Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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I think it is alright to discuss here on a forum but if I lived near George and Cindy I would not have been included in the crowd that hounded them day and night. I think that was disgusting. What right did those people have to stay outside of their home yelling nasty things and fighting with George and Cindy. It must have felt like a nighmare to them. If it had been me instead of the Anthonys whose to say that I wouldn't have eventually gone out there and turned a hose on them or went after a few of them. How long can you ignore people screaming at you day and night? People coming onto your property and causing problems? It would have driven me crazy. Those people are lucky that George or Cindy didn't end up grabbing a gun and just firing it into the crowd to get rid of them. Thank God they didn't do that but people can be driven to do things they normally wouldn't do in a million years. The Anthonys were dealing with enough and those ignorant people just added to their stress.

Those "protesters" should have been arrested, IMO! And the "mothers" who brought their children into that mess should have been investigated by child protective services... especially that one lady who's son got his arm caught in the door and fell screaming and crying to the ground and mom could have cared less! Made me sick! The A's handled it better than I'd have, I would have been in jail!
In one of the first LE interviews (not FBI) George tells Yuri that he knew she did not have a job and he knew she was writing herself fake emails.

Yep. Denial. Yeah right, keep telling yourselves that people.

(not directed at you! at the "denial" excuse :blowkiss:)
Far too much is being analyzed by a dinner at the Ritz. Again, we have no idea whatsoever if that was advised for them to stay due to security purposes and/or if their dinner consisted of a meeting with their minister, council or whatever....and quite honestly...who gives a flyin' hoot if the dinner was just the two of them and who cares what it cost or what they ate? We should care about what it is going to cost the citizens of Florida to house, feed and care for their daughter who put many LE on spins and the exhorbitant costs involved in investigating that had she opened up and told the truth she just may have had a chance for parole someday. Thus...I think the meals she has is what Florida should be concerned about..not her parents. Course then again, it was Florida that decided that a brain damaged woman (not brain dead) wasn't worthy of having meals and starved her to death. :rolleyes:

In all respect, I disagree. We should care about demeanor. Casey's behavior, both before and after she was charged with her daughter's murder, has, and continues to be, examined. Why shouldn't the grandparents, who have vociferously claimed the child was alive but showed little or no reaction to the news that her little body had most probably been found, not be examined ? If they are charged with obstruction of justice and/or other claims, will you still insist their behavior should not be reviewed ?

Incidentally, I also disagree with your other conclusions:

1. I don't think slow starvation is appropriation punishment for even the most heinous criminal, including Casey.

2. Feeding or not feeding brain-dead innocents is OT.
Casey is doing whatever JB tells her to do. She gave over POA to JB simply because he advised her to do so. But, JB would be a fool to try to go before a jury with the non-existent nanny did it scenario. He has to come up with a better defense than that. Caylee was murdered and someone did it, but from the defense standpoint, it wasn't Casey. The defense will try to make a case that someone killed Caylee and at some later date, after Casey was already in jail, dumped the remains where they were found close to the Anthony home, to frame Casey.

Who could Casey blame? George has already stated he last saw Caylee on June 16th.

Back in May/June of 2008 Casey told AH that her parents were getting a divorce and her mother was moving into an apartment and giving Casey the house. That was probably a fantasy of Casey's..........she wanted to live at home, but she didn't want either of her parents living there with her. She wanted to be rid of them.

Casey would have no qualms about throwing either or both of her parents under the bus.

ITA - no hesitation on her part whatsoever
I remember when my daughter was murdered I had a hard time eating anything but I also had a nearly 5 yr old to take care of and tried to eat a little so I wouldn't end up sick. I know that I probably weighed 130 when my daughter was murdered and got down to 112 and looked like a scarecrow.

I believe that LE paid for the George and Cindy to stay at the Hilton and to have dinner and probably breakfast because they couldn't return to their home that night. We don't know what they ordered for dinner or even how much they ate of it. Maybe they asked for a table in a corner and mostly talked and drank coffee or tea....we don't know. I'm not going to condem them for going out to dinner that night. People are different and if they were hungary maybe they decided to go ahead and order something. That doesn't mean that they weren't just numb with the news of Caylee's body being found. I believe that they loved that little girl with their whole hearts and deep down they knew she was dead but could deny it until her body was found. The clung to hope and I no doubt would have done the same thing. A lot of people do even after their child has been missing for years.

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. My father was murdered and I know how hard that was, but I can't even fathom what you went through losing your child.

ITA with your post.
No- several of us here had a parent like Cindy are our message is IT'S NO EXCUSE!

That's what I was saying. It's great that some people rise above it and don't use it as an excuse, but there are people out there who do.
I disagree. If she didn't hold one and didn't attend then the whole world would complain that she didn't care. We have to remember this is her family, not ours. No matter how connected we feel to Caylee, we DID NOT know her. We only know what we read and hear. There are always two sides to a story and the one that's more shocking and sensational is the one the media shows.

Ya know, with all due respect, most of the things we have seen of cindy's behavior we have seen with our own eyes. Really, maybe you should read the documents we have all spent months reading, watching the videos we have spent months watching.. before you decide we are making things up because we have been fed by the media. Nobody feeds me my beliefs, least of all the media.
The signal post appalling actions of the A's, imo, was their absolute disregard for LE and their help and compassion to them. This was no longer about Cindy trying to bail Casey out of trouble in high school or even trying to cover up her thefts. That they could do as parents...but they crossed over the line trying to usurp the LAW. We all knew it would backfire horribly.

After reading the transcripts of the Anthonys I don't think it was all of them acting that way with the LE. I know from reading George's that he even states that he is trying to get Cindy to keep quite.

Also, I don't know this personally (and hope I never do) but from every case I've followed the cops are not usually your friend unless you agree with them. I seriously doubt they felt safe talking openly to the LE. They knew that the LE thought Casey did it and the last thing I think they would do is help them convict her. However, I don't think they should have mislead them either.
Ya know, with all due respect, most of the things we have seen of cindy's behavior we have seen with our own eyes. Really, maybe you should read the documents we have all spent months reading, watching the videos we have spent months watching.. before you decide we are making things up because we have been fed by the media. Nobody feeds me my beliefs, least of all the media.

I don't think its fair that you are assuming I didn't read or listen to everything, just because I don't agree with you. I have read and re-read and re-read all the documents. I have been following this since the beginning. Just because I didn't post doesn't mean I wasn't watching, following and disecting everything.
And they need to be held accountable!

I honestly don't understand why you feel the need to come at me with this. I agree they should be held accountable. I've known many people who have rised above their "hard life". My mom being one of them.
It's funny, the people who constantly ask "for proof" or always say to others "do you have a link for that?" are the ones posting incorrect information without offering links. :rolleyes:

Honestly OneLostGirl, I'm not sure why you are so offended by me. I have my opinion and you have yours. Just because I don't remember something doesn't mean I don't know anything.
No, you are telling us that WE are being led by the meda reports and that is not true. It has nothing to do with you agreeing with me, it has to do with you trying to tell us how we came to our conclusions.

Did I single you out? No. I'm simply stating my opinion. What we have read and seen on tv or in reports is all we have to go by. I was trying to say that there is always another side and because its not sensational, we aren't going to see it on Nancy Grace!
deleting my own posts, sorry for being rude, JBean.
Did I single you out? No. I'm simply stating my opinion. What we have read and seen on tv or in reports is all we have to go by. I was trying to say that there is always another side and because its not sensational, we aren't going to see it on Nancy Grace!

And I'm saying that I do not get my facts from Nancy Grace.

Have a good evening. :)
some people can trick and fool a lot of the people most of the time

and sometimes these same tricksters run into a whole big bunch of people that have very acute BULL CRAP detectors

and there are a bunch of these "detectors" on this site and other sites

"CA is all growed up now" and about time she started acting like it and stop thinking all people in this big ol world are stupid and will believe all the pant loads of lies"

rant not over - just on temporay hold:crazy:
some people can trick and fool a lot of the people most of the time

and sometimes these same tricksters run into a whole big bunch of people that have very acute BULL CRAP detectors

and there are a bunch of these "detectors" on this site and other sites

"CA is all growed up now" and about time she started acting like it and stop thinking all people in this big ol world are stupid and will believe all the pant loads of lies"

rant not over - just on temporay hold:crazy:

Agreed. On the flip side there are some people who also believe that its not black and white. It doesn't mean these people are fools.
some people can trick and fool a lot of the people most of the time

and sometimes these same tricksters run into a whole big bunch of people that have very acute BULL CRAP detectors

and there are a bunch of these "detectors" on this site and other sites

"CA is all growed up now" and about time she started acting like it and stop thinking all people in this big ol world are stupid and will believe all the pant loads of lies"

rant not over - just on temporay hold:crazy:

CA? Do you speak of Cindy or Casey? Detect that for me!
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