Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #113

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Well. I for 1 am completely dissapointed. Why no helicopters, no cars following her, why no reporters reporting from the Anthony's ....she needs the pressure.

NO Helicopters b/c of the wind from the TS
Did you see how she did the ''i am a 5 year old baby in your arms'' with her lawyer? She did the same in court when she was waving hallo to her parents like she was a 5 year old on a carousel and her parents where below admiring and taking her pictures.

The Anthonys have been replaced by the lawyer in terms of ''paternal figure'' and ''who she trusts''. She will only speak to her lawyer, not her parents. She is playing the baby to her lawyer now, not her parents. He lawyer is her audience now. She is going to say ZERO to her parents.
LOL, I will gladly pay it to you SS, and it isnt the first time and certainly wont be the last... Am I gonna hurl, yes, does it change my resolve, no way.

I am proud the DA did not take the bait and stayed focused on the goal here- to find out where Caylee is and to preserve a successful prosecution.

Must admit I want to clean that chic's clock though- sorry MOM.

(Hands your money back) Yeah, well...I can't even enjoy this so we will call it a draw. I feel a bit ill myself.

What does it mean tho?! Does it mean the prelim forensic tests are a bust?! This truly worries me.

Tell Mom not to worry, I won't let you resort to cleaning of any kind today. :blowkiss:

ETA: And OMG! I just saw your siggy. ROFLMAO Thanks, Friend. I needed that!
Yes and if they would have left her in there she would have broken I am sure of it - now she is free to wash her hair and eat and feel like her normal lying self.
True but when she goes back to the pokey, and she will, that little taste of freedom she is having now will work on her even more. I think it's a smart move to further try to break her
Well. I for 1 am completely dissapointed. Why no helicopters, no cars following her, why no reporters reporting from the Anthony's ....she needs the pressure.

I think the helo's are gounded. The wind is unreal.
Well. I for 1 am completely dissapointed. Why no helicopters, no cars following her, why no reporters reporting from the Anthony's ....she needs the pressure.

I personally think she's going to a safe house despite the statement that there was no time to prepare for one. If they follow her there, they can go to jail.

"She is going to help find Caylee," Baez told the Orlando Sentinel. "There are certain things that the police haven't pursued. We're going to pursue that."

Yesterday, Leonard Padilla told ID that he had no plans of questioning Casey himself, however he did say that one of his associates would be with her at all times.

"We have people there for security because there have been a lot of threats against her and we don't want to be responsible for her getting killed," Padilla said, adding, "Threats are standard. If I don't get 10 threats a week people aren't paying attention to me."

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm..... Interesting to see how much searching she can do from House arrest.
If Baez was my husband and said that on national tv, I would slap him so hard his teeth would fly out of his mouth.

I'll keep an eye out for the toothless wonder on the news shows, lol.
Yea - that pic SPEAKS VOLUMES. Being in jail is HARD AND ROUGH. It is not all nicey nice - even if you are kept alone. She's gonna walk in the door at home and Cindy will just walk up to her and hug her HARD. IF (and this is a HUGE IF) she has any human emotion left at all - THAT HUG ALONE will break her down, She will sob uncontrollably for a while. That's what that expert was talking about last night on NG - her emotional state is gonna kick into high gear and who knows what she'll try. That's why I'm also stickin' to my theory that she will talk - not today - not even tonight - maybe tomorrow afternoon - its gonna take some time for her to process this event.
Actually I'm glad she's out . . .

Now we'll get the answers we need -- and we'll bring Caylee home.

I wonder what could have been so important that she stopped to whisper to her attorney.
All that rain is Caylee's tears ... and the wind is Caylee's pain!

so true pattyg .. it rains everytime we plan to visit grand baby's grave and windy... it rained the day we buried her.. thats what we say also.. so sad..
I hope the neighbors and community come together to put pressure on this family and girl to confess her lies. If I lived near them I am sure I would have been arrested for throwing tomatoes at their door and then screamign WHERE IS CAYLEE every single morning. sigh - I am amother of two and so surprised at my anger.
Casey is capable of showing fear. That's 1 emotion at least.
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