Charity Distances Itself From Anthonys; Shoe Donations

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But according to CA Caylee is still alive. Why give her things away?

The invisable people (*that are being watched*) have supplied new invisable clothes in a larger size as Caylee would be bigger now.

It's mindboggling.
Ha! Believe me, they wouldn't want to hear what I'd have to say, especially to the reporter that likes to "help" Cindy. :furious:

I did register at the site where the editorial was written after reading how totally wrong they got 1/2 of their facts about Cindy, but it won't let me comment. All I see at the end (after the great post that's there) is a "you must log in to comment" over & over. Perhaps they've gotten inundated with comments and have turned the comments off? :silenced: *shrug* The one post really did say it all anyway...

I went to all the trouble to register too. Got my email with my password then logged in. Still could not comment. I guess after that one comment, they were afraid to get any more!
OK. Let's see if I can put this in the RIGHT thread. (Had several windows open and was merrily typing away in the no discussion "Today's Current News". :iamashamed0005: )

Normal person with media connections: "I think this is a great cause. I plan to donate some shoes and hope others will also."

Self-aggrandizing narcissistic media ho: "I am a charitable person!!! I will be there personally on donation day!!! And I am donating my murdered granddaughter's shoes too!!!!"
I got the same idea that Casey was thinking of the video of Caylee(I think from Mt. Dora)when she was describing the "call" she got from Caylee. I don't think she got confused, I think she needed a different story than how she had actually left Caylee(in the woods) and remembered uploading the video of Caylee at Mt. Dora. IIRC, Casey uploaded that video while at home on the 15th, after Cindy and Caylee came back from the visit to great grandpa. Casey was being asked about the phone call and what Caylee had said, how she had acted/seemed emotionally, and imo since Casey was lying(had to lie because she had last seen Caylee when she was killing her and disposing of her body), she used the video(that she knew she had uploaded but LE did not know about it yet, in fact everyone was still going with the date(s)Cindy and Casey had given for last seeing Caylee: June 8th/9th)as a story to give as an answer. To me, it is obvious Casey is lying because she is describing exactly the video from Mt. Dora, when she is supposed to be describing the phone call she had with Caylee.

From my understanding "there are no coincidences" when it comes to an investigation such as this, if I have that right? So we have the question about Caylee wearing or not wearing shoes when Casey left with Caylee on the 15th. (Because Caylee was/was not wearing shoes when her remains were found? Sorry, part of the information I am confused about). We have Casey saying Caylee was talking about her shoes during the phone call where she claims to have spoken to Caylee. And now we have Cindy donating Caylee's shoes.

Knowing it was the lady at Walgreen's that gave Cindy a flyer for a shoe drive, seems to say that Cindy didn't seek out or create giving away the shoes and I don't see how they could really be evidence(although, who knows?)but it's just "funny" that Caylee's shoes would come up again.


That's a good catch. You are right. I never thought about it that way but I think you are on to something. The shoes, yes, are ironic. If I were CA though I would have bought a nice pair of boy's sneakers and donated them. Caylee's shoes, I would have put them quietly in a donation box mixed in with other shoes. No one would ever know. jmo
Thursday, employees of the House of Hope in Orlando, a well-established and well-known charity, found out some of them might not get paychecks.

"It is so tough out there to raise funds. I was just talking to our staff; we don't have enough money to make our next payroll," House of Hope Founder Sara Trollinger said.
Thursday, employees of the House of Hope in Orlando, a well-established and well-known charity, found out some of them might not get paychecks.

"It is so tough out there to raise funds. I was just talking to our staff; we don't have enough money to make our next payroll," House of Hope Founder Sara Trollinger said.

Wow. This situation just calls out for a hero. I like the idea of the news station stepping up.
Lack of respect from JB, does that surprise anyone here? I can't believe this crap is even going on. We know the Anthony family and we know the lawyers are not being loyal to Caylee. Why not? What is their big answer to that? Not to be on Caylee's side? gotta check in before I fall asleep here. Justice for this sweet baby Caylee. Love The prosecution table is everso smart........Tight lipped as it should be all around.
The Pros. will win this case. Absolutely, Positively!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 100% sure. They act as professionals should. End of story.
CA may have thought it would be a good way to jumpstart her own "foundation". You know, make a big deal out of a small donation by giving a pair of shoes, and then add something to the foundation web page such as "Recently, our foundation has been busy raising donations to help less fortunate children in conjunction with the Children of Love organization. With our help, many underprivileged children were clothed and shoed. In order to continue these humanitarian efforts, we need your donations." Or something like that.

BBM - This sounds sooooooo like something CA would do, ala kidfinders. CA and GA cannot seem to fathom that NOBODY wants THEIR help, since its so bound up with their own self promotion. If they REALLY wanted to do charity work, all they have to do is just DO IT, anonymously, like millons of other true good samaratins....MOO
This reporter sure is misinformed on the facts.
Wonder what they would think about Cindy's hatred for Hispanic people??!!

Honduras News – Daily News about Honduras
EDITORIAL: Charity Organization Bombarded by Uncharitable People
August 27th, 2010 · No Comments

"Doris Patalano nearly 20 years ago started an orphanage to benefit children in South Florida and Honduras, Central America. Her most recent contribution was to organize a clothing drive for those children; but it has turned into a nightmare, despite the good intentions of those mixed up in the controversy. (Original story at end of article below.)"

Alrighty then. This has to be the WORST case of 'journalism' I've seen in ages, yes, worse than other recent publishings we've seen this week because she's attacking the American people by implication. The entire story is so twisted, it's barely recognizable. Did Cindy send it the blogger/reporter? It states Cindy "telephoned" a local news station. It says people are outraged because she's donating Caylee's shoes! WTH? Claims we probably want the shoes to be kept on a pedestal while children go shoeless. FGS.

Not only does the writer get the story all wrong, she bashed the Americans who don't want Cindy Anthony using the charity to further her personal agenda. The writer also doesn't grasp the difference between an orphanage and a charity. Unbelievable.
some program or another on this pc says thats a malicious website and wouldnt open it... what was this comment? can anyone say? is it against the rules? BUT I CAN ONLY IMAGINE!!!...
some program or another on this pc says thats a malicious website and wouldnt open it... what was this comment? can anyone say? is it against the rules? BUT I CAN ONLY IMAGINE!!!...

I got the same malicious website warning and refusal.
some program or another on this pc says thats a malicious website and wouldnt open it... what was this comment? can anyone say? is it against the rules? BUT I CAN ONLY IMAGINE!!!...

That's strange, I have been there a few times to read and re-read with no problems. Maybe your anti-virus settings don't allow foreign websites? I use Malwarebytes and ESET NOD32 and got no warnings.
I would gladly post the article and the comment but I think it would violate WS's copyright rules.
That's strange, I have been there a few times to read and re-read with no problems. Maybe your anti-virus settings don't allow foreign websites? I use Malwarebytes and ESET NOD32 and got no warnings.
I would gladly post the article and the comment but I think it would violate WS's copyright rules.

There are a total of 4 comments under that Editorial piece now....including one apparently from the woman who posted the editorial to begin with - still defending their position ...
Hello All,

I donated my shoes! I went to Walmart, purchased a nice pair of tennis shoes, went around the corner to Walgreens and dropped them in the box. I did notice there were about 5 pairs in there besides mine. I hope other people will donate. Life is good!

That's awesome of you! So, was it an "event" that Cindy could have "attended" in the first place, or was it just the same old drop the shoes and thanks a bunch "type deal" (as George would say) ?
I detest the way some of these articles makes the A's out to be some benevolent force for good. Nothing could be further from the truth, and people who can't see this I will never understand, as it is painfully obvious to me.
I'd much rather hear she was donating all of Casey's clothing. Since IMO she will not be having any use for them where she's going.

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