Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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I think CA is saving her "over the edge" moment for when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict. Til then, I think even with Caylee's remains being found, there is still enough denial there to pull her through. IMO JB is leading her to believe his "team of experts" will be able to get kc out of this. CA is still daydreaming about ZG and kc's friends' involvement, probably still to this day trying to "decode" her daughter's clues. Most likely convinced the body wasn't there til recently when RK found it...I think she will pull through nicely til the end of the trial, and even then will have enough left in her to steadfastly pursue her daughter's appeal.
Yes, it exactly was her best one yet. She could have signed Caylee's remains over to them and they would have allowed the autopsy, but this way, she CONTROLS her mother this time.

I am not sure it is the FINAL slap though, I am thinking they are getting ready to be thrown under the bus as the "last" ones to see Caylee and she snapped when she found out Caylee was gone.

I think you've all overlooked the fact that the remains are out of the control of Cindy Anthony. It has been held due to the defense wanting to do their own studies. So if there is anyone to complain about not having the job done so that she may be thoughts would be it should be directed to Baez. And as you know since Baez is representing Casey she is going to go along with whatever he requests.
Agree, but it seems that if they could, some of the public would have them hanged already. I guess my choice of the word "convict" wasn't the best description.

Just because some might not like or see their action as criminal doesnt mean they want them hung. IMO People have their own opinion on how they were involved and if they should be punished but no one is suggesting them bodily harm. There is a big difference.
I'm with you. My only "anger" would be if invariably they come out and STILL believe their daughter is not getting justice and that they believe in the kidnap story and that the kidnapper killed Caylee. Then I would feel disgust with them. (I believe that would be the word I would chose?)

Sadly I think when they do come out they will defend her. I think in they are privately grieving but also thinking about the next step: Losing there daughter. I think with everything they have said to date they would probably feel that they can't go and take it all back and admit that they were wrong or that their own child killed their granddaughter. I think they will go forward with defending their daughter. I would guess there is still apart of them that wants to believe that their child didn't do it and they will hold onto that.
It was stated by the last court session I believe on the 8th of January.I dont keep track of where the transcripts are as I usually cant open them.He said he is responsible for Caylees' remains.
Yes it was and yes JB stated that as fact. Now, IMO that is why there is no jail visits - even though the A's are standing behind KC, what a slap in the face THAT must have been - to give some stranger who NEVER met Caylee POA over her remains and leave the A's standing there. I can see the rift in this from here. And I'm wondering how CA is dealing with THAT. I can't imagine how I would react to that - regardless of CA's actions in the past - she has NO SAY in burying her grandchild. How utterly horrible - and it was purposefully done by her own daughter.
Cindy actually told the public to get off their asses and look for Caylee .. :furious:

More than once too !! Many of us "got off ours" and did look at considerable expense, but she never bothered. Does that raw my azz, yeah it SURE does.
I read and don't chime in much, but this analysis really got to me.

What WOULD motivate a person, anyone, regardless of the nature of the relationship, to actively seek to PREVENT another person from experiencing the consequences of their actions??

It is a strong, urgent "prevention". Why????

People don't do things without a payoff. The payoff for the A's must be "more" than saving face, and I suggest that because of the lengths they have gone to prevent KC from experiencing the natural consequences of her actions.

Are they symbolically preventing consequences for themselves?

Are they THAT intent upon controlling what can't be controlled, ie, cause and fricken effect???

Crazy stuff!!

In my opinion, it's like another poster said a while back. This whole thing is really about Cindy. KC learned to lie and control from Cindy. Cindy lies and controls to create her "reality", which must be picture perfect. Cindy is probably narcisstic and that in turn helped KC to develop into a psychopath. Problem is, a murdered grandchild is a real kink in Cindy's narcisstic reality---hard thing to get rid of with just a lie or temper tantrum. Cindy has lost control of her world and that KILLS a narcissicist. KC, meanwhile, cares only for her own comfort and wants, doesn't care about appearances at all and her only concern is how to get out of jail and party again. No doubt she and B are cooking up many ways to throw all the A's under the bus in hopes of a hung jury. JMHO
Yes, c'est moi! Baez pretty much let the cat out of the bag at the motion hearing that he took responsibility for Caylee. But what I'm saying is that CA and GA still have good leverage and should use it (from my vantage point which is likely counter to their opinion) to force Casey/Baez to bury Caylee now. [Like I mentioned in another post, CA or GA could call Baez and say, "enough is enough! Let's do the funeral now. I give you two days to get your experts down here, if you don't release the body then we will X,Y,Z".

X could be "tell all we know about Casey"
Y could be "tell the media you are holding up the show"
Z could be "cut off relations with Casey" (she may be relieved at this request)]

Now XYZ would really put some action in motion. lol. YOWSIE! Good post.
I think CA is saving her "over the edge" moment for when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict. Til then, I think even with Caylee's remains being found, there is still enough denial there to pull her through. IMO JB is leading her to believe his "team of experts" will be able to get kc out of this. CA is still daydreaming about ZG and kc's friends' involvement, probably still to this day trying to "decode" her daughter's clues. Most likely convinced the body wasn't there til recently when RK found it...I think she will pull through nicely til the end of the trial, and even then will have enough left in her to steadfastly pursue her daughter's appeal.

ITA! Maybe I'm crazy, but I can see how she would do that. I speak for myself, but I have tried to decode this whole thing from the beginning, looking, seaching for answers just to make sense of it all. What if? Why? Maybe? etc.

If this was my family I would be doing everything I could to find something to hold onto, anything that would give me an ounce of hope that they weren't involved, even if I knew in my heart that they did. As long as the lawyers are feeding them with false hope and coming up with tales for them to feed off of, they will never let go and accept it. They will never accept it until Casey comes clean and we all know that will never happen.
suspicious mind
"I think CA is saving her "over the edge" moment for when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict."
Naah, she'll come out swinging very soon. I'm just surprised Conway has been able to rein her in for almost a month already. You'll be able to knock me over with a feather if she drops the conspiracy theorys or admits casey could have anything to do with this. This woman's disfunction is WAY too far gone to drop the denial.
Just because some might not like or see their action as criminal doesnt mean they want them hung. IMO People have their own opinion on how they were involved and if they should be punished but no one is suggesting them bodily harm. There is a big difference.

I didnt say you were. I said some are. There have been post stating so.
Turbo..............this makes more sense as a defense strategy - blaming her parents for Caylee's death, than to continue with the "nanny did it" scenario. I think it's very likely the defense will try to pin the murder on someone else, and George and Cindy are the number one candidates.

If I were her attorney, that is the one I would spin and go with. I would bring into the mix that GA molested her as a young child, and then Lee started in her teens. They could not disprove it and would have to tell about all her lies from her past to even start to discredit it. I would bring in psychologist after psychologist to "explain" the "horror" of molestation at an early age, and how it causes all the symptoms KC exhibited. Lying, partying, drinking, drugs, promiscuous behaviors.

I would use GA's own testimony that he was the last one to see Caylee, and when she left that day she decided to party and leave her there for a while. By GA's own testimony he had keys to her car, so he could have placed the body there.
I agree and I can see wanting her to stay in jail (for awhile), but for life or the death penalty? I can't imagine any parent wanting that for their child, no matter what they did. She is their child. Not a monster, not scum, not a low life, although that is how we all see her. In their eyes she is still the one they taught to walk and talk, the ones who were up all night with her as she fought a fever, the ones who consoled and kissed her when she skinned her knee, the who watched as she went off to her first day of school, they were with her when she had a first crush, her first date, her first heartbreak etc., and now they are suppose to just forget all that and hate her. I'm sorry but I don't think it's as easy for them as it is for us. We don't know her or love her. Yes, she turned out to be a horrible disappointment, but to them she is still their daughter.

You also have to consider that their are many parents out there that have done all the right things only to have their child turn out bad. It can't all be the parents fault.

As parent's we forever hold dear and cherish the memories that we have of our children "when they were infant's or children", but you can't apply that "image" toward excusing their behavior as adults. KC is an adult, an adult who had a child, not a sixteen year old girl who become pregnant. No one is asking or expecting them not to love their daughter. No one is asking or expecting them to want their daughter executed. But, I'm curious, what is "for a while" in your opinion? Mother's who kill their child or children often times are highly reproductive, for example, if AL was the "last push" that KC needed to eliminate Caylee because she didn't fit into the "romantic picture" that she saw herself in with him then it is just as likely that when she meets another man that she attaches herself to, she will develope a "new romantic picture" and that picture is her having his baby. Not because she is mature enough and ready to have a child or even because she wants to nurture and love a child, simply because it fits within her romantic illusion at the time. Should the circumstances or the situation change between the two - again the child will be the one eliminated. So as much as I love my adult children, which is beyond measure, I would not choose to be blind at the risk of another innocent child's life being taken. JMHO--------
ITA! Maybe I'm crazy, but I can see how she would do that. I speak for myself, but I have tried to decode this whole thing from the beginning, looking, seaching for answers just to make sense of it all. What if? Why? Maybe? etc.

If this was my family I would be doing everything I could to find something to hold onto, anything that would give me an ounce of hope that they weren't involved, even if I knew in my heart that they did. As long as the lawyers are feeding them with false hope and coming up with tales for them to feed off of, they will never let go and accept it. They will never accept it until Casey comes clean and we all know that will never happen.

Their lies are what have given the prosecution the ammunition to get a guilty verdict for KC. KC could have plead this down and been out in a few years except for their lies, and Baez going along with the nanny story, CA gave KC at the time.
ITA! Maybe I'm crazy, but I can see how she would do that. I speak for myself, but I have tried to decode this whole thing from the beginning, looking, seaching for answers just to make sense of it all. What if? Why? Maybe? etc.

If this was my family I would be doing everything I could to find something to hold onto, anything that would give me an ounce of hope that they weren't involved, even if I knew in my heart that they did. As long as the lawyers are feeding them with false hope and coming up with tales for them to feed off of, they will never let go and accept it. They will never accept it until Casey comes clean and we all know that will never happen.

Bolded by me
Yeah but if this PI things pans out the way it's looking and they KNEW what to look for (rocks & black bag), I think at a point real soon we're gonna know who told the PI this stuff and that the info originated from casey. At that point it's the same as casey comin clean and Cindy will have not choice but to see reality.
Bolded by me
Yeah but if this PI things pans out the way it's looking and they KNEW what to look for (rocks & black bag), I think at a point real soon we're gonna know who told the PI this stuff and that the info originated from casey. At that point it's the same as casey comin clean and Cindy will have not choice but to see reality.

UNLESS........the Anthony family was the one who was on the phone with him that day. That brings a whole new set of circumstances into the mix.
As parent's we forever hold dear and cherish the memories that we have of our children "when they were infant's or children", but you can't apply that "image" toward excusing their behavior as adults. KC is an adult, an adult who had a child, not a sixteen year old girl who become pregnant. No one is asking or expecting them not to love their daughter. No one is asking or expecting them to want their daughter executed. But, I'm curious, what is "for a while" in your opinion? Mother's who kill their child or children often times are highly reproductive, for example, if AL was the "last push" that KC needed to eliminate Caylee because she didn't fit into the "romantic picture" that she saw herself in with him then it is just as likely that when she meets another man that she attaches herself to, she will develope a "new romantic picture" and that picture is her having his baby. Not because she is mature enough and ready to have a child or even because she wants to nurture and love a child, simply because it fits within her romantic illusion at the time. Should the circumstances or the situation change between the two - again the child will be the one eliminated. So as much as I love my adult children, which is beyond measure, I would not choose to be blind at the risk of another innocent child's life being taken. JMHO--------

I didnt mean I felt she should be there for "a while". I was trying to explain that I seriously doubt that they want her to spend her life in prision, although that is what she deserves. As for her being an adult, she never acted like one and I believe that they enabled her not too. I don't care how old your child is, they are still your baby in your heart. There are parents who think once their child is 18 they should be done with any responsibilty for them. Yes, they need to let them go and make their own mistakes, but as a parent you always, no matter what age, look out for them. It doesn't end when they become adults. JMO
Chelsea is a nice little town.

As far as this comment: I do know I would float in a river before I helped anyone put nails in my only1's:) coffin.

It's impossible to put myself in this position; however, I know without a shadow of a doubt, I would NEVER HAVE BEHAVED LIKE CA. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!! That much I am certain and sure of.

I want to believe I would come down on the side of right during this ordeal. I believe I have the capacity to continue to love my child and hate their ghastly deed. Who knows? Not me and I dang sure don't want to find out!

I can't help wondering if it is because we are women. Men have disowned their children for far lesser things and some have found no problem in just up and walking away and starting anew....from children who have not done a single thing. I personally think Cindy will stay to support Casey because as you is hard for a mother to just walk away from their own flesh and blood. It does not mean that she does not detest her for what she has done nor does it mean she has forgiven her...or ever will.
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