destroying the body?
Casey never said the 9th Cindy did. She confused Fathers day which was the 15th for the 9th.(something about vacation time; Bond hearing)

Casey said specifically that she hadn't seen her daughter in "31 days" Which if you count backwards from that 911 call which was made on the will bring you to June 15th. Casey was stating that she hadn't seen her in 31 days which means June 15th. And we know Cindy saw her on the 15th

And George last saw her on the 16th.

No one but the invisible "Zanny" has seen her since.

I think June 16th is the day that whatever happened -happened to Little Caylee.
Actually, Casey specifically told the investigators 6-9 in the police report. She may have misspoke but she did indeed say the 9th was the day she handed Caylee to the babysitter.
Casey doesn't strike me as someone who would go out of her way for a shovel to do some gardening.

Controversy Over Gas Cans, Brother May Skip Jail Visit

Caylee's grandmother spent quite a bit of time criticizing sheriff's investigators Wednesday morning while also advancing the theory someone kidnapped Caylee.

When investigators took gas cans from Caylee Anthony's grandparent's home, Cindy Anthony said it was not because Caylee's mom Casey took them or because they were in the trunk of Casey's car.

"Previously, she had used the gas cans. There's other people's fingerprints on there besides us and that's what they're looking at," Cindy said Wednesday morning.

Caylee's grandmother then took aim at investigators search for the 2-year-old, saying they are talking out of two sides of their mouth when they say they are looking for Caylee while trying to build a case against Casey.

"They haven't proven anything that Caylee's been in the back of the trunk and, until they do and they bring me proof, Caylee is alive," she said.

Cindy then floated the theory of kidnappers taking Caylee, but wouldn't say whether the FBI was investigating it as a kidnapping. She did say, no matter what, she wants justice served.

"If that pints the finger to my daughter and they have concrete proof and not circumstantial evidence, I'll be the first one to say she needs to be where she's at," Cindy said.


The sheriff's office also said that an emailed extortion letter the Anthony's received came from Thailand and was not considered a viable threat.


Meanwhile, Saturday, August 9 is Caylee's 3rd birthday. Cindy said her family will have a private get-together, but that a birthday party will take place when "Caylee comes home."


Casey's brother Lee Anthony is scheduled to visit her Thursday, but there is a chance he may not show up. Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness News that Lee may follow in her footsteps and skip the jail visit because of all of the media attention. She said they have a lot they want to say to Casey, but they know their conversations could be made public.

"We all can figure out that Lee's one kind of one of those detectives on his own. We talked about that. It's very hard for us not to play that role. So we just figure we better be careful about what we're doing," Cindy said.

Cindy said she's now asking any private questions through Casey's attorney. She said they'll decide Wednesday night if Lee will visit Casey on Thursday.
One reason that GA most likely made a police report was for insurance purposes. In order to be reimbursed for any repairs, the insurance company requires a report to be filed. We (and also our next door neighbors) have had vandalism damage to our outside landscaping lighting on several occasions. The sheriffs officers filled out the forms, said the "pink one" is for your insurance, and said that unless someone gets video of the vandals which includes their cars, tags and enough lighting to clearly identify the people while they are smashing the lights, there is no way to ever prosecute anyone even if they admit to someone they did it and brag about it. So, I did not report back to the sheriffs office, even though someone later did tell us who had done it, they had already said there was no point in doing so!

In Florida, our homeowner's insurance is so high it's crazy and that's if you can even GET insurance. Plus with a deductible, it's totally unreasonable to report it to the insurance. No way-not for 50 bucks worth of gas. Trust me on this.
Going back to the shovel thoughts. Isn't it fitting that Casey would borrow the neighbor's shovel to dig then realize how consuming that would be so she used the shovel to break the hasp on the shed to get into it for something better? Again, that attempt failing?

Ortiz not the father according to Family Attorney.

It sad that the Ortiz family had to get an Attorney based on Casey saying Caylee's father died in an accident and the uncovering of Jesus' name online etc.

How devastating again for the Ortiz family, "if" Caylee belongs to Jesus and Caylee comes up deceased. Another grieving process begins again for the Ortiz family (well the Anthony family too).

We have to wait and see how this turns out. If this too turns out to be one of Casey's lies ... OMG!!!!! :furious:

Ortiz not the father according to Family Attorney.

It was only a matter of time...
"Miss Anthony never told the family Jesus was the father or that he might be the father. In fact, the family has never met her and does not know her," attorney Bryan Crews said. "If the child is indeed their grandchild and alive, that is all they have left of their son, Jesus Ortiz. They would like to get to know the child if she is indeed still alive."

Despite the best efforts of the Anthony family to sweep aside speculation about Caylee's father, it's not going away.
Regarding the trash can incident: If GP went to the trunk to remove this item even tho Casey was protesting, where was the garbage? How come he didn't see or smell this garbage and if he did, why didn't he remove it to the family garbage instead of leaving it in the trunk? The Anthony's are trying to say the garbage sat in there for 19 days or something. Well now apparently there was no garbage in there on the 24th.

This Gonzales thing and the new date of the guest card....Can't the investigators check the handwriting to see if it belongs to Casey to put that to rest? Now things are starting to sound fishy. Did Casey try to build herself an alibi with that name or is there really someone with that name that was hanging around there at the time? Can't the police run the signature thru some computer system to see if it matches any driver's licenses or something???
I am assuming here, but if Casey buried the body in the backyard found out her parents were pouring cement, panicked and moved the body. Did she accidently leave her purse in the car or was it planted? Too bad the neighbors cannot remember the exact date they saw Casey backing up to the garage and borrowing thier shovel. Could this be the date the shed was broken into and the gas cans taken? I wonder if there was anything on the nozzle of that gas can or if they can test the remains in the cans to see if it matched any gas in the tank? Or did Casey use that gasoline for some other sinister methods of destroying the body?

I think she would have welcomed the cement.
We all can figure out that Lee's one kind of one of those detectives on his own. We talked about that. It's very hard for us not to play that role. So we just figure we better be careful about what we're doing," Cindy said.

What show do you think this is for? Geraldo? Today Show? Regis? We're going to see another interview. :eek:

Well we know its not for the ride to visit Casey. You would think they would just go and do a plain ordinary visit with their daughter and just talk in general. Like I know this is hard for you dear, we love you blah, blah.

When investigators took gas cans from Caylee Anthony's grandparent's home, Cindy Anthony said it was not because Caylee's mom Casey took them or because they were in the trunk of Casey's car.

"Previously, she had used the gas cans. There's other people's fingerprints on there besides us and that's what they're looking at," Cindy said Wednesday morning.

My blood pressure is rising....What's with all the spin GM?
It was only a matter of time...

Despite the best efforts of the Anthony family to sweep aside speculation about Caylee's father, it's not going away.

And on GRETA last night, the Anthony's themselves said that they knew who bio dad was, they had an agreement with him about Caylee because he moved on, got married and had a family. SO which is it Cindy--who do we believe YOUR lawyer or YOU?:waitasec:
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