Caylee Anthony 2 years old #9: General Discussion

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I was just going through the affidavit and there are many conflicting statements that are made:
*Casey said that she left her with ZG and she worked from 0900-1300 hours. That would be 9-2. Casey said she left work and picked up Caylee at 1700 hours. (thats 6:00)
Cindy said that she left her with Zannie for 2 hours not 9 hours.

*She said she has gone to clubs that ZG has been known to frequent to find Caylee.
Maybe trying to show WHY she was at the clubs after Caylee's disappearance? She had to know someone would report that she was there.

*When George confronted the cop about Casey. He was concerned that his daughter was holding back information and he said " He and his wife had some fear that something happened to Caylee."

*Anthony Lazzaro said that Casey lived with him from June 9th on. And that Casey always said she was with the Nannie.
If that was the case,.. the nanny had her AT NIGHT FOR DAYS AT A TIME? Makes no sense!

And of course the thing about Jesse calling police and telling them about the phone call on the 25th.
Is this the same one that he heard Caylee in the background? And if so WHY isn't it in the affidavit?

Jesse went yesterday morning and gave statement before the court hearing.
i've read every post on these 9 discussion threads, and these everchanging timelines are turning my brain into rotten pizza! i swear! it's soooo confusing!
I believe that Caylee was with Cindy and not any Nanny I don't believe there ever was a Nanny/babysitter in the scenario. Cindy would not have allowed HER Caylee to go to some stranger's house.

Yes, it is the same Jesse and I don't know why it wasn't included other than there is no proof of it...only proof of the call.

It possibly is how to explain her going to the clubs...but how does she explain the photos of Casey drunk time after time?
i've read every post on these 9 discussion threads, and these everchanging timelines are turning my brain into rotten pizza! i swear! it's soooo confusing!
Yes! The timeline is narrowed to 3 days now (if we can believe Jesse). June 24th-June 27th.
I believe that Caylee was with Cindy and not any Nanny I don't believe there ever was a Nanny/babysitter in the scenario. Cindy would not have allowed HER Caylee to go to some stranger's house.

Yes, it is the same Jesse and I don't know why it wasn't included other than there is no proof of it...only proof of the call.

It possibly is how to explain her going to the clubs...but how does she explain the photos of Casey drunk time after time?

I also believe that Caylee was with Cindy and I also think Cindy and Casey know exactly where she is.
I was just going through the affidavit and there are many conflicting statements that are made:
*Casey said that she left her with ZG and she worked from 0900-1300 hours. That would be 9-2. Casey said she left work and picked up Caylee at 1700 hours. (thats 6:00)
Cindy said that she left her with Zannie for 2 hours not 9 hours.


1300 hrs is 1:00 pm, not 2. 1700 hrs is 5:00 pm, not 6.
Jesse went yesterday morning and gave statement before the court hearing.

I know he went yesterday to give his statement before court. But he called them to tell them that Casey was a habitual liar. That he got a call from Casey on the June 25th to cheer him up about him losing his job. She told him she was free this weekend if they wanted to get together. She said that the nanny took Caylee to the beach for the weekend. He contacted the police once he knew that Casey was telling conflicting statements.

What I want to know is this,.. WHY didnt' he tell about the call where he heard Caylee if he didn't HELP her with the covering up? I think the only reason he came forward yesterday in case he was implicated somehow at the hearing. jmo
I was just going through the affidavit and there are many conflicting statements that are made:
*Casey said that she left her with ZG and she worked from 0900-1300 hours. That would be 9-2. Casey said she left work and picked up Caylee at 1700 hours. (thats 6:00)
Cindy said that she left her with Zannie for 2 hours not 9 hours.


0900-1300 is 9am to 1 pm
1700 is 5pm

just an FYI in case it matters...

ETA: oops, I now see that others replied too. Sorry for the duplicate!
Didn't Cindy also state that she thought the last time she had seen Caylee was on June 8th, and that she remembered this because the 8th was her last day of vacation? Now that LE has forced her to recall that the video of Caylee was actually made on June 15th, I think this difference of a week in the timeline will really trip her up. For instance, didn't Cindy testify on the stand yesterday that she heard Casey ('can't see through doors') in her room on June 15th? Correcting for the lost week, shouldn't she have said June 21st?
Interesting, but Cindy is claiming that they "left" on June 16th now. Technically, yes..if she were correcting for the lost week...but she isn't. We know she has already tripped up about the timeline and now cannot go back to the statement of the "vacation". We need to know the date when Casey allegedly borrowed the shovel...because Cindy and George were supposed to be on vacation then, too. ???? Now, I am confused! LOL
I know he went yesterday to give his statement before court. But he called them to tell them that Casey was a habitual liar. That he got a call from Casey on the June 25th to cheer him up about him losing his job. She told him she was free this weekend if they wanted to get together. She said that the nanny to Caylee to the beach for the weekend. He contacted the police once he knew that Casey was telling conflicting statements.

What I want to know is this,.. WHY didnt' he tell about the call where he heard Caylee if he didn't HELP her with the covering up? I think the only reason he came forward yesterday in case he was implicated somehow at the hearing. jmo
I think something is up with him as well. I find it strange that he resigned on the 24th.
Yesterday was the first I heard of the GP on vacation. I thought they were just out of the house when Casey borrowed the shovel. THIS case makes my head spin :(
I think something is up with him as well. I find it strange that he resigned on the 24th.

I think he resigned because he helped cover up Caylee's death. And the call that he made yesterday to police was to make it look like he wasn't involved because she was alive AFTER he quit his job.
Can you imagine what it would like if we knew everything.Cindy must be having migraines.
Great find, SS, I knew you would- I view this entire song as about alcohol or substance abuse falling off the wagon.. This is Casey's song
It is what I thought when I read it, too. That she could relate to that song.
I think Jesse was asked very direct questions by the police while they were trying to reconstruct events for the affadavit. Such as she lied alot, etc. I think tht yesterday morning he came out with more info because he may have been requestioned..I think Amy was also..remember the reporters at her door just a day or two ago? And frankly he may have just remmbered that. I also think that is probably Jesse and Amy that told about the bruises and also having a pic with bruises. One said they had seen bruises, the other had a pic with a bruise. I am thinking Jesse may have been the one with the pic on his cell phone..and he may be the father..but Casey lies so much without a DNA test who knows?
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