Chris Hughes Guest this Sunday on True Crime Radio

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Like a lot of other people, I am a crying mess over here.

I'm not as graceful with words as a lot of people on here are, but I'd like to say a few things...

I didn't know Travis Alexander, but I have become so emotionally involved in this trial. My heart has broken for the Alexander's many times. I have enjoyed watching Juan Martinez fight so passionately for justice. There have been days when I felt so disgusted and angry I couldn't think straight. I've broken down and cried at random times when my thoughts took me to Travis' last moments and how horrible they were. I have cried watching tributes and looking at pictures thinking of what a wonderful person the world was robbed of. I have screamed at my computer listening to lie after lie. I have felt fear thinking about how evil can touch so many lives without anyone expecting it.

My emotions have been all over the place. Listening to Chris and KCL tonight took me to another place though. It was a much needed reminder of all the wonderful people in this world. The focus is too often on the evil of JA. Tonight shifted my focus and I am very grateful to Chris and KCL for sharing with us tonight.

Michael~ I can't adequately describe the emotions I felt listening to Chris tell the story of how you reached out to help the Alexander's. You are, just as Chris said, an angel. My ex-husband left when I was 8 months pregnant and I struggled for the first few years after my son was born. I will never forget the people who helped me through that time. I am tearing up now thinking back on my angels who, without being asked, would buy diapers for me or offer to babysit so I could work extra hours, etc. I wouldn't be where I am now without their kindness and generosity. I know the Alexander's will forever hold you in their hearts. The world needs more people like you in it. ((Hugs))

KCL~ You too are an angel! My heart broke listening to you tonight. My mom and I were listening together and we were both in tears. After it was over she asked if I could tell you something from her. She stood there for a few seconds, still in tears, and said she doesn't even know what to say. That's how I feel too. I am speechless. You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and the world needs more people like you too!

I don't know what else to say. What a heartwarming day this turned out to be! I have my blue candle lit, my porch light on with a blue bulb, and feel confident justice is very close!
Thank you to everyone who transcribed for those of us who couldn't tune in. Will we be able to access it later?

Thank you CH for taking the time to talk to us. You were a true friend to Travis. And thank you to those who set up and help fund the family so they can sit through the trial and hold the murderess accountable.

it's up right now, you can listen to the whole 3 hour show as of now.
Tricia! Thank you so much for a wonderful show! It was extra long but extra riveting. It was worth every minute.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! .... to Chris Hughes for taking the time to let us listeners know the REAL Travis Alexander. Of course I think MANY had already figured out who Travis really was, but hearing the words by his bff makes it that much more real.

Michael, you are incredible. Although you're anonymous, you know who you are and we all know that you are someone special.

KC, you were fantastic and your words were so heartfelt and I'm sure there was NOT a dry eye in the chat room and those of us just listening. You are a gem both to Websleuths and everyone else! Your sister would be sooo proud of you! xoxo

I'm still having a difficult time keeping the tears away. This entire case has been that way for me almost every day. The world lost a wonderful light when Travis left us too soon. Hopefully his family will be able to continue Travis' legacy.

Tricia, I know you've been doing this for a long time, radio shows, but you could tell by the sound of your voice at the closing, how tonites show affected you. I just wanted to reach out and :hug: you! WE appreciate everything YOU do! :heart:

Anyway, thanks again for a wonderful show!

Justice for Travis Alexander!

I just finished listening to the show. What Chris said about the importance of forgiveness was like an answer to a prayer.

It isn't easy yet so very important to forgive; it doesn't give pardon to the person we are forgiving. Through it we alleviate ourselves and thereby free ourselves of burden, and release the foul energy from our hearts that would otherwise remain poisoned, and out into the ether and thereby ever away into the nothingness.

Tricia Thank you - behind these slow tears I'm chuckling about "The show that cleans your teeth in your sleep." Which is now at the forefront of my mind and I'm laughing while these slow tears roll down my cheek. That was richly original and I loved it!

Chris allowed me to learn that the person I've sensed Travis to be is the person Travis is, who remains in life through his friend. I received a strong sense of Travis, how he spoke to his friends, and the way he and his friends think and act and feel. Sunday evening well spent.

Now whenever anyone comes into the arena of Jodi Arias they can hear this show, and know, and beware of those like her - and, in the end, forgive those they may have already met and were fortunate to survive.

I Will be praying through deliberations for the Alexander family to receive the justice they require, imagining them surrounded with the white light of Peace.
Thanks to everyone for listening and your kind words.

This proves what I have been saying!

The best shows are the ones where the guests talk more than ! do :)
Thanks to everyone for listening and your kind words.

This proves what I have been saying!

The best shows are the ones where the guests talk more than ! do :)
It was a great interview! Thanks!
Wonderful show- incredibly touching. Thank you.
KCL, my heart goes out to you. Lost some close family in a similar way.
Thanks you so much for your posts and even more so, your tireless support of TA's family. They will never forget you. Nor will we.
I listened to the show early this morning and it was fantastic Tricia! :tyou: Thank you for making the show available for us who cannot be there exactly on time. Or those of us who are forgetful, like me.

I would really like to hear more from Chris and his lovely wife Skye also. I've always thought that Skye could tell us things from a female perspective, things that Chris might not think of telling. Like Chris said, Skye has that 6th sense thing going on.

And for katicoolady... Honey I was so touched when you spoke last night, the raw emotion that poured out of you was so heart wrenching. I applaud you for what you have done for the Alexander family. Please, remember to be kind to yourself too. I just wanted to hug you. :grouphug: Awww heck, let's make it a group hug.
Thanks to everyone for listening and your kind words.

This proves what I have been saying!

The best shows are the ones where the guests talk more than ! do :)

Last night when I was listening I thought: Gee, if more interviewers would learn to not talk so much...

I'm listening again while on verdict watch. Your sense of humor Tricia :floorlaugh: I love it!
Wow... great blogtalkradio!! I really enjoyed hearing Chris Hughes just being able to recount his time with Travis, talk about him <mod snip>. He really put it all in perspective. I was taken aback when he said at first, they even pushed Travis to marry her because they thought her intense feelings for him were genuine, and they were duped :( Then she showed her true colors.

KCL it broke my heart to hear you crying :(
Thanks to everyone for listening and your kind words.

This proves what I have been saying!

The best shows are the ones where the guests talk more than ! do :)

No, I won't share my favorite show, but it was one where you talked a lot. : )

This is definitely my favorite " emotional " radio blog.
Excellent program. CH was forthcoming about all he knew and he did his friend proud. It was very informative and moving.

If you haven't heard it, Pink Panther did a great job of transcribing. Read those posts and it will be almost like you heard it.

Thanks to all involved.
Yes let's not forget pink panther. Amazing Job at transcribing the show.

Did anyone get to ask him how he and Travis felt about Jodi moving to mesa AFTER they broke up? Who does that? I would think that should have sent red flags to everyone
Did anyone get to ask him how he and Travis felt about Jodi moving to mesa AFTER they broke up? Who does that? I would think that should have sent red flags to everyone

exactly - who does that? a normal person would NOT move to the ex's town AFTER the break-up. they had not even been "a couple" for that long and they had no child or financial entanglements.

going where you are not wanted is something else she did. she showed up unannounced or unexpected at people's homes. normal people do not do that.
I was just re-reading this thread, and I hadn't noticed before that Chris said Travis sent himself an email "Jodi you're caught, we'll talk about it later". Obviously he knew she was accessing his email and did that in order to let her know he was onto her. Wow I totally missed that the first time around.

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