Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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Jeffrey Dahmer *was* evil. He is dead now and cannot hurt anyone else. However, he did one thing neither KC nor GA, CA, and LA have done. Dahmer when caught admitted he did it. As has his father. Dahmer did not fight the charges. He plead guilty. He didn't lie about it. He didn't try to pin the blame on someone else. He also cooperated with the authorities investigating his crimes.

A person who admits their evil is IMO not as bad as people who deny their evil and attempt to put the blame on innocent or imaginary people like KC and family have done with ZG. And, no I do not for a minute believe that GA and CA ever thought there was a real nanny.
:clap::clap::clap: Great post. I absolutely agree.
A follow up.....

Good points. I do not use the word evil. I don't think I have met evil - so glad. People can be as mean as junk yard dogs and I have met a few of those. I do believe in evil, but I find it to be more out there as something else. I will try to think of an example..... [OK! John Wayne Gacey was evil imo. Anytime a child (or anyone) is cut up, dissected, tortured, raped to the point of death, twisted sick *advertiser censored* bastards....or wimmin .... then I think that is evil. Sometimes I also consider the dark side of religion to be evil]
bolded by me.........

They raised Casey and they KNEW she was NOT RIGHT in her mind, but they did NOTHING to stop her. That end was almost inevitable for the lifestyle they "taught".............there was addiction, violence, and deep hatred in that family and NO ONE did a thing to change it until it was way too late. Their denial kept all the family secrets hidden.

When Caylee was born, Cindy wanted to be her mother, but KC resented it and the battle began. Cindy used Caylee and KC used Caylee to get to each other and the battle ended with Caylee dead. George was a joke in the family, and where there is no respect for the father, there are messed up kids.

They were NOT PUSHED - they LOVE chaos - they lived it. Normal people would have stayed in their home, left in their cars from their garage and never inflamed people who did not agree with them. Normal people would NOT have lied and hid evidence for their murdering daughter KNOWING their granddaughter was her victim. They KNEW the minute they smelled that car what KC had done.

Wow. I understand not liking them, but we don't even know them. We know what we read, see on TV, etc. I personally have known people who are screwed up and did all the things you say Casey did growing up and they didnt turn out to murder their child! They had no idea this would happen and to blame them for Casey murdering her child is unbelivable.
A follow up.....

Good points. I do not use the word evil. I don't think I have met evil - so glad. People can be as mean as junk yard dogs and I have met a few of those. I do believe in evil, but I find it to be more out there as something else. I will try to think of an example..... [OK! John Wayne Gacey was evil imo. Anytime a child (or anyone) is cut up, dissected, tortured, raped to the point of death, twisted sick *advertiser censored* bastards....or wimmin .... then I think that is evil. Sometimes I also consider the dark side of religion to be evil]

I agree.
I so totally agree. I find it odd that they haven't been seen at all, grieving or not, their actions towards everyone looking for Caylee were despicable. I also find it odd that they haven't been to see KC, all they would have to say is, we love you, we miss you, stare at each other for a bit. And leave. Now how could that hurt the case, one way or the other. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, but they were downright nasty to people.

And that LKL interview is what made Caylee guide them to her, I'm certain. The flat out lies on that were disgusting, beyond belief. Caylee had enough and led them to her. No one has stood up for Caylee, except thousands of strangers and the State's Attorneys and police. For that I would say to George and Cindy...what say you now?? Where is your support for that little girl as so often George calls her

First let me say...I love your kitty avatar! TOO SWEET! Sometimes one needs to take into account, imo, that the Anthony's were in a state of denial and I blame that state on Casey. I believe Casey led them to believe more lies than any of us have heard in the media...such as the reason her father mentioned "protective custody". I believe Casey manipulated them by some crazy story that they were all in danger, etc etc. I honestly do believe they were in denial...I think even with all the suggested evidence that somewhere in their minds they couldn't accept that Casey physically harmed Caylee....especially when she was pretty good at fooling them when Caylee was alive and at home.
Cleaning "the car (that)smelled like a damn dead body was in it"
Washing clothing which smelled the same, while a baby was missing.
Lying to investigators

If they believed the nanny had done this crime.. would they have had these same actions?

You need to watch the video that I posted of Cindy's side...then see if you feel the same way.
Title of this thread is Cindy over the edge? Where are the A's?

I don't believe BC has any hold over them AT ALL. MN sure as h&ll didn't and he's a better, bigger, stronger, more experienced lawyer that BC.

IMO Cindy IS hurting right now. She is probably heavily medicated hence LA moving back home - prob to help care for her.

BUT, IMO I can think of 1.7 million little things that are keeping them out of the spotlight right about now.

IMO when they got off that plane (the day the remains were found) LE took them into a private room either at the airport or at the station and gave them a "come to Jesus" moment. THAT is what is keeping them buttoned up - BC is only a messenger or an aide to help them get out with their skins. The A's have been told by LE what they are considering charging them with. THAT is what is keeping them quiet.

I will never get over CA saying in the bond hearing that "there is NO evidence". I thought WTH? Then came the switch up with the car and the pizza. Then we hear about the pants and the knife. Then came the hammer wielding CA calling people leeches, maggots, and the like.

No - no compassion from me. The know what they did and they did it despite all the advice. Refusing to give TM a piece of Caylee's clothes with her scent.

Immunity. Oh please. IF YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG - YOU DON'T NEED IMMUNITY!!!!! Mark Lunsford NEVER asked for immunity. Klass NEVER asked for immunity. And I hope every day that LE does not grant this request as we know it is tied to 1.7 million reasons for the A's to get it.

1.7 million reasons folks - they will never have to worry about what anyone ever thinks of them again.

Just keep that in the back of your mind when considering "feeling sorry" for the A's.
IMO Cindy IS hurting right now. She is probably heavily medicated hence LA moving back home - prob to help care for her.

YES!!!!! Part of the defense courtroom drama!!! Victimized Casey and family!!!! I see that now!!! LIGHT BULB!!!!

2 Pronged Approach to assault the jury!!!!
Another reason I have not yet been able to kick the Anthony's when they are down is those outrageous 'protestors'. They fared a lot better at the Anthony home than they would have at mine.
But think about it....
if they would have shut up along time ago would everyone have
been as interested in this case? Would it have gotten the media
attention it did?
Would Caylee have been found?
Or would it have died out like a lot of the other cases and she would
still be just a "missing little girl"
I know a lot of people here think it's bad that Cindy could not
stop talking.... but what would have happened if she had?
So many cases do not get the attention this one did and
I be live that part of it was because of them!
Call them crazy.... call them whatever you want but....
maybe... just maybe we can give them some credit for keeping
this little girls face in the news!

it's one of those situations in which I believe the Anthony's were damned if they do...damned if they don't. Had they stated "no comment" everytime a reporter would have shoved a microphone in their faces...they would have been guilty of hiding something. The fact they gave their heart and soul and internal beliefs...they've been guilty of hiding something. All I know is that it's quite possible that they may not have been so defensive and just may have had time to really absorb all that was transpiring had the media stayed away from the front doorsteps of their home and the mobsters would not have been allowed to instigate and protest at their door. Can you just imagine if that happened at your home for any reason? Personally, I don't believe protesting on residential property should be allowed in any city for any reasons. It disrupts the entire neighborhoods and creates havoc.
Wow, Who What When on your story. I won't quote it to save space.....but geeze. Some people are really out there. I'm sorry that you went through that and it leaves me shaking my head and almost speechless. How strange.
A follow up.....

Good points. I do not use the word evil. I don't think I have met evil - so glad. People can be as mean as junk yard dogs and I have met a few of those. I do believe in evil, but I find it to be more out there as something else. I will try to think of an example..... [OK! John Wayne Gacey was evil imo. Anytime a child (or anyone) is cut up, dissected, tortured, raped to the point of death, twisted sick *advertiser censored* bastards....or wimmin .... then I think that is evil. Sometimes I also consider the dark side of religion to be evil]

Evil is the deepening and hiding of lies. The lies cover lies.

When you encounter an evil person you get a sense of "dread" or a vague uneasy feeling in your gut. That evil may not kill the body, but it is intent upon killing the spirit like we witnessed with CA over KC. Control is a form of evil.

Evil is a process, we are not created evil or forced to be evil, but one becomes evil slowly over time through a long series of choices. We choose good over evil, like the Anthonys made the choice to LIE rather than to tell the truth. My experience is evil tends to run in families.

It is the narcissistic parent, who through cruelty and unloving behavior turns a small child's natural narcissism into a life long event. Where there is addiction, violence, and narcissism, the child does not grow past their own stage of it.

That is what I believe happened to KC. that infantile narcissism was preserved as a kind of psychological fortress to protect herself against her intolerable life in that family.

I personally believe children become evil to protect themselves against the onslaughts of parents who are evil. It is almost like a psychological gargoylism. Some kids will overcome it but KC was never strong enough.
bolded by me.........

They raised Casey and they KNEW she was NOT RIGHT in her mind, but they did NOTHING to stop her. That end was almost inevitable for the lifestyle they "taught".............there was addiction, violence, and deep hatred in that family and NO ONE did a thing to change it until it was way too late. Their denial kept all the family secrets hidden.

When Caylee was born, Cindy wanted to be her mother, but KC resented it and the battle began. Cindy used Caylee and KC used Caylee to get to each other and the battle ended with Caylee dead. George was a joke in the family, and where there is no respect for the father, there are messed up kids.

They were NOT PUSHED - they LOVE chaos - they lived it. Normal people would have stayed in their home, left in their cars from their garage and never inflamed people who did not agree with them. Normal people would NOT have lied and hid evidence for their murdering daughter KNOWING their granddaughter was her victim. They KNEW the minute they smelled that car what KC had done.

I think they are realigning their stories and trying to stay out of trouble.

They haven't believed Caylee was still alive since the smell in the car. I think they are now just going to do their best to see that kc gets life (or less) rather than the DP. I doubt they have decided to "forgive and forget" that she murdered their granddaughter. My thoughts lean towards simply trying to spare her life, and then they will probably let her rot in prison. They may send her "guilt money" if they feel they let her down somehow but I sincerely believe GA was "done" with kc a long time ago, and CA will come to love life without the burden of living with the likes of kc.

I just don't know, and don't want to ever know, what it would be like to be a parent of a child who commits such a henious crime. We, as parents, (most of us anyhow, obviously not Casey) would die for our own children and love them and love them's almost human nature. (for mothers, for sure. Fathers are a bit different. History shows they can walk away quite easily and start new families and forego the ones left behind.) Therefore, how does a parent, mother specifically, just turn off their love for their child...such as Cindy for Casey...when she probably justified in her own mind now that Casey is a sick and mentally ill woman? Also, I'm sure there is a lot of guilt and "what-if's" running through her mind that may also compel her to have to feel responsible, even though she is not responsible for the actions that Casey took, that may also draw her to support her imprisonment with visits and to continue to love her. Personally, I'm just as curious as the rest as to how Cindy will react...however, regardless of what she reacts with...I am not going to judge her. It's her life, her daughter, her granddaughter and she has to live with what she feels is what she needs to do in order to heal. The only thing that would set me in a different direction would be if in fact it is proven that Cindy purposely was aware that Caylee's body was in the woods and helped cover. Then, I would want to see her imprisoned herself. however, I do not believe she was all.
Evil is the deepening and hiding of lies. The lies cover lies.

When you encounter an evil person you get a sense of "dread" or a vague uneasy feeling in your gut. That evil may not kill the body, but it is intent upon killing the spirit like we witnessed with CA over KC. Control is a form of evil.

Evil is a process, we are not created evil or forced to be evil, but one becomes evil slowly over time through a long series of choices. We choose good over evil, like the Anthonys made the choice to LIE rather than to tell the truth. My experience is evil tends to run in families.

It is the narcissistic parent, who through cruelty and unloving behavior turns a small child's natural narcissism into a life long event. Where there is addiction, violence, and narcissism, the child does not grow past their own stage of it.

That is what I believe happened to KC. that infantile narcissism was preserved as a kind of psychological fortress to protect herself against her intolerable life in that family.

I personally believe children become evil to protect themselves against the onslaughts of parents who are evil. It is almost like a psychological gargoylism. Some kids will overcome it but KC was never strong enough.

Ok - so you believe evil lies in the "lying", the "lies" .... am I understanding correctly?

That it is the "lies" of self that chokes and kills all good, hence evil. Right? Sorta?
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