Cindy Anthony's testimonies

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JB asking if CA used the desktop computer in their home, who used the computer in the house
CA: everybody, even friends of ICA's

JB: Do you recall doing any searches for any items that might include chloroform?

CA: Yes, I started searching chlorophyll, says it was because of dogs being sleepy, which prompted her to look up chlorophyll then led to searching for cholorform
Now she is claiming that the records which show she was AT WORK during those searches were WRONG.
Cindy says she also searched various injuries after a friend was in an accident
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 1:54 PM

#cindyanthony said she knows it was March when she searched because of discussions at work about hand sanitizer scares w/ children.
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:53 PM

#CaseyAnthony Cindy says she looked up chloroform while searching "chlorophyl" out of concern it might be affecting her yorkies
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 1:53 PM
CA up.

she looks good in a dark purple tanktop blouse.

JB Maam you also lived, let me rephrase that...

You also used the desktop computer in your home.

CA - yes i did

JB where was it?

CA spare room used to be lees room

JB who used that computer?

CA every body.

Jb did you do searches for any items that might include chloroform?

CA Yes

JB can you explain to the jury why you did that?

CA started looking for chlorophil because of the Yorkies eating leaves..

JB i dont understand how you could have gotten those two mixed up.

CA i didnt get them mixed up, some species of algea and yadda yadda naturally produce chlorophil

JB how did you know you looked this up in march

CA cause i got an email about using hand sanitizers around little children
and that email came to me in march and that was at the same time that I looked up the chlorophil. as well as other chemicals in the house. peroxide. et all

JB did you look up other searches for house hold accidents.

CA yes my friend got in a car accident and had chest and neck injuries
Cant do regular searches on the work interweb

JB something about her work

CA saying that she her WORK schedule must have been wrong and that she was at home doing those searches when in fact she was supposed to be at work but wasnt

CA is suggesting her boss may have done the schedule incorrectly

something about 9 hour days and over time

***CA is covering for the internet searches. 84 times?? 84 times she googles chlorofil and went to a chlorophorm site?!!!!!!****
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you do that Cindy to your LOVING husband.

She's saying only ICA and GA drove the car!!!!!!!
Casey shook her head and said; "wow" when LDB asked Cindy if this was something she recalled since switching medications in July 2009.
OMG!!!! CA just changed her previous testimony to say that she uses Google OR Yahoo! LIES!!!! She previously said she and GA use Yahoo.

THIS is why she and GA should never have been let to sit in on the court proceedings.
CA: "I didn't do 84 searches for anything, but I don't know what my computer does while it is running"


use computer (desktop) in your home - now called spare room used to be LA bedroom - everyone in the house had access - who used it? everybody in the house and even friends of KC used the for items might have included chlorofom in March 2008? Yes - I stated looking for chlorophyl - 2 yorkies - smallest one was having issues of extreme tired all time.....dogs would eat get mixed up...chlorophyl - brown and red coloring on plants - chlorophyl - I ran same searchs around March received email from work using hand sanitizer with children.....looking up ingredientes in hand sanitizer - I started up looking up other things in house - acetone, alcohol....
friend of mine @ work got in car accident - @ work Gentiva can't look up in records in evidence worked pretty much regular schedule...could have been error supervisor filled in time car - take certain weeks off ...(object )
has that ever happened - yes I am also salaried....I have to show 8 hours of work - supervisors said no overtime....if work 12 normal work was 9 hours day...only show a 40 hour work week - end of week always have overtime.

show SA exhibit#79 & 80 - show to witness and publish to jury....JB having glare issues..

CA do you recognize this photo? I looks like could be trunk of the sunfire....dont guess - let me show you SA #47 - looks like trunk of a car - car looks white....Is #47 Pontiac Sunfire - yes - where purchased? on West Colonial one of the dealerships out there not sure the name...gA and CA purchased it....GA and LA drove it but main it for him when he was Jr. in Highschool - drove til 2005 when he purchased his mustang...pretty much GA or KC would drive it....they had a Corolla once sold that they drove that car.....can you see if there is a stain in trunk? there is a fain stain....yes I see it...have you seen that before yes when we bought the car....there were a few little stains when we bought the car.....when sprayed Febreeze did you see anything or stains...think there was an indentation of gas can...cylindar type consistent w/SA #283 - red round gas can....JB asks for a moment to talk to CM......

Cross exam....LDB- is it your testimony work records you worked March 1 and Mar17 were you home between these hours? possible yes.....were you home between these hours? if that was when those computer searches were made - I did took days off around kc's 8:30-5 ...hours changed to 5:30 ALWAYS come 1/2 hour is possible you were home that day even though your work records show you were working 3/22 2:16 and 2:28 pm- were you or weren't you (object-overrule) only thing that triggers ....those computer entry

have you looked @ 3/17 2008 - work records to reflect.....if you could go back could you find out if you were @ work....I had a password to my emails...sure no one had access to password....allow witness to answer..

we had several passwords - I had two - it was against policy to give it to your password to your account.....passwords change every 30 days....I haven't been there since July you have knowledge if former employer backed up emails on regular basis X2 - office I worked at many in each state...capacity for each office could hold would only be a little bit....only capable of computer not believe company would store those from 3 years ago.....

you were aware of the computer searches as early as Aug first I heard was YM come to my house to find out when kc would have performed it....Sept 2008? I didn't tell them you made those searches....I did and I told you in 2009 depo...searched for chlorophyl....denied look up how to make chloroform....

finish the question? read last question

you suggested Google engine suggested change to Chloroform because chlorophyl was spelled incorrect...yes or no...did you type in on search bar on Google How to Make Chloroform...I did type in the word chlrofom....did you search for self-defense, house holding, neckbreaking - did not -I dO recall there was a pop up there was a skateboarder on rails....recall it saying a neckbreaking this something you are recalling now since changed medication in 2009? no - you didn't ask memory is better now than in 2009...did you look up shovel - no don't recall...did you look up inhallation...alchol, acetone, peroxide, hydrogen peroxide...since your meds were changed you remember? I recall child ingesting hand sanitizer containing alcohol....what search engine do you use...whatever on computer Google or Yahoo....what browser? don't know what you mean....home computer was on 100% time rarely shut down...all we had to do was refresh dont know profiles on the computer....only 2 user profiles on desktop....user profile and kc profile....on desktop did not have a password on desktop....not talki ng about laptop...
search for making weapons out of household products? no
chloroform habit? (object- overrule)
chloro2 - don't know I know there is chlorphyl 1 & 2

were you on sci spot - chloroform 84 times? I don't know....they need to look up chlorophyl vs. chloroform....I didn't do 84 searches of anything but when computer on it is running.

in Mar 2008 do not have a myspace account or facebook - No did NOT

where was stain in the trunk when you purchased the car? up in here...

near the letter B - near the backseat of the car trunk...

RE-Direct - JB - password protection on work computer but not on desktop @ home....ever go on the computer after kc? left on all the time...a lot of times kc on computer and I would ask to get onto....told LE about chlorophyl and chloroform - I did tell SA and Dectectives about the searches and they knew about chlorophyl as well - this testimony nothing new

no further questions - witness excused
publish SA #80



She used the desk top computer at her house. It is in their spare room (previously LA's room). Everyone in the house had access to it. Anyone at the house used it - even friends of ICA.

In March of 2008 did you search any items that might include chloroform? Yes. She started looking at chlorophyll because she was concerned about her Yorkie. She started looking at chlorophyll and that led him to chloroform. She knew she did this in March because she did other searched at that time related to a scare about using hand sanitizer around small children. She also searched acetone, hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. She also had a friend involved in a car accident and also looked up things related to head and chest injuries. She did this because she could not use her work computer. She took a day off during March. Why did your work schedule show that you were working? Could have been an error


Could your work schedule show that you were working when you were off? That has happened. She would sometimes put down 8 hours if she only worked 4, because some days she would work 12. Her normal day was 9 hours and she was not allowed to show more than a 40 hours a week.

She was shown State's Exhibit 79 and 80. She thought it was the trunk of a white car.

She was then shown State's Exhibit 47 and identified it as the Sunfire.

The car was purchased from a dealership on West Colonial by she and George in 2000. George and Lee were the main drivers, but it was purchased specifically for Lee when he was a junior in high school. He drove it until 2005 when he bought his Mustang. At that point ICA and George drove it.

She saw a faint stain in the trunk of the car. It was there when they bought it. There were a few little stains when they bought it.

When she saw the car on July 16, 2008 when she sprayed the Febreeze, she thought there was an indentation of a gas can consistent with Exhibit 283.

JB taking a moment to check his notes.


Despite her work records showing that she worked 3/17 and 3/21/08, it is possible she was home between 1:43 and 2:55. If those computer entries were made, she was home. ICA's birthday and her anniversary were that week.

Her hours are whatever she made them to be. She had to be there from 8:30 to 5:00. Within 2 weeks of starting, it got extended to 5:30 and she would always come a minimum of a half hour early and stay as long as she needed to.

It is possible she was home even though her work records said she was at work.

Were you at home on 3/17 between 2:16 and 2:28 - it's possible.

Were you or weren't you?

The computer entries trigger her memory.

She has not returned to work after 7/17/08.

She did not think that she could go back and confirm them because she had a working password to her emails and that is probably gone now.

There were several passwords to get into her work computer. She also had an access password to here emails. No one but her could get in. Those passwords expire in 30 days.

Are your company emails backed up? I don't know after 3 years. Their emails had a memory that only lasted so long.

Whether they backed up, it would depend on the office's capacity. She does not believe the company would still have them.

She first learned of the computer searches was when Melich and Allen came to her house prior to ICA's arrest on check charges (September of 2008). She did tell them that she made those searches and she told LDB that in 2009.

She agreed she told LDB that she searched chlorophyll. She denied searching for how to make chloroform.


She suggested that the Google search wanted to correct chlorophyll to chloroform.


Did you input "How to Make Chloroform?" She did not recall that - just typing in chloroform.

She did not search self defense, household weapons. She did not search neck breaking. She did recall a pop up of a skate boarder.

Is this something you are now recalling due to changing your medication?

She stated she recalled it then, but she was not asked.

She did not look up shovel. She did not look up inhalation.

She did search alcohol, acetone, peroxide.

Is this something you recall now due to changing medication?

She uses whatever search engine is on the computer.

She doesn't know what browser she uses.

Which profile? The desktop is left on 100% of the time. It was already on, so she doesn't know which profile she used. There was no password.

She did not search making weapons out of household products.

Chloroform habit?


She has never heard chloroform habit.

Chloro2? She doesn't know.

Drug All the time.

84 times? She was on it several times.

Did you do 84 searches of the effects of chlorophyll on your animals? No

She did not have MySpace or Facebook in March of 2008.

She was shown the trunk liner photo and indicated that the stain was in the upper left corner, closer to the front.


Password protection was on her work computer, but not at home.

The computer was left on all the time. Some times she would come home and ICA would be on the computer and she would ask if she could for a few minutes.

The searches for Chloroform - she was asked about it earlier and answered. They knew about her searches.

No more questions.

Witness excused at 3:!7
Vinnie Politan tweeted: Cindy just coming out of meeting with defense.

Then he tweeted first witness: Cindy

HHBP - lets return the jury....CA has moved to the aisle (to take the stand?) IS is saying CA will be first witness of the day.

Jury enters - CA standing in back of the

JB calls CA - she affirms "so Help me God yes"

JB - talk to you about the shorts Caylee found in on Surburban Dr - seen a photo of those short - testified previously shorts no longer fit her - last time I saw her she was in 3T - that photo taken spring 2007 - Caylee was on the high end of the growth chart - that day videotape from the photo - object - relevance - Sidebar


You may proceed -
JB - you have had a chance to review the video - approach witness - dVD - fairly accurate of Caylee size during spring = publish to jury

video of KC and Caylee - - KC smiles -- frowns - appears to squeeze out a tear.
CA -cries as she watched it..

how much Caylee grown since video of early 2007 - she recognized a skirt she was wearing that was out of date....while believe taken early 2007 - watch that video hundreds of times since haven't seen Caylee.....there pictures taken same day - wear Hawaiian skirt - haven't worn it since - not popular after that (?I am confuseda bout the skirt!?)

defense exhibit A - approach w/Big picture board - recall photo - you and kc @ brother's wedding....(object - relevancy for this testimony - profer @ sidebar

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