Caylee may be cremated

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Some people want to be filled up with embalming fluid, dressed nice, makeup on and family and friends to look at them and spend a ton.

Others want to be placed in a cremator furnace to return to basic elements and pose no health risk to anyone.

It's a personal choice.

I agree its a very personal choice. Plus if Caylee was buried they would not be able to visit her in peace. If she is cremated they can keep her at home in an urn.IMO and not have to be upset by strangers.
Some people want to be filled up with embalming fluid, dressed nice, makeup on and family and friends to look at them and spend a ton.

Others want to be placed in a cremator furnace to return to basic elements and pose no health risk to anyone.

It's a personal choice.

That's exactly why I want to be cremated. I also think it is a personal choice.
JMO JB having control at this point - it is still up to KC to turn Caylee's remains over to her parents. KC has control and I believe KC mentioned "Maybe I am a spiteful B--ch! at one point in time. Her refusal to attend the hearing (she should be at all hearings, no exceptions) per Judge Strickland's orders ---- what does KC have respect for??? From conversations between KC and LA, LA wasn't too crazy about JB - she told GA CA & LA don't show up for hearings. She snapped at CA about her "cameo" appearance.....on and on and on----------

I listened to Dr G's press conference again. When Dr. G confirmed that the remains were those of Caylee Anthony, she declined to go into great detail regarding the evidence pending in the case (which she said she would love to do) as she does not wish to compromise the case. With that - I can't help but believe there is much more to be seen in the future. To date - no mention of toxicology reports yet. I don't think Dr G would miss a thing!! Just can’t help but to think that there is a whole lot more.

My prayer now is for JB to get done with whatever else he and his team decides needs to be done so that Caylee can finally be laid to rest - whatever method they determine is best -
Despite my own personal feelings towards the A's, I stand behind their wishes for privacy at this time and would never judge their personal choice of how they choose to lay little Caylee's remains to rest. Their choice, whether cremation or burial has nothing to do with the investigation, or anyone involved in this case IMO. It's a personal choice based on their emotions, needs and affordablity. Funerals are very expensive and sometimes choices have to be made based on finances. Maybe the A's are afraid that Caylee's resting place will not be so peaceful with people/media trampling all over her grave site if they chose to bury her. Maybe they don't have the finances to bury her. What ever their reasoning, it's really no ones business but theirs. My faith and beliefs tell me that Caylee's soul is already at peace and in a much better place than you or I. As long as Caylee's remains are laid to rest properly, that is all that counts. Autopsies and testing have been completed and documented on both sides, hundreds of photos have been taken of the remains on both sides. I can't imagine why either side would find it neccessary to exume Caylee's skeletal remains. So I am not buying into the theory that the A's want to destroy any further evidence by cremating the remains. They are grieving grandparents and I am sure they are going through the most horrific time they will ever face again in their life time, by trying to best decide on how to lay their beloved little Caylee's remains to rest. I also give them heart for wanting to have a public memorial so that the rest of us who fell in love with this little one could also have some closure. The A's are not obligated to anyone to do something like that, yet they are.
To me, it was obvious she was going to be cremated from the day they picked where to keep the remains. No funeral, no flowers, it was decided before her little body was delivered. If it wasn't, Caylee would not have been sent to that business. Further, I don't believe there was a second autopsy. He most likely talked with Dr. G. and viewed all of her work at most. I think she was cremated last month. Have you heard anything about a funeral from that wasn't even considered. Now, they have no place to visit the little Angel. I find it odd to cremate a baby.

The Anthonys can't stand the thought of people looking at them. Cindy thinks everyone is thinking, "I told you so" and she can't stand it. They made the decision to say they put it in Baez's hands to keep the heat off. I don't think for one minute he was in charge of Caylee. The Anthonys are in charge and always have been. I know the Catholic Church doesn't condone this but my guess is George must have left his faith years ago.
Someone was inquiring about making jewelry from cremations and here it is...quite beautiful but don't know that I could stand to wear it.
Personally, I think this was a lovely idea! Betting the tree produced some great apples following!

This topic is just too personal for any of us to be passing judgement.

Both my parents and myself wish to be cremated. My Dad and I want our ashes released in the "most beautiful" spot our family can access without financial burden. My mother, however, insists on her ashes being kept together. She doesn't care if this means they are in an urn on a fireplace mantel, in a cardboard box in a closet, or buried in the ground. It's just important to her that they remain all together. She can't even verbalize why.

As long as NO further info can be obtained from Caylee's remains, her burial method is a mute point.

Hi I started a thread here a little over a week ago

Do you want to be buried or cremated

You are right it is far to personal for anyone to know what the views are behind it

And so long as its all being done above board, as in all the investigating / autopsies , forensics have been exhausted and nothing new could come from the remains then its fair to say that its their right to decide how they lay their granddaughter to rest.

Im sure they don't like her being in a cardboard box in some funeral place either. It must be awfully hard on them.

I know that the lead up to the funeral is exhausting , I cant imagine it being delayed for this long :(
To me, it was obvious she was going to be cremated from the day they picked where to keep the remains. No funeral, no flowers, it was decided before her little body was delivered. If it wasn't, Caylee would not have been sent to that business. Further, I don't believe there was a second autopsy. He most likely talked with Dr. G. and viewed all of her work at most. I think she was cremated last month. Have you heard anything about a funeral from that wasn't even considered. Now, they have no place to visit the little Angel. I find it odd to cremate a baby.

The Anthonys can't stand the thought of people looking at them. Cindy thinks everyone is thinking, "I told you so" and she can't stand it. They made the decision to say they put it in Baez's hands to keep the heat off. I don't think for one minute he was in charge of Caylee. The Anthonys are in charge and always have been. I know the Catholic Church doesn't condone this but my guess is George must have left his faith years ago.

I wish there was proof that Baez lied to the judge in court if you correct about your theory.I myself feel cremation is a good choice.I am catholic and when it is my time I want to be cremated.
My mother insisted on cremation, when she died, as did my father. My sister and I have BOTH told friends and family that if they spend $6,000 to preserve a hunk of dead meat, we'll come back and HAUNT them!

My parents ashes are preserved in urns, per their wishes. Mine are to be scattered.

Cremation costs, BTW, about $650, in So. CA.

It may be that cremation is what the As can afford.

If either side released the remains, before the got all the evidence they need, shame on them! If the remains have been released, the Ads should be able to do anything they want with them.
LE.has released the remains.I think it was the forensic anthropologist (sp) on night said all tests had been completed and burial could take place,Henry L.said oh weeks ago on tv.that the autopsy was completed for the defense.Baez (I believe) is the one who wants it held up.He wanted results from ME. and they told ole' moneyBags to get his own.There is nothing wrong with cremation.They may want to keep her at home.
Someone was inquiring about making jewelry from cremations and here it is...quite beautiful but don't know that I could stand to wear it.

I love diamonds, but not enough to cremate one of my family members to make one.

Since GA is Catholic, I don't see how he could go along with a cremation, but then again his opinion never counted in that family.
I wish there was proof that Baez lied to the judge in court if you correct about your theory.I myself feel cremation is a good choice.I am catholic and when it is my time I want to be cremated.

That is interesting. My husband's family is Catholic and they consider cremation a mortal sin. How do you justify that with your Catholic belief? Isn't it against the doctrine of the church and who would do your funeral, since the church won't? Just curious.
That is interesting. My husband's family is Catholic and they consider cremation a mortal sin. How do you justify that with your Catholic belief? Isn't it against the doctrine of the church and who would do your funeral, since the church won't? Just curious.

Its true Its true !
There was friends of ours recently where there was a huge delay on the funeral because the family was arguing with the spouse that it must be a burial because of being catholic.
Catholics are totally anti cremation
Yep, exactly..I think there is so much drama going on behind the scenes..Casey has asked Baez to carry out her wishes..I do believe that the Anthony's are not included in any way shape or form with Casey's wishes, afterall her own dad testified against her, and possibly her brother has been working with LE all along, and lying to her, which has done nothing but build a tighter case.
I will be surprised if Casey or Baez turn Caylee over to the Anthonys, more surprised than anything else in this case thus far.

ITA with you here. My question is why isn't Cindy having at least the public memorial for Caylee. My God, it's been over a month since Caylee was found, and you don't necessarily need the remains to memorialize her. If one of our loved ones passed away, would we wait over a month for their funeral? What is Cindy waiting for? Will there even be a public memorial?
And build sympathy for the A's. The "grieving grandparents" (stated by CA in one of the earliest LE interviews) won't even have a grave to visit. I'm sure a lot of people will buy into this. The question remains, WHY the need to build that sympathy ?

Or better yet, if there isn't a grave, there will be no one to notice that the "grieving grandparents" aren't visiting little Caylee's grave. Even from Day 1, they have only been concerned about KC. I doubt they would even go to Caylee's grave.
That is interesting. My husband's family is Catholic and they consider cremation a mortal sin. How do you justify that with your Catholic belief? Isn't it against the doctrine of the church and who would do your funeral, since the church won't? Just curious.

It's a no-no for Jews too. Nevertheless, i want to be cremated. This world is a small place and keeps getting smaller. I don't need to take up space in the ground and have it be hallowed. Let my loved ones each have a part of me to do with whatever they personally need or want.
Catholics can be cremated: "1997 the Holy See granted permission to U.S. bishops to allow funeral Masses in the presence of cremated remains. This practice had been available in Canada and a few U.S. dioceses for some time."


And this: "As a Catholic may I be cremated?

Yes. In May, 1963, the Vatican's Holy Office now the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith lifted the prohibition forbidding Catholics to choose cremation. This permission was incorporated in the revised Code of Canon Law of 1983 (Canon #1176), as well as into the Order of Christian Funerals. It then became standard practice to celebrate funeral liturgies with the body and then take the body to the crematorium. Most recently the Bishops of the United States and the Holy See have authorized the celebration of a Catholic funeral liturgy with the cremated remains when the body is cremated before the funeral."

ITA with you here. My question is why isn't Cindy having at least the public memorial for Caylee. My God, it's been over a month since Caylee was found, and you don't necessarily need the remains to memorialize her. If one of our loved ones passed away, would we wait over a month for their funeral? What is Cindy waiting for? Will there even be a public memorial?

Personally I think that if Cindy hasn't been able to pay respects to Caylee yet, she certainly will not allow the public to do so. Its a me over them type situation.
I'll be surprised if there is a public memorial. If there is, it would be safer for the family not to attend. Maybe they can arrange the plans and have their lawyer see to it everything is right, but it wouldn't be a good thing them being there.
Despite my own personal feelings towards the A's, I stand behind their wishes for privacy at this time and would never judge their personal choice of how they choose to lay little Caylee's remains to rest. Their choice, whether cremation or burial has nothing to do with the investigation, or anyone involved in this case IMO. It's a personal choice based on their emotions, needs and affordablity. Funerals are very expensive and sometimes choices have to be made based on finances. Maybe the A's are afraid that Caylee's resting place will not be so peaceful with people/media trampling all over her grave site if they chose to bury her. Maybe they don't have the finances to bury her. What ever their reasoning, it's really no ones business but theirs. My faith and beliefs tell me that Caylee's soul is already at peace and in a much better place than you or I. As long as Caylee's remains are laid to rest properly, that is all that counts. Autopsies and testing have been completed and documented on both sides, hundreds of photos have been taken of the remains on both sides. I can't imagine why either side would find it neccessary to exume Caylee's skeletal remains. So I am not buying into the theory that the A's want to destroy any further evidence by cremating the remains. They are grieving grandparents and I am sure they are going through the most horrific time they will ever face again in their life time, by trying to best decide on how to lay their beloved little Caylee's remains to rest. I also give them heart for wanting to have a public memorial so that the rest of us who fell in love with this little one could also have some closure. The A's are not obligated to anyone to do something like that, yet they are.


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