Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #103

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I was thinking about this thing about Padilla bonding Casey out...what bothers me is that usually bonds are posted by family/friends...etc.

Theres a good reason for that and that is unless someone is independently wealthy, they will be sure that the person abides by their bond and returns for trial because they could not stand to lose the money.

Now I realize that the bounty hunter says there will be someone with Casey 24/7 but it just bothers me that there is no personal connection between Casey and the person/money bailing her out.

Having said all of this, it is her constitutional right and I'm sure he will make sure that she doesn't flee.

But it still kinda usurps the intent of bond. Am I nuts? Perhaps this case has driven me over the edge!

I just want Caylee to come home..whatever that means.

Oh well.
Hi T,
According to news6 the bounty hunter was contacted by a friend of a friend of a high up person in the media who thought it was high time Casey get out and talk.... thinking enough time had been wasted with her sitting there all silent. The family could not post the amount of the bond.

Again, It is just my opinion, but I feel that the forensics and dna are back. Le already stated they would not be releasing it to the media unless they felt it necessary. This tells me they do not need the public to help with the rest.... which is a grand jury indictment. Blink told me she had discussed this at length on the Saturday thread....which I want to go back and read.

I do know that the grand jury will be meeting at the late mid to early end of August (need to look up that date again...I want to say it is around the 26th). Baez, as per what Blink had posted earlier, would do well to get his client out and talking in lieu of a short crunch time on discovery after a gj indictment. If she is sprung tomorrow they have a good solid week or so to work her and get a defense ready/prep for discovery.... In my opinion she will be needing it and Baez KNOWS it. The parents couldn't post the bond, they failed to appeal it....and now it is crunch time to grand jury. All of course imhoo
Unless my child was trying to HELP find my grandchild, I wouldn't want them home.

What's the point in bailing them out only to have them be able to lie to your face. Promises from a liar are worthless.... I'd let them stay in jail UNTIL I saw some normal behavior.
See! But there's the problem - Cindy even said Casey was better off in jail and now with the Padillas - do Cindy or George even have a say as to whether she bonds out or not?
As an parent and grandparent (but totally not old!), I would have stopped speaking to Casey right about the time she couldn't produce my grandchild. I would tell LE that she wasn't welcome in my home, and let her sit her pretty little (sans black ho boots) azz in jail. And then, just to show how vindictive I am, I would cross her name out of the family bible.

Mind you, I would have done this about 30 mins after the cops hauled her off. As my kids know, don't even THINK of getting between me and my grandkids!
Casey would be dead to me. Fini.
Maybe FL is trying to save money? It costs $ to incarcerate someone. In my state, the inmates are billed for their room and board. Also, why not throw Casey back into the den of wolves she came from? Maybe LE is hoping she'll have a "come to Jesus" moment (or, as they are in my house, a "oh, sh**, Mom's standing on the kitchen chair and YELLING IN MY FACE so I guess it's time to fess up"moment) and she'll just break. Why should the state go to the expense of putting her in a safe house...and if any say that her family should pay for that, I agree...but it doesn't look like the Anthonys have a lot of $$$.

The BH and/or his cohorts will be staying in the house. Remember, they don't have attorney/client priv., so they can tell LE anything they learn. (Which, from a defense standpoint is just a totally stupid thing to set up, IMO) We are all hoping BH isn't a smoker!

maybe there gonna do a reality show with the bounty hunters living there and how the anthony's live with casey :bang:
I am still concerned that has been taken offline.

This is the first time since they put it up that it has been down this long.

I have seen other "HelpFind" websites appear and disappear as soon as the missing are located in one way or another.

Damn this interminable waiting!!

Here is a question for all us older parents out there to ponder.

If you were Casey's parents, what would you do if she got dumped back in your home? Let's not consider what Cindy and George would do, for if they had done it before, this horrible situation never would have happened.

I feel sorry for them, and know they are suffering with endless guilt and what-ifs. But, if you were in their shoes now, what would you do?
I would absolutely take casey back in the home if she were released on bond. It would be my hope that I could somehow guide her to do the right thing. If nothing else I would owe it to my grandchild to do whatever possible to get to the truth.
Hopefully my influence would be a positive one. I would not hesitate to take her back in. I would need to look her in the eye and talk to her.
MsJoni, thanks for the link!
and watching...oh for crying out loud!! Also rofl! it looks like the press are snikering at him. :p

I know! The lady from channel 9 was trying hard not to laugh out loud....
Hi T,
According to news6 the bounty hunter was contacted by a friend of a friend of a high up person in the media who thought it was high time Casey get out and talk.... thinking enough time had been wasted with her sitting there all silent. The family could not post the amount of the bond.

Again, It is just my opinion, but I feel that the forensics and dna are back. Le already stated they would not be releasing it to the media unless they felt it necessary. This tells me they do not need the public to help with the rest.... which is a grand jury indictment. Blink told me she had discussed this at length on the Saturday thread....which I want to go back and read.

I do know that the grand jury will be meeting at the late mid to early end of August (need to look up that date again...I want to say it is around the 26th). Baez, as per what Blink had posted earlier, would do well to get his client out and talking in lieu of a short crunch time on discovery after a gj indictment. If she is sprung tomorrow they have a good solid week or so to work her and get a defense ready/prep for discovery.... In my opinion she will be needing it and Baez KNOWS it. The parents couldn't post the bond, they failed to appeal it....and now it is crunch time to grand jury. All of course imhoo

Thank you so much Nurse! I did not know this. You certainly gave me a new way to look at I had not considered. Much appreciated.
MsJoni, thanks for the link!
and watching...oh for crying out loud!! Also rofl! it looks like the press are snikering at him. :p

They are! He's a joke. He doesn't want to believe mothers kill their 3 year olds? Surely in the vast experience he likes to flaunt, he's run into at least a few mothers who are more than capable of doing that and much worse.
See! But there's the problem - Cindy even said Casey was better off in jail and now with the Padillas - do Cindy or George even have a say as to whether she bonds out or not?

Yes, I think they did, though I've no proof of it. It is quite possible the bond wouldn't be accepted without them: they were the anchor at her bond hearing and nobody keeps track of family like family - flight risk reduced by having her in her parents home.
Count down to Nancy Grace ... sure hope she is up-to-date. Are we starting a Nancy Grace - 8/18/08 thread????
Maybe this was discussed... I read somewhere about the jailhouse visitors that went o see Casey in jail. Anyone know who this Patrick Burgeouis (sp) is?
I have been busy here in Florida trying to figure out this storm so have not been on, but I did just see a clip of the bounty hunter saying that Casey smoked pot. I can only go on personal information that I have seen with many, many people of this age (and other ages) pot is a drug, so for him to say she did no drugs is a HUGE problem for me. I hear that crap all the time. Prescription drug use is at an all time high, and I have seen a huge increase with this for pot smokers.

I remember saying way back that if her daughter died by accident, something more than her history of lies freaked her out, with this admission of pot use that possible is the answer. If it was an accident, SOMETHING SHE was doing at the time made her not call the police.
What day did Casey abandoned the car? and when were the gas cans stolen? maybe she was getting gas for the car and it got towed before she got to fill it up?
See! But there's the problem - Cindy even said Casey was better off in jail and now with the Padillas - do Cindy or George even have a say as to whether she bonds out or not?

Casey is 22 years old. Her parents legally have no say as to whether or not someone goes her bond.

Cindy and George only have a say as to whether or not Casey is allowed to come to their home.
LE should have checked the "Rush" job on the DNA tests they sent in ... instead of "When you get around to it"
I am still concerned that has been taken offline.

This is the first time since they put it up that it has been down this long.

I have seen other "HelpFind" websites appear and disappear as soon as the missing are located in one way or another.

Damn this interminable waiting!!


I am so on the same page as you sister! What is going on?
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