CBS - 48 Hours - Buried Truth episode 12 November 2016 - 9pm central

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
snipped by me.

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@ 5:40 on Part 2 interview with his mother she states she had a pet shop.

I completely missed her saying she had a pet shop. Also pretty telling the way she refers to the goldfish as "things" when she says she told Todd "that's not how you get rid of things you don't want anymore". A lesson that these were LIVING things and why it's wrong to kill/torture living things for no reason at all would have been a better lesson, IMO.
Along with all the horrific revelations, she felt the need to lock TK in his bedroom and herself in her bedroom to be safe. What more evidence does a mom need to seek therapy for he and her child?
I agree. (not opening a bucket) Personally, I don't think he believed in God and it is a little surprising that RT hasn't said anything about him going to church. Not saying it would've helped him, but she did say she "tried everything" and I'd be curious to know if he'd had any exposure growing up. And I apologize, I was being ugly in implying his mother was the only one who didn't want him to die yet. These videos make my blood boil and tend to bring out the worst in me :(

I think the "Someone didn't want me to die yet" comment is a common euphemism people use to indicate they think God or some higher power kept them from dying. He probably heard it in a movie he watched.
Along with all the horrific revelations, she felt the need to lock TK in his bedroom and herself in her bedroom to be safe. What more evidence does a mom need to seek therapy for he and her child?

It's no wonder TK's mom feels that it is understandable that he locked people up. She did it, herself, to him. What if, as a child, TK had to use the bathroom at night? Did he ring a bell and his mom unlocked everything, waited, and then led him back and relocked him in? Or did he pee in a bucket or something? Wasn't there also something about her locking him in the basement? Pretty sick stuff.

I get that she might have been desperate and just in survival mode, but it doesn't sound like this was a temporary thing. For her to mention it makes it seems like a significant element of his upbringing.

She was quite a beautiful brunette when she was young and TK's female victims (the ones we know about) resemble her at that stage. It seems too simple, but maybe he just keeps on acting out what he wanted to do as child--kill the bad guy then lock up mom so she couldn't leave.

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WOW, I didn't catch that!
I was wondering if maybe his mother may have tied him up at some point. She did say she had a hard time controlling him, well that may have at one time been a solution for her. Chain him up, lock him in his room.

He knows how awful and demeaning he felt by her doing that, so he inflicted it on his victims.

Another thing....the guy doing the interviewing, he really seemed h e ll bent on finding out if KB has been sexually assaulted...that didn't sit well with me.

Just watched the episode last night, now that I've got Thanksgiving out of the way. Being that he raped a girl when he was 15, it's likely he sexually assaulted her.
I am sure TK told his mom that people embarrassed him and had smart mouths and he shot them for it. I guess that makes sense to her. I just wonder what he told her made him kidnap and rape his 14 year old neighbor. I do not buy the fell over and they laughed story. I think we will never really find out, but there is much more to that story. For all we know he tried to rob them and it went real bad. I do not think Charlie smarted off to him either. I think he had it all planned. I guess his whining always worked on mommy. But he clearly has a dark soul and it was not about embarrassment.

I agree with you for the most part, except that if someone really does have a "smart mouth", does that really give you the right to shoot and kill them because you feel disrespected??? That's called being a vigilante, and the law doesn't agree.
And the idea that he killed them simply because they teased him once during a visit to the store seems pretty petty to be coming back to the store to carry out four murders in broad daylight. Seems to me if he actually did commit these murders, it was for something more than being teased. Could you image the death toll if he killed everyone that slightly upset him from 2003 up until now? I'm just not buying that motive.
For a narcisstic sociopath, it could be something that small. This guy had major anger issues. His mother made pitiful attempts to get him help. They might not even have teased him- but it was his perception that they did.
I've been thinking about this a lot today. It's a strong statement! Not only did she say they didn't want her to have kids, but it in was in the context of them refusing to help her financially because of it.

I thought of my own daughter, who has said since she was a teen that she doesn't want children. Who told me the other day, as I ooohed and ahhhed over her new puppy falling asleep in my lap, that 'this is the only grandbaby you're getting!' So I am not expecting to have any biological grandchildren. And that's ok. But I can't imagine not wanting her to have children someday!

All I can come up with, based on what we know at this time, is that either a) her whole family is extremely dysfunctional and this is the byproduct of a whole other mess, or b) Mama has always been extremely dysfunctional and her parents didn't think she'd be a capable mother.

IMO and totally subject to change with more info :)

BBM. That's what occured to me. Perhaps Todd's mother's parents saw signs of mental illness in her and knew she shouldn't have children...
Sometimes in sexual assault cases, especially those involving a minor, they will plea bargain in order to keep the victim from having to testify on the stand. I'm sure her family was doing what they thought best at the time. And honestly....looking back would it have really made any difference?
Yes because it would have gotten him more time back then and added further restrictions on what he could have done when he got back to South Carolina. Seems like the rape was swept under the carpet.
“48 Hours” goes inside the missing persons investigation and the stunning revelations her alleged captor, Todd Kohlhepp, 45, a real estate broker, made to police in “Buried Truth” to be broadcast Saturday, Nov. 12 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

It’s a story that has made international headlines and continues to unfold as investigators search and find more victims of an alleged serial killer in South Carolina. Correspondents David Begnaud and Peter Van Sant interview investigators, family members, neighbors and friends of the victims. And they talk with experts and others about the mind of a serial killer.

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