Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with, in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.
I agree - I never did like the "ugliness" with the protestors. However, those protestors would not have been there if it hadn't been for the "spin" CA and GA were putting on. During the protestors time - CA had been on camera several times talking about the "rotting pizza" and continued that path even when asked about her very own 911 call about "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". Then it was CA in the front yard yelling at everyone to get off their azzes and go look for her granddaughter - even though she wasn't - she was too busy being shuttled about in limos and doing "cameos" on TV.

The video of the older woman confronting CA about the smell in the car and CA flat out denying that she smelled anything. I think "the people" just couldn't stomach any more of the "spin" and the "lies" and that is what brought them to the house.

Yes it should have been handled by LE - and I kinda think LE would have been more helpful had the A's stayed inside and quit the TV interviews and the outright denial of their very own statements and confronting these people two, three times a day. LE had enough on their plate with the investigation.

It just sickens me now to think while we sat and watched all that mess that poor Caylee was just down the street..................
I think the reason we haven't heard from them is that they have nothing to say now. The majority of their speaking before was that Caylee was alive and being sighted here and there and LE was ignoring these tips. What I find curious is their attorney BC stating that they are being asked by LE to 'help convict their daughter of 1st degree murder". No, they are only being asked to answer LE's questions truthfully--the same as any other potential material witness in a police investigation. So, for me, the fact that BC sees their "truthful" answers to LE as 'helping convict their daughter' means whatever facts they possess indicate that KC killed Caylee.

bolded by me.............

That is a very good "catch"..............I missed that but you are exactly right.

I liked the one where he called Caylee, Lee's daughter.
I watched the video....

The problem I have with the A's actions during this whole situation is the fact that LE wasn't called when they first got to the car at the impound yard. GA even stated he KNEW what the smell was from his years as a detective. He KNEW the smell of decomp... he even prayed before opening the this point the did not know where KC was... WHY not call LE???

The A's may not be directly involved but I feel they have been trying to help KC since they found the car. If I was in the same situation with my daughter I would want the truth and justice to prevail... no matter the cost. JMO

Once that trunk was open and empty...I believe getting the car to their home and moving forward from that point made sense. I don't think it dawned on them of any crime ...even if the car did stink. Remember, they were in touch with KC all the time...throughout the 30 they didn't have reason to fear she was dead...and they believed all the crap KC was saying about Caylee being with others at the park or Nanny, etc. That would have been the furthest from their mind was that Caylee was probably dead in that trunk!
ITA - there are some things I would like to add:

The "Nanny" - there has been speculation about who was "paying" the nanny. Sure wasn't KC - so why would CA give KC money to pay the nanny? Well, I could see if during the day when they all were "working" that KC would aruge about needing money to pay her - but we have evidence in the IM's and texts that CA would refuse KC about watching Caylee on CA's off hours. CA admitted to Ryan that KC was a sociopath and CA knew she was stealing - so at that point, being a loving grandmother - she (CA) should have watched Caylee any and every time KC asked. If you love a small child and you have "questions" as to the mother - then you keep that child with you as much as possible. CA did not do this. CA never asked to meet the nanny, or where she lived, or even just a phone number. That baffles me. I know she was "just the grandmother" but they (KC and Caylee) lived under her roof and KC would ask and ask for CA to watch Caylee. I realize as a parent you want your child to become a parent and all - but CA already knew there were problems with KC and her "rationale" so at that point - just step in and be there for the child - keep the child safe. She didn't do that. IMO this has now created a HUGE GUILT feeling in CA - maybe or maybe not.
I completely agree with what you have written here SWAG!
Cindy needs to tell the real story about what happened on the night of June 15th, after she came home from visiting her parents on Father's Day. George needs to tell the real story about the morning of the 16th. I don't believe he saw Casey or Caylee that day. In addition, Cindy needs to admit all of Casey's thefts that had been going on in that family for years. By lying about these things, Cindy and George obstructed the investigation.

Those facts would not portray Cindy in a favorable light. I don't think she wants her self-image as a perfect, nurturing mother, to be revealed.

As much as she loved Caylee, her own reputation was her priority from the beginning. George does anything she orders, at least in public.

Cindy may go over the edge, but I believe it has more to do with the her secrets being revealed to the world when it all comes out.


To whom does Cindy need to tell those things? What makes you think she hasn't told LE everything? So far there is no proof that there was a fight the night of the 15th or that George was lying about seeing Casey and Caylee on the 16th. There is plenty of evidence supporting George's story.

LE has said that the A's have been very cooperative, do you think if there actually was a fight that LE doesn't know about it? LE has declared the 16th as the date of Caylee's death. If George was lying do you think LE doesn't realize it? Do you really think that posters on a website know more than LE does?
Cindy needs to tell the real story about what happened on the night of June 15th, after she came home from visiting her parents on Father's Day. George needs to tell the real story about the morning of the 16th. I don't believe he saw Casey or Caylee that day. In addition, Cindy needs to admit all of Casey's thefts that had been going on in that family for years. By lying about these things, Cindy and George obstructed the investigation.

Those facts would not portray Cindy in a favorable light. I don't think she wants her self-image as a perfect, nurturing mother, to be revealed.

As much as she loved Caylee, her own reputation was her priority from the beginning. George does anything she orders, at least in public.

Cindy may go over the edge, but I believe it has more to do with the her secrets being revealed to the world when it all comes out.


But wouldn't that be a normal response? Would you want all of your family going-on's to be all over the world? I don't see anything unusual in what you described as being out of the ordinary from all of us.
No, not all bloggers have been nice. With the bizarre actions of this family, people began to catch on. Negative actions have negative reactions. If the lying hadnt become an issue, public opinion of them would be better. They brought this opinion on themselves.

Having been the victim of a horrible crime myself, I know exactly how far one can be pushed, and what happens when people turn a blind eye to the crime and anyone involved. Justice is not always served up on a silver platter. Children, especially deceased ones, have no voice. It is not up to LE alone to guarantee justice. It is the voice of the people. The courts were designed to hear our voices in a controlled setting.

Spinning the publics head was done by Cindy and George as well as Casey. I have heard more from Cindy on tv than I have from Casey. Cindy knew full well that her daughter was a liar and a thief.. yet she has done her best to portray her as a good person. Maybe that was her right as a mother, but the head spinning that was started by Casey, was carried on for 6 months by her mother.

I have an infinite amount of compassion for victims, but not for those who cannot be honest. Justice for Caylee and the crimes against her,laying taped and forlorn in a garbage bag for months. I have a grand daughter that is two. If she were missing right now I would be looking for her everywhere-dead or alive, while praying every minute that she is alive. I would be thanking everyone who took even 30 minutes to help.

So pardon me if I seem cold or uncaring. That is certainly not the case. I have priorities, and empathy for the Anthony's , but my concern is for Caylee Marie. Those who harmed her or helped to decieve or cover it up will gt no tears from me.

I agree - I never did like the "ugliness" with the protestors. However, those protestors would not have been there if it hadn't been for the "spin" CA and GA were putting on. During the protestors time - CA had been on camera several times talking about the "rotting pizza" and continued that path even when asked about her very own 911 call about "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". Then it was CA in the front yard yelling at everyone to get off their azzes and go look for her granddaughter - even though she wasn't - she was too busy being shuttled about in limos and doing "cameos" on TV.

The video of the older woman confronting CA about the smell in the car and CA flat out denying that she smelled anything. I think "the people" just couldn't stomach any more of the "spin" and the "lies" and that is what brought them to the house.

Yes it should have been handled by LE - and I kinda think LE would have been more helpful had the A's stayed inside and quit the TV interviews and the outright denial of their very own statements and confronting these people two, three times a day. LE had enough on their plate with the investigation.

It just sickens me now to think while we sat and watched all that mess that poor Caylee was just down the street..................

What right did that woman have to get right in Cindy's face and demand answers from Cindy? Cindy didn't owe her an answer at all, let alone an honest one. LE had the investigation under control. The didn't need the help of some busybody old woman.
I don't know if it is illegal but it is unethical. I think he could lose his license if caught, but both him and KC think they are above the law.

He made such a big deal about being able to take his computer in with her, it makes me think she used it to type things to outsiders. (like email and when he had wi-fi it sent) Then he could say he didn't see them. I am sure they have created a "script" if caught.

I have wondered this too. Its very against jail rules to pass mail via 3rd parties (i.e., you mail a letter to me and I mail it to your girlfriend whose parents can't know she's getting jail mail). Wouldn't this be the same thing? And again, seems to be above the law....they have admitted this publically several one says or does anything.
For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with, in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.

ITA!!! :clap::clap:
Wanting the Anthony's to face the legal consequences of their actions and feeling compassion for them are not mutually exclusive. I have compassion for what they've had to endure, I have no possible way of beginning to understand their perspective, but I also believe they made their proverbial bed, if you will.

People frequently (and rightfully) bemoan KC never having to face the consequences of her actions; if she had been forced to take responsibility for her behavior in the past, Caylee might still be with us. It's a logical fallacy to wish KC had endured consequences without wishing the same thing for the rest of the Anthony's. If they obstructed justice, I would like them to be charged.

Also, I'm new, but I've been lurking for a long time; it took me a while to get an account created. I'm constantly amazed by the level of insight provided by the members here, you are all so bright and creative! I only hope some of it starts to rub off on me. :detective:
Yes Turbo .... the part I bolded has bothered me when I have listened to the conversations. They really have. Do we have evil twins here???:crazy:

I have and I have "caught that too"...however, I believe a lot of the questions that Cindy was asking Casey was coached to Cindy by the FBI. I think in the beginning they were much more supportive to the police than the media let on. Proof is when Cindy told Casey about a nice man to talk with named Scott that works for the FBI and that he is compassionate and she would feel comfortable talking with him. I think for positive a lot of the questions, and the way they were posed, by Cindy to Casey in those tapes were coached to Cindy by the FBI. It was also stated that they have fully cooperated. It's also being stated that no charges are going to come to George or Cindy by a lot of those who are in correspondence with the investigators and reporting that of late via the media. So I believe they were much more cooperative behind the scenes than what the media camera's portrayed to us...the viewers. But as you know, the media wants sensationalism...and people tend to fall for it without giving a "behind the scenes" thought to it all.
But wouldn't that be a normal response? Would you want all of your family going-on's to be all over the world? I don't see anything unusual in what you described as being out of the ordinary from all of us.

I would not care in the least what was out there if my grandchild was missing.
I could write a book about my life experiences, but would I care? Not for a minute if it would save my child or grandchild.

My life would be an open book for the world to see if that is what it took.
The rumor of the 1.7 million dollar deal comes ONLY from LP and is, given his history, most likely untrue. I don't think it's fair to judge people based on rumors.
But we do know that the $200K was paid as Judge Strickland referenced it in the hearing just the other day. How else can you explain how they haven't worked in 6 months and still have a house, with electric and water, and cars with gas in them?

Do you really expect Lifetime to ADMIT this deal is on the table? C'mon. Use some common sense. Of course we know there are book deals and movie deals and everything else out there - that is the way of this world today.

Yes, I do believe there is 1.7 million reasons (maybe even more before its all over with) for the A's to lay low and pray for immunity.
I have and I have "caught that too"...however, I believe a lot of the questions that Cindy was asking Casey was coached to Cindy by the FBI. I think in the beginning they were much more supportive to the police than the media let on. Proof is when Cindy told Casey about a nice man to talk with named Scott that works for the FBI and that he is compassionate and she would feel comfortable talking with him. I think for positive a lot of the questions, and the way they were posed, by Cindy to Casey in those tapes were coached to Cindy by the FBI. It was also stated that they have fully cooperated. It's also being stated that no charges are going to come to George or Cindy by a lot of those who are in correspondence with the investigators and reporting that of late via the media. So I believe they were much more cooperative behind the scenes than what the media camera's portrayed to us...the viewers. But as you know, the media wants sensationalism...and people tend to fall for it without giving a "behind the scenes" thought to it all.

The is only ONE media person who has reported that they will not be charged and she is very pro-Anthony. Remember the question last night on NG to her about KC? That was a jab IMO as to how close to the family she had become.

I DO believe they will be charged.
The rumor of the 1.7 million dollar deal comes ONLY from LP and is, given his history, most likely untrue. I don't think it's fair to judge people based on rumors.

We have to very respectfully disagree on this one, Chilly.

I'll give you a nod and remove the 'rumour' and rephrase, although I am sure we will still disagree.

"What price justice? Oh, about the price of the donations that might still be flowing in because the donation information is still up on the website."

Sorry, I just personally have a problem with the $$$$ aspects of the case. JMO
Even if LE does believe that there was a fight on the 15th or suspect that GA didn't see KC and Caylee on the 16th, I don't believe that they will follow up with OJ charges until after KC's trial. They have enought to convict KC and I don't believe that they will elect to "muddy" the waters with this information if it doesn't assist them in getting a conviction for KC.
Wanting the Anthony's to face the legal consequences of their actions and feeling compassion for them are not mutually exclusive. I have compassion for what they've had to endure, I have no possible way of beginning to understand their perspective, but I also believe they made their proverbial bed, if you will.

People frequently (and rightfully) bemoan KC never having to face the consequences of her actions; if she had been forced to take responsibility for her behavior in the past, Caylee might still be with us. It's a logical fallacy to wish KC had endured consequences without wishing the same thing for the rest of the Anthony's. If they obstructed justice, I would like them to be charged.

Also, I'm new, but I've been lurking for a long time; it took me a while to get an account created. I'm constantly amazed by the level of insight provided by the members here, you are all so bright and creative! I only hope some of it starts to rub off on me. :detective:

Bolded by me........

Good point !!

The is only ONE media person who has reported that they will not be charged and she is very pro-Anthony. Remember the question last night on NG to her about KC? That was a jab IMO as to how close to the family she had become.

I DO believe they will be charged.

Nancy Grace doesn't think they will be charged either. Friday night she was rather sympathetic to them.
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